import {SlTreeItem} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace"; import {html, nothing, TemplateResult} from "lit"; import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat.js"; import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js"; import {state} from "lit/decorators/state.js"; import {Et2Tree, TreeItemData} from "./Et2Tree"; /** * @event {{id: String, item:SlTreeItem}} sl-expand emmited when tree item expands * //TODO add for other events */ export class Et2MultiselectTree extends Et2Tree { @property() onselect // description: "Javascript executed when user selects a node" //This is never used as far as I can tell mailapp.folgerMgmt_onCheck should select all sub folders --> Sl-Tree offers this functionality on default @property() oncheck // description: "Javascript executed when user checks a node" //only used in calendar_sidebox.xet @property({type: Function}) onchange;// description: "JS code which gets executed when selection changes" @state() selectedNodes: SlTreeItem[] @state() selectedItems: TreeItemData[] constructor() { super(); this.multiple = true; this.selectedNodes = []; this.selectedItems = []; } public set_onchange(_handler: any) { this.onchange = _handler } /** * getValue, retrieves the Ids of the selected Items * @return string or object or null */ getValue() { let res:string[] = [] if(this.selectedItems?.length) for (const selectedItem of this.selectedItems) { res.push( } return res } _optionTemplate(selectOption: TreeItemData): TemplateResult<1> { let img: String = selectOption.im0 ?? selectOption.im1 ?? selectOption.im2; if (img) { //sl-icon images need to be svgs if there is a png try to find the corresponding svg img = img.endsWith(".png") ? img.replace(".png", ".svg") : img; img = "api/templates/default/images/dhtmlxtree/" + img } return html` { this.handleLazyLoading(selectOption).then((result) => { this.getNode( = [...result.item] this.requestUpdate("_selectOptions") }) }} > ${selectOption.text} ${(selectOption.item) ? html`${repeat(selectOption.item, this._optionTemplate.bind(this))}` : nothing} ` } public render(): unknown { return html` { //TODO inefficient this.selectedItems = [] for (const slTreeItem of event.detail.selection) { this.selectedItems.push(this.getNode(; } this.selectedNodes = event.detail.selection; //TODO look at what signature is expected here if(typeof this.onclick == "function") { this.onclick(event.detail.selection[0].id, this, event.detail.previous) } } } @sl-expand=${ (event) => { = event.detail.item = } } @sl-after-expand=${ (event) => { = event.detail.item = } } > ${repeat(this._selectOptions, this._optionTemplate.bind(this))} `; } } customElements.define("et2-tree-multiple", Et2MultiselectTree); customElements.define("et2-tree-cat-multiple", class extends Et2MultiselectTree{});