#!/bin/bash -x version=17.1 if [ "$1" == "--packaging" ] then packaging=$2 else packaging=`date +%Y%m%d` fi [ ! -f download/egroupware-epl-$version.$packaging.zip ] && { echo "No $version.$packaging packages found!" echo "You probably need to use --packaging " exit 1 } echo "syncing to download.egroupware.org" ~/sync-repos.sh stylite-epl # update https://www.egroupware.org/currentversion # default for no security update last_security_update=`curl https://www.egroupware.org/currentversion|tail -n +2` # uncomment and therefore enable line below for a security update #last_security_update="$version.$packaging\n$(curl https://www.egroupware.org/currentversion|tail -n +3)" echo "Updating www.egroupware.org/currentversion to $version.$packaging" echo -e "$version.$packaging\n$last_security_update" | ssh root@wordpress.egroupware.org tee /var/www/egroupware.org/currentversion # building CE packages on build.opensuse.org ./checkout-build-archives.php --obs /home/stylite/obs/server\:eGroupWare --run 'obs release' $* # disabled as we have now 19.1 #echo "Copying $version debian.changes to master to satisfy update checker" #cd ~/epl-trunk/egroupware #./install-cli.php #cp ~/epl-17.1/egroupware/doc/rpm-build/debian.changes doc/rpm-build/ #sed -i "s|'maintenance_release'] = '.*';|'maintenance_release'] = '$version.$packaging';|" api/setup/setup.inc.php #git commit -m "copy $version changelog to master to satisfy update checker" doc/rpm-build/debian.changes api/setup/setup.inc.php #git push # Mail an Univention Appcenter cat - ~/.signature.egroupware <