* @author Hadi Nategh * @copyright 2002 by Stephen Grier * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ namespace EGroupware\Api\Mail; use EGroupware\Api\Translation; /** * Support for Sieve scripts */ class Script { var $name; /* filename of script. */ var $script; /* full ascii text of script from server. */ var $size; /* size of script in bytes. */ var $so; /* boolean: is it safe to overwrite script? * only safe if we recognise encoding. */ var $mode; /* basic or advanced. Smartsieve can only read/write basic. */ var $rules; /* array of sieve rules. */ var $vacation; /* vacation settings. */ var $emailNotification; /* email notification settings. */ var $pcount; /* highest priority value in ruleset. */ var $errstr; /* error text. */ /** * Body transform content types * * @static array */ static $btransform_ctype_array = array( '0' => 'Non', '1' => 'image', '2' => 'multipart', '3' => 'text', '4' => 'media', '5' => 'message', '6' => 'application', '7' => 'audio', ); /** * Switch on some error_log debug messages * * @var boolean */ var $debug=false; // class constructor function __construct ($scriptname) { $this->name = $scriptname; $this->script = ''; $this->size = 0; $this->so = true; $this->mode = ''; $this->rules = array(); $this->vacation = array(); $this->emailNotification = array(); // Added email notifications $this->pcount = 0; $this->errstr = ''; } // get sieve script rules for this user /** * Retrieve the rules * * @param Sieve $connection * @return boolean true, if script written successfull */ function retrieveRules (Sieve $connection) { #global $_SESSION; $continuebit = 1; $sizebit = 2; $anyofbit = 4; $keepbit = 8; $regexbit = 128; if (!isset($this->name)){ $this->errstr = 'retrieveRules: no script name specified'; if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__.": no script name specified"); return false; } // If the called script name is not exist then create it // otherwise we might get error due to non existance script if (!in_array($this->name, $connection->listScripts())) { $this->updateScript($connection); } $script = $connection->getScript($this->name); #print "
AAA: Script is ". htmlentities($script) ."
"; $lines = preg_split("/\n/",$script); //,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $rules = array(); $vacation = array(); $emailNotification = array(); // Added email notifications /* next line should be the recognised encoded head. if not, the script * is of an unrecognised format, and we should not overwrite it. */ $line1 = array_shift($lines); if (!preg_match("/^# ?Mail(.*)rules for/", $line1)){ $this->errstr = 'retrieveRules: encoding not recognised'; $this->so = false; if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__.": encoding not recognised"); return false; } $this->so = true; $line = array_shift($lines); while (isset($line)) { $matches = null; if (preg_match("/^ *#(#PSEUDO|rule|vacation|mode|notify)/i",$line,$matches)) { $line = rtrim($line); switch ($matches[1]){ case "rule": $bits = explode("&&", $line); $rule = array(); $rule['priority'] = $bits[1]; $rule['status'] = $bits[2]; $rule['from'] = stripslashes($bits[3]); $rule['to'] = stripslashes($bits[4]); $rule['subject'] = stripslashes($bits[5]); $rule['action'] = $bits[6]; $rule['action_arg'] = $bits[7]; // s will be encoded as \\n. undo this. $rule['action_arg'] = preg_replace("/\\\\n/","\r\n",$rule['action_arg']); $rule['action_arg'] = stripslashes($rule['action_arg']); $rule['flg'] = $bits[8]; // bitwise flag $rule['field'] = stripslashes($bits[9]); $rule['field_val'] = stripslashes($bits[10]); $rule['size'] = $bits[11]; $rule['continue'] = ($bits[8] & $continuebit); $rule['gthan'] = ($bits[8] & $sizebit); // use 'greater than' $rule['anyof'] = ($bits[8] & $anyofbit); $rule['keep'] = ($bits[8] & $keepbit); $rule['regexp'] = ($bits[8] & $regexbit); $rule['bodytransform'] = ($bits[12]); $rule['field_bodytransform'] = ($bits[13]); $rule['ctype'] = ($bits[14]); $rule['field_ctype_val'] = ($bits[15]); $rule['unconditional'] = 0; if (!$rule['from'] && !$rule['to'] && !$rule['subject'] && !$rule['field'] && !$rule['size'] && $rule['action']) { $rule['unconditional'] = 1; } array_push($rules,$rule); if ($rule['priority'] > $this->pcount) { $this->pcount = $rule['priority']; } break; case "vacation" : if (preg_match("/^ *#vacation&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)/i",$line,$bits) || preg_match("/^ *#vacation&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)/i",$line,$bits)) { $vacation['days'] = $bits[1]; $vaddresslist = preg_replace("/\"|\s/","",$bits[2]); $vaddresses = preg_split("/,/",$vaddresslist); $vacation['text'] = $bits[3]; // s will be encoded as \\n. undo this. $vacation['text'] = preg_replace("/\\\\n/","\r\n",$vacation['text']); if (strpos($bits[4],'-')!== false) { $vacation['status'] = 'by_date'; list($vacation['start_date'],$vacation['end_date']) = explode('-',$bits[4]); } else { $vacation['status'] = $bits[4]; } $vacation['addresses'] = &$vaddresses; $vacation['forwards'] = $bits[5]; } break; case "notify": if (preg_match("/^ *#notify&&(.*)&&(.*)&&(.*)/i",$line,$bits)) { $emailNotification['status'] = $bits[1]; $emailNotification['externalEmail'] = $bits[2]; $emailNotification['displaySubject'] = $bits[3]; } break; case "mode" : if (preg_match("/^ *#mode&&(.*)/i",$line,$bits)){ if ($bits[1] == 'basic') $this->mode = 'basic'; elseif ($bits[1] == 'advanced') $this->mode = 'advanced'; else $this->mode = 'unknown'; } } } $line = array_shift($lines); } $this->script = $script; $this->rules = $rules; $this->vacation = $vacation; if (!$connection->hasExtension('vacation')) $this->vacation = false; $this->emailNotification = $emailNotification; // Added email notifications if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__.": Script succesful retrieved: ".print_r($vacation,true)); return true; } /** * update and save sieve script * * @param Sieve $connection * @param boolean $utf7imap_fileinto =false true: encode foldernames with utf7imap, default utf8 */ function updateScript (Sieve $connection, $utf7imap_fileinto=false) { #global $_SESSION,$default,$sieve; global $default,$sieve; $activerules = 0; $regexused = 0; $regexsupported = true; $rejectused = 0; $vacation_active = false; $username = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']; $version = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['mail']['version']; //include "$default->lib_dir/version.php"; // lets generate the main body of the script from our rules $enotify = $variables= $supportsbody = false; if ($connection->hasExtension('enotify')) $enotify = true; if ($connection->hasExtension('variables')) $variables = true; if ($connection->hasExtension('body')) $supportsbody = true; if (!$connection->hasExtension('vacation')) $this->vacation = false; if (!$connection->hasExtension('regex')) $regexsupported = false; $newscriptbody = ""; $continue = 1; foreach ($this->rules as $rule) { $newruletext = ""; // don't print this rule if disabled. if ($rule['status'] != 'ENABLED') { } else { $activerules = 1; // conditions $anyall = "allof"; if ($rule['anyof']) $anyall = "anyof"; if ($rule['regexp']) { $regexused = 1; } $started = 0; if (!$rule['unconditional']) { if (!$continue) $newruletext .= "els"; $newruletext .= "if " . $anyall . " ("; if ($rule['from']) { if (preg_match("/^\s*!/", $rule['from'])){ $newruletext .= 'not '; $rule['from'] = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$rule['from']); } $match = ':contains'; if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $rule['from'])) $match = ':matches'; if ($rule['regexp']) $match = ':regex'; $newruletext .= "address " . $match . " [\"From\"]"; $newruletext .= " \"" . addslashes($rule['from']) . "\""; $started = 1; } if ($rule['to']) { if ($started) $newruletext .= ", "; if (preg_match("/^\s*!/", $rule['to'])){ $newruletext .= 'not '; $rule['to'] = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$rule['to']); } $match = ':contains'; if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $rule['to'])) $match = ':matches'; if ($rule['regexp']) $match = ':regex'; $newruletext .= "address " . $match . " [\"To\",\"TO\",\"Cc\",\"CC\"]"; $newruletext .= " \"" . addslashes($rule['to']) . "\""; $started = 1; } if ($rule['subject']) { if ($started) $newruletext .= ", "; if (preg_match("/^\s*!/", $rule['subject'])){ $newruletext .= 'not '; $rule['subject'] = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$rule['subject']); } $match = ':contains'; if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $rule['subject'])) $match = ':matches'; if ($rule['regexp']) $match = ':regex'; $newruletext .= "header " . $match . " \"subject\""; $newruletext .= " \"" . addslashes($rule['subject']) . "\""; $started = 1; } if ($rule['field'] && $rule['field_val']) { if ($started) $newruletext .= ", "; if (preg_match("/^\s*!/", $rule['field_val'])){ $newruletext .= 'not '; $rule['field_val'] = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$rule['field_val']); } $match = ':contains'; if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $rule['field_val'])) $match = ':matches'; if ($rule['regexp']) $match = ':regex'; $newruletext .= "header " . $match . " \"" . addslashes($rule['field']) . "\""; $newruletext .= " \"" . addslashes($rule['field_val']) . "\""; $started = 1; } if ($rule['size']) { $xthan = " :under "; if ($rule['gthan']) $xthan = " :over "; if ($started) $newruletext .= ", "; $newruletext .= "size " . $xthan . $rule['size'] . "K"; $started = 1; } if ($supportsbody){ if (!empty($rule['field_bodytransform'])){ if ($started) $newruletext .= ", "; $btransform = " :raw "; $match = ' :contains'; if ($rule['bodytransform']) $btransform = " :text "; if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $rule['field_bodytransform'])) $match = ':matches'; if ($rule['regexp']) $match = ':regex'; $newruletext .= "body " . $btransform . $match . " \"" . $rule['field_bodytransform'] . "\""; $started = 1; } if ($rule['ctype']!= '0' && !empty($rule['ctype'])){ if ($started) $newruletext .= ", "; $btransform_ctype = self::$btransform_ctype_array[$rule['ctype']]; $ctype_subtype = ""; if ($rule['field_ctype_val']) $ctype_subtype = "/"; $newruletext .= "body :content " . " \"" . $btransform_ctype . $ctype_subtype . $rule['field_ctype_val'] . "\"" . " :contains \"\""; $started = 1; //error_log(__CLASS__."::".__METHOD__.array2string(Script::$btransform_ctype_array)); } } } // actions if (!$rule['unconditional']) $newruletext .= ") {\n\t"; if (preg_match("/folder/i",$rule['action'])) { $newruletext .= "fileinto \"" . ($utf7imap_fileinto ? Translation::convert($rule['action_arg'],'utf-8', 'utf7-imap') : $rule['action_arg']) . "\";"; } if (preg_match("/reject/i",$rule['action'])) { $newruletext .= "reject text: \n" . $rule['action_arg'] . "\n.\n;"; $rejectused = 1; } if (preg_match("/address/i",$rule['action'])) { foreach(preg_split('/, ?/',$rule['action_arg']) as $addr) { $newruletext .= "\tredirect \"".trim($addr)."\";\n"; } } if (preg_match("/discard/i",$rule['action'])) { $newruletext .= "discard;"; } if ($rule['keep']) $newruletext .= "\n\tkeep;"; if (!$rule['unconditional']) $newruletext .= "\n}"; $continue = 0; if ($rule['continue']) $continue = 1; if ($rule['unconditional']) $continue = 1; $newscriptbody .= $newruletext . "\n\n"; } // end 'if ! ENABLED' } // vacation rule if ($this->vacation) { $vacation = $this->vacation; if (!$vacation['days']) $vacation['days'] = ($default->vacation_days ? $default->vacation_days:''); if (!$vacation['text']) $vacation['text'] = ($default->vacation_text ? $default->vacation_text:''); if (!$vacation['status']) $vacation['status'] = 'on'; // filter out invalid addresses. $ok_vaddrs = array(); foreach($vacation['addresses'] as $addr){ if ($addr != '' && preg_match("/\@/",$addr)) array_push($ok_vaddrs,$addr); } $vacation['addresses'] = $ok_vaddrs; if (!$vacation['addresses'][0]){ $defaultaddr = $sieve->user . '@' . $sieve->maildomain; array_push($vacation['addresses'],$defaultaddr); } if (($vacation['status'] == 'on' && strlen(trim($vacation['text']))>0)|| $vacation['status'] == 'by_date' && $vacation['start_date'] <= time() && time() < $vacation['end_date']+24*3600) // +24*3600 to include the end_date day { $vacation_active = true; if ($vacation['text']) { if ($regexsupported) { $newscriptbody .= "if header :regex ".'"X-Spam-Status" '.'"\\\\bYES\\\\b"'."{\n\tstop;\n}\n"; //stop vacation reply if it is spam $regexused = 1; } else { // if there are no regex'es supported use a different Anti-Spam Rule: if X-Spam-Status holds // additional spamscore information (e.g. BAYES) this rule may prevent Vacation notification // TODO: refine rule without using regex $newscriptbody .= "if header :contains ".'"X-Spam-Status" '.'"YES"'."{\n\tstop;\n}\n"; //stop vacation reply if it is spam } } if (trim($vacation['forwards'])) { $if = array(); foreach($vacation['addresses'] as $addr) { $if[] = 'address :contains ["To","TO","Cc","CC"] "'.trim($addr).'"'; } $newscriptbody .= 'if anyof ('.implode(', ',$if).") {\n"; foreach(preg_split('/, ?/',$vacation['forwards']) as $addr) { $newscriptbody .= "\tredirect \"".trim($addr)."\";\n"; } $newscriptbody .= "\tkeep;\n}\n"; } $newscriptbody .= "vacation :days " . $vacation['days']; $first = 1; if (!empty($vacation['addresses'][0])) { $newscriptbody .= " :addresses ["; foreach ($vacation['addresses'] as $vaddress) { if (!$first) $newscriptbody .= ", "; $newscriptbody .= "\"" . trim($vaddress) . "\""; $first = 0; } $newscriptbody .= "] "; } $message = $vacation['text']; if ($vacation['start_date'] || $vacation['end_date']) { $format_date = 'd M Y'; // see to it, that there is always a format, because if it is missing - no date will be output if (!empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'])) $format_date = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']; $message = str_replace(array('$$start$$','$$end$$'),array( date($format_date,$vacation['start_date']), date($format_date,$vacation['end_date']), ),$message); } $newscriptbody .= " text:\n" . $message . "\n.\n;\n\n"; } // update with any changes. $this->vacation = $vacation; } if ($this->emailNotification && $this->emailNotification['status'] == 'on') { // format notification email header components $notification_email = $this->emailNotification['externalEmail']; // format notification body $egw_site_title = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['site_title']; if ($enotify==true) { $notification_body = lang("You have received a new message on the")." {$egw_site_title}"; if ($variables) { $notification_body .= ", "; $notification_body .= 'From: ${from}'; if ($this->emailNotification['displaySubject']) { $notification_body .= ', Subject: ${subject}'; } //$notification_body .= 'Size: $size$'."\n"; $newscriptbody .= 'if header :matches "subject" "*" {'."\n\t".'set "subject" "${1}";'."\n".'}'."\n\n"; $newscriptbody .= 'if header :matches "from" "*" {'."\n\t".'set "from" "${1}";'."\n".'}'."\n\n"; } else { $notification_body ="[SIEVE] ".$notification_body; } $newscriptbody .= 'notify :message "'.$notification_body.'"'."\n\t".'"mailto:'.$notification_email.'";'."\n"; //$newscriptbody .= 'notify :message "'.$notification_body.'" :method "mailto" :options "'.$notification_email.'?subject='.$notification_subject.'";'."\n"; } else { $notification_body = lang("You have received a new message on the")." {$egw_site_title}"."\n"; $notification_body .= "\n"; $notification_body .= 'From: $from$'."\n"; if ($this->emailNotification['displaySubject']) { $notification_body .= 'Subject: $subject$'."\n"; } //$notification_body .= 'Size: $size$'."\n"; $newscriptbody .= 'notify :message "'.$notification_body.'" :method "mailto" :options "'.$notification_email.'";'."\n"; //$newscriptbody .= 'notify :message "'.$notification_body.'" :method "mailto" :options "'.$notification_email.'?subject='.$notification_subject.'";'."\n"; } $newscriptbody .= 'keep;'."\n\n"; } // generate the script head $newscripthead = ""; $newscripthead .= "#Mail filter rules for " . $username . "\n"; $newscripthead .= '#Generated by ' . $username . ' using Mail ' . $version . ' ' . date($default->script_date_format); $newscripthead .= "\n"; if ($activerules) { $newscripthead .= "require [\"fileinto\""; if ($regexsupported && $regexused) $newscripthead .= ",\"regex\""; if ($rejectused) $newscripthead .= ",\"reject\""; if ($this->vacation && $vacation_active) { $newscripthead .= ",\"vacation\""; } if ($supportsbody) $newscripthead .= ",\"body\""; if ($this->emailNotification && $this->emailNotification['status'] == 'on') $newscripthead .= ',"'.($enotify?'e':'').'notify"'.($variables?',"variables"':''); // Added email notifications $newscripthead .= "];\n\n"; } else { // no active rules, but might still have an active vacation rule $closeRequired = false; if ($this->vacation && $vacation_active) { $newscripthead .= "require [\"vacation\""; if ($regexsupported && $regexused) $newscripthead .= ",\"regex\""; $closeRequired=true; } if ($this->emailNotification && $this->emailNotification['status'] == 'on') { if ($this->vacation && $vacation_active) { $newscripthead .= ",\"".($enotify?'e':'')."notify\"".($variables?',"variables"':'')."];\n\n"; // Added email notifications } else { $newscripthead .= "require [\"".($enotify?'e':'')."notify\"".($variables?',"variables"':'')."];\n\n"; // Added email notifications } } if ($closeRequired) $newscripthead .= "];\n\n"; } // generate the encoded script foot $newscriptfoot = ""; $pcount = 1; $newscriptfoot .= "##PSEUDO script start\n"; foreach ($this->rules as $rule) { // only add rule to foot if status != deleted. this is how we delete a rule. if ($rule['status'] != 'DELETED') { $rule['action_arg'] = addslashes($rule['action_arg']); // we need to handle \r\n here. $rule['action_arg'] = preg_replace("/\r?\n/","\\n",$rule['action_arg']); /* reset priority value. note: we only do this * for compatibility with Websieve. */ $rule['priority'] = $pcount; $newscriptfoot .= "#rule&&" . $rule['priority'] . "&&" . $rule['status'] . "&&" . addslashes($rule['from']) . "&&" . addslashes($rule['to']) . "&&" . addslashes($rule['subject']) . "&&" . $rule['action'] . "&&" . $rule['action_arg'] . "&&" . $rule['flg'] . "&&" . addslashes($rule['field']) . "&&" . addslashes($rule['field_val']) . "&&" . $rule['size']; if ($supportsbody && (!empty($rule['field_bodytransform']) || ($rule['ctype']!= '0' && !empty($rule['ctype'])))) $newscriptfoot .= "&&" . $rule['bodytransform'] . "&&" . $rule['field_bodytransform']. "&&" . $rule['ctype'] . "&&" . $rule['field_ctype_val']; $newscriptfoot .= "\n"; $pcount = $pcount+2; //error_log(__CLASS__."::".__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($newscriptfoot)); } } if ($this->vacation) { $vacation = $this->vacation; $newscriptfoot .= "#vacation&&" . $vacation['days'] . "&&"; $first = 1; foreach ($vacation['addresses'] as $address) { if (!$first) $newscriptfoot .= ", "; $newscriptfoot .= "\"" . trim($address) . "\""; $first = 0; } $vacation['text'] = preg_replace("/\r?\n/","\\n",$vacation['text']); $newscriptfoot .= "&&" . $vacation['text'] . "&&" . ($vacation['status']=='by_date' ? $vacation['start_date'].'-'.$vacation['end_date'] : $vacation['status']); if ($vacation['forwards']) $newscriptfoot .= '&&' . $vacation['forwards']; $newscriptfoot .= "\n"; } if ($this->emailNotification) { $emailNotification = $this->emailNotification; $newscriptfoot .= "#notify&&" . $emailNotification['status'] . "&&" . $emailNotification['externalEmail'] . "&&" . $emailNotification['displaySubject'] . "\n"; } $newscriptfoot .= "#mode&&basic\n"; $newscript = $newscripthead . $newscriptbody . $newscriptfoot; $this->script = $newscript; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($newscript)); //print "
"; exit; //print "

"; try { if (!$connection->hasSpace($this->name, mb_strlen($newscript))) { throw new \Exception(lang("There is no space left to store sieve script, please check sieve_maxscriptsize option on your mailserver's config.")); } $connection->installScript($this->name, $newscript, true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->errstr = 'updateScript: putscript failed: ' . $e->getMessage().($e->details?': '.$e->details:''); if ($regexused&&!$regexsupported) $this->errstr .= " REGEX is not an supported CAPABILITY"; error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' # Error: ->'.$this->errstr); error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' # ScriptName:'.$this->name.' Script:'.$newscript); error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' # Instance='.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'].', User='.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']); return false; } return true; } }