2 month ago	timesheet	eu	Orain dela 2 hilabete
2 years ago	timesheet	eu	Orain dela 2 urte
3 years ago	timesheet	eu	Orain dela 3 urte
applies the changes	timesheet	eu	Aldaketak aplikatu
by	timesheet	eu	norengatik
check all	timesheet	eu	Guztia hautatu
create new links	timesheet	eu	Lotura berriak sortu
creates a new field	timesheet	eu	Fitxategi berri bat sortu
custom fields	timesheet	eu	Egokitu Eremuak
deleted	timesheet	eu	ezabatua
deletes this field	timesheet	eu	Fitxategi hauek ezabatu
edit status	timesheet	eu	Egoera editatu
edit this entry	timesheet	eu	Sarrera hau editatu
empty if identical to duration	timesheet	eu	Hutsik iraupenaren berdina bada
end	timesheet	eu	Bukaera
entry deleted	timesheet	eu	Sarrera hau ezabatu da
entry saved	timesheet	eu	Sarrera gorde da
error deleting the entry!!!	timesheet	eu	Errorea sarrera ezabatzerakoan
error saving the entry!!!	timesheet	eu	Errorea sarrera gordetzerakoan
existing links	timesheet	eu	Existitzen diren loturak
export	timesheet	eu	esportatu
field must not be empty !!!	timesheet	eu	Eremuak ez dira hutsik egon behar!!!
general	timesheet	eu	Orokorra
global categories	timesheet	eu	Kategoria orokorrak
history	timesheet	eu	Historia
id	timesheet	eu	Id
last modified	timesheet	eu	Azken aldaketa
last month	timesheet	eu	Azken hilabetea
last week	timesheet	eu	Azken astea
last year	timesheet	eu	Azken urtea
leaves without saveing	timesheet	eu	gorde gabe irten
length<br>rows	timesheet	eu	Luzera<br>Errenkadak
links	timesheet	eu	Loturak
no details	timesheet	eu	detailerik gabe
order	timesheet	eu	Ordena
permission denied!!!	timesheet	eu	Baimena ukatuta!
price	timesheet	eu	Prezioa
quantity	timesheet	eu	Kantitatea
save & new	timesheet	eu	Gorde eta sortu
saves the changes made	timesheet	eu	Egindako aldaketak gorde
saves the changes made and leaves	timesheet	eu	aldaketak gorde eta irten
saves this entry and add a new one	timesheet	eu	Sarrera hau gorde eta berri bat gehitu
select a price	timesheet	eu	Aukeratu prezio bat
select a project	timesheet	eu	Aukeratu proiektu bat
start	timesheet	eu	Hasiera
the text displayed to the user	timesheet	eu	testua erabltzaileari erakutsita
this month	timesheet	eu	Hilabete honetan
this week	timesheet	eu	Aste honetan
this year	timesheet	eu	Urte honetan
timesheet	common	eu	Ordu sarrera
unitprice	timesheet	eu	Prezioa unitateko
view this entry	timesheet	eu	Sarrera hau ikusi
week	timesheet	eu	Astea
yesterday	timesheet	eu	Atzo