plugin('form', 'start');
$this->plugin('form', 'set', 'class', 'Savant-Form');
// add a hidden value before the layout
$this->plugin('form', 'hidden', 'hideme', 'hidden & valued');
$this->plugin('form', 'block', 'start', "First Section", 'row');
// text field
$this->plugin('form', 'text', 'mytext', $this->mytext, 'Enter some text here:', null);
// messages for the text field
$this->plugin('form', 'note', null, null, $this->valid['mytext'],
array('required' => 'This field is required.', 'maxlen' => 'No more than 5 letters.', 'no_digits' => 'No digits allowed.'));
$this->plugin('form', 'block', 'split');
// checkbox with default value (array(checked, not-checked))
$this->plugin('form', 'checkbox', 'xbox', $this->xbox, 'Check this:', array(1,0), 'style="text-align: center;"');
// single select
$this->plugin('form', 'select', 'picker', $this->picker, 'Pick one:', $this->opts);
// END THE BLOCK and put in some custom stuff.
$this->plugin('form', 'block', 'end');
Custom HTML Between Fieldset Blocks
plugin('form', 'block', 'start', "Second Section", 'col');
// multi-select with note
$this->plugin('form', 'group', 'start', 'Pick many:');
$this->plugin('form', 'select', 'picker2[]', $this->picker2, 'Pick many:', $this->opts, 'multiple="multiple"');
$this->plugin('form', 'note', "
Pick as many as you like; use the Ctrl key on Windows, or the Cmd key on Macintosh.");
$this->plugin('form', 'group', 'end');
// radio buttons
$this->plugin('form', 'radio', 'chooser', $this->chooser, 'Choose one:', $this->opts);
$this->plugin('form', 'block', 'start', null, 'row');
// text area
$this->plugin('form', 'textarea', 'myarea', $this->myarea, 'Long text:', array('rows'=>12,'cols'=>40));
// NEW BLOCK (clears floats)
$this->plugin('form', 'block', 'start', null, 'row', null, 'both');
$this->plugin('form', 'submit', 'op', 'Save');
$this->plugin('form', 'reset', 'op', 'Reset');
$this->plugin('form', 'button', '', 'Click Me!', null, array('onClick' => 'return alert("hello!")'));
// end the form
$this->plugin('form', 'end');