, Christian Binder * @version $Id$ */ /** * Instant user notification with egroupware popup. * * @abstract egwpopup is a two stage notification. In the first stage * notification is written into self::_notification_table. * In the second stage a request from the client reads * out the table to look if there is a notificaton for this * client. The second stage is done in class.ajaxnotifications.inc.php * * Todo: * - save the messages by uid instead of sessionid into the notification table, this * has several advantages (users poll the messages via ajax from multiple logins, and * do not have to read one message twice, poll after re-login with different sessionid) * - delete message from the table only if the user has really seen it * - if the above things are done we should get rid of rendering the links here, * instead it should be done by the ajax class, so sessionids in links could be possible then * * (multidisplay is supported) * */ class notifications_popup implements notifications_iface { /** * Appname */ const _appname = 'notifications'; /** * Notification table in SQL database */ const _notification_table = 'egw_notificationpopup'; /** * holds account object for user who sends the message * * @var object */ private $sender; /** * holds account object for user to notify * * @var object */ private $recipient; /** * holds config object (sitewide application config) * * @var object */ private $config; /** * holds preferences object of user to notify * * @var object */ private $preferences; /** * holds db object of SQL database * * @var egw_db */ private $db; /** * constructor of notifications_egwpopup * * @param object $_sender * @param object $_recipient * @param object $_config * @param object $_preferences */ public function __construct($_sender, $_recipient, $_config = null, $_preferences = null) { if(!is_object($_sender)) { throw new Exception("no sender given."); } if(!is_object($_recipient)) { throw new Exception("no recipient given."); } $this->sender = $_sender; $this->recipient = $_recipient; $this->config = $_config; $this->preferences = $_preferences; $this->db = &$GLOBALS['egw']->db; } /** * sends notification if user is online * * @param array $_messages * @param string $_subject * @param array $_links * @param array $_attachments */ public function send(array $_messages, $_subject = false, $_links = false, $_attachments = false) { $sessions = egw_session::session_list(0, 'asc', 'session_dla'); $user_sessions = array(); foreach ($sessions as $session) { if ($session['session_lid'] == $this->recipient->account_lid. '@'. $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain']) { $user_sessions[] = $session['session_id']; } } if ( empty($user_sessions) ) throw new Exception("User {$this->recipient->account_lid} isn't online. Can't send notification via popup"); $message = $this->render_infos($_subject) .html::hr() .$_messages['html'] .$this->render_links($_links); $this->save( $message, $user_sessions ); } /** * saves notification into database so that the client can fetch it from there * * @param string $_message * @param array $_user_sessions */ private function save( $_message, array $_user_sessions ) { foreach ($_user_sessions as $user_session) { $result =& $this->db->insert( self::_notification_table, array( 'account_id' => $this->recipient->account_id, 'session_id' => $user_session, 'message' => $_message ), false,__LINE__,__FILE__,self::_appname); } if ($result === false) throw new Exception("Can't save notification into SQL table"); } /** * renders plaintext/html links from given link array * should be moved to the ajax class later - like mentioned in the Todo * * @param array $_links * @return html rendered link(s) as complete string with jspopup or a new window */ private function render_links($_links = false) { if(!is_array($_links) || count($_links) == 0) { return false; } $newline = "
"; $rendered_links = array(); foreach($_links as $link) { if(!$link->popup) { $link->view['no_popup'] = 1; } $url = html::link('/index.php', $link->view); // do not expose sensitive data $url = preg_replace('/(sessionid|kp3|domain)=[^&]+&?/','',$url); // extract application-icon from menuaction if($link->view['menuaction']) { $menuaction_arr = explode('.',$link->view['menuaction']); $application = $menuaction_arr[0]; $image = $application ? html::image($application,'navbar',$link->text,'align="middle" style="width: 24px; margin-right: 0.5em;"') : ''; } else { $image = ''; } if($link->popup) { $dimensions = explode('x', $link->popup); $rendered_links[] = html::div($image.$link->text,'onclick="'.$this->jspopup($url, '_blank', $dimensions[0], $dimensions[1]).'"','link'); } else { $rendered_links[] = html::div(''.$image.$link->text.'','','link'); } } if(count($rendered_links) > 0) { return html::hr().html::bold(lang('Linked entries:')).$newline.implode($newline,$rendered_links); } } /** * returns javascript to open a popup window: window.open(...) * * @param string $link link or this.href * @param string $target='_blank' name of target or this.target * @param int $width=750 width of the window * @param int $height=400 height of the window * @return string javascript (using single quotes) */ private function jspopup($link,$target='_blank',$width=750,$height=410) { return 'egw_openWindowCentered2('.($link == 'this.href' ? $link : "'".$link."'").','. ($target == 'this.target' ? $target : "'".$target."'").",$width,$height,'yes')"; } /** * renders additional infos from sender and subject * * @param string $_subject * @return html rendered info as complete string */ private function render_infos($_subject = false) { $infos = array(); $newline = "
"; $sender = $this->sender->account_fullname ? $this->sender->account_fullname : $this->sender_account_email; $infos[] = lang('Message from').': '.$sender; if(!empty($_subject)) { $infos[] = html::bold($_subject); } return implode($newline,$infos); } }