True, ); /** * @var array/string availible extensions and there names for the editor */ var $human_name = array( 'historylog' => 'History Log', // 'historylog-helper' => '', ); static $status_widgets; /** * pre-processing of the historylog-helper * * @param mixed &$value value / existing content, can be modified * @param array &$cell array with the widget, can be modified for ui-independent widgets * @return boolean true if extra label is allowed, false otherwise */ private function pre_process_helper(&$value, &$cell, $tmpl) { if (empty($value) && (string)$value !== '0') { $cell = boetemplate::empty_cell(); return true; } //echo $value.'/'.$cell['size']; _debug_array(self::$status_widgets); $type = isset(self::$status_widgets[$cell['size']]) ? self::$status_widgets[$cell['size']] : 'label'; $options = ''; if (!is_array($type) && strpos($type,':') !== false) { list($type,$options) = explode(':',$type,2); } // For all select-cats, show missing entries as IDs if($type == 'select-cat') { list($rows,$type1,$type2,$type3,$type4,$type5,$type6) = explode(',',$options); $type6 = 2; $options = implode(',',array($rows,$type1,$type2,$type3,$type4,$type5,$type6)); } $cell = boetemplate::empty_cell($type,$cell['name'],array('readonly' => true,'size' => $options)); // display unsupported iCal properties, which have multiple values or attributes, or multiple components if ($type === 'label' && $value[1] === ':' && ($values = unserialize($value))) { if (isset($values['values'])) { foreach((array)$values['params'] as $name => $val) { $values['values'][] = $name.': '.$val; } $values = $values['values']; } $value = implode("\n", $values); } elseif (is_array($type)) { list($t) = explode(':',$type[0]); if (isset($type[0]) && // numeric indexed array --> multiple values of 1:N releation $tmpl->widgetExists($t)) { $cell['type'] = 'vbox'; $cell['size'] = '0,,0,0'; $value = explode(bo_tracking::ONE2N_SEPERATOR,$value); foreach($type as $n => $t) { $opt = ''; if(is_array($t)) { $sel_options = $t; $t = 'select'; } else { list($t,$opt) = explode(':',$t); } $child = boetemplate::empty_cell($t,$cell['name']."[$n]",array('readonly' => true,'no_lang' => true,'size' => $opt)); $child['sel_options'] = $sel_options; boetemplate::add_child($cell,$child); unset($sel_options); unset($child); } } else { $cell['sel_options'] = $cell['type']; $cell['type'] = 'select'; } } // For all times, show time in user time elseif ($type == 'date-time' && $value) { $value = egw_time::server2user($value); } if ($cell['type'] == 'label') $cell['no_lang'] = 'true'; return true; } /** * pre-processing of the history logging extension * * @param string $name form-name of the control * @param mixed &$value value / existing content, can be modified * @param array &$cell array with the widget, can be modified for ui-independent widgets * @param array &$readonlys names of widgets as key, to be made readonly * @param mixed &$extension_data data the extension can store persisten between pre- and post-process * @param etemplate $tmpl reference to the template we belong too * @return boolean true if extra label is allowed, false otherwise */ function pre_process($name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys,&$extension_data,$tmpl) { switch ($cell['type']) { case 'historylog-helper': return $this->pre_process_helper($value, $cell, $tmpl); } $app = is_array($value) ? $value['app'] : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']; self::$status_widgets = is_array($value) && isset($value['status-widgets']) ? $value['status-widgets'] : null; $id = is_array($value) ? $value['id'] : $value; $filter = is_array($value) ? $value['filter'] : array(); $historylog = new historylog($app); if (!$id || method_exists($historylog,'search')) { $value = $id ? $historylog->search($filter ? array('history_record_id'=>$id) + $filter : $id, 'history_id', 'DESC', self::MAX_DISPLAY) : false; } unset($historylog); $tpl = new etemplate; $tpl->init('*** generated fields for historylog','','',0,'',0,0); // make an empty template // keep the editor away from the generated tmpls $tpl->no_onclick = true; // header rows $tpl->new_cell(1,'label','Date'); $tpl->new_cell(1,'label','User'); $tpl->new_cell(1,'label','Changed'); $tpl->new_cell(1,'label','New value'); $tpl->new_cell(1,'label','Old value'); $status = 'status'; // allow to set a diffent name for status (field-name), eg. because status is already used for something else if (!empty($cell['size']) && isset($tmpl->sel_options[$cell['size']]) && is_array($value)) { $status = $cell['size']; foreach($value as &$row) { $row[$status] = $row['status']; } } // Add in links self::$status_widgets['~link~'] = 'link-entry'; $tmpl->sel_options[$status]['~link~'] = lang('link'); $tmpl->sel_options[$status]['user_agent_action'] = lang('User-agent & action'); // adding custom fields automatically to status-widgets, no need for each app to do that foreach(config::get_customfields($app,true) as $cf_name => $cf_data) { // add cf label, if not set by app if (!isset($tmpl->sel_options[$status]['#'.$cf_name])) { $tmpl->sel_options[$status]['#'.$cf_name] = lang($cf_data['label']); } if (isset(self::$status_widgets['#'.$cf_name])) continue; // app set a status widget --> use that if(!is_array($cf_data['values']) || !$cf_data['values']) { if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$cf_data['type']])) { self::$status_widgets['#'.$cf_name] = 'link-entry:'.$cf_data['type']; } else { self::$status_widgets['#'.$cf_name] = $cf_data['type'] != 'text' ? $cf_data['type'] : 'label'; } } elseif($cf_data['values']['@']) { self::$status_widgets['#'.$cf_name] = egw_customfields::get_options_from_file($cf_data['values']['@']); } elseif(count($cf_data['values'])) { self::$status_widgets['#'.$cf_name] = $cf_data['values']; } } if ($value) // autorepeated data-row only if there is data { // add "labels" for unsupported iCal properties, we just remove the '##' prefix foreach($value as &$row) { if ($row['status'][0] == '#' && $row['status'][1] == '#' && isset($tmpl->sel_options[$status]) && !isset($tmpl->sel_options[$status][$row['status']])) { $tmpl->sel_options[$status][$row['status']] = substr($row['status'], 2); } } $tpl->new_cell(2,'date-time','','${row}[user_ts]',array('readonly' => true)); $tpl->new_cell(2,'select-account','','${row}[owner]',array('readonly' => true)); // if $sel_options[status] is set, use them and a readonly selectbox if (isset($tmpl->sel_options[$status])) { $tpl->new_cell(2,'select','','${row}['.$status.']',array('readonly' => true)); } else { $tpl->new_cell(2,'label','','${row}[status]',array('no_lang' => true)); } // if $value[status-widgets] is set, use them together with the historylog-helper // to display new_ & old_value in the specified widget, otherwise use a label if (self::$status_widgets) { $tpl->new_cell(2,'historylog-helper','','${row}[new_value]',array('size' => '$row_cont[status]','no_lang' => true,'readonly' => true)); $tpl->new_cell(2,'historylog-helper','','${row}[old_value]',array('size' => '$row_cont[status]','no_lang' => true,'readonly' => true)); } else { $tpl->new_cell(2,'label','','${row}[new_value]',array('no_lang' => true)); $tpl->new_cell(2,'label','','${row}[old_value]',array('no_lang' => true)); } array_unshift($value,false); // addjust index to start with 1, as we have a header-row } $tpl->data[0] = array( 'c1' => 'th', 'c2' => 'row', ); $tpl->size = '100%'; $cell['size'] = $cell['name']; $cell['type'] = 'template'; $cell['name'] = $tpl->name; $cell['obj'] = &$tpl; return True; // extra Label is ok } }