/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - Iframe widget (WebComponent) * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Hadi Nategh */ import {css, html, LitElement, SlotMixin} from "@lion/core"; import {Et2Widget} from "../Et2Widget/Et2Widget"; export class Et2Iframe extends Et2Widget(SlotMixin(LitElement)) { static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, css` :host { display: flex; } :host > iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; } /* Custom CSS */ `, ]; } static get properties() { return { ...super.properties, label: {type: String}, seamless: {type: Boolean}, name: {type: String}, fullscreen: {type: Boolean}, needed: {type: Boolean}, src: {type:String}, allow: {type: String} } } constructor(...args : any[]) { super(...args); } get slots() { return { ...super.slots }; } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); } render() { return html` <iframe ${this.id ? html`id="${this.id}"` : ''} allowfullscreen="${this.fullscreen}" seamless="${this.seamless}" name="${this.name}" allow="${this.allow}"></iframe> <slot>${this.label}</slot> `; } __getIframeNode() { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector('iframe'); } /** * Set the URL for the iframe * * Sets the src attribute to the given value * * @param _value String URL */ set_src(_value) { if(_value.trim() != "") { if(_value.trim() == 'about:blank') { this.__getIframeNode().src = _value; } else { // Load the new page, but display a loader let loader = jQuery('<div class="et2_iframe loading"/>'); this.__getIframeNode().before(loader); window.setTimeout(function() { this.__getIframeNode().src = _value; this.__getIframeNode().addEventListener('load',function() { loader.remove(); }); }.bind(this),0); } } } /** * Set name of iframe (to be used as target for links) * * @param _name */ set_name(_name) { this.options.name = _name; this.__getIframeNode().attribute('name', _name); } set_allow (_allow) { this.options.allow = _allow; this.__getIframeNode().attribute('allow', _allow); } /** * Make it look like part of the containing document * * @param _seamless boolean */ set_seamless(_seamless) { this.options.seamless = _seamless; this.__getIframeNode().attribute("seamless", _seamless); } set_value(_value) { if(typeof _value == "undefined") _value = ""; if(_value.trim().indexOf("http") == 0 || _value.indexOf('about:') == 0 || _value[0] == '/') { // Value is a URL this.set_src(_value); } else { // Value is content this.set_srcdoc(_value); } } /** * Sets the content of the iframe * * Sets the srcdoc attribute to the given value * * @param _value String Content of a document */ set_srcdoc(_value) { this.__getIframeNode().attribute("srcdoc", _value); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that Et2Iframe is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-iframe", Et2Iframe);