* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /** * generalized SQL Storage Object * * the class can be used in following ways: * 1) by calling the constructor with an app and table-name or * 2) by setting the following documented class-vars in a class derifed from this one * Of cause can you derife the class and call the constructor with params. * * @package etemplate * @author RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de * @license GPL */ class so_sql { /** * @var string $table_name need to be set in the derived class to the db-table-name */ var $table_name; /** * @var string $autoinc_id db-col-name of autoincrement id or '' */ var $autoinc_id = ''; /** * @var array $db_key_cols array of all primary-key-columns in form dbName => internalName * the save function does NOT touch any other cols in the table!!! */ var $db_key_cols = array(); /** * @var array $db_data_cols array of all data-cols */ var $db_data_cols = array(); /** * @var array $non_db_cols all cols in data which are not (direct)in the db, for data_merge */ var $non_db_cols = array(); /** * @var int $debug turns on debug-messages */ var $debug = 0; /** * @var string $empty_on_write string to be written to db if a col-value is '', eg. "''" or 'NULL' (default) */ var $empty_on_write = 'NULL'; var $public_functions = array( 'init' => True, 'data_merge' => True, 'read' => True, 'save' => True, 'delete' => True, 'search' => True, ); var $db; var $db_uni_cols = array(); var $db_cols; // = $db_key_cols + $db_data_cols var $data; // holds the content of all db_cols /** * constructor of the class * * NEED to be called from the constructor of the derived class !!! * * @param string $app should be set if table-defs to be read from /setup/tables_current.inc.php * @param string $table should be set if table-defs to be read from /setup/tables_current.inc.php */ function so_sql($app='',$table='') { $this->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db; $this->db_cols = $this->db_key_cols + $this->db_data_cols; if ($app && $table) { $this->setup_table($app,$table); } $this->init(); if ($this->debug) { echo "


\n"; _debug_array($this); } } /** * reads table-definition from /setup/tables_current.inc.php * * Does NOT set a different internal-data-name. If you want this, you have to do so * in a derifed class !!! */ function setup_table($app,$table) { include(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . "/$app/setup/tables_current.inc.php"); if (!isset($phpgw_baseline[$table])) { echo "

Can't find table-definitions for App. '$app', Table '$table' !!!

\n"; exit(); } $this->table_name = $table; $table_def = $phpgw_baseline[$table]; $this->db_key_cols = $this->db_data_cols = $this->db_cols = array(); $this->autoinc_id = ''; foreach($table_def['fd'] as $name => $def) { if (in_array($name,$table_def['pk'])) { $this->db_key_cols[$name] = $name; } else { $this->db_data_cols[$name] = $name; } $this->db_cols[$name] = $name; if ($def['type'] == 'auto') { $this->autoinc_id = $name; } if (in_array($name,$table_def['uc'])) { $this->db_uni_cols[$name] = $name; } } } /** * merges in new values from the given new data-array * * @param $new array in form col => new_value with values to set */ function data_merge($new) { if (!is_array($new) || !count($new)) { return; } foreach($this->db_cols as $db_col => $col) { if (isset($new[$col])) { $this->data[$col] = $new[$col]; } } foreach($this->non_db_cols as $db_col => $col) { if (isset($new[$col])) { $this->data[$col] = $new[$col]; } } } /** * changes the data from the db-format to your work-format * * it gets called everytime when data is read from the db * This function needs to be reimplemented in the derived class * * @param array $data if given works on that array and returns result, else works on internal data-array */ function db2data($data=null) { if (!is_array($data)) { $data = &$this->data; } // do the necessare changes here return $data; } /** * changes the data from your work-format to the db-format * * It gets called everytime when data gets writen into db or on keys for db-searches * this needs to be reimplemented in the derived class * * @param array $data if given works on that array and returns result, else works on internal data-array */ function data2db($data=null) { if ($intern = !is_array($data)) { $data = &$this->data; } // do the necessary changes here return $data; } /** * initializes data with the content of key * * @param array $keys array with keys in form internalName => value */ function init($keys=array()) { $this->data = array(); $this->db2data(); $this->data_merge($keys); } /** * reads row matched by key and puts all cols in the data array * * @param array $keys array with keys in form internalName => value, may be a scalar value if only one key * @return array/boolean data if row could be retrived else False */ function read($keys) { if (!is_array($keys)) { $pk = array_keys($this->db_key_cols); if ($pk) $keys = array($pk[0] => $keys); } $this->init($keys); $this->data2db(); foreach ($this->db_key_cols as $db_col => $col) { if ($this->data[$col] != '') { $query .= ($query ? ' AND ':'')."$db_col='".addslashes($this->data[$col])."'"; } } if (!$query) // no primary key in keys, lets try the data_cols for a unique key { foreach($this->db_data_cols as $db_col => $col) { if ($this->data[$col] != '') { $query .= ($query ? ' AND ':'')."$db_col='".addslashes($this->data[$col])."'"; } } } if (!$query) // keys has no cols { $this->db2data(); return False; } $this->db->query($sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->table_name WHERE $query",__LINE__,__FILE__); if ($this->debug) { echo "

read(): sql = '$sql': "; } if (!$this->db->next_record()) { if ($this->autoinc_id) { unset($this->data[$this->db_key_cols[$this->autoinc_id]]); } if ($this->debug) echo "nothing found !!!

\n"; $this->db2data(); return False; } foreach ($this->db_cols as $db_col => $col) { $this->data[$col] = $this->db->f($db_col); } $this->db2data(); if ($this->debug) { echo "data =\n"; _debug_array($this->data); } return $this->data; } /** * saves the content of data to the db * * @param array $keys if given $keys are copied to data before saveing => allows a save as * @return int 0 on success and errno != 0 else */ function save($keys=null) { if (is_array($keys) && count($keys)) $this->data_merge($keys); if (!$this->autoinc_id) // no autoincrement id, so we need to find out with read if key already in db { $data = $this->data; $new = !$this->read($data); $this->data = $data; } else { $new = !$this->data[$this->db_key_cols[$this->autoinc_id]]; // autoincrement idx is 0 => new } $this->data2db(); if ($new) // prepare an insert { foreach($this->db_cols as $db_col => $col) { if (!$this->autoinc_id || $db_col != $this->autoinc_id) // not write auto-inc-id { $cols .= ($cols ? ',' : '') . $db_col; $vals .= ($vals ? ',' : '') . ($this->data[$col] == '' ? $this->empty_on_write : "'".addslashes($this->data[$col])."'"); } } $this->db->query($sql = "INSERT INTO $this->table_name ($cols) VALUES ($vals)",__LINE__,__FILE__); if ($this->autoinc_id) { $this->data[$this->db_key_cols[$this->autoinc_id]] = $this->db->get_last_insert_id($this->table_name,$this->autoinc_id); } } else //update existing row, preserv other cols not used here { foreach($this->db_data_cols as $db_col => $col) { $vals .= ($vals ? ',':'') . "$db_col=".($this->data[$col] == '' ? $this->empty_on_write : "'".addslashes($this->data[$col])."'"); } $keys = ''; foreach($this->db_key_cols as $db_col => $col) { $keys .= ($keys ? ' AND ':'') . "$db_col='".addslashes($this->data[$col])."'"; } $this->db->query($sql = "UPDATE $this->table_name SET $vals WHERE $keys",__LINE__,__FILE__); } if ($this->debug) { echo "

save(): sql = '$sql'

\n"; } $this->db2data(); return $this->db->errno; } /** * deletes row representing keys in internal data or the supplied $keys if != null * * @param array $keys if given array with col => value pairs to characterise the rows to delete * @return affected rows, should be 1 if ok, 0 if an error */ function delete($keys=null) { if (!is_array($keys) || !count($keys)) // use internal data { $data = $this->data; $keys = $this->db_key_cols; } else // data and keys are supplied in $keys { $data = $keys; $keys = array(); foreach($this->db_cols as $db_col => $col) { if (isset($data[$col])) { $keys[$db_col] = $col; } } } $data = $this->data2db($data); foreach($keys as $db_col => $col) { $query .= ($query ? ' AND ' : '') . $db_col . "='" . addslashes($data[$col]) . "'"; } $this->db->query($sql = "DELETE FROM $this->table_name WHERE $query",__LINE__,__FILE__); if ($this->debug) { echo "

delete(): sql = '$sql'

\n"; } return $this->db->affected_rows(); } /** * searches db for rows matching searchcriteria * * '*' and '?' are replaced with sql-wildcards '%' and '_' * * @param array/string $criteria array of key and data cols, OR a SQL query (content for WHERE), fully quoted (!) * @param boolean $only_keys True returns only keys, False returns all cols * @param string $order_by fieldnames + {ASC|DESC} separated by colons ',' * @param string $extra_cols string to be added to the SELECT, eg. (count(*) as num) * @param string $wildcard appended befor and after each criteria * @param boolean $empty False=empty criteria are ignored in query, True=empty have to be empty in row * @param string $op defaults to 'AND', can be set to 'OR' too, then criteria's are OR'ed together * @return array of matching rows (the row is an array of the cols) or False */ function search($criteria,$only_keys=True,$order_by='',$extra_cols='',$wildcard='',$empty=False,$op='AND') { if (!is_array($criteria)) { $query = $criteria ? ' WHERE '.$criteria : ''; } else { $criteria = $this->data2db($criteria); foreach($this->db_cols as $db_col => $col) { //echo "testing col='$col', criteria[$col]='".$criteria[$col]."'
"; if (array_key_exists($col,$criteria) && ($empty || $criteria[$col] != '')) { if ($criteria[$col] === NULL) { $query .= ($query ? " $op " : ' WHERE ') . "$db_col IS NULL"; } else { $query .= ($query ? " $op " : ' WHERE ') . $db_col . ($wildcard || strstr($criteria[$col],'*') || strstr($criteria[$col],'?') ? " LIKE '$wildcard".strtr(str_replace('_','\\_',addslashes($criteria[$col])),'*?','%_')."$wildcard'" : "='".addslashes($criteria[$col])."'"); } } } } $this->db->query($sql = 'SELECT '.($only_keys ? implode(',',$this->db_key_cols) : '*'). ($extra_cols != '' ? ",$extra_cols" : '')." FROM $this->table_name $query" . ($order_by != '' ? " ORDER BY $order_by" : ''),__LINE__,__FILE__); if ($this->debug) { echo "

sql = '$sql'

\n"; echo "
criteria = "; _debug_array($criteria); } $arr = array(); $cols = $only_keys ? $this->db_key_cols : $this->db_cols; for ($n = 0; $this->db->next_record(); ++$n) { $row = array(); foreach($cols as $db_col => $col) { $row[$col] = $this->db->f($db_col); } $arr[] = $this->db2data($row); } return $n ? $arr : False; } /** * Check if values for unique keys are unique * * @param array $data data-set to check, defaults to $this->data * @return int 0: all keys are unique, 1: first key not unique, 2: ... */ function not_unique($data=null) { if (!is_array($data)) { $data = $this->data; } $n = 1; foreach($this->db_uni_cols as $db_col => $col) { if (list($other) = $this->search(array($db_col => $data[$col]))) { foreach($this->db_key_cols as $db_key_col => $key_col) { if ($data[$key_col] != $other[$key_col]) { if ($this->debug) { echo "

not_unique in '$col' as for '$key_col': '${data[$key_col]}' != '${other[$key_col]}'

\n"; } return $n; // different entry => $n not unique } } } ++$n; } return 0; } }