Trouble Shooting
phpGroupWare is still Beta software, expect some bugs
along the way. If you run into a problem not discussed here, contact us
through one of the methods listed on the website.
The phpGroupWare developers can most often be seen hanging out in #phpGroupWare
on if you require real-time help.
Also check the FAQ in this directory for additional common questions,
it is available as FAQ.sgml, FAQ.txt and FAQ.html
I get "Unable to open mailbox" when using the email application
At the time of this writing (2000-09-27) you must use the same
username and password in phpGroupWare that you use to log into
your mail server. If you change your password and it still isn't working,
try logging out of phpGroupWare (the rightmost icon in the navigation bar)
and then log back in.
An preference page to edit the email settings is being developed, and should
appear shortly after the first beta release.
It seems to hang when I try to read my mail
This is often a problem if you are using POP3 instead of IMAP, and you have
more than a few hundred messages in your mailbox.
By default, php is set up to time-out a request that takes over 30 seconds
to complete. phpGroupWare must do a lot of work the first time your POP3 mailbox
is opened, and every time you get new mail, which may take more than the 30
second timeout.
You can either clean up your mailbox with another mail program, or
add the line
to the top of the phpgwapi/inc/ file, just before
the line class msg extends msg_common
If you choose to edit the file, be patient when loading a large POP3
mailbox - the author tested against a mailbox with 2500 messages in it,
but it took 15 minutes to load the page. We highly suggest you use IMAP
if you expect to have more than a few hundred messages in your mailbox.
When I log in I see the directory listing instead of a web page
You are using Apache, this often means you need to add
.php to the DirectoryIndex line in your httpd.conf file.
For example:
DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html index.htm index.cgi
I get garbage that looks like code when I go to the phpGroupWare URL
This is often because you have php3 installed,
which does not map .php to the PHP engine.
For PHP3:
AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 .php
For PHP4:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3 .php