//var tab = new Tabs(3,'activetab','inactivetab','tab','tabcontent','','','tabpage'); var selectedSuggestion; var maxSuggestions=5; var currentInputField; var currentFolderSelectField; var currentKeyCode; var resultRows; var results; var keyDownCallback; var searchesPending=0; var resultboxVisible=false; var searchActive=false; // timer variables var liveSearchTimer; var keyboardTimeout=500; var fileSelectorWindowTimer; var fileSelectorWindowTimeout=500; // windows var fileSelectorWindow; // special keys needed for navigation var KEYCODE_TAB=9; var KEYCODE_ENTER=13; var KEYCODE_SHIFT=16; var KEYCODE_ALT=18; var KEYCODE_ESC=27; var KEYCODE_LEFT=37; var KEYCODE_UP=38; var KEYCODE_RIGHT=39; var KEYCODE_DOWN=40; // disabled Keycodes // quickserach input field var disabledKeys1 = new Array(KEYCODE_TAB, KEYCODE_ENTER, KEYCODE_UP, KEYCODE_DOWN); //var disabledKeys1 = new Array(KEYCODE_ENTER, KEYCODE_UP, KEYCODE_DOWN); var browserSupportsOnUnloadConfirm = true; var do_onunload=false; var draftsMayExist=false; var justSavedAsDraftManually; // no value yet, as it should indicate that the message was just saved, before another autosave kicked in var justClickedSend=false; var decodedFolder; function initAll() { if (egw_getWindowOuterHeight()<750) { var fm_height = screen.availHeight/100*75; var resizeHeight = fm_height-egw_getWindowOuterHeight(); //alert(fm_height+' resize By:0,'+resizeHeight); if (fm_height >= 750) window.resizeBy(0,resizeHeight); } if (egw_getWindowOuterHeight()>screen.availHeight) window.resizeBy(0,screen.availHeight-egw_getWindowOuterHeight()); //tab.init(); //alert(document.onkeydown); var titletext = document.getElementById('fm_compose_subject').value; if (titletext.length>0) updateTitle(titletext); if (window.location.search.search(/&uid=/)) { for (var i = 0; i < window.location.search.split("&").length; i++) { if (window.location.search.split("&")[i].search(/uid=/)!= -1) { var a = window.location.search.split("&")[i].replace(/uid=/,''); if (a.length >0) { draftsMayExist = true; /*alert(a+' found');*/} } if (window.location.search.split("&")[i].search(/method=/)!= -1) { var b = window.location.search.split("&")[i].replace(/method=/,''); if (b.length >0 && b=='importMessageToMergeAndSend') { justSavedAsDraftManually = false; /*alert(b+' found');*/ do_onunload = true; } } } } if ($j.browser.webkit) browserSupportsOnUnloadConfirm = false; // chrome blocks alert/confirm boxes, but displays (custom) messages on demand before leaving/closing a page if ($j.browser.opera) browserSupportsOnUnloadConfirm = false; // opera does not support unload or onbeforeunload for security reasons } function checkunload(checkBrowser) { if (typeof checkBrowser != 'undefined' && justSavedAsDraftManually == false) { if (browserSupportsOnUnloadConfirm && do_onunload && justClickedSend==false) do_onunload=!confirm(checkBrowser); if (!browserSupportsOnUnloadConfirm) { // window.setTimeout('checkunload();',1000); // do_onunload = false; return checkBrowser; } } if (do_onunload) xajax_doXMLHTTPsync('felamimail.ajaxfelamimail.removeLastDraftedVersion',composeID); } function fm_startTimerSaveAsDraft(_refreshTimeOut) { if(aktiv) { window.clearTimeout(aktiv); } if(_refreshTimeOut > 5000) { aktiv = window.setInterval("fm_compose_saveAsDraftBG()", _refreshTimeOut); } } function fm_compose_saveAsDraftBG(autoSave) { //alert('composing in progress->'+composeID); if (typeof autoSave == 'undefined') autoSave = true; var htmlFlag = document.getElementsByName('_is_html')[0]; var mimeType = document.getElementById('mimeType'); var sendButton = document.getElementById('send'); if (autoSave) {sendButton.disabled=sendButton.hidden=true;} var currentEditor = htmlFlag.value; var currentMode =''; var data = {}; if (currentEditor == 1) { data['mimeType']=currentMode='html'; } else { data['mimeType']=currentMode='plain'; } var ckeditor = CKEDITOR.instances['body']; var plaineditor = document.getElementsByName('body')[0]; var editorArea = document.getElementById('editorArea'); data = window.xajax.getFormValues('doit'); data['body'] =''; // body if (currentMode == 'html') { //Copy the current HTML data and recode it via a XAJAX request data['body'] = ckeditor.getData(); } else { data['body'] = plaineditor.value; } //call saveasdraft with xajax_doXMLHTTP, or something equivalent xajax_doXMLHTTP("felamimail.ajaxfelamimail.saveAsDraft", composeID, data, autoSave); fm_startTimerSaveAsDraft(_refreshTimeOut); if (autoSave) { sendButton.disabled=sendButton.hidden=false; draftsMayExist = true; do_onunload=true; justSavedAsDraftManually = false; } } function addEmail(to,email) { //alert(to+': '+email); var tableBody = document.getElementById('addressRows'); var tableRows = tableBody.getElementsByTagName('tr'); var lastRow = tableRows[tableRows.length-1]; var inputElements = lastRow.getElementsByTagName('input'); // look for empty fields above to fill in for(rowCounter = tableRows.length-1; rowCounter > 0; rowCounter--) { var rowBefore = tableRows[rowCounter-1]; var inputBefore = rowBefore.getElementsByTagName('input'); if(inputBefore[0].value == '') { lastRow = rowBefore; inputElements = inputBefore; } else { continue; } } if (inputElements[0].value != '') // last row not empty --> create new { addAddressRow(lastRow); lastRow = tableRows[tableRows.length-1]; inputElements = lastRow.getElementsByTagName('input'); } // fill with email and set selectbox inputElements[0].value = email; var selectElements = lastRow.getElementsByTagName('select'); selectElements[0].selectedIndex = to == 'cc' ? 1 : (to == 'bcc' ? 2 : 0); // add a new empty last row if there is no empty one at all lastRow = tableRows[tableRows.length-1]; inputElements = lastRow.getElementsByTagName('input'); if (inputElements[0].value != '') { addAddressRow(lastRow); } } function addAddressRow(_tableRow) { // the table body var tableBody = _tableRow.parentNode; // all table rows var tableRows = tableBody.getElementsByTagName('tr'); var newTableRow = _tableRow.cloneNode(true); var inputElements = newTableRow.getElementsByTagName('input'); var spanElements = newTableRow.getElementsByTagName('span'); var tdElements = newTableRow.getElementsByTagName('td'); //alert(inputElements.length); inputElements[0].value = ''; inputElements[0].disabled = false; inputElements[0].style.width = '99%'; for(i=0; i 4) { neededHeight = singleRowHeight*4; } else { neededHeight = singleRowHeight*tableRows.length; } document.getElementById('addressDIV').style.height = neededHeight+'px'; document.getElementById('addressDIV').scrollTop = document.getElementById('addressTable').clientHeight; } function fm_compose_addAttachmentRow(_tableRow) { // the table body var tableBody = _tableRow.parentNode; // all table rows var tableRows = tableBody.getElementsByTagName('tr'); var newTableRow = _tableRow.cloneNode(true); var inputElements = newTableRow.getElementsByTagName('input'); //alert(inputElements.length); // inputElements[0].value = ''; if(tableRows.length < 5) { tableBody.appendChild(newTableRow); } // inputElements[0].focus(); singleRowHeight = _tableRow.clientHeight; if (singleRowHeight == 0) singleRowHeight = 20; if(tableRows.length > 4) { neededHeight = singleRowHeight*4; } else { neededHeight = singleRowHeight*tableRows.length; } //document.getElementById('addressDIV').style.height = neededHeight+'px'; //document.getElementById('addressDIV').scrollTop = document.getElementById('addressTable').clientHeight; } function deleteTableRow(_imageObject) { // the table body tableBody = document.getElementById('addressRows'); // all table rows tableRows = tableBody.getElementsByTagName('tr'); if(tableRows.length > 4) { // the row where the clicked image is located tableRow = _imageObject.parentNode.parentNode; // the table body tableBody = document.getElementById('addressRows'); tableBody.removeChild(tableRow); singleRowHeight = tableRows[0].clientHeight; if (singleRowHeight == 0) singleRowHeight = 20; if(tableRows.length > 4) { neededHeight = singleRowHeight*4; } else { neededHeight = singleRowHeight*tableRows.length; } document.getElementById('addressDIV').style.height = neededHeight+'px'; } else { // the row where the clicked image is located tableRow = _imageObject.parentNode.parentNode; var inputElements = tableRow.getElementsByTagName('input'); inputElements[0].value = ''; } } function getPosLeft(_node) { var left=0; if(_node.offsetParent) { while (_node.offsetParent) { left += _node.offsetLeft; _node = _node.offsetParent; } } else if (_node.x) { left += _node.x; } return left; } function getPosTop(_node) { var top=0; if(_node.offsetParent) { while (_node.offsetParent) { top += _node.offsetTop; if(_node.parentNode.scrollTop) { top -= _node.parentNode.scrollTop } _node = _node.offsetParent; } } else if (_node.y) { left += _node.y; } return top; } function hideResultBox() { var resultBox; resultBox = document.getElementById('resultBox'); resultBox.className = 'resultBoxHidden'; //document.title='Search finnished'; resultboxVisible=false; } function initResultBox(_inputField) { //var resultBox; currentInputField = _inputField; //document.title = resultRows.length; //document.title = "TEST"; //resultBox = document.getElementById("resultBox"); startCapturingEvents(keypressed); } function displayResultBox() { var top=0; var left=0; var width=0; var resultBox; //document.title='Search finnished'; selectedSuggestion = -1; resultBox = document.getElementById('resultBox'); if(searchActive) { top = getPosTop(currentInputField) + currentInputField.offsetHeight; left = getPosLeft(currentInputField); width = currentInputField.clientWidth; resultBox.style.top=top + 'px'; resultBox.style.left=left + 'px'; resultBox.style.width=width + 'px'; resultBox.scrollTop=0; resultBox.style.zIndex=100000; resultBox.className = 'resultBoxVisible'; } resultRows = resultBox.getElementsByTagName('div'); resultboxVisible=true; } function startCapturingEvents(_callback) { document.onkeydown = keyDown; keyDownCallback=_callback; // nur fuer NS4 //if (document.layers) { // document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS); //} } function stopCapturingEvents() { document.onkeydown = null; delete currentKeyCode; hideResultBox(); } function keypressed(keycode, keyvalue) { if(liveSearchTimer) { window.clearTimeout(liveSearchTimer); } //_pressed = new Date().getTime(); switch (keycode) { // case KEYCODE_LEFT: case KEYCODE_UP: if(selectedSuggestion > 0) { selectSuggestion(selectedSuggestion-1); } else { selectSuggestion(resultRows.length-1); } break; // case KEYCODE_RIGHT: case KEYCODE_DOWN: //document.title='down '+selectedSuggestion; //if(selectedSuggestion) { if(resultboxVisible) { //document.title='is selected'; if(selectedSuggestion < resultRows.length-1) { selectSuggestion(selectedSuggestion+1); } else { selectSuggestion(0); } } break; case KEYCODE_ENTER: if(resultboxVisible) { currentInputField.value = results[selectedSuggestion]; hideResultBox(); } focusToNextInputField(); searchActive=false; break; case KEYCODE_ESC: hideResultBox(); break; case KEYCODE_TAB: if(resultboxVisible) { if( selectedSuggestion < resultRows.length-1) { selectSuggestion(selectedSuggestion+1); } else { selectSuggestion(0); } } else { rv = focusToNextInputField(); if (rv == 'fm_compose_subject') { currentKeyCode = 13; //alert(currentKeyCode); } } break; case KEYCODE_ALT: case KEYCODE_SHIFT: break; default: //_setValue(-1); liveSearchTimer = window.setTimeout('startLiveSearch()', keyboardTimeout); if(!currentInputField.parentNode.parentNode.nextSibling) { addAddressRow(currentInputField.parentNode.parentNode); } hideResultBox(); } } function keyDown(e) { var pressedKeyID = document.all ? window.event.keyCode : e.which; var pressedKey = String.fromCharCode(pressedKeyID).toLowerCase(); currentKeyCode=pressedKeyID; if(keyDownCallback!=null) { keyDownCallback(pressedKeyID, pressedKey); } } function startLiveSearch() { if(currentInputField.value.length > 2) { fm_blink_currentInputField(); searchActive=true; //document.title='Search started'; xajax_doXMLHTTP("felamimail.ajax_contacts.searchAddress",currentInputField.value); } } function selectSuggestion(_selectedSuggestion) { selectedSuggestion = _selectedSuggestion; for(i=0; i30) { _text = _text.substring(0,30) + '...'; } document.title = _text; } function focusToNextInputField() { var nextRow; if(nextRow = currentInputField.parentNode.parentNode.nextSibling) { if(nextRow.nodeType == 3) { inputElements = nextRow.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('input'); inputElements[0].focus(); } else { inputElements = nextRow.getElementsByTagName('input'); inputElements[0].focus(); } return 'addressinput'; } else { document.getElementById('fm_compose_subject').focus(); //document.doit.fm_compose_subject.focus(); return 'fm_compose_subject'; } } function focusToPrevInputField() { var prevRow; if(prevRow = currentInputField.parentNode.parentNode.previousSibling) { if(prevRow.nodeType == 3) { inputElements = prevRow.previousSibling.getElementsByTagName('input'); inputElements[0].focus(); } else { inputElements = prevRow.getElementsByTagName('input'); inputElements[0].focus(); } } else { document.getElementById('fm_compose_subject').focus(); //document.doit.fm_compose_subject.focus(); } } function keyDownSubject(keycode, keyvalue) { } function startCaptureEventSubjects(_inputField) { _inputField.onkeydown = keyDown; keyDownCallback = keyDownSubject; } function fm_compose_selectFolder() { egw_openWindowCentered(folderSelectURL,'fm_compose_selectFolder','350','500',window.outerWidth/2,window.outerHeight/2); } function OnLoadingStart(_nodeID) { return true; } function onNodeSelect(_folderName) { opener.fm_compose_setFolderSelectValue(_folderName); self.close(); } function fm_compose_changeInputType(_selectBox) { var selectBoxRow = _selectBox.parentNode.parentNode; var inputElements = selectBoxRow.getElementsByTagName('input'); var spanElements = selectBoxRow.getElementsByTagName('span'); var tdElements = selectBoxRow.getElementsByTagName('td'); if(_selectBox.value == 'folder') { inputElements[0].value = ''; for(i=0; i"; plaineditor.value= ''; xajax_doXMLHTTP("felamimail.ajaxfelamimail.toggleEditor", composeID, existingAscii, 'simple'); htmlFlag.value = "1"; mimeType.value = "html"; } else { //Copy the current HTML data and recode it via a XAJAX request var existingHtml = ckeditor.getData(); var ckeditor_span = document.getElementById('cke_body'); //ckeditor.config.scayt_autoStartup = false; ckeditor.setData(' ',function(){this.checkDirty();},true); //Hide the old editor ckeditor_span.style.display = "none"; // we need to destroy the ckeditor, as the/a submit is using the content of the ckeditor instance for content of body ckeditor.destroy(); xajax_doXMLHTTP("felamimail.ajaxfelamimail.toggleEditor", composeID, existingHtml, 'ascii'); htmlFlag.value = "0"; mimeType.value = "text"; setupPlainEditor(plaineditor, editorArea.style.height); } showAjaxLoader(editorArea); } function setupPlainEditor(plaineditor, height) { if (plaineditor) { //Do some presets on the new editor plaineditor.style.width = "99%"; plaineditor.style.height = height; plaineditor.style.borderWidth = "1px"; plaineditor.style.borderStyle = "solid"; plaineditor.style.borderColor = "gray"; plaineditor.style.margin = "1px"; plaineditor.value = ''; } } function showAjaxLoader(elem) { if (elem) { elem.style.display = "block"; elem.style.backgroundImage = "url(phpgwapi/templates/default/images/ajax-loader.gif)"; elem.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; elem.style.backgroundPosition = "center"; } } function hideAjaxLoader(elem) { if (elem) { elem.style.display = "inline"; elem.style.backgroundImage = ""; } } function showPlainEditor(_content) { var plaineditor = document.getElementsByName('body')[0]; //Toggle the plain editor visiblity plaineditor.style.visibility = "visible"; plaineditor.style.display = "block"; plaineditor.value = _content; plaineditor.focus(); hideAjaxLoader(document.getElementById('editorArea')); } function showHTMLEditor(_content) { var ckeditor = CKEDITOR.instances['body']; var ckeditor_span = document.getElementById('cke_body'); //Set the new content ckeditor.setData(_content); //alert((typeof scaytStartup)+'->'+ scaytStartup); ckeditor.focus(); if ( typeof scaytStartup == boolean ) ckeditor.config.scayt_autoStartup = scaytStartup; //Toggle the plain editor visiblity ckeditor_span.style.display = 'block'; hideAjaxLoader(document.getElementById('editorArea')); } function removeFCK(fieldId) { /* var configElement = document.getElementById(fieldId+'___Config'); var frameElement = document.getElementById(fieldId+'___Frame');*/ //var textarea = document.forms[this].elements[fieldId]; var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[fieldId]; //if (editor!=null && configElement && frameElement && configElement.parentNode==textarea.parentNode && frameElement.parentNode==textarea.parentNode && document.removeChild) if (editor!=null/* && configElement && frameElement && document.removeChild*/) { /* editor.UpdateLinkedField(); configElement.parentNode.removeChild(configElement); frameElement.parentNode.removeChild(frameElement); //textarea.style.display = ''; delete FCKeditorAPI.Instances[fieldId]; delete editor;*/ editor.destroy(false); // delete editor; } } function changeIdentity(SelectedId) { // we do the old style (just changing the id, (to be inserted after compose before sending)) // but setSignature may try to initiate a switch of the signature within the email body if conditions match xajax_doXMLHTTP("felamimail.ajaxfelamimail.setComposeSignature", SelectedId.value); } function setSignature(SelectedId) { //alert("IS:"+document.getElementById('mySigID').value); var sigBox = document.getElementById('mySigID'); currentSig = sigBox.value; for (i = 0; i < document.doit.signatureID.length; ++i) if (document.doit.signatureID.options[i].value == SelectedId) { document.doit.signatureID.options[i].selected = true; document.getElementById('mySigID').value = SelectedId; } //else // document.doit.signatureID.options[i].selected = false; //alert("Now:"+document.getElementById('mySigID').value); var sigBox = document.getElementById('signatureID'); //alert(sigBox); // if we find the id, signature is inserted at the top of the message on compose start. // so we try toi switch, ... if (sigBox == null) { } else { // we try to change the signature if (currentSig != SelectedId) fm_compose_changeSignature(currentSig,SelectedId); } }