<?php /**************************************************************************\ * eGroupWare - InfoLog Links * * http://www.egroupware.org * * Written by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker@outdoor-training.de> * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['included_classes']['solink'] = True; /*! @class solink @author ralfbecker @copyright GPL - GNU General Public License @abstract generalized linking between entries of eGroupware apps - DB layer @discussion This class is to access the links in the DB<br> Links have to ends each pointing two an entry, each entry is a double:<br> app app-name or directory-name of an egw application, eg. 'infolog'<br> id this is the id, eg. an integer or a tupple like '0:INBOX:1234' @note All vars passed to this class are run either through addslashes or intval to prevent query insertion and to get pgSql 7.3 compatibility. */ class solink // DB-Layer { var $public_functions = array ( 'link' => True, 'get_links' => True, 'unlink' => True, 'chown' => True, 'get_link' => True ); var $db; var $user; var $link_table = 'phpgw_links'; var $debug; /*! @function solink @syntax solink( ) @author ralfbecker @abstract constructor */ function solink( ) { $this->db = clone($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db); $this->db->set_app('infolog'); $this->user = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']; } /*! @function link @syntax link( $app1,$id1,$app2,$id2,$remark='',$user=0 ) @author ralfbecker @abstract creats a link between $app1,$id1 and $app2,$id2 @param $remark Remark to be saved with the link (defaults to '') @param $owner Owner of the link (defaults to user) @discussion Does NOT check if link already exists @result False (for db or param-error) or link_id for success */ function link( $app1,$id1,$app2,$id2,$remark='',$owner=0,$lastmod=0 ) { if ($this->debug) { echo "<p>solink.link('$app1',$id1,'$app2',$id2,'$remark',$owner)</p>\n"; } if ($app1 == $app2 && $id1 == $id2 || $id1 == '' || $id2 == '' || $app1 == '' || $app2 == '') { return False; // dont link to self or other nosense } if ($link = $this->get_link($app1,$id1,$app2,$id2)) { return $link['link_id']; // link alread exist } if (!$owner) { $owner = $this->user; } return $this->db->insert($this->link_table,array( 'link_app1' => $app1, 'link_id1' => $id1, 'link_app2' => $app2, 'link_id2' => $id2, 'link_remark' => $remark, 'link_lastmod' => $lastmod ? $lastmod : time(), 'link_owner' => $owner, ),False,__LINE__,__FILE__) ? $this->db->get_last_insert_id($this->link_table,'link_id') : false; } /*! @function get_links @syntax get_links( $app,$id,$only_app='',$only_name='',$order='link_lastmod DESC' ) @author ralfbecker @abstract returns array of links to $app,$id @param $only_app if set return only links from $only_app (eg. only addressbook-entries) or NOT from if $only_app[0]=='!' @param $order defaults to newest links first @result array of links (only_app: ids) or empty array if no matching links found */ function get_links( $app,$id,$only_app='',$order='link_lastmod DESC' ) { if ($this->debug) { echo "<p>solink.get_links($app,$id,$only_app,$order)</p>\n"; } $links = array(); $this->db->select($this->link_table,'*',$this->db->expression($this->link_table,'(',array( 'link_app1' => $app, 'link_id1' => $id, ),') OR (',array( 'link_app2' => $app, 'link_id2' => $id, ),')' ),__LINE__,__FILE__,False,$order ? " ORDER BY $order" : ''); $this->db->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__); if ($not_only = $only_app[0] == '!') { $only_app = substr($only_app,1); } while ($this->db->next_record()) { $row = $this->db->Record; if ($row['link_app1'] == $app AND $row['link_id1'] == $id) { $link = array( 'app' => $row['link_app2'], 'id' => $row['link_id2'] ); } else { $link = array( 'app' => $row['link_app1'], 'id' => $row['link_id1'] ); } if ($only_app && $not_only == ($link['app'] == $only_app) || !$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['apps'][$link['app']]) { continue; } $link['remark'] = $row['link_remark']; $link['owner'] = $row['link_owner']; $link['lastmod'] = $row['link_lastmod']; $link['link_id'] = $row['link_id']; $links[] = $only_app && !$not_only ? $link['id'] : $link; } return $links; } /*! @function get_link @syntax get_link( $app_link_id,$id='',$app2='',$id2='' ) @author ralfbecker @abstract returns data of a link @param $app_link_id > 0 link_id of link or app-name of link @param $id,$app2,$id2 other param of the link if not link_id given @result array with link-data or False */ function get_link($app_link_id,$id='',$app2='',$id2='') { if ($this->debug) { echo "<p>solink.get_link('$app_link_id',$id,'$app2','$id2')</p>\n"; } if ((int) $app_link_id > 0) { $where = array('link_id' => $app_link_id); } else { if ($app_link_id == '' || $id == '' || $app2 == '' || $id2 == '') { return False; } $vars2addslashes = array('app_link_id','id','app2','id2'); foreach ($vars2addslashes as $var) { $$var = $this->db->db_addslashes($$var); } $where = $this->db->expression($this->link_table,'(',array( 'link_app1' => $app_link_id, 'link_id1' => $id, 'link_app2' => $app2, 'link_id2' => $id2, ),') OR (',array( 'link_app2' => $app_link_id, 'link_id2' => $id, 'link_app1' => $app2, 'link_id1' => $id2, ),')'); } $this->db->select($this->link_table,'*',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__); if ($this->db->next_record()) { if ($this->debug) { _debug_array($this->db->Record); } return $this->db->Record; } return False; } /*! @function unlink @syntax unlink( $link_id,$app='',$id='',$owner='',$app2='',$id2='' ) @author ralfbecker @abstract Remove link with $link_id or all links matching given params @param $link_id link-id to remove if > 0 @param $app,$id,$owner,$app2,$id2 if $link_id <= 0: removes all links matching the non-empty params @result the number of links deleted */ function unlink($link_id,$app='',$id='',$owner='',$app2='',$id2='') { if ($this->debug) { echo "<p>solink.unlink($link_id,$app,$id,$owner,$app2,$id2)</p>\n"; } $sql = "DELETE FROM $this->link_table WHERE "; if ((int)$link_id > 0) { $where = array('link_id' => $link_id); } elseif ($app == '' AND $owner == '') { return 0; } else { if ($app != '' && $app2 == '') { $check1 = array('link_app1' => $app); $check2 = array('link_app2' => $app); if ($id != '') { $check1['link_id1'] = $id; $check2['link_id2'] = $id; } $where = $this->db->expression($this->link_table,'((',$check1,') OR (',$check2,'))'); } elseif ($app != '' && $app2 != '') { $where = $this->db->expression($this->link_table,'((',array( 'link_app1' => $app, 'link_id1' => $id, 'link_app2' => $app2, 'link_id2' => $id2, ),') OR (',array( 'link_app1' => $app2, 'link_id1' => $id2, 'link_app2' => $app, 'link_id2' => $id, ),')'); } if ($owner != '') { if ($app) $where = array($where); $where['link_owner'] = $owner; } } $this->db->delete($this->link_table,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__); return $this->db->affected_rows(); } /*! @function chown @syntax chown( $owner,$new_owner ) @author ralfbecker @abstract Changes ownership of all links from $owner to $new_owner @discussion This is needed when a user/account gets deleted @discussion Does NOT change the modification-time @result the number of links changed */ function chown($owner,$new_owner) { if ((int)$owner <= 0 || (int) $new_owner) { return 0; } $this->db->update($this->link_table,array('owner'=>$new_owner),array('owner'=>$owner),__LINE__,__FILE__); return $this->db->affected_rows(); } }