application phpwebhosting en Application back to file manager phpwebhosting en Back to file manager cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space phpwebhosting en Cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space cannot replace x because it is a directory phpwebhosting en Cannot replace %1 because it is a directory command sucessfully run phpwebhosting en Command sucessfully run comment phpwebhosting en Comment comments cannot contain "x" phpwebhosting en Comments cannot contain "%1" copied x to x phpwebhosting en Copied %1 to %2 copy to phpwebhosting en Copy To copy to: phpwebhosting en Copy to: could not copy x to x phpwebhosting en Could not copy %1 to %2 could not create directory x phpwebhosting en Could not create directory %1 could not create x phpwebhosting en Could not create %1 could not delete x phpwebhosting en Could not delete %1 could not move x to x phpwebhosting en Could not move %1 to %2 could not rename x to x phpwebhosting en Could not rename %1 to %2 could not save x phpwebhosting en Could not save %1 create file phpwebhosting en Create File create folder phpwebhosting en Create Folder created phpwebhosting en Created created by phpwebhosting en Created by created directory x phpwebhosting en Created directory %1 created x phpwebhosting en Created %1 date phpwebhosting en Date default number of upload fields to show phpwebhosting en Default number of upload fields to show delete phpwebhosting en Delete deleted x phpwebhosting en Deleted %1 directory phpwebhosting en Directory directory names cannot contain "x" phpwebhosting en Directory names cannot contain "%1" directory x already exists phpwebhosting en Directory %1 already exists directory x does not exist phpwebhosting en Directory %1 does not exist display attributes phpwebhosting en Display attributes download phpwebhosting en Download edit phpwebhosting en Edit edit comments phpwebhosting en Edit comments error running command phpwebhosting en Error running command execute phpwebhosting en Execute failed to create directory phpwebhosting en failed to create directory file phpwebhosting en File file name phpwebhosting en File Name file names cannot contain "x" phpwebhosting en File names cannot contain "%1" file names cannot contain \\ or / phpwebhosting en File names cannot contain \\ or / file x already exists. please edit it or delete it first. phpwebhosting en File %1 already exists. Please edit it or delete it first. file x could not be created. phpwebhosting en File %1 could not be created. files phpwebhosting en Files folder phpwebhosting en Folder go to phpwebhosting en Go To go to x phpwebhosting en Go to %1 go to your home directory phpwebhosting en Go to your home directory go to: phpwebhosting en Go to: home phpwebhosting en Home locked phpwebhosting en Locked mime type phpwebhosting en MIME Type modified phpwebhosting en Modified modified by phpwebhosting en Modified by move to phpwebhosting en Move To move to: phpwebhosting en Move to: moved x to x phpwebhosting en Moved %1 to %2 no version history for this file/directory phpwebhosting en No version history for this file/directory operation phpwebhosting en Operation owner phpwebhosting en Owner phpwebhosting preferences phpwebhosting en PHPWebHosting preferences preview of x phpwebhosting en Preview of %1 preview x phpwebhosting en Preview %1 rename phpwebhosting en Rename renamed x to x phpwebhosting en Renamed %1 to %2 replaced x phpwebhosting en Replaced %1 save all phpwebhosting en Save all save x phpwebhosting en Save %1 saved x phpwebhosting en Saved %1 show phpwebhosting en Show show .. phpwebhosting en Show .. show .files phpwebhosting en Show .files show command line (experimental. dangerous.) phpwebhosting en Show command line (EXPERIMENTAL. DANGEROUS.) show help phpwebhosting en Show help size phpwebhosting en Size sort by: phpwebhosting en Sort by: total files phpwebhosting en Total Files unknown mime-type defaults to text/plain when viewing phpwebhosting en Unknown MIME-type defaults to text/plain when viewing unused space phpwebhosting en Unused space up phpwebhosting en Up update phpwebhosting en Update updated comment for x phpwebhosting en Updated comment for %1 upload fields phpwebhosting en upload fields upload files phpwebhosting en Upload files used space phpwebhosting en Used Space users phpwebhosting en Users version phpwebhosting en Version view documents in new window phpwebhosting en View documents in new window view documents on server (if available) phpwebhosting en View documents on server (if available) who phpwebhosting en Who x already exists as a file phpwebhosting en %1 already exists as a file you do not have access to x phpwebhosting en You do not have access to %1