import {Et2InputWidget} from "../Et2InputWidget/Et2InputWidget"; import {css, html, LitElement, PropertyValues} from "lit"; import {FormControlMixin, ValidateMixin} from "@lion/form-core"; import {SlotMixin} from "@lion/core"; import {Et2LinkAppSelect} from "./Et2LinkAppSelect"; import {LinkInfo} from "./Et2Link"; import {Et2Button} from "../Et2Button/Et2Button"; /** * Find and select a single entry using the link system. * * */ export class Et2LinkAdd extends Et2InputWidget(FormControlMixin(ValidateMixin(SlotMixin(LitElement)))) { static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, css` :host { display: block; border: solid var(--sl-input-border-width) var(--sl-input-border-color); border-radius: var(--sl-input-border-radius-medium); } ` ]; } static get properties() { return {, /** * Either an array of LinkInfo (defined in Et2Link.ts) or array with keys to_app and to_id */ value: {type: Object}, /** * Limit to just this application - hides app selection */ application: {type: String}, /** * Limit to the listed applications (comma seperated) */ applicationList: {type: String} } } get slots() { return { ...super.slots, app: () => { const app = <Et2LinkAppSelect>document.createElement("et2-link-apps"); app.appIcons = false; if(this.application) { app.onlyApp = this.application; } else if(typeof this._value !== "undefined" && { app.value =; } if(this.applicationList) { app.applicationList = this.applicationList; } return app; }, button: () => { const button = <Et2Button>document.createElement("et2-button"); = + "_add"; button.label = this.egw().lang("Add"); button.noSubmit = true; return button; } } } /** * We only care about this value until render. After the sub-nodes are created, * we take their "live" values for our value. * * N.B.: Single underscore! Otherwise we conflict with parent __value * * @type {LinkInfo} * @private */ private _value : LinkInfo; constructor() { super(); this.handleButtonClick = this.handleButtonClick.bind(this); } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); // Clear initial value, no longer needed this._value = undefined; this._bindListeners(); } updated(changedProperties : PropertyValues) { super.updated(changedProperties); if(changedProperties.has("readonly")) { this._appNode.readonly = this.readonly; } // Pass some properties on to app selection if(changedProperties.has("only_app")) { this._appNode.only_app = this.only_app; } if(changedProperties.has("applicationList")) { this._appNode.applicationList = this.applicationList; } if(changedProperties.has("app_icons")) { this._appNode.app_icons = this.app_icons; } } set application(app) { app = app || ""; // If initial value got set before only_app, it still needs app in pre-render value if(this._value && app) { = app; } if(this._appNode) { this._appNode.value = app; } } get application() { if(this._value) { return; } if(this._appNode) { return this._appNode.value; } } get _appNode() : Et2LinkAppSelect { return this.querySelector("[slot='app']"); } get _buttonNode() : Et2Button { return this.querySelector("[slot='button']"); } /** * @return {TemplateResult} * @protected */ _inputGroupInputTemplate() { return html` <div class="input-group__input"> <slot name="app"></slot> <slot name="button"></slot> </div> `; } protected _bindListeners() { //this._appNode.addEventListener("change", this._handleAppChange); this._buttonNode.addEventListener("click", this.handleButtonClick) } protected _unbindListeners() { this._buttonNode.removeEventListener("click", this.handleButtonClick) } /** * Add button was clicked * @param {MouseEvent} e */ handleButtonClick(e : MouseEvent) { this.egw().open(this.value.to_app + ":" + this.value.to_id, this._appNode.value, 'add'); } } customElements.define("et2-link-add", Et2LinkAdd);