* @package admin * @copyright (c) 2010 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /** * Edit global categories */ class admin_categories { /** * Which methods of this class can be called as menuaction * * @var array */ public $public_functions = array( 'index' => true, 'edit' => true, ); /** * Path where the icons are stored (relative to webserver_url) */ const ICON_PATH = '/phpgwapi/images'; /** * Stupid old admin ACL - dont think anybody uses or understands it ;-) * * @var boolean */ private static $acl_search; private static $acl_add; private static $acl_view; private static $acl_edit; private static $acl_delete; private static $acl_add_sub; /** * Constructor */ function __construct() { if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])) { throw new egw_exception_no_permission_admin(); } if ($GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('global_categories_access',1,'admin')) { $GLOBALS['egw']->redirect_link('/index.php'); } self::init_static(); } /** * Init static vars (static constructor) */ public static function init_static() { if (is_null(self::$acl_search)) { self::$acl_search = !$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('global_categories_access',2,'admin'); self::$acl_add = !$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('global_categories_access',4,'admin'); self::$acl_view = !$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('global_categories_access',8,'admin'); self::$acl_edit = !$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('global_categories_access',16,'admin'); self::$acl_delete = !$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('global_categories_access',32,'admin'); self::$acl_add_sub= !$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('global_categories_access',64,'admin'); } } /** * Edit / add a category * * @param array $content=null * @param string $msg='' */ public function edit(array $content=null,$msg='') { // read the session, as the global_cats param is stored with it. $session = egw_cache::getSession(__CLASS__,'nm'); $global_cats = $session['global_cats']; unset($session); if (!isset($content)) { if (!(isset($_GET['cat_id']) && $_GET['cat_id'] > 0 && ($content = categories::read($_GET['cat_id'])))) { $content = array('data' => array()); if(isset($_GET['parent']) && $_GET['parent'] > 0) { $content['parent'] = (int)$_GET['parent']; } if (isset($_GET['appname']) && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$_GET['appname']])) { $content['appname'] = $_GET['appname']; } else { $content['appname'] = categories::GLOBAL_APPNAME; } } elseif (!self::$acl_edit) { // only allow to view category $readonlys['__ALL__'] = true; $readonlys['button[cancel]'] = false; } $content['base_url'] = self::icon_url(); $content['icon_url'] = $content['base_url'] . $content['data']['icon']; } elseif ($content['button'] || $content['delete']) { $cats = new categories($content['owner'] ? $content['owner'] : categories::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT,$content['appname']); if ($content['delete']['delete']) { $button = 'delete'; $delete_subs = $content['delete']['subs']; } else { list($button) = each($content['button']); unset($content['button']); } unset($content['delete']); switch($button) { case 'save': case 'apply': if ($content['id'] && self::$acl_edit) { $cats->edit($content); $msg = lang('Category saved.'); } elseif (!$content['id'] && ( $content['parent'] && self::$acl_add_sub || !$content['parent'] && self::$acl_add)) { $content['id'] = $cats->add($content); $msg = lang('Category saved.'); } else { $msg = lang('Permission denied!'); unset($button); } break; case 'delete': if (self::$acl_delete) { $cats->delete($content['id'],$delete_subs,!$delete_subs); $msg = lang('Category deleted.'); } else { $msg = lang('Permission denied!'); unset($button); } break; } $link = egw::link('/index.php',array( 'menuaction' => 'admin.admin_categories.index', 'msg' => $msg, 'global_cats' => (empty($global_cats)? false : true), )); $js = "window.opener.location='$link';"; if ($button == 'save' || $button == 'delete') { echo "\n"; common::egw_exit(); } if (!empty($js)) $GLOBALS['egw']->js->set_onload($js); } $content['msg'] = $msg; $sel_options['icon'] = self::get_icons(); $readonlys['button[delete]'] = !$content['id'] || !self::$acl_delete; // cant delete not yet saved category $readonlys['owner'] = $content['id'] > 0; $tmpl = new etemplate('admin.categories.edit'); $tmpl->exec('admin.admin_categories.edit',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$content+array( 'old_parent' => $content['old_parent'] ? $content['old_parent'] : $content['parent'], ),2); } /** * Return URL of an icon, or base url with trailing slash * * @param string $icon='' filename * @return string url */ static function icon_url($icon='') { return $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].self::ICON_PATH.'/'.$icon; } /** * Return icons from /phpgwapi/images * * @return array filename => label */ static function get_icons() { $dir = dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.self::ICON_PATH); $icons = array(); while(($file = $dir->read())) { if (preg_match('/^(.*)\\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/i',$file,$matches)) { $icons[$file] = ucfirst($matches[1]); } } $dir->close(); asort($icons); return $icons; } /** * query rows for the nextmatch widget * * @param array $query with keys 'start', 'search', 'order', 'sort', 'col_filter' * @param array &$rows returned rows/competitions * @param array &$readonlys eg. to disable buttons based on acl, not use here, maybe in a derived class * @return int total number of rows */ static function get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys) { self::init_static(); if (!isset($query['appname'])) { throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed(__METHOD__.'($query,...) $query[appname] NOT set!'); } $globalcat = true; if (isset($query['global_cats']) && $query['global_cats']===false) { $globalcat = false; } egw_cache::setSession(__CLASS__,'nm',$query); $cats = new categories(categories::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT,$query['appname']); $rows = $cats->return_sorted_array($query['start'],$query['num_rows'],$query['search'],$query['sort'],$query['order'],$globalcat,0,true); foreach($rows as &$row) { $row['level_spacer'] = str_repeat('    ',$row['level']); if ($row['data']['icon']) $row['icon_url'] = self::icon_url($row['data']['icon']); $row['subs'] = count($row['children']); $row['class'] = 'level'.$row['level']; $readonlys["edit[$row[id]]"] = !self::$acl_edit; $readonlys["add[$row[id]]"] = !self::$acl_add_sub; $readonlys["delete[$row[id]]"] = !self::$acl_delete; } // make appname available for actions $rows['appname'] = $query['appname']; $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Admin').' - '.lang('Global categories'). ($query['appname'] != categories::GLOBAL_APPNAME ? ': '.lang($query['appname']) : ''); return $cats->total_records; } /** * Display the accesslog * * @param array $content=null * @param string $msg='' */ public function index(array $content=null,$msg='') { //_debug_array($_GET); if(!isset($content)) { if (isset($_GET['msg'])) $msg = $_GET['msg']; $content['nm'] = egw_cache::getSession(__CLASS__,'nm'); if (!is_array($content['nm'])) { $content['nm'] = array( 'get_rows' => 'admin_categories::get_rows', // I method/callback to request the data for the rows eg. 'notes.bo.get_rows' 'no_filter' => True, // I disable the 1. filter 'no_filter2' => True, // I disable the 2. filter (params are the same as for filter) 'no_cat' => True, // I disable the cat-selectbox 'header_left' => false, // I template to show left of the range-value, left-aligned (optional) 'header_right' => false, // I template to show right of the range-value, right-aligned (optional) 'never_hide' => True, // I never hide the nextmatch-line if less then maxmatch entries 'lettersearch' => false, // I show a lettersearch 'start' => 0, // IO position in list 'order' => 'name', // IO name of the column to sort after (optional for the sortheaders) 'sort' => 'ASC', // IO direction of the sort: 'ASC' or 'DESC' 'default_cols' => '!color,last_mod,subs', // I columns to use if there's no user or default pref (! as first char uses all but the named columns), default all columns 'csv_fields' => false, // I false=disable csv export, true or unset=enable it with auto-detected fieldnames, //or array with name=>label or name=>array('label'=>label,'type'=>type) pairs (type is a eT widget-type) 'appname' => categories::GLOBAL_APPNAME, 'no_search' => !self::$acl_search, ); } else { $content['nm']['start']=0; } if (isset($_GET['appname']) && ($_GET['appname'] == categories::GLOBAL_APPNAME || isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$_GET['appname']]))) { $content['nm']['appname'] = $_GET['appname']; } $content['nm']['global_cats'] = true; if (isset($_GET['global_cats']) && empty($_GET['global_cats'] )) { $content['nm']['global_cats'] = false; } } else { if($content['delete']['delete']) { $cats = new categories(categories::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT,$content['nm']['appname']); $cats->delete($content['delete']['cat_id'],$content['delete']['subs'],!$content['delete']['subs']); $msg = lang('Category deleted.'); } unset($content['delete']); } $content['msg'] = $msg; $readonlys['add'] = !self::$acl_add; $tmpl = new etemplate('admin.categories.index'); $tmpl->exec('admin.admin_categories.index',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,array( 'nm' => $content['nm'], )); } } admin_categories::init_static();