* @author Klaus Leithoff * @author Lars Kneschke * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ include_once('Net/Sieve.php'); /** * Support for Sieve scripts */ class emailadmin_sieve extends Net_Sieve { /** * @var object $icServer object containing the information about the imapserver */ var $icServer; /** * @var object $icServer object containing the information about the imapserver */ var $scriptName; /** * @var object $error the last PEAR error object */ var $error; /** * Switch on some error_log debug messages * * @var boolean */ var $debug = false; /** * Constructor * * @param defaultimap $_icServer */ function __construct(defaultimap $_icServer=null) { parent::Net_Sieve(); $this->scriptName = !empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['sieveScriptName']) ? $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['felamimail']['sieveScriptName'] : 'felamimail'; $this->displayCharset = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset(); if (!is_null($_icServer) && $this->_connect($_icServer) === 'die') { die('Sieve not activated'); } } /** * Open connection to the sieve server * * @param defaultimap $_icServer * @param string $euser='' effictive user, if given the Cyrus admin account is used to login on behalf of $euser * @return mixed 'die' = sieve not enabled, false=connect or login failure, true=success */ function _connect($_icServer,$euser='') { if(is_a($_icServer,'defaultimap') && $_icServer->enableSieve) { $sieveHost = $_icServer->host; $sievePort = $_icServer->sievePort; $useTLS = $_icServer->encryption > 0; if ($euser) { $username = $_icServer->adminUsername; $password = $_icServer->adminPassword; } else { $username = $_icServer->loginName; $password = $_icServer->password; } $this->icServer = $_icServer; } else { return 'die'; } if(PEAR::isError($this->error = $this->connect($sieveHost , $sievePort, null, $useTLS) ) ){ if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__.": error in connect($sieveHost,$sievePort): ".$this->error->getMessage()); return false; } if(PEAR::isError($this->error = $this->login($username, $password, null, $euser) ) ){ if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__.": error in login($username,$password,null,$euser): ".$this->error->getMessage()); return false; } return true; } function getRules($_scriptName) { return $this->rules; } function getVacation($_scriptName) { return $this->vacation; } function getEmailNotification($_scriptName) { return $this->emailNotification; } function setRules($_scriptName, $_rules) { if (!$_scriptName) $_scriptName = $this->scriptName; $script = new emailadmin_script($_scriptName); $script->debug = $this->debug; if($script->retrieveRules($this)) { $script->rules = $_rules; $script->updateScript($this); return true; } return false; } function setVacation($_scriptName, $_vacation) { if (!$_scriptName) $_scriptName = $this->scriptName; if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__."($_scriptName,".print_r($_vacation,true).')'); $script = new emailadmin_script($_scriptName); $script->debug = $this->debug; if($script->retrieveRules($this)) { $script->vacation = $_vacation; $script->updateScript($this); // setting up an async job to enable/disable the vacation message $async = new asyncservice(); $user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; $async->delete($async_id ="felamimail-vacation-$user"); $end_date = $_vacation['end_date'] + 24*3600; // end-date is inclusive, so we have to add 24h if ($_vacation['status'] == 'by_date' && time() < $end_date) { $time = time() < $_vacation['start_date'] ? $_vacation['start_date'] : $end_date; $async->set_timer($time,$async_id,'felamimail.bosieve.async_vacation',$_vacation+array('scriptName'=>$_scriptName),$user); } return true; } if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__."($_scriptName,".print_r($_vacation,true).') could not retrieve rules!'); return false; } /** * Set vacation with admin right for an other user, used to async enable/disable vacation * * @param string $_euser * @param string $_scriptName * @param string $_vaction * @return boolean true on success false otherwise */ function setVactionUser($_euser, $_scriptName, $_vaction) { if (!$_scriptName) $_scriptName = $this->scriptName; if ($this->_connect($this->icServer,$_euser) === true) { $this->setVacation($_scriptName,$_vacation); // we need to logout, so further vacation's get processed $error = $this->_cmdLogout(); if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__.' logout '.(PEAR::isError($error) ? 'failed: '.$ret->getMessage() : 'successful')); return true; } return false; } function setEmailNotification($_scriptName, $_emailNotification) { if (!$_scriptName) $_scriptName = $this->scriptName; if ($_emailNotification['externalEmail'] == '' || !preg_match("/\@/",$_emailNotification['externalEmail'])) { $_emailNotification['status'] = 'off'; $_emailNotification['externalEmail'] = ''; } $script = new emailadmin_script($_scriptName); if ($script->retrieveRules($this)) { $script->emailNotification = $_emailNotification; return $script->updateScript($this); } return false; } function retrieveRules($_scriptName) { if (!$_scriptName) $_scriptName = $this->scriptName; $script = new emailadmin_script($_scriptName); if($script->retrieveRules($this)) { $this->rules = $script->rules; $this->vacation = $script->vacation; $this->emailNotification = $script->emailNotification; // Added email notifications return true; } return false; } }