import {et2_IDetachedDOM} from "../et2_core_interfaces";
import {et2_checkbox} from "../et2_widget_checkbox";
import {Et2InputWidget} from "../Et2InputWidget/Et2InputWidget";
import {classMap, css, html, LitElement} from "@lion/core";
import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace";

 * et2_checkbox_ro is the dummy readonly implementation of the checkbox
 * @augments et2_checkbox
export class Et2CheckboxReadonly extends Et2InputWidget(LitElement) implements et2_IDetachedDOM
	static get styles()
		return [
			:host {
				margin: auto 0px;
				vertical-align: -webkit-baseline-middle;

	static get properties()
		return {,

			 *  Checkbox is checked
			checked: {type: Boolean},

			 * The checkbox's value attribute
			value: {type: String},

			/* Value when checked */
			selectedValue: {type: String},

			 * What should be displayed when readonly and selected
			roTrue: {type: String},
			 * What should be displayed when readonly and not selected
			roFalse: {type: String}

	constructor() {super();}

		const isChecked = this.checked ||
			// selectedValue is set, so only a value matching that counts as checked
			typeof this.selectedValue == "string" && this.value == this.selectedValue ||
			// selectedValue is not set, any truthy value counts as checked
			typeof this.selectedValue === "undefined" && this.value;
		let check = "";

		if(isChecked && this.roTrue)
			check = this.roTrue;
		else if(isChecked)
			check = html`
                <sl-icon name="check"></sl-icon>`;
		else if(!isChecked && this.roFalse)
			check = this.roFalse;

		return html`
            <label part="base" class=${classMap({
                checkbox: true,
                'checkbox--checked': this.checked,
                'checkbox--disabled': this.disabled,
                'checkbox--focused': this.hasFocus,
                'checkbox--indeterminate': this.indeterminate
                <span part="control" class="checkbox__control">${check}</span>
                <span part="label" class="checkbox__label">

	getDetachedAttributes(_attrs : string[]) : void
		_attrs.push("value", "class", "statustext");

	getDetachedNodes() : HTMLElement[]
		return [];

	setDetachedAttributes(_nodes : HTMLElement[], _values : object, _data?) : void
		for(let attr in _values)
			this[attr] = _values[attr];


customElements.define("et2-checkbox_ro", Et2CheckboxReadonly);