## Configure EGroupware for SSO via SAML with Univention ### SAML IdP need to be enabled, see [UCS Manual about login](https://docs.software-univention.de/manual/5.0/en/central-management-umc/login.html#central-management-umc-login) * ```ucs-sso.``` need to resolve to one or more primary or secondary domain controllers * if you use LetsEncrypt, you should add the above domain to your certificate * UCS config registry variable ```portal/auth-mode``` has to be set to ```saml``` * portal server needs to be restarted: ```systemctl restart univention-portal-server.service``` ### EGroupware needs to be configured for SAML via Setup (```https://egw.example.org/egroupware/setup/```) * Login into setup with user ```admin``` and the password from ```/var/lib/egroupware/egroupware-docker-install.log``` * Go to [Edit current configuration]
If using SAML 2.0 / Shibboleth / SimpleSAMLphp:
Label to display as option on login page:
or leave empty and select SAML as authentication type above for single sign on
Identity Provider:
You can specify multiple IdP on separate lines.
Metadata: refresh
Certificate Metadata is signed with: (Will be downloaded once, unless changed.)
Result data to use as username:
Result data to add or remove extra membership:
Result values (comma-separated) and group-name to add or remove:
Allow SAML logins to join existing accounts:
(Requires SAML optional on login page and user to specify username and password)
Match SAML usernames to existing ones (use strings or regular expression):
Some information for the own Service Provider metadata: Metadata URL
Name for Service Provider:
Technical contact:
> For Univention the Metadata-URL is also the ID of the IdP! ### Configure EGroupware as service-provide in your UCS domain: **Domain > LDAP directory > SAML service provider** * Add: Type: SAML service provider ``` X Service provider activation status Service provider identifier: https://egw.example.org/egroupware/saml/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp Respond to this service provider URL after login: https://egw.example.org/egroupware/saml/module.php/saml/sp/saml2-acs.php/default-sp Single logout URL for this service provider: https://egw.example.org/egroupware/saml/module.php/saml/sp/saml2-logout.php/default-sp Format of NameID attribute: Name of the attribute that is used as NameID: uid Name of the organization for this service provider: EGroupware Description of this service provider: X Enable signed Logouts ``` * After saving the above, you have to edit the `Extended Settings` of your new Service Provide ``` X Allow transfering LDAP attributes to the Service Provider LDAP Attribute Name: uid LDAP Attribute Name: mailPrimaryAddress LDAP Attribute Name: givenName LDAP Attribute Name: sn ``` * If you want an automatic SAML SingleSignOn, eg. by clicking on an EGroupware tile in the portal, you need to switch in Setup > Site configuration ```Authentication``` to ```SAML``` and remove the ```Test SSO``` label from the beginning of the SAML configuration. * To be able to use a password login in the above case, you need to add the following to your DB: ```sql INSERT INTO egw_config VALUES ('phpgwapi', 'univention_discovery', 'true'); ```         Clear the cache and use the following URL: ```https://example.org/egroupware/login.php?auth=univention``` * Some useful links * [How does Single Sign-on work?](https://www.univention.com/blog-en/2021/08/how-does-single-sign-on-work-with-saml-and-openidconnect/) * [Reconfigure UCS Single Sign On](https://help.univention.com/t/reconfigure-ucs-single-sign-on/16161) * [Create an SSO Login for Applications to Groups](https://www.univention.com/blog-en/2020/07/sso-login-for-groups/) * [Adding a new external service provider](https://docs.software-univention.de/manual/5.0/en/domain-ldap/saml.html#domain-saml-additional-serviceprovider) ### Configure EMail access without password > EGroupware normally use the session password to authenticate with the mail-server / Dovecot. If you use SSO (single sign on), EGroupware does not know your password and therefore can not pass it to the mail server. * login via ssh as user root to your mailserver * note the password from /etc/dovecot/master-users (secretpassword in the example below) ``` dovecotadmin:{PLAIN}secretpassword:::::: ``` * add the following line to your /etc/dovecot/global-acls ```shell echo "* user=dovecotadmin lra" >> /etc/dovecot/global-acls doveadm reload ``` * login with a user that has EGroupware admin rights * go to **Administration**, right-click on a user and select **mail-account** * in IMAP tab fill in the credentials: ``` Admin user: dovecotadmin Password: secretpassword X Use admin credentials to connect without a session-password, e.g. for SSO ``` > Currently, there are two bugs, you need to work around: > 1. EGroupware checks the above user/password as an IMAP user, so you need to additionally create him as UCS user with mail, in order to be able to store the dialog. > 2. The account you use for testing, must NOT have any additional personal mail accounts, as you get an error in that case, when you open the mail app. * log out and in again with SSO and check everything works