  * phpGroupWare - Setup                                                     *
  * http://www.phpgroupware.org                                              *
  * --------------------------------------------                             *
  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
  *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
  *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
  *  option) any later version.                                              *

  /* $Id$ */

  function v7122000to8032000(){
    global $currentver, $db;
    $didupgrade = True;
    if ($currentver == "7122000"){
      echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"e6e6e6\">\n";
//      echo "    <td>Upgrade from 7122000 to 8032000 is completed.</td>\n";
      echo "    <td>Upgrading from 7122000 is not yet ready.<br> You can do this manually if you choose, otherwise dump your tables and start over.</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
      $currentver = "8032000";
  function v8032000to8072000(){
    global $currentver, $db;
    $didupgrade = True;
    if ($currentver == "8032000"){
      echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"e6e6e6\">\n";
//      echo "    <td>Upgrade from 8032000 to 8072000 is completed.</td>\n";
      echo "    <td>Upgrading from 8032000 is not yet ready.<br> You can do this manually if you choose, otherwise dump your tables and start over.</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
      $currentver = "8072000";
  function v8072000to8212000(){
    global $currentver, $db;
    $didupgrade = True;
    if ($currentver == "8072000"){

      $sql = "CREATE TABLE applications ("
        ."app_name varchar(25) NOT NULL,"
        ."app_title varchar(50),"
        ."app_enabled int,"
        ."UNIQUE app_name (app_name)"

      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('admin', 'Administration', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('tts', 'Trouble Ticket System', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('inv', 'Inventory', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('chat', 'Chat', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('headlines', 'Headlines', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('filemanager', 'File manager', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('ftp', 'FTP', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('addressbook', 'Address Book', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('todo', 'ToDo List', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('calendar', 'Calendar', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('email', 'Email', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('nntp', 'NNTP', 1)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('bookmarks', 'Bookmarks', 0)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('cron_apps', 'cron_apps', 0)");
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled) values ('napster', 'Napster', 0)");
      echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"e6e6e6\">\n";
      echo "    <td>Upgrade from 8072000 to 8212000 is completed.</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
      $currentver = "8212000";
  function v8212000to9052000(){
    global $currentver, $db;
    $didupgrade = True;
    if ($currentver == "8212000"){
      $db->query("alter table chat_channel change name name varchar(10) not null");
      $db->query("alter table chat_messages change channel channel char(20) not null");
      $db->query("alter table chat_messages change loginid loginid varchar(20) not null");
      $db->query("alter table chat_currentin change loginid loginid varchar(25) not null");
      $db->query("alter table chat_currentin change channel channel char(20)");
      $db->query("alter table chat_privatechat change user1 user1 varchar(25) not null");
      $db->query("alter table chat_privatechat change user2 user2 varchar(25) not null");

      echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"e6e6e6\">\n";
      echo "    <td>Upgrade from 8212000 to 9052000 is completed.</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
      $currentver = "9052000";
  function v9052000to9072000(){
    global $currentver, $db;
    $didupgrade = True;
    if ($currentver == "9052000"){
      echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"e6e6e6\">\n";
//      echo "    <td>Upgrade from 9052000 to 9072000 is completed.</td>\n";
      echo "    <td>Upgrading from 9052000 is not available.<br> I dont believe there were any changes, so this should be fine.</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
      $currentver = "9072000";
  function v9072000to0_9_1(){
    global $currentver, $phpgw_info, $db;
    $didupgrade = True;
    if ($currentver == "9072000"){

      $db->query("alter table accounts     change con               account_id             int(11)     DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change loginid           account_lid            varchar(25) NOT NULL");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change passwd            account_pwd            varchar(32) NOT NULL");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change firstname         account_firstname      varchar(50)");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change lastname          account_lastname       varchar(50)");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change permissions       account_permissions    text");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change groups            account_groups         varchar(30)");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change lastlogin         account_lastlogin      int(11)");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change lastloginfrom     account_lastloginfrom  varchar(255)");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change lastpasswd_change account_lastpwd_change int(11)");
      $db->query("alter table accounts     change status            account_status         enum('A','L') DEFAULT 'A' NOT NULL");
      $db->query("alter table applications add    app_order         int");
      $db->query("alter table applications add    app_tables        varchar(255)");
      $db->query("alter table applications add    app_version       varchar(20) not null default '0.0'");
      $db->query("alter table preferences  change owner             preference_owner       varchar(20)");
      $db->query("alter table preferences  change name              preference_name        varchar(50)");
      $db->query("alter table preferences  change value             preference_value       varchar(50)");
      $db->query("alter table preferences  add    preference_appname                       varchar(50) default ''");
      $db->query("alter table sessions     change sessionid         session_id             varchar(255) NOT NULL");
      $db->query("alter table sessions     change loginid           session_lid            varchar(20)");
      $db->query("alter table sessions     change passwd            session_pwd            varchar(255)");
      $db->query("alter table sessions     change ip                session_ip             varchar(255)");
      $db->query("alter table sessions     change logintime         session_logintime      int(11)");
      $db->query("alter table sessions     change dla               session_dla            int(11)");

      $db->query("update applications set app_order=1,app_tables=NULL where app_name='admin'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=2,app_tables=NULL where app_name='tts'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=3,app_tables=NULL where app_name='inv'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=4,app_tables=NULL where app_name='chat'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=5,app_tables='news_sites,news_headlines,users_headlines' where app_name='headlines'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=6,app_tables=NULL where app_name='filemanager'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=7,app_tables='addressbook' where app_name='addressbook'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=8,app_tables='todo' where app_name='todo'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=9,app_tables='webcal_entry,webcal_entry_users,webcal_entry_groups,webcal_repeats' where app_name='calendar'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=10,app_tables=NULL where app_name='email'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=11,app_tables='newsgroups,users_newsgroups' where app_name='nntp'");
      $db->query("update applications set app_order=0,app_tables=NULL where app_name='cron_apps'");
      $sql = "CREATE TABLE config ("
        ."config_name     varchar(25) NOT NULL,"
        ."config_value    varchar(100),"
        ."UNIQUE config_name (config_name)"

      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('default_tplset', 'default')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('temp_dir', '/path/to/tmp')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('files_dir', '/path/to/dir/phpgroupware/files')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('encryptkey', 'change this phrase 2 something else'");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('site_title', 'phpGroupWare')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('hostname', 'local.machine.name')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('webserver_url', '/phpgroupware')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('auth_type', 'sql')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('ldap_host', 'localhost')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('ldap_context', 'o=phpGroupWare')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('usecookies', 'True')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('mail_server', 'localhost')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('mail_server_type', 'imap')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('imap_server_type', 'Cyrus')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('mail_suffix', 'yourdomain.com')");         
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('mail_login_type', 'standard')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('smtp_server', 'localhost')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('smtp_port', '25')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('nntp_server', 'yournewsserver.com')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('nntp_port', '119')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('nntp_sender', 'complaints@yourserver.com')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('nntp_organization', 'phpGroupWare')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('nntp_admin', 'admin@yourserver.com')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('nntp_login_username', '')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('nntp_login_password', '')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('default_ftp_server', 'localhost')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('httpproxy_server', '')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('httpproxy_port', '')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('showpoweredbyon', 'bottom')");
      $db->query("insert into config (config_name, config_value) values ('checkfornewversion', 'False')");

      echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"e6e6e6\">\n";
      echo "    <td>Upgrade from 9072000 to 0.9.1 is completed.</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
      $currentver = "0.9.1";

  function v0_9_1to0_9_2(){
    global $currentver, $phpgw_info, $db;
    $didupgrade = True;
    if ($currentver == "0.9.1"){

      $db->query("alter table access_log change lo lo varchar(255)");
      $db->query("alter table addressbook  change ab_id ab_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment");
      $db->query("alter table addressbook add ab_company_id int(10) unsigned");
      $db->query("alter table addressbook add ab_title varchar(60)");
      $db->query("alter table addressbook add ab_address2 varchar(60)");

      $sql = "CREATE TABLE customers (
          company_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
          company_name varchar(255),
          website varchar(80),
          ftpsite varchar(80),
          industry_type varchar(50),
          status varchar(30),
          software varchar(40),
          lastjobnum int(10) unsigned,
          lastjobfinished date,
          busrelationship varchar(30),
          notes text,
          PRIMARY KEY (company_id)

      $db->query("update lang set lang='da' where lang='dk'");
      $db->query("update lang set lang='ko' where lang='kr'");

      $db->query("update preferences set preference_name='da' where preference_name='dk'");
      $db->query("update preferences set preference_name='ko' where preference_name='kr'");

	//add weather support
      $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled, app_order, app_tables, app_version) values ('weather', 'Weather', 1, 12, NULL, '".$phpgw_info["server"]["version"]."')");
      $db->query("INSERT INTO lang (message_id, app_name, lang, content) VALUES( 'weather','Weather','en','weather')");

      echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"e6e6e6\">\n";
      echo "    <td>Upgrade from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2 is completed.</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
      $currentver = "0.9.2";

  function update_owner($table,$field){
    global $db;
    $db->query("select distinct($field) from $table");
    if ($db->num_rows()) {
      while($db->next_record()) {
	$owner[count($owner)] = $db->f($field);
      for($i=0;$i<count($owner);$i++) {
        $db->query("select account_id from accounts where account_lid='".$owner[$i]."'");
	$db->query("update $table set $field=".$db->f("account_id")." where $field='".$owner[$i]."'");
    $db->query("alter table $table change $field $field int(11) NOT NULL");

  function v0_9_2to0_9_3()
    global $currentver, $phpgw_info, $db;
    $didupgrade = True;

    // The 0.9.3pre1 is only temp until release
    if ($currentver == "0.9.2" || $currentver == "0.9.3pre1" || $currentver == "0.9.3pre2" || $currentver == "0.9.3pre3" || $currentver == "0.9.3pre4" || $currentver == "0.9.3pre5" || $currentver == "0.9.3pre6" || $currentver == "0.9.3pre7") {
       if ($currentver == "0.9.2" || $currentver == "0.9.3pre1") {
      	$currentver = "0.9.3pre2";
       if ($currentver == "0.9.3pre2") {
      	$db->query("select owner, newsgroup from users_newsgroups");
      	if ($db->num_rows()) {
   	   while($db->next_record()) {
	        $owner[count($owner)] = $db->f("owner");
   	     $newsgroup[count($newsgroup)] = $db->f("newsgroup");
   	   for ($i=0;$i<count($owner);$i++) {
	         $db->query("insert into preferences (preference_owner,preference_name,"
		               ."preference_value,preference_appname) values ('".$owner[$i]."','".$newsgroup[$i]."','True',"
 	     $db->query("drop table users_newsgroups");
   	   $db->query("update applications set app_tables='newsgroups' where app_name='nntp'");
        $currentver = "0.9.3pre3";

    if ($currentver == "0.9.3pre3") {
   	$db->query("alter table todo add todo_id_parent int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL");
       $currentver = "0.9.3pre4";

    if ($currentver == "0.9.3pre4") {
   	$db->query("create table temp as select * from config");
   	$db->query("drop table config");
   	$db->query("create table config (config_name varchar(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, config_value varchar(100) NOT NULL)");
   	$db->query("insert into config select * from temp");
   	$db->query("drop table config");
       $currentver = "0.9.3pre5";

    if ($currentver == "0.9.3pre5") {
       $db->query("CREATE TABLE categories (
                    cat_id          serial,
                    account_id      int DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
                    app_name        varchar(25) NOT NULL,
                    cat_name        varchar(150) NOT NULL,
                    cat_description text NOT NULL)"
       $currentver = "0.9.3pre6";

    if ($currentver == "0.9.3pre6") {
       $db->query("alter table addressbook add ab_url varchar(255)");
       $db->query("insert into applications (app_name, app_title, app_enabled, app_order, app_tables, app_version) values ('transy', 'Translation Management', 0, 13, NULL, '".$phpgw_info["server"]["version"]."')");
       $currentver = "0.9.3pre7";

    // What happened to 0.9.3pre7 :) (jengo)

    if ($currentver == "0.9.3pre8") {
       $db->query("drop table users_headlines");
       $currentver = "0.9.3pre9";

    if ($currentver == "0.9.3pre9") {
       $sql = "CREATE TABLE news_msg (
                con	           serial,
                msg	           int      NOT NULL,
                uid	           varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                udate             int      DEFAULT 0,
                path              varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                fromadd           varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                toadd             varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                ccadd             varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                bccadd            varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                reply_to          varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                sender            varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                return_path       varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                subject           varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                message_id        varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                reference         varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                in_reply_to       varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                follow_up_to      varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                nntp_posting_host varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                nntp_posting_date varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                x_complaints_to   varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                x_trace           varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                x_abuse_info      varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                x_mailer          varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                organization      varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                content_type      varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                content_description varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                content_transfer_encoding varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                mime_version      varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
                msgsize           int      DEFAULT 0,
                msglines          int      DEFAULT 0,
                body              text     NOT NULL
	$currentver = "0.9.3pre10";

   if ($currentver == "0.9.3pre10") {
   	$sql = "ALTER TABLE todo ADD todo_startdate int not null";
		$sql "ALTER TABLE todo CHANGE todo_datedue todo_enddate int not null";
		$currentver = "0.9.3pre11";
    echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"e6e6e6\">\n";
    echo "    <td>Upgrade from 0.9.2 to $currentver is completed.</td>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";

  echo "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\">\n";
  echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"486591\">\n";
  echo "    <td colspan=\"2\"><font color=\"fefefe\">&nbsp;<b>Table Upgrades</b></font></td>\n";
  echo "  </tr>\n";
  $db->query("update applications set app_version='".$phpgw_info["server"]["version"]."' where (app_name='admin' or app_name='filemanager' or app_name='addressbook' or app_name='todo' or app_name='calendar' or app_name='email' or app_name='nntp' or app_name='cron_apps')");

  if (!$didupgrade == True){
    echo "  <tr bgcolor=\"e6e6e6\">\n";
    echo "    <td>No table changes were needed. The script only updated your version setting.</td>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";

  echo "</table>\n";