* @author Ralf Becker * @author Joerg Lehrke * @package addressbook * @copyright (c) 2005-16 by Ralf Becker * @copyright (c) 2005/6 by Cornelius Weiss * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ use EGroupware\Api; use EGroupware\Api\Acl; /** * Business object for addressbook * * Currently this only contains PGP stuff, which needs to be called via Ajax */ class addressbook_bo extends Api\Contacts { static public $pgp_key_regexp = '/-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----.*-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r?\n/s'; /** * Search addressbook for PGP public keys of given recipients * * EMail addresses are lowercased to make search case-insensitive * * @param string|int|array $recipients (array of) email addresses or numeric account-ids * @return array email|account_id => key pairs */ public function get_pgp_keys($recipients) { return $this->get_keys($recipients, true); } /** * Keyserver URL and CA to verify ssl connection */ const KEYSERVER = 'https://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=get&exact=on&search='; const KEYSERVER_CA = '/addressbook/doc/sks-keyservers.netCA.pem'; /** * Search keyserver for PGP public keys * * @param int|string|array $recipients (array of) email addresses or numeric account-ids * @param array $result =array() */ public static function get_pgp_keyserver($recipients, array $result=array()) { foreach($recipients as $recipient) { $id = $recipient; if (is_numeric($recipient)) { $recipient = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($recipient, 'account_email'); } $matches = null; if (($response = file_get_contents(self::KEYSERVER.urlencode($recipient), false, stream_context_create(array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => true, 'cafile' => EGW_SERVER_ROOT.self::KEYSERVER_CA, ) )))) && preg_match(self::$pgp_key_regexp, $response, $matches)) { $result[$id] = $matches[0]; } } return $result; } /** * Search addressbook for PGP public keys of given recipients * * EMail addresses are lowercased to make search case-insensitive * * @param string|int|array $recipients (array of) email addresses or numeric account-ids * @return array email|account_id => key pairs */ public function ajax_get_pgp_keys($recipients) { if (!$recipients) return array(); if (!is_array($recipients)) $recipients = array($recipients); $result = $this->get_pgp_keys($recipients); if (($missing = array_diff($recipients, array_keys($result)))) { $result = self::get_pgp_keyserver($missing, $result); } //error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($recipients).") returning ".array2string($result)); Api\Json\Response::get()->data($result); } /** * Set PGP keys for given email or account_id, if user has necessary rights * * @param array $keys email|account_id => public key pairs to store * @param boolean $allow_user_updates =null for admins, set config to allow regular users to store their pgp key * @return int number of pgp keys stored */ public function ajax_set_pgp_keys($keys, $allow_user_updates=null) { $message = $this->set_keys($keys, true, $allow_user_updates); // add all keys to public keyserver too $message .= "\n".lang('%1 key(s) added to public keyserver "%2".', self::set_pgp_keyserver($keys), PARSE_URL(self::KEYSERVER_ADD, PHP_URL_HOST)); Api\Json\Response::get()->data($message); } /** * Keyserver add URL */ const KEYSERVER_ADD = 'https://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/add'; /** * Upload PGP keys to public keyserver * * @param array $keys email|account_id => public key pairs to store * @return int number of pgp keys stored */ public static function set_pgp_keyserver($keys) { $added = 0; foreach($keys as $email => $cert) { if (is_numeric($email)) { $email = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($email, 'account_email'); } if (($response = file_get_contents(self::KEYSERVER_ADD, false, stream_context_create(array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => true, 'cafile' => EGW_SERVER_ROOT.self::KEYSERVER_CA, ), 'http' => array( 'header' => "Content-type: text/plain", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => http_build_query(array( 'keytext' => $cert, )), ), ))))) { $added++; } } return $added; } /** * Where to store public key delpending on type and storage backend * * @param boolean $pgp true: PGP, false: S/Mime * @param array $contact =null contact array to pass to get_backend() * @return boolean true: store as file, false: store with contact */ public function pubkey_use_file($pgp, array $contact=null) { return $pgp || empty($contact) || get_class($this->get_backend($contact)) == 'EGroupware\\Api\\Contacts\\Sql'; } /** * Set keys for given email or account_id and key type based on regexp (SMIME or PGP), if user has necessary rights * * @param array $keys email|account_id => public key pairs to store * @param boolean $pgp true: PGP, false: S/Mime * @param boolean $allow_user_updates = null for admins, set config to allow regular users to store their key * * @return string message of the update operation result */ public function set_keys ($keys, $pgp, $allow_user_updates = null) { if (isset($allow_user_updates) && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])) { $update = false; if ($allow_user_updates && !in_array('pubkey', $this->own_account_acl)) { $this->own_account_acl[] = 'pubkey'; $update = true; } elseif (!$allow_user_updates && ($key = array_search('pubkey', $this->own_account_acl)) !== false) { unset($this->own_account_acl[$key]); $update = true; } if ($update) { Config::save_value('own_account_acl', $this->own_account_acl, 'phpgwapi'); } } $key_regexp = $pgp ? self::$pgp_key_regexp : Api\Mail\Smime::$certificate_regexp; $file = $pgp ? Api\Contacts::FILES_PGP_PUBKEY : Api\Contacts::FILES_SMIME_PUBKEY; $criteria = array(); foreach($keys as $recipient => $key) { if (!preg_match($key_regexp, $key)) { return lang('File is not a %1 public key!', $pgp ? lang('PGP') : lang('S/MIME')); } if (is_numeric($recipient)) { $criteria['egw_addressbook.account_id'][] = (int)$recipient; } else { $criteria['contact_email'][] = $recipient; } } if (!$criteria) return 0; $updated = 0; foreach($this->search($criteria, false, '', '', '', false, 'OR') as $contact) { if ($contact['account_id'] && isset($keys[$contact['account_id']])) { $key = $keys[$contact['account_id']]; } elseif (isset($keys[$contact['email']])) { $key = $keys[$contact['email']]; } // key is stored in file for sql backend or allways for pgp key $path = null; if ($contact['id'] && $this->pubkey_use_file($pgp, $contact)) { $path = Api\Link::vfs_path('addressbook', $contact['id'], $file); $contact['files'] |= $pgp ? self::FILES_BIT_PGP_PUBKEY : self::FILES_BIT_SMIME_PUBKEY; // remove evtl. existing old pubkey if (preg_match($key_regexp, $contact['pubkey'])) { $contact['pubkey'] = preg_replace($key_regexp, '', $contact['pubkey']); } $updated++; } elseif (empty($contact['pubkey']) || !preg_match($key_regexp, $contact['pubkey'])) { $contact['pubkey'] .= $key; } else { $contact['pubkey'] = preg_replace($key_regexp, $key, $contact['pubkey']); } if ($this->check_perms(Acl::EDIT, $contact) && $this->save($contact)) { if ($path) { // check_perms && save check ACL, in case of access only via own-account we have to use root to allow the update $backup = Api\Vfs::$is_root; Api\Vfs::$is_root = true; if (file_put_contents($path, $key)) ++$updated; Api\Vfs::$is_root = $backup; } else { ++$updated; } } } if ($criteria == array('egw.addressbook.account_id' => array((int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']))) { $message = !$updated ? lang('Permissiong denied! Ask your administrator to allow regular uses to update their public keys.') : lang('Your new public key has been stored in accounts addressbook.'); } else { $message = !$updated ? false: lang('%1 public keys added.', $updated); } return $message; } /** * Search addressbook for keys of given recipients * * EMail addresses are lowercased to make search case-insensitive * * @param string|int|array $recipients (array of) email addresses or numeric account-ids * @param boolean $pgp true: PGP, false: S/Mime public keys * @return array email|account_id => key pairs */ protected function get_keys ($recipients, $pgp) { if (!$recipients) return array(); if (!is_array($recipients)) $recipients = array($recipients); if ($pgp) { $key_regexp = self::$pgp_key_regexp; $criteria_filter = '%-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----%'; $file = Api\Contacts::FILES_PGP_PUBKEY; } else { $key_regexp = Api\Mail\Smime::$certificate_regexp; $criteria_filter = '%-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----%'; $file = Api\Contacts::FILES_SMIME_PUBKEY; } $criteria = $result = array(); foreach($recipients as &$recipient) { if (is_numeric($recipient)) { $criteria['egw_addressbook.account_id'][] = (int)$recipient; } else { $criteria['contact_email'][] = $recipient = strtolower($recipient); } } foreach($this->search($criteria, array('account_id', 'contact_email', 'contact_pubkey', 'contact_id'), '', '', '', false, 'OR', false, null) as $contact) { $matches = null; // first check for file and second for pubkey field (LDAP, AD or old SQL) if (($content = @file_get_contents(Api\Link::vfs_path('addressbook', $contact['id'], $file))) && preg_match($key_regexp, $content, $matches) || preg_match($key_regexp, $contact['pubkey'], $matches)) { $contact['email'] = strtolower($contact['email']); if (empty($criteria['account_id']) || in_array($contact['email'], $recipients)) { $result[$contact['email']] = $matches[0]; } else { $result[$contact['account_id']] = $matches[0]; } } } return $result; } /** * Search addressbook for SMIME Certificate keys of given recipients * * EMail addresses are lowercased to make search case-insensitive * * @param string|int|array $recipients (array of) email addresses or numeric account-ids * @return array email|account_id => key pairs */ public function get_smime_keys($recipients) { return $this->get_keys($recipients, false); } /** * Set SMIME keys for given email or account_id, if user has necessary rights * * @param array $keys email|account_id => public key pairs to store * @param boolean $allow_user_updates =null for admins, set config to allow regular users to store their smime key * * @return string message of the update operation result */ public function set_smime_keys($keys, $allow_user_updates=null) { return $this->set_keys($keys, false, $allow_user_updates); } }