color	home	sl	Barva
displays home	home	sl	Prikaže domačo stran
egroupware	home	sl	eGroupWare
home	home	sl	Domov
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday.	home	sl	V %1 dneh (%2) je rojstni dan %3.
remove	home	sl	Odstrani
set as default	home	sl	Nastavi kot privzeto
there is a new version of egroupware available	home	sl	Na voljo je nova različica eGroupWare-a
today is %1's birthday!	home	sl	Danes ima rojstni dan %1.
tomorrow is %1's birthday.	home	sl	Jutri ima rojstni dan %1.
yes, for the next three days	home	sl	Da, za naslednje tri dni
yes, for the next two weeks	home	sl	Da, za naslednja dva tedna
yes, for the next week	home	sl	Da, za naslednji teden
yes, for today and tomorrow	home	sl	Da, za jutri in pojutrišnjem