 * EGroupware - Home - user interface
 * @link www.egroupware.org
 * @author Nathan Gray
 * @copyright (c) 2013 by Nathan Gray
 * @package home
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @version $Id$

use EGroupware\Api;
use EGroupware\Api\Framework;
use EGroupware\Api\Etemplate;

 * General user interface object of the Home app
 * For the purposes of the Home application, a Portlet is [part of] an application that provides
 * a specific piece of content to be included as part of the Home page.
 * See /home/js/Portlet.js.
 * While Home is not WSRP complient, it does use many of the ideas, and may someday be,
 * if someone wants to fully implement it.
 * @link http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrp/v2/wsrp-2.0-spec-os-01.html
class home_ui

	public $public_functions = array(
		'index' => true

	 * Main UI - generates the container, and aggregates all
	 * the portlets from the applications
	public function index()

		// CSS for Gridster grid layout

		$template = new Etemplate('home.index');

		// Get a list of portlets
		$content = array(
			'portlets' => $this->get_user_portlets($template)

		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('home');
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = 'home';

		//  home screen message
		$greeting = Api\Translation::translate('mainscreen_message',false,'');

		if($greeting == 'mainscreen_message'|| empty($greeting))
			Api\Translation::add_app('mainscreen','en');    // trying the en one
			$greeting = Api\Translation::translate('mainscreen_message',false,'');
		if(!($greeting == 'mainscreen_message'|| empty($greeting)))
			$content['mainscreen_message'] = $greeting;

		$template->exec('home.home_ui.index', $content);

		// Now run the portlets themselves
		$attrs = array();
		foreach($content['portlets'] as $portlet => $p_data)
			$id = $p_data['id'];

				$portlet = $this->get_portlet($id, $p_data, $content, $attrs, true);
			catch (Exception $e)



	 * Get a list of actions on the whole home page.  Each portlet also has
	 * its own actions
	 * @return array of actions
	protected function get_actions()
		$portlets = $this->get_portlet_list();
		$add_portlets = $portlets;
		$change_for_add = function(&$add_portlets) use (&$change_for_add)
			foreach($add_portlets as $id => &$add)
				if($id && !$add['children'])
					$add['id'] = 'add_' . $id;
					$add['class'] = 'add_'.$id;
		$actions = array(
			'add' => array(
				'type'	=> 'popup',
				'caption'	=> 'Add',
				'onExecute'	=> 'javaScript:app.home.add',
				'children'	=> $add_portlets
			// Favorites are sortable which needs special handling

		// Add all known portlets as drop actions too.  If there are multiple matches, there will be a menu
		$drop_execute = 'javaScript:app.home.add_from_drop';
		foreach($portlets as $app => &$children)
			// Home portlets - uses link system, so all apps that support that are accepted
				$children['class'] = $app;
				$children['onExecute'] = $drop_execute;
				$children['type'] = 'drop';
				$actions["drop_$app"] = $children;
				foreach($children['children'] as $portlet => $app_portlet)
					if(!is_array($app_portlet)) continue;
					$app_portlet['class'] = $portlet;
					$app_portlet['id'] = 'drop_' . $app_portlet['id'];
					$app_portlet['onExecute'] = $drop_execute;
					$app_portlet['acceptedTypes'] = $app;
					$app_portlet['type'] = 'drop';
					$actions["drop_$portlet"] = $app_portlet;

		// For admins, add the ability to set current home as a default
		return $actions;

	 * Get a list of the user's portlets, and their associated values & settings, for display
	 * Actual portlet content is provided by each portlet.
	 * @param template etemplate so attributes can be set
	protected function get_user_portlets(Etemplate &$template)
		$portlets = array();

		foreach((array)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['home']as $id => $context)
			if(strpos($id,'portlet_') !== 0 || // Not a portlet
				in_array($id, array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'])) || // Some other app put it's pref in here
				!is_array($context) // Not a valid portlet (probably user deleted a default)
			) continue;

			$classname = $context['class'];

			// Avoid portlets for apps user can't use (eg. from defaults/forced)
			list($app,$other) = explode('_',$classname);
			if(!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$app]) $app .='_'.$other;
			if(!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'][$app]) {

			$portlet = new $classname($context);
			$desc = $portlet->get_description();
			$portlet_content = array(
					'id'   => $id,
					'type' => $portlet->get_type()
				) + $desc + $context;

			// Get settings
			// Exclude common attributes changed through UI and settings lacking a type
			$settings = $portlet->get_properties();
			foreach($settings as $key => $setting)
				if(is_array($setting) && !array_key_exists('type', $setting))
			$settings += $context;
			foreach(home_portlet::$common_attributes as $attr)
			$portlet_content['settings'] = $settings;
			if(method_exists($portlet, "get_value"))
				$portlet_content['value'] = $portlet->get_value();

			// Set actions
			// Must be after settings so actions can take settings into account
			$actions = $portlet->get_actions();

			// Add in default for admins
			self::create_default_actions($actions, $id);

			$template->setElementAttribute("portlets[" . count($portlets) . "[$id]", 'actions', $actions);

			$portlets[] = $portlet_content;

		// Add in legacy HTML home bits
		// TODO: DOM IDs still collide
		$this->get_legacy_portlets($portlets, $attributes);

		return $portlets;

	 * Load the needed info for one portlet, given the context
	 * @param context Array Settings to customize the portlet instance (size, entry, etc)
	 * 	These are specific values for the portlet's properties.
	 * @param content String HTML fragment to be displayed - will be set by the portlet
	 * @param attributes Array Settings that can be customized on a per-portlet basis - will be set
	 * @param full_exec Boolean If set, the portlet etemplates should use mode 2, if not use mode -1
	 * @return home_portlet The portlet object that created the content
	protected function get_portlet($id, &$context, &$content, &$attributes, $full_exec = false)
		if(!$context['class']) $context['class'] = 'home_link_portlet';

		// This should be set already, but just in case the execution path
		// is different from normal...
			$GLOBALS['egw']->framework->response = Api\Json\Response::get();

		$classname = $context['class'];
		$portlet = new $classname($context, $full_exec);

		$desc = $portlet->get_description();

		// Pre-set up etemplate so it only needs done once
		$etemplate = new Etemplate();

		// Exclude common attributes changed through UI and settings lacking a type
		$settings = $portlet->get_properties();
		foreach($settings as $key => $setting)
			if(is_array($setting) && !array_key_exists('type',$setting)) unset($settings[$key]);
		$settings += $context;
		foreach(home_portlet::$common_attributes as $attr)

		$attributes = array(
			'title'    => $desc['title'],
			'color'    => $settings['color'] ?: "",
			'settings' => $settings,
			'actions'  => $portlet->get_actions(),
		// Add in default settings
		self::create_default_actions($attributes['actions'], $id);

		// Set any provided common attributes (size, etc)
		foreach(home_portlet::$common_attributes as $name)
			if(array_key_exists($name, $context))
				$attributes[$name] = $context[$name];
		foreach($attributes as $attr => $value)
			$etemplate->setElementAttribute($id, $attr, $value);

		// Make sure custom javascript is loaded
		$appname = $context['appname'];
			list($app) = explode('_',$classname);
				$appname = $app;
		//Framework::includeJS('', $classname, $appname ? $appname : 'home');

			$content = $portlet->exec($id, $etemplate, $full_exec ? 2 : -1);

		return $portlet;

	 * Get a list of pre-etemplate2 home hook content according to the individual
	 * application preferences.  If we find a preference that indicates the user
	 * wants some content, we make a portlet for that app using the home_legacy_portlet,
	 * which fetches content from the home hook.
	protected function get_legacy_portlets(&$content, &$attributes)
		$sorted_apps = array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']);
		$portal_oldvarnames = array('mainscreen_showevents', 'homeShowEvents','homeShowLatest','mainscreen_showmail','mainscreen_showbirthdays','mainscreen_show_new_updated', 'homepage_display');

		foreach($sorted_apps as $appname)
			// If there's already [new] settings, or no preference, skip it
			if($content[$appname]) continue;
			$no_pref = true;
			foreach($portal_oldvarnames as $varcheck)
				$thisd = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'][$appname][$varcheck];
					$no_pref = false;
			if($no_pref || !Api\Hooks::exists('home', $appname))
			$context = array(
				'class' => 'home_legacy_portlet',
				'app'   => $appname,
				'type'  => 'et2-portlet',
				'width' => 8, 'height' => 3
			$_content = '';
			$_attributes = array();
			$this->get_portlet($appname, $context, $_content, $_attributes);
				$content[$appname] = $_content;
				$attributes[$appname] = $_attributes;

	 * Get a list of all available portlets for add menu
	protected function get_portlet_list()
		$list = Api\Cache::getTree('home', 'portlet_classes', function() {
			$list = array();
			$classes = array();

			// Ignore some problem files and base classes that shouldn't be options
			$ignore = array(
			// Look through all known classes for portlets - for now, they need 'portlet' in the file name
			foreach(array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']) as $appname)
				if(in_array($appname, array('phpgwapi', 'felamimail'))) continue;
				$files = (array)@scandir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/'.$appname .'/inc/');
				if(!$files) continue;

				foreach($files as $entry)
					if (!in_array($entry, $ignore) && substr($entry,-8) == '.inc.php' && strpos($entry,'portlet'))
						list(,$classname) = explode('.', $entry);
						if(class_exists($classname) &&
							in_array('home_portlet', class_parents($classname, false)))
							$classes[$appname][] = $classname;
							error_log("Could not load $classname from $entry");

				if(!$classes[$appname]) continue;

				// Build 'Add' actions for each discovered portlet.
				// Portlets from other apps go in sub-actions
				$add_to =& $list;
				if($classes[$appname] && $appname != 'home')
					$list[$appname] = array(
						'caption' => lang($appname),
					$add_to =& $list[$appname]['children'];
				foreach($classes[$appname] as $portlet)
					$context = ['id' => $portlet];
					$instance = new $portlet($context);
					$desc = $instance->get_description();

					$add_to[$portlet] = array(
						'id'              => $portlet,
						'caption'         => $desc['displayName'],
						'hint'            => $desc['description'],
						'appname'         => $appname,
						'onExecute'       => 'javaScript:app.home.add',
						'acceptedTypes'   => $instance->accept_drop(),
						'allowOnMultiple' => $instance->accept_multiple()

			return $list;
		}, array(), 60);

		// Filter list by current user's permissions
		foreach(array_keys($list) as $appname)
			if(in_array($appname, array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']))) {
				if(!in_array($appname, array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'])))
		return $list;

	 * Create an action to set the portlet as default
	 * @param Array $actions Existing action list
	 * @param String $portlet_id Provide the ID to have the checkbox set
	protected static function create_default_actions(&$actions, $portlet_id = null)
			$actions['add_default'] = array(
				'type'		=> 'popup',
				'caption'	=> 'Set as default',
				'onExecute'	=> 'javaScript:app.home.set_default',
				'group'		=> 'Admins',
				'icon'		=> 'preference'
			// Customize for the given portlet
			if($portlet_id !== null)
				foreach(array('forced','group','default') as $location)
					$loc = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->$location;

						// If it's forced, no point in setting default
						if($location == 'forced')
						// If it's a group, we'd like to know which
						if($location == 'group')
							$options = array('account_type' => 'groups');
							$groups = Api\Accounts::link_query('',$options);
							foreach(array_keys($groups) as $gid)
								$prefs = new Api\Preferences($gid);
								if (isset($prefs->user['home'][$portlet_id]))
									$location = $gid;
						$actions['remove_default_'.$location] = array(
							'type'		=> 'popup',
							'caption'	=> lang('Remove as default for %1',is_numeric($location) ? Api\Accounts::id2name($location,'account_fullname') : $location),
							'onExecute'	=> 'javaScript:app.home.set_default',
							'group'		=> 'Admins',
							'portlet_group' => $location

		// Change action for forced
		if($portlet_id && $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->forced['home'][$portlet_id])
			// No one can remove it
			$actions['remove_portlet']['enabled'] = false;
			$actions['remove_portlet']['caption'] .= ' ('.lang('Forced') .')';

			// Non-admins can't edit it
			if($actions['edit_settings'] && !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])
				$actions['edit_settings']['enabled'] = false;
				$actions['edit_settings']['visible'] = false;

	 * Update the settings for a particular portlet, and give updated content
	 * @param portlet_id String Unique ID (for the user) for a portlet
	 * @param values Array List of property => value pairs
	 * @param boolean|int|String $group False for current user, ID of the group to create the favorite for, or 'all' for all users
	public function ajax_set_properties($portlet_id, $attributes, $values, $group = false)
		//error_log(__METHOD__ . "($portlet_id, " .array2string($attributes).','.array2string($values).",$group)");
			$attributes = array();

			if($group == 'forced')
				// Quietly reject
			// Not an admin, can only override.
			$group = false;
		if($group && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])
			$prefs = new Api\Preferences(is_numeric($group) ? $group : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']);
			$prefs = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences;
		$type = is_numeric($group) ? "user" : $group;


		$response = Api\Json\Response::get();

		if($values =='~reload~')
			$full_exec = true;
			$values = array();
		if($values == '~remove~')
			// Already removed client side, needs to be removed permanently
			$default = $prefs->default_prefs('home',$portlet_id) || $prefs->group['home'][$portlet_id];

				// Can't delete forced - not a UI option though
					// Set a flag to override default instead of just delete
					$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->add('home',$portlet_id, 'deleted');
				$prefs->delete('home', $portlet_id);
			$pref_data = $prefs->read();
			$portlets = $pref_data['home'];

			// Remove some constant stuff that winds up here

			// Get portlet settings, and merge new with old
			$context = array_merge((array)$portlets[$portlet_id], $values);
			$context['group'] = $group;

			// Handle add IDs
			$classname =& $context['class'];
			if(strpos($classname,'add_') == 0 && !class_exists($classname))
				$add = true;
				$classname = substr($classname, 4);
			$content = null;
			$portlet = $this->get_portlet("home-index_portlets_" . $portlet_id, $context, $content, $attributes, $full_exec);

			$context['class'] = get_class($portlet);
			foreach($portlet->get_properties() as $property)
					$context[$property['name']] = $values[$property['name']];
					$context[$property['name']] = $portlets[$portlet_id][$property['name']];

			// Update client side
			$update = array('attributes' => $attributes);
			if($content && is_array($content))
				$update['attributes'] = array_merge_recursive($update['attributes'], $content);

			// New portlet?  Flag going straight to edit mode
				$update['edit_settings'] = true;
			// Send this back to the portlet widget

			// Store for preference update
			$prefs->add('home', $portlet_id, $context, $type);

		// Save updated preferences

	 * Set the selected portlets as default for a group
	 * @param String $action 'add' or 'delete'
	 * @param String[] $portlet_ids
	 * @param int|String $group Group ID or 'default' or 'forced'
	public static function ajax_set_default($action, $portlet_ids, $group)
		// Admins only
		if(!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['admin']) return;

		// Load the appropriate group
			$prefs = new Api\Preferences(is_numeric($group) ? $group : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']);
			$prefs = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences;

		$type = is_numeric($group) ? "user" : $group;

		if($action == 'add')
			foreach($portlet_ids as $id)
				Api\Json\Response::get()->call('egw.message', lang("Set default"));
				// Current user is setting the default, copy their settings
				$settings = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['home'][$id];
				$settings['group'] = $group;

				// Remove user's copy
		else if ($action == "delete")
			foreach($portlet_ids as $id)
				Api\Json\Response::get()->call('egw.message', lang("Removed default"));
				$prefs->delete('home',$id, $type);

		// Update Api\Preferences client side for consistency
		$prefs = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences;
		$pref = $prefs->read_repository();
		Api\Json\Response::get()->call('egw.set_preferences', (array)$pref['home'], 'home');

	 * Name of config var to store installed default home screen
	const HOME_VERSION = 'home_version';
	 * Current version of home screen, there need to be a function matching that number!
	const CURRENT_HOME_VERSION = '14.3';

	 * Setup default home screen for 14.2
	public static function setup_default_home_14_3()
		$preferences = $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences;
		$lang = $preferences->default['common']['lang'];
		if (empty($lang)) $lang = 'en';

		Api\Translation::add_app('calendar', $lang);
		$weekview = lang('Weekview');

		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['news_admin'])
			$cats = new Api\Categories('', 'news_admin');
			$cat_id_egw_org_news = $cats->name2id('egroupware.org');

		$app_prefs = array(
			'home' => array(
				// current users week favorite
				'portlet_setup142w' => array(
					'id' => 'portlet_setup-142wp',
					'class' => 'calendar_favorite_portlet',
					'row' => 7,
					'col' => 1,
					'width' => 7,
					'height' => 5,
					'color' => '',
					'favorite' => array(
						'name' => $weekview,
						'group' => 'default',
						'state' => array(
							'cat_id' => '0',
							'filter' => 'default',
							'owner' => 0,	// current user
							'sortby' => 'user',
							'planner_days' => '0',
							'view' => 'week',
							'listview_days' => '',
					'title' => $weekview,
					'group' => 'default',
					'appname' => 'calendar',
				// egroupware.org news
				'portlet_setup142n' => array(
					'row' => 7,
					'col' => 8,
					'width' => 8,
					'height' => 5,
					'color' => '',
					'favorite' => array(
						'name' => 'www.egroupware.org',
						'group' => 'default',
						'state' => array(
							'selected' => array(),
							'col_filter' => array(
								'visible' => 'now',
								'news_lang' => $lang == 'de' ? 'de' : 'en',
								'news_submittedby' => ''
							'filter' => $cat_id_egw_org_news,
							'filter2' => 'content',
							'search' => '',
							'sort' => array(
								'id' => 'news_date',
								'asc' => false
					'id' => 'portlet_setup142n',
					'class' => 'news_admin_favorite_portlet',
					'title' => 'www.egroupware.org',
					'group' => 'default',
					'appname' => 'news_admin'
		if (empty($cat_id_egw_org_news))
		foreach($app_prefs as $app => $prefs)
			foreach($prefs as $name => $value)
				Api\Preferences::delete_preference($app, $name, 'default');
				$preferences->add($app, $name, $value, 'default');
		// remove tutorial from home, as it is now in sidebox
		Api\Preferences::delete_preference('home', 'portlet_setup142t', 'default');
		$preferences->delete('home', 'portlet_setup142t', 'default');

		// assigning saved preferences to egw_info, which is used for this request
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences'] = $preferences->save_repository(null, 'default');

	 * Check and if necessary setup default home screen
	 * Version of home-screen is stored in api config self::HOME_VERSION
	public static function setup_default_home()
				return;	// already up to date --> nothing to do

				call_user_func(array(__CLASS__, 'setup_default_home_'.str_replace('.', '_', self::CURRENT_HOME_VERSION)));
				Api\Config::save_value(self::HOME_VERSION, self::CURRENT_HOME_VERSION, 'phpgwapi');