True, 'nonavbar' => True, 'currentapp' => "home", 'noapi' => True ); include('./inc/'); include('../'); // Authorize the user to use setup app and load the database // Does not return unless user is authorized if (!$phpgw_setup->auth('Config')) { Header("Location: index.php"); exit; } $phpgw_setup->loaddb(); include(PHPGW_API_INC.'/'); $common = new common; // this is not used //$sep = $common->filesystem_separator(); } else { $newinstall = True; $lang_selected['en'] = 'en'; $submit = True; } if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['submit']) { $lang_selected = $HTTP_POST_VARS['lang_selected']; $upgrademethod = $HTTP_POST_VARS['upgrademethod']; $phpgw_setup->db->transaction_begin(); if (count($lang_selected)) { if ($upgrademethod == 'dumpold') { $phpgw_setup->db->query("DELETE FROM lang",__LINE__,__FILE__); //echo "
Test: dumpold"; } while (list($null,$lang) = each($lang_selected)) { //echo '
Working on: ' . $lang; $addlang = False; if ($upgrademethod == 'addonlynew') { //echo "
Test: addonlynew - select count(*) from lang where lang='$lang'"; $phpgw_setup->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lang WHERE lang='$lang'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw_setup->db->next_record(); if ($phpgw_setup->db->f(0) == 0) { //echo "
Test: addonlynew - True"; $addlang = True; } } if (($addlang && $upgrademethod == 'addonlynew') || ($upgrademethod != 'addonlynew')) { //echo '
Test: loop above file()'; $setup_info = $phpgw_setup->get_versions(); $setup_info = $phpgw_setup->get_db_versions($setup_info); $raw = $raw_file = array(); // Visit each app/setup dir, look for a lang file while (list($key,$app) = each($setup_info)) { $appfile = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . SEP . $app['name'] . SEP . 'setup' . SEP . 'phpgw_' . strtolower($lang) . '.lang'; //echo '
Checking in: ' . $app['name']; if($phpgw_setup->app_registered($app['name']) && file_exists($appfile)) { //echo '
Including: ' . $appfile; $raw[] = file($appfile); } } @reset($raw); while (list($a,$raw_file) = @each($raw)) { while (list($null,$line) = @each($raw_file)) { $addit = False; list($message_id,$app_name,$phpgw_setup->db_lang,$content) = explode("\t",$line); $message_id = addslashes(chop($message_id)); //echo '
APPNAME:' . $app_name . ' PHRASE:' . $message_id; $app_name = addslashes(chop($app_name)); $phpgw_setup->db_lang = addslashes(chop($phpgw_setup->db_lang)); $content = addslashes(chop($content)); if ($upgrademethod == 'addmissing') { //echo "
Test: addmissing"; $phpgw_setup->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lang WHERE message_id='$message_id' and lang='$phpgw_setup->db_lang'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $phpgw_setup->db->next_record(); if ($phpgw_setup->db->f(0) == 0) { //echo "
Test: addmissing - True - Total: " . $phpgw_setup->db->f(0); $addit = True; } } if ($addit || ($upgrademethod == 'dumpold' || $newinstall || $upgrademethod == 'addonlynew')) { if($message_id && $content) { //echo "
adding - insert into lang values ('$message_id','$app_name','$phpgw_setup->db_lang','$content')"; $phpgw_setup->db->query("INSERT into lang VALUES ('$message_id','$app_name','$phpgw_setup->db_lang','$content')",__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } } } } $phpgw_setup->db->transaction_commit(); } if (! $included) { Header("Location: index.php"); exit; } } else { if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['cancel']) { Header("Location: index.php"); exit; } if (!$included) { $tpl_root = $phpgw_setup->setup_tpl_dir('setup'); $setup_tpl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',$tpl_root); $setup_tpl->set_file(array( 'T_head' => 'head.tpl', 'T_footer' => 'footer.tpl', 'T_alert_msg' => 'msg_alert_msg.tpl', 'T_lang_main' => 'lang_main.tpl' )); $setup_tpl->set_block('T_lang_main','B_choose_method','V_choose_method'); $stage_title = lang('Multi-Language support setup'); $stage_desc = lang('This program will help you upgrade or install different languages for phpGroupWare'); $tbl_width = $newinstall?"60%":"80%"; $td_colspan = $newinstall?"1":"2"; $td_align = $newinstall?' align="center"':""; $hidden_var1 = $newinstall?'':""; $select_box_desc = lang('Select which languages you would like to use'); $select_box = ''; $phpgw_setup->db->query("select lang_id,lang_name from languages where available='Yes'"); while ($phpgw_setup->db->next_record()) { $select_box_langs = $select_box_langs .'' ."\n"; } if (! $newinstall) { $meth_desc = lang('Select which method of upgrade you would like to do'); $blurb_addonlynew = lang('Only add languages that are not in the database already'); $blurb_addmissing = lang('Only add new phrases'); $blurb_dumpold = lang('Delete all old languages and install new ones'); $setup_tpl->set_var('meth_desc',$meth_desc); $setup_tpl->set_var('blurb_addonlynew',$blurb_addonlynew); $setup_tpl->set_var('blurb_addmissing',$blurb_addmissing); $setup_tpl->set_var('blurb_dumpold',$blurb_dumpold); $setup_tpl->parse('V_choose_method','B_choose_method'); } else { $setup_tpl->set_var('V_choose_method',''); } $setup_tpl->set_var('stage_title',$stage_title); $setup_tpl->set_var('stage_desc',$stage_desc); $setup_tpl->set_var('tbl_width',$tbl_width); $setup_tpl->set_var('td_colspan',$td_colspan); $setup_tpl->set_var('td_align',$td_align); $setup_tpl->set_var('hidden_var1',$hidden_var1); $setup_tpl->set_var('select_box_desc',$select_box_desc); $setup_tpl->set_var('select_box_langs',$select_box_langs); $setup_tpl->set_var('lang_install',lang('install')); $setup_tpl->set_var('lang_cancel',lang('cancel')); // True = do not show logout link in top right corner $phpgw_setup->show_header("$stage_title",True,'config',$ConfigDomain . '(' . $phpgw_domain[$ConfigDomain]["db_type"] . ')'); $setup_tpl->pparse('out','T_lang_main'); $phpgw_setup->show_footer(); } } ?>