/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS toolbar object * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright Nathan Gray 2013 */ /*egw:uses /vendor/bower-asset/jquery/dist/jquery.js; et2_DOMWidget; */ import {et2_DOMWidget} from "./et2_core_DOMWidget"; import {et2_register_widget, WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget"; import {ClassWithAttributes} from "./et2_core_inheritance"; import {egw_getObjectManager, egwActionObject, egwActionObjectManager} from '../egw_action/egw_action'; import {et2_IInput} from "./et2_core_interfaces"; import {egw} from "../jsapi/egw_global"; import {egwIsMobile} from "../egw_action/egw_action_common"; import {Et2Dialog} from "./Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog"; import {Et2DropdownButton} from "./Et2DropdownButton/Et2DropdownButton"; import {loadWebComponent} from "./Et2Widget/Et2Widget"; import interact from "@interactjs/interactjs"; import {Et2Button} from "./Et2Button/Et2Button"; import {Et2Checkbox} from "./Et2Checkbox/Et2Checkbox"; /** * This toolbar gets its contents from its actions * * @augments et2_valueWidget */ export class et2_toolbar extends et2_DOMWidget implements et2_IInput { static readonly _attributes : any = { "view_range": { "name": "View range", "type": "string", "default": "5", "description": "Define minimum action view range to show actions by both icons and caption" }, "flat_list": { "name": "Flat list", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Define whether the actions with children should be shown as dropdown or flat list" }, "list_header": { "name": "list header style", "type": "string", "default": "short", "description": "Define a style for list header (more ...), which can get short 3dots with no caption or bigger button with caption more ..." }, "preference_id": { "name": "Preference id", "type": "string", "default": false, "description": "Define a custom preference id for saving the toolbar preferences." + "This is useful when you have the same toolbar and you use it in a pop up but also in a tab, which have different dom ids" + "When not set it defaults to the dom id of the form." }, "preference_app": { "name": "Preference application", "type": "string", "default": false, "description": "Define a custom preference application for saving the toolbar preferences." + "This is useful when you have the same toolbar and you use it in a pop up but also in a tab, wich have different application names" + "When not set it defaults to the result of this.egw().app_name();" } }; /** * Default buttons, so there is something for the widget browser / editor to show */ static default_toolbar : any = { view: {caption:'View', icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-check'}, group:1, toolbarDefault:true}, edit: {caption:'Edit', group:1, toolbarDefault:true}, save: {caption:'Save', group:2, toolbarDefault:true} }; /** * id of last action executed / value of toolbar if submitted */ value : string = null; /** * actionbox is a div for stored actions */ private readonly actionbox : JQuery = null; /** * actionlist is a div for active actions */ private readonly actionlist : JQuery = null; div : JQuery = null; private countActions : number = 0; private dropdowns : object = {}; private preference : object = {}; menu : any = null; private _objectManager : egwActionObject = null; constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object) { // Call the inherited constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_toolbar._attributes, _child || {})); this.div = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('et2_toolbar'); // Set proper id and dom_id for the widget this.set_id(this.id); if(!this.options.preference_id){ this.options.preference_id = this.dom_id; } if(!this.options.preference_app){ this.options.preference_app = this.egw().app_name(); } this.actionbox = jQuery(document.createElement('details')) .addClass("et2_toolbar_more") .attr('id',this.id +'-'+ 'actionbox'); this.actionlist = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass("et2_toolbar_actionlist") .attr('id',this.id +'-'+ 'actionlist'); this.countActions = 0; this.dropdowns = {}; this.preference = {}; this._build_menu(et2_toolbar.default_toolbar, true); } destroy() { // Destroy widget if(this.div && this.div.data('ui-menu')) this.menu.menu("destroy"); // Null children // Remove this.div.empty().remove(); this.actionbox.empty().remove(); this.actionlist.empty().remove(); } /** * Fix function in order to fix toolbar preferences with the new preference structure * @param {action object} _action * @todo ** SEE IMPORTANT TODO ** */ private _fix_preference(_action) { // ** IMPORTANT TODO: This switch case should be removed for new release ** // This is an ugly hack but we need to add this switch becuase to update and fix // current users toolbar preferences with the new structure which is: // - All actions should be stored in preference // - Actions inside menu set as true // - Actions outside menu set as false // - if an action gets added to toolbar it would be undefined in // the preference which we need to consider to add it to the preference // according to its toolbarDefault option. if (this.dom_id === 'mail-display_displayToolbar' || this.dom_id === 'mail-index_toolbar') { switch (_action.id) { // Actions newly added to mail index and display toolbar case 'read': case 'label1': case 'label2': case 'label3': case 'label4': case 'label5': this.set_prefered(_action.id, !_action.toolbarDefault); break; default: // Fix structure and add the actions not the preference // into the preference with value false, as they're already // outside of the menu. this.set_prefered(_action.id, false); } } else { // ** IMPORTANT TODO: This line needs to stay and be fixed with !toolbarDefault after the if condition // has been removed. this.set_prefered(_action.id, false/*!toolbarDefault*/); } } /** * Count number of actions including their children * @param {object} actions * @return {number} return total number of actions */ private _countActions(actions) { let totalCount = 0; let childCounter = function (action, count) { let children = action.children || 0, returnCounter = count || 0; if (children) { returnCounter -= 1; for (let nChild in children) { returnCounter += 1; returnCounter = childCounter (children[nChild], returnCounter); } } else { returnCounter = count; } return returnCounter; }; for (let nAction in actions) { if (this.options.flat_list) { totalCount += childCounter(actions[nAction] ,1); } else { totalCount ++; } } return totalCount; } /** * Go through actions and build buttons for the toolbar * * @param {Object} actions egw-actions to build menu from * @param {boolean} isDefault setting isDefault with true will * avoid actions get into the preferences, for instandce, first * time toolbar_default actions initialization. */ private _build_menu(actions : object, isDefault? : boolean) { // Clear existing this.div.empty(); this.actionbox .removeClass('et2_dropZone') .empty(); this.actionlist .removeClass('et2_dropZone') .empty(); let admin_setting = this.options.is_admin ? '': ''; const list_header = this.options.list_header == 'more'?true:false; this.actionbox.append(''+(list_header?egw.lang('more')+' ...':'')+admin_setting+''); this.actionbox.append('
'); let that = this; if (this.options.is_admin) { this.actionbox.find('.toolbar-admin-pref').click(function(e){ egw.json('EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Toolbar::ajax_get_default_prefs', [that.options.preference_app, that.options.preference_id], function(_prefs){ let prefs = []; for (let p in _prefs) { if (_prefs[p] === false) prefs.push(p); } that._admin_settings_dialog.call(that, actions, prefs); }).sendRequest(true); return false; }); this.actionbox.addClass('admin'); } let pref = (!egwIsMobile())? egw.preference(this.options.preference_id, this.options.preference_app): undefined; // check pref has a reasonable value: is a real object (not an array), strings e.g. stall the whole widget if (pref && typeof pref === 'object' && !Array.isArray(pref)) { this.preference = pref; } //Set the default actions for the first time if (typeof pref === 'undefined' && !isDefault) { for (var name in actions) { if ((typeof actions[name].children === 'undefined' || !this.options.flat_list) && actions[name].id) { this.set_prefered(actions[name].id,!actions[name].toolbarDefault); } } } else if(!isDefault) { for (var name in actions) { // Check if the action is not in the preference, means it's an new added action // therefore it needs to be added to the preference with taking its toolbarDefault // option into account. if ((typeof actions[name].children === 'undefined' || !this.options.flat_list) && typeof pref[name] === 'undefined') { this._fix_preference(actions[name]); } } } let menuLen = 0; for (let key in this.preference) { if (this.preference[key]) menuLen++; } this.countActions = this._countActions(actions) - menuLen; let last_group = null; let last_group_id = null; for(let name in actions) { let action = actions[name]; if (typeof action == 'string') action = {id: name, caption: action}; if(typeof action.group == 'undefined') { action.group = 'default'; } // Add in divider if(last_group_id != action.group) { last_group = jQuery('[data-group="' + action.group + '"]',this.actionlist); if(last_group.length == 0) { jQuery('').appendTo(this.actionlist); } last_group_id = action.group; } // Make sure there's something to display if(!action.caption && !action.icon && !action.iconUrl) continue; if(action.children) { let children = {}; let add_children = function(root, children) { for(let id in root.children) { let info = { id: id || root.children[id].id, value: id || root.children[id].id, label: root.children[id].caption }; let childaction = {}; if(root.children[id].iconUrl) { info['icon'] = root.children[id].iconUrl; } if(root.children[id].children) { add_children(root.children[id], info); } children[id] = info; if (that.options.flat_list) { childaction = root.children[id]; if (typeof pref === 'undefined' && !isDefault) { if (!childaction['toolbarDefault']) { that.set_prefered(childaction['id'],true); } else { that.set_prefered(childaction['id'],false); } } else if(!isDefault) { if (typeof pref[childaction['id']] === 'undefined') { that._fix_preference(childaction); } } if (typeof root.children[id].group !== 'undefined' && typeof root.group !== 'undefined') { childaction['group'] = root.group; } that._make_button(childaction); } } }; add_children(action, children); if (this.options.flat_list && children) { continue; } let dropdown = loadWebComponent("et2-dropdown-button", { id: this.id + "-" + action.id, label: action.caption, class: this.preference[action.id] ? `et2_toolbar-dropdown et2_toolbar_draggable${this.id} et2_toolbar-dropdown-menulist` : `et2_toolbar-dropdown et2_toolbar_draggable${this.id}`, onchange: function(ev) { let action = that._actionManager.getActionById(dropdown.value); dropdown.set_label(action.caption); if(action) { this.value = action.id; action.execute([]); } //console.debug(selected, this, action); }.bind(action), image: action.iconUrl || '' }, this); dropdown.select_options = Object.values(children); //Set default selected action if (typeof action.children !='undefined') { for (let child in action.children) { if(action.children[child].default) { dropdown.label = action.children[child].caption; } } } dropdown.onclick = function(selected, dropdown) { let action = that._actionManager.getActionById(this.getValue()); if(action) { this.value = action.id; action.execute([]); } //console.debug(selected, this, action); }.bind(dropdown); jQuery(dropdown.getDOMNode()).appendTo(this.preference[action.id] ? this.actionbox.children()[1] : jQuery('[data-group=' + action.group + ']', this.actionlist)); } else { this._make_button(action); } } // ************** Drag and Drop feature for toolbar ***** this.actionlist.find('span[data-group]').sort( function (lg,g){ return +lg.getAttribute('data-group') - +g.getAttribute('data-group'); }).appendTo(this.actionlist); this.actionlist.appendTo(this.div); this.actionbox.appendTo(this.div); let toolbar = this.actionlist.find('span[data-group]'), toolbox = this.actionbox; this.actionlist[0].classList.add(`et2_toolbar_dropzone_list${this.id}`); this.actionbox[0].classList.add(`et2_toolbar_dropzone_more${this.id}`); this.actions = actions; if(!egwIsMobile()) { let dragPosition = {x: 0, y: 0}; let dragTranslate = {x: 0, y: 0}; let draggables = this.getDOMNode().querySelectorAll(`.et2_toolbar_draggable${this.id}`); draggables.forEach(_item => { interact(_item).draggable({ startAxis: 'xy', listeners: { start: function(e) { dragPosition = {x: e.page.x, y: e.page.y}; e.target.setAttribute('style', `width:${e.target.clientWidth}px !important`); e.target.style.position = 'fixed'; e.target.style.transform = `translate(${dragPosition.x}px, ${dragPosition.y}px)`; }, move: function(e) { dragTranslate.x += e.delta.x; dragTranslate.y += e.delta.y; e.target.style.transform = `translate(${dragTranslate.x}px, ${dragTranslate.y}px)`; }, end: function(e) { that._build_menu(that.actions); } } }); }); interact(`.et2_toolbar_dropzone_list${this.id}`).unset(); interact(`.et2_toolbar_dropzone_list${this.id}`).dropzone({ checker: function( dragEvent, // related dragmove or dragend event, // Touch, Pointer or Mouse Event dropped, // bool default checker result dropzone, // dropzone Interactable dropzoneElement, // dropzone element draggable, // draggable Interactable draggableElement // draggable element ) { return dropped && !dropzoneElement.contains(draggableElement); }, accept: `.et2_toolbar_draggable${this.id}`, ondrop: function(e) { that.set_prefered(e.draggable.target.id.replace(that.id + '-', ''), false); that._build_menu(that.actions); }, ondragenter: function(e) { e.target.classList.add('et2_dropZone'); }, ondragleave: function(e) { e.target.classList.remove('et2_dropZone'); } }); const menulist = [`.et2_toolbar_dropzone_more${this.id}`, `#${this.id}-menulist`]; menulist.forEach(_item => { interact(_item).unset(); interact(_item).dropzone({ checker: function( dragEvent, // related dragmove or dragend event, // Touch, Pointer or Mouse Event dropped, // bool default checker result dropzone, // dropzone Interactable dropzoneElement, // dropzone element draggable, // draggable Interactable draggableElement // draggable element ) { console.log(dragEvent); return dropped && !dropzoneElement.contains(draggableElement); }, accept: `.et2_toolbar_draggable${this.id}`, ondrop: function(e) { that.set_prefered(e.draggable.target.id.replace(that.id + '-', ''), true); if(that.actionlist.find(`.et2_toolbar_draggable${that.id}`).length == 0) { that.preference = {}; egw.set_preference(that.options.preference_app, that.options.preference_id, that.preference); } that._build_menu(that.actions); }, ondragenter: function(e) { e.target.classList.add('et2_dropZone'); }, ondragleave: function(e) { e.target.classList.remove('et2_dropZone'); } }); }); } toolbox.on('toggle', (e)=>{ const details = e.target; if (details.open) { jQuery('html').on('click.outsideOfMenu', function(e) { // Clicking on dropdown button should not close the details, we'd like to see the dropdown if(e.target instanceof Et2DropdownButton) { return; } if(e.target != details && e.target != details.firstChild) { details.open = false; } jQuery('html').unbind('click.outsideOfMenu'); }); } }); } /** * Add/Or remove an action from prefence * * @param {string} _action name of the action which needs to be stored in pereference * @param {boolean} _state if set to true action will be set to actionbox, false will set it to actionlist * */ set_prefered(_action,_state) { this.preference[_action] = _state; if (egwIsMobile()) return; egw.set_preference(this.options.preference_app,this.options.preference_id,this.preference); } /** * Make a button based on the given action * * @param {Object} action action object with attributes icon, caption, ... */ _make_button(action) { let self = this; const isCheckbox = action && action.checkbox; const isToggleSwitch = action.data?.toggle_on || action.data?.toggle_off || action.data?.onIcon || action.data?.offIcon; const actionHandler = function(action, e) { let actionObj = this._actionManager.getActionById(action.id); if(actionObj) { if (actionObj.checkbox) { self.checkbox(actionObj.id, !actionObj.checked); } this.value = actionObj.id; actionObj.data.event = e; actionObj.execute([]); } }.bind(this, action); let widget = null; if (isToggleSwitch) { let component = "et2-switch"; let attrs = { id: `${this.id}-${action.id}`, label: action.caption, toggleOn: action.data.toggle_on, toggleOff: action.data.toggle_off, class: `et2_toolbar_draggable${this.id}`, }; if(action.data.onIcon || action.data.offIcon) { component = "et2-switch-icon"; if(action.data.onIcon) { attrs["onIcon"] = action.data.onIcon; } if(action.data.offIcon) { attrs["offIcon"] = action.data.offIcon; } } widget = loadWebComponent(component, attrs, this); widget.style.backgroundImage = `url(${action.iconUrl})`; widget.value = action.checked; action.data.widget = widget; widget.onchange = actionHandler; } else { widget = loadWebComponent(egwIsMobile() && !this.preference[action.id]?"et2-button-icon":"et2-button", { id: `${this.id}-${action.id}`, image: action.iconUrl || '', label: action.caption, slot: "buttons", class: `et2_toolbar_draggable${this.id}`, readonly: false }, this); if (egwIsMobile() && !this.preference[action.id]) widget.name = ''; if (isCheckbox) { widget.classList.add('toolbar_toggle'); if (this.checkbox(action.id)) widget.classList.add('toolbar_toggled'+ (typeof action.toggledClass != 'undefined'?" "+action.toggledClass:'')); } widget.onclick = actionHandler; } jQuery(widget.getDOMNode()).appendTo(this.preference[action.id]?this.actionbox.children()[1]:jQuery('[data-group='+action.group+']',this.actionlist)); if (action.caption) { if ((this.countActions <= parseInt(this.view_range) || this.preference[action.id] || !action.iconUrl) && !(isCheckbox && isToggleSwitch)) // no caption for slideswitch checkboxes { widget.classList.add(action.iconUrl ? 'et2_toolbar_hasCaption' : 'et2_toolbar_onlyCaption'); } } if ((action.hint || action.caption) && !egwIsMobile()) widget.statustext = action.hint || action.caption; } /** * Link the actions to the DOM nodes / widget bits. * * @param {Object} actions egw-actions to build menu from */ _link_actions(actions) { this._build_menu(actions); let self = this; let gom = egw_getObjectManager(this.egw().app_name(),true,1); if(this._objectManager == null) { this._objectManager = gom.addObject( new egwActionObjectManager(this.id, this._actionManager)); this._objectManager.handleKeyPress = function(_keyCode, _shift, _ctrl, _alt) { for(let i = 0; i < self._actionManager.children.length; i++) { let action = self._actionManager.children[i]; if(typeof action.shortcut === 'object' && action.shortcut && _keyCode == action.shortcut.keyCode && _ctrl == action.shortcut.ctrl && _alt == action.shortcut.alt && _shift == action.shortcut.shift ) { self.value = action.id; action.execute([]); return true; } } return egwActionObject.prototype.handleKeyPress.call(this, _keyCode,_shift,_ctrl,_alt); }; this._objectManager.parent.updateFocusedChild(this._objectManager, true); } } /** * Set/Get the checkbox toolbar action * * @param {string} _action action name of the selected toolbar * @param {boolean} _value value that needs to be set for the action true|false * - if no value means checkbox value returns the current value * * @returns {boolean} returns boolean result of get checkbox value * or returns undefined as Set result or failure */ checkbox(_action, _value?) { if (!_action || typeof this._actionManager == 'undefined') return undefined; let action_event = this._actionManager.getActionById(_action); if (action_event && typeof _value !='undefined') { action_event.set_checked(_value); var btn = jQuery('#'+this.dom_id+'-'+_action); if(action_event.data && action_event.data.widget) { action_event.data.widget.set_value(_value); } else if (btn.length > 0) { btn.toggleClass('toolbar_toggled'+ (typeof action_event.data.toggledClass != 'undefined'?" "+action_event.data.toggledClass:''), _value); } } else if (action_event) { return action_event.checked; } else { return undefined; } } getDOMNode() { return this.div[0]; } /** * getValue has to return the value of the input widget */ getValue() { return this.value; } /** * Is dirty returns true if the value of the widget has changed since it * was loaded. We don't consider toolbars as dirtyable */ isDirty() { return false; } /** * Causes the dirty flag to be reseted. */ resetDirty() { this.value = null; } /** * Checks the data to see if it is valid, as far as the client side can tell. * Return true if it's not possible to tell on the client side, because the server * will have the chance to validate also. * * The messages array is to be populated with everything wrong with the data, * so don't stop checking after the first problem unless it really makes sense * to ignore other problems. * * @param {String[]} messages List of messages explaining the failure(s). * messages should be fairly short, and already translated. * * @return {boolean} True if the value is valid (enough), false to fail */ isValid(messages) { return true; } /** * Attach the container node of the widget to DOM-Tree * @returns {Boolean} */ doLoadingFinished() { super.doLoadingFinished(); return false; } /** * Builds dialog for possible admin settings (e.g. default actions pref) * * @param {type} _actions * @param {object} _default_prefs */ private _admin_settings_dialog(_actions, _default_prefs) { let buttons = [ {label: egw.lang("Save"), id: "save"}, {label: egw.lang("Close"), id: "close"} ]; let self = this; let sel_options = {actions:[]}; let content = {actions:[], reset:false}; for (let key in _actions) { if (_actions[key]['children'] && this.options.flat_list) { for (let child in _actions[key]['children']) { sel_options.actions.push({ id:child, value: child, label: _actions[key]['children'][child]['caption'], app: self.options.preference_app, icon: _actions[key]['children'][child]['iconUrl'] }); } } else { sel_options.actions.push({ id: key, value: key, label: _actions[key]['caption'], app: self.options.preference_app, icon: _actions[key]['iconUrl'] }); } if((!_default_prefs || _default_prefs.length == 0) && _actions[key]['toolbarDefault']) { content.actions.push(key); } } if(_default_prefs && _default_prefs.length > 0) { content.actions = _default_prefs; } let dialog = new Et2Dialog(this.egw()); dialog.transformAttributes({ callback: function(_button_id, _value) { if(_button_id == 'save' && _value) { if(_value.actions) { let pref = jQuery.extend({}, self.preference); for(let i in pref) { pref[i] = true; if(_value.actions.includes(i)) { pref[i] = false; } } _value.actions = pref; } egw.json('EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Toolbar::ajax_setAdminSettings', [_value, self.options.preference_id, self.options.preference_app], function(_result) { egw.message(_result); }).sendRequest(true); } }, title: egw.lang('admin settings for %1', this.options.preference_id), buttons: buttons, minWidth: 600, minHeight: 300, value: {content: content, sel_options: sel_options}, template: egw.webserverUrl + '/api/templates/default/toolbarAdminSettings.xet?1', resizable: false } ); document.body.appendChild(dialog); } } et2_register_widget(et2_toolbar, ["toolbar"]);