* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id: class.mail_ui.inc.php 42779 2013-06-17 14:25:20Z leithoff $ */ include_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/etemplate/inc/class.etemplate.inc.php'); class mail_sieve { var $public_functions = array ( 'addScript' => True, 'ajax_moveRules' => True, 'deleteScript' => True, 'editRule' => True, 'editScript' => True, 'editVacation' => True, 'listScripts' => True, 'index' => True, 'edit' => True, 'updateRules' => True, //'editEmailNotification'=> True, // Added email notifications ); /** * Flag if we can do a timed vaction message, requires Cyrus Admin User/Pw to enable/disable via async service * * @var boolean */ var $timed_vacation; //var $scriptName = 'felamimail'; /** * @var emailadmin_sieve */ var $bosieve; var $errorStack; var $tmpl; var $mailbo; /** * Constructor * */ function __construct() { if(empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['sieveScriptName'])) { $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->add('mail','sieveScriptName','mail', 'forced'); $GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->save_repository(); } $this->scriptName = (!empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['sieveScriptName'])) ? $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['sieveScriptName'] : 'mail' ; $this->displayCharset = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset(); $this->botranslation =& $GLOBALS['egw']->translation; $profileID = 0; if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'])) $profileID = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID']; $this->mailbo = mail_bo::getInstance(true, $profileID); if (is_object($this->mailbo->mailPreferences)) { // account select box $selectedID = $this->mailbo->getIdentitiesWithAccounts($identities); // if nothing valid is found return to user defined account definition if (empty($this->mailbo->icServer->host) && count($identities)==0 && $this->mailbo->mailPreferences->userDefinedAccounts) { // redirect to new personal account egw::redirect_link('/index.php',array('menuaction'=>'mail.uipreferences.editAccountData', 'accountID'=>"new", 'msg' => lang("There is no IMAP Server configured.")." - ".lang("Please configure access to an existing individual IMAP account."), )); } } $this->mailPreferences =& $this->mailbo->mailPreferences; $this->mailConfig = config::read('mail'); $this->restoreSessionData(); $icServer =& $this->mailbo->icServer; if(($icServer instanceof defaultimap) && $icServer->enableSieve) { $this->bosieve =& $icServer; $serverclass = get_class($icServer); $classsupportstimedsieve = false; if (!empty($serverclass) && stripos(constant($serverclass.'::CAPABILITIES'),'timedsieve') !== false) $classsupportstimedsieve = true; $this->timed_vacation = $classsupportstimedsieve && $icServer->enableCyrusAdmin && $icServer->adminUsername && $icServer->adminPassword; } else { die(lang('Sieve not activated')); } } /** * Sieve rules list * * @param array $content=null * @param string $msg=null */ function index(array $content=null,$msg=null) { //Initialize the Grid contents $tmpl = new etemplate_new('mail.sieve.index'); //$this->restoreSessionData(); //if (isset($_GET['rule_id'])) $ruleID = $_GET['rule_id']; if ($_GET['msg']) $msg = $_GET['msg']; _debug_array($content); $content['rg']= $this->get_rows(); //$content['rules'][''] //error_log(__METHOD__. array2string($content)); //_debug_array($readonlys); _debug_array($content); // Set content-menu actions $tmpl->set_cell_attribute('rg', 'actions',$this->get_actions()); $sel_options = array( 'status' => array( 'ENABLED' => lang('Enabled'), 'DISABLED' => lang('Disabled'), ) ); //$tmpl->read('mail.sieve.index'); //_debug_array($content); //_debug_array($this->rules); $tmpl->exec('mail.mail_sieve.index',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys); } /** * Sieve rules edit * * @param array $content=null */ function edit ($content=null) { $etmpl = new etemplate('mail.sieve.edit'); //error_log(__METHOD__.array2string($content)); if (!is_array($content)) { if ( $this->getRules($_GET['ruleID']) && isset($_GET['ruleID'])) { $rules = $this->rulesByID; $content= array_merge($rules); _debug_array($rules); //$content['ruleID'] = $ruleID; switch ($rules['action']) { case 'folder': $content['action_folder_text'] = $rules['action_arg']; break; case 'address': $content['action_address_text'] = $rules['action_arg']; break; case 'reject': $content['action_reject_text'] = $rules['action_arg']; } } else // Adding new rule { $this->getRules(); $newRulePriority = count($this->rules)*2+1; $newRules = $content; $newRules ['priority'] = $newRulePriority; $newRules ['status'] = 'ENABLED'; $this->rulesByID = $newRules; _debug_array($this->rulesByID); } $this->saveSessionData(); } else { $this->restoreSessionData(); list($button) = @each($content['button']); switch ($button) { case 'apply': case 'save': if($content) { unset($content['button']); //$ruleID is calculated by priority from the selected rule and is an unique ID $ruleID = ($this->rulesByID['priority'] -1) / 2; $newRule = $content; $newRule['priority'] = $this->rulesByID['priority']; $newRule['status'] = $this->rulesByID['status']; switch ($content['action']) { case 'folder': $newRule['action_arg'] = $content['action_folder_text']; break; case 'address': $newRule['action_arg'] = $content['action_address_text']; break; case 'reject': $newRule['action_arg'] = $content['action_reject_text']; } unset($newRule['action_folder_text']); unset($newRule['action_address_text']); unset($newRule['action_reject_text']); $newRule['flg'] = 0 ; if( $newRule['continue'] ) { $newRule['flg'] += 1; } if( $newRule['gthan'] ) { $newRule['flg'] += 2; } if( $newRule['anyof'] ) { $newRule['flg'] += 4; } if( $newRule['keep'] ) { $newRule['flg'] += 8; } if( $newRule['regexp'] ) { $newRule['flg'] += 128; } _debug_array($newRule); if($newRule['action'] && $this->rulesByID['priority']) { $this->rules[$ruleID] = $newRule; $ret = $this->bosieve->setRules($this->scriptName, $this->rules); if (!$ret && !empty($this->bosieve->error)) { $msg .= lang("Saving the rule failed:")."
"; } $this->saveSessionData(); } else { $msg .= "\n".lang("Error: Could not save rule").' '.lang("No action defined!"); $error++; } if ($button == "apply") break; //close the window and refresh the rules list $this->sieve_refresh(); } else { $msg .= "\n".lang("Error: Could not save rule").' '.lang("No action defined!"); $error++; } case 'cancel': break; case 'delete': $this->sieve_refresh(); break; } } $sel_options = array( 'anyof' => array( 0 => lang('all of'), 1 => lang('any of'), ), 'gthan' => array( 0 => lang('less than'), 1 => lang('greater than'), ), 'bodytransform' => array( 0 => 'raw', 1 => 'text', ), 'ctype' => emailadmin_script::$btransform_ctype_array, ); //error_log(__METHOD__. array2string($content)); return $etmpl->exec('mail.mail_sieve.edit',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,$preserv,2); } function editVacation($content=null) { $vtmpl = new etemplate('mail.sieve.editVacation'); $preferences =& $this->mailPreferences; if(!(empty($preferences->preferences['prefpreventabsentnotice']) || $preferences->preferences['prefpreventabsentnotice'] == 0)) { die('You should not be here!'); } //$uiwidgets =& CreateObject('felamimail.uiwidgets',EGW_APP_TPL); $boemailadmin = new emailadmin_bo(); if ($this->timed_vacation) { include_once(EGW_API_INC.'/class.jscalendar.inc.php'); $jscal = new jscalendar(); } if($this->bosieve->getScript($this->scriptName)) { if(PEAR::isError($error = $this->bosieve->retrieveRules($this->scriptName)) ) { $rules = array(); $vacation = array(); } else { $rules = $this->bosieve->getRules($this->scriptName); $vacation = $this->bosieve->getVacation($this->scriptName); } } else { // something went wrong } if (is_array($content)) { list($button) = @each($content['button']); unset ($content['button']); switch($button) { case 'delete': break; case 'apply': case 'save': } } _debug_array($content); /* if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin']) { // store text as default if (isset($_POST['set_as_default'])) { config::save_value('default_vacation_text', $_POST['vacation_text'], 'felamimail'); } //$this->t->set_var('set_as_default',''); //set as default } $checkAddresses=(get_var('check_mail_sent_to',array('POST'))=='off'?false:true); if ($content['vacationStatus']) { } if(isset($_POST["vacationStatus"])) { $newVacation['text'] = get_var('vacation_text',array('POST')); if (strpos($newVacation['text'],"\r\n")===false) $newVacation['text'] = str_replace("\n\n","\r\n",$newVacation['text']); $newVacation['text'] = $this->botranslation->convert($newVacation['text'],$this->displayCharset,'UTF-8'); $newVacation['days'] = get_var('days',array('POST')); $newVacation['addresses'] = get_var('vacationAddresses',array('POST')); $newVacation['status'] = get_var('vacationStatus',array('POST')); if (empty($preferences->preferences['prefpreventforwarding']) || $preferences->preferences['prefpreventforwarding'] == 0 ) # || #($ogServer instanceof emailadmin_smtp) || $ogServer->editForwardingAddress) { $newVacation['forwards'] = get_var('vacation_forwards',array('POST')); } if (!in_array($newVacation['status'],array('on','off','by_date'))) $newVacation['status'] = 'off'; if ($this->timed_vacation||isset($_POST['start_date']) || isset($_POST['end_date'])) { if (isset($_POST['start_date'])) { $date = $jscal->input2date($_POST['start_date']); if ($date['raw']) $newVacation['start_date'] = $date['raw']-12*3600; } if (isset($_POST['end_date'])) { $date = $jscal->input2date($_POST['end_date']); if ($date['raw']) $newVacation['end_date'] = $date['raw']-12*3600; } } if(isset($_POST['save']) || isset($_POST['apply'])) { if($this->checkRule($newVacation,$checkAddresses)) { if (!$this->bosieve->setVacation($this->scriptName, $newVacation)) { print "vacation update failed
"; #print $script->errstr."
"; $this->t->set_var('validation_errors', lang('Vacation notice update failed').': '.$this->bosieve->error); } else { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($newVacation)); if (!isset($newVacation['scriptName']) || empty($newVacation['scriptName'])) $newVacation['scriptName'] = $this->scriptName; $this->bosieve->setAsyncJob($newVacation); $this->t->set_var('validation_errors', lang('Vacation notice sucessful updated.')); } } else { if(isset($_POST['save'])) unset($_POST['save']); $this->t->set_var('validation_errors',implode('
',$this->errorStack)); } } $vacation = $newVacation; if(isset($_POST['save']) || isset($_POST['cancel'])) { $GLOBALS['egw']->redirect_link('/felamimail/index.php'); } } $this->saveSessionData(); // display the header $this->display_app_header(); // initialize the template $this->t->set_file(array("filterForm" => "sieveForm.tpl")); $this->t->set_block('filterForm','vacation'); // translate most of the parts $this->translate(); // vacation status if($vacation['status'] == 'on') { $this->t->set_var('checked_active', 'checked'); } elseif($vacation['status'] == 'off') { $this->t->set_var('checked_disabled', 'checked'); } if($checkAddresses) { $this->t->set_var('check_mail_sent_to_active', 'checked'); } else { $this->t->set_var('check_mail_sent_to_disabled', 'checked'); } // vacation text if (empty($vacation['text'])) { $config = new config('felamimail'); $config = $config->read_repository(); $vacation['text'] = $config['default_vacation_text']; } $this->t->set_var('vacation_text',$this->botranslation->convert($vacation['text'],'UTF-8')); //vacation days if(empty($vacation)) { $this->t->set_var('selected_7', 'selected="selected"'); // ToDO set default } else { $this->t->set_var('selected_'.($vacation['days']?$vacation['days']:'7'), 'selected="selected"'); } if (empty($preferences->preferences['prefpreventforwarding']) || $preferences->preferences['prefpreventforwarding'] == 0 ) { $this->t->set_var('vacation_forwards',''); } else { $this->t->set_var('vacation_forwards',lang('not allowed')); unset($vacation['forwards']); } // vacation addresses if(is_array($vacation['addresses'])) { foreach($vacation['addresses'] as $address) { $selectedAddresses[$address] = $address; } asort($selectedAddresses); } $allIdentities = $preferences->getIdentity(); //_debug_array($allIdentities); foreach($allIdentities as $key => $singleIdentity) { if((empty($vacation) || empty($selectedAddresses))&& $singleIdentity->default === true) { $selectedAddresses[$singleIdentity->emailAddress] = $singleIdentity->emailAddress; } $predefinedAddresses[$singleIdentity->emailAddress] = $singleIdentity->emailAddress; } asort($predefinedAddresses); $this->t->set_var('multiSelectBox',$uiwidgets->multiSelectBox( $selectedAddresses, $predefinedAddresses, 'vacationAddresses', '400px' )); $linkData = array ( 'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editVacation', ); $this->t->set_var('vacation_action_url',$GLOBALS['egw']->link('/index.php',$linkData)); if ($this->timed_vacation) { $this->t->set_var('by_date',' : '. $jscal->input('start_date',$vacation['start_date']).' - '.$jscal->input('end_date',$vacation['end_date'])); $this->t->set_var('lang_help_start_end_replacement','
'.lang('You can use %1 for the above start-date and %2 for the end-date.','$$start$$','$$end$$')); } $this->t->pfp('out','vacation'); */ $sel_options = array( 'status' => array( 'active' => lang('all of'), 'disabled' => lang('any of'), ), ); $vtmpl->exec('mail.mail_sieve.editVacation',$content,$sel_options); } /** * Move rule to an other position in list * * @param int $from 0, 1, ... * @param int $to 0, 1, ... */ function ajax_moveRule($objType, $orders) { //$this->restoreSessionData(); foreach ($orders as $keys => $val) $orders[$keys] = $orders[$keys] -1; error_log(__METHOD__.array2string($orders)); $this->getRules(null); //_debug_array($this->rules); $newrules = $this->rules; $keyfound = 1; foreach($orders as $keys => $ruleID) { //error_log(__METHOD__. $ruleID); $newrules[$keys] = $this->rules[$ruleID]; error_log(__METHOD__. "keys +1:" . $orders[$keys +1]); error_log(__METHOD__. "key:" . $orders[$keys]); if ((($ruleID - $orders[$keys +1]) !== -1) && ($keyfound == 1)) { if ($orders[$keys +1] < ($orders[$keys] + 1) ) { $to = $orders[$keys]; } else { $from = $orders[$keys]; } $keyfound = 0; error_log(__METHOD__. "from=" .$from); error_log(__METHOD__. "to=" .$to); } } error_log(__METHOD__. "from=" .$from); $msg = 'the rule with priority' . $from . 'moved to' . $to; //$this->rules = $newrules; _debug_array($newrules); $this->updateScript(); $this->saveSessionData(); $this->sieve_refresh($msg); } /** * Handling actions over sieve rules list on gd * * @param type $actions * @param type $checked * @param type $action_msg * @param type $msg */ function ajax_action($action,$checked,$msg='') { $this->getRules(); $response = egw_json_response::get(); switch ($action) { case 'delete': $msg = lang('rule ') . $checked . lang(' deleted!'); unset($this->rules[$checked]); $this->rules = array_values($this->rules); break; case 'enable': $msg = lang('rule ') . $checked . lang(' enabled!'); $this->rules[$checked][status] = 'ENABLED'; break; case 'disable': $msg = lang('rule ') . $checked . lang(' disabled!'); $this->rules[$checked][status] = 'DISABLED'; break; } $this->updateScript(); $this->saveSessionData(); $this->sieve_refresh($msg); $response->call('app.mail.action',$action,$checked,$msg); } /** * */ function addScript() { if($scriptName = $_POST['newScriptName']) { $this->bosieve->installScript($scriptName, ''); } $this->listScripts(); } /** * * @param type $rule * @return string */ function buildRule($rule) { $andor = ' '. lang('and') .' '; $started = 0; if ($rule['anyof']) $andor = ' '. lang('or') .' '; $complete = lang('IF').' '; if ($rule['unconditional']) $complete = "[Unconditional] "; if ($rule['from']) { $match = $this->setMatchType($rule['from'],$rule['regexp']); $complete .= "'From:' " . $match . " '" . $rule['from'] . "'"; $started = 1; } if ($rule['to']) { if ($started) $complete .= $andor; $match = $this->setMatchType($rule['to'],$rule['regexp']); $complete .= "'To:' " . $match . " '" . $rule['to'] . "'"; $started = 1; } if ($rule['subject']) { if ($started) $complete .= $andor; $match = $this->setMatchType($rule['subject'],$rule['regexp']); $complete .= "'Subject:' " . $match . " '" . $rule['subject'] . "'"; $started = 1; } if ($rule['field'] && $rule['field_val']) { if ($started) $complete .= $andor; $match = $this->setMatchType($rule['field_val'],$rule['regexp']); $complete .= "'" . $rule['field'] . "' " . $match . " '" . $rule['field_val'] . "'"; $started = 1; } if ($rule['size']) { $xthan = " less than '"; if ($rule['gthan']) $xthan = " greater than '"; if ($started) $complete .= $andor; $complete .= "message " . $xthan . $rule['size'] . "KB'"; $started = 1; } if (!$rule['unconditional']) $complete .= ' '.lang('THEN').' '; if (preg_match("/folder/i",$rule['action'])) $complete .= lang('file into')." '" . $rule['action_arg'] . "';"; if (preg_match("/reject/i",$rule['action'])) $complete .= lang('reject with')." '" . $rule['action_arg'] . "'."; if (preg_match("/address/i",$rule['action'])) $complete .= lang('forward to').' ' . $rule['action_arg'] .'.'; if (preg_match("/discard/i",$rule['action'])) $complete .= lang('discard').'.'; if ($rule['continue']) $complete .= " [Continue]"; if ($rule['keep']) $complete .= " [Keep a copy]"; return $complete; } /** * * @param type $matchstr * @param type $regex * @return type */ function setMatchType (&$matchstr, $regex = false) { $match = lang('contains'); if (preg_match("/\s*!/", $matchstr)) $match = lang('does not contain'); if (preg_match("/\*|\?/", $matchstr)) { $match = lang('matches'); if (preg_match("/\s*!/", $matchstr)) $match = lang('does not match'); } if ($regex) { $match = lang('matches regexp'); if (preg_match("/\s*!/", $matchstr)) $match = lang('does not match regexp'); } $matchstr = preg_replace("/^\s*!/","",$matchstr); return $match; } /** * */ function saveScript() { $scriptName = $_POST['scriptName']; $scriptContent = $_POST['scriptContent']; if(isset($scriptName) and isset($scriptContent)) { if($this->sieve->sieve_sendscript($scriptName, stripslashes($scriptContent))) { #print "Successfully loaded script onto server. (Remember to set it active!)
"; } } $this->mainScreen(); } /** * */ function saveSessionData() { $sessionData['sieve_rules'] = $this->rules; $sessionData['sieve_rulesByID'] = $this->rulesByID; $sessionData['sieve_scriptToEdit'] = $this->scriptToEdit; $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('sieve_session_data','',$sessionData); } /** * */ function updateScript() { if (!$this->bosieve->setRules($this->scriptToEdit, $this->rules)) { print "update failed
";exit; } } /** * getRules() * Fetched rules save on array()rules. * * @return boolean, returns false in case of failure and true in case of success. */ function getRules($ruleID) { if($script = $this->bosieve->getScript($this->scriptName)) { $this->scriptToEdit = $this->scriptName; if(PEAR::isError($error = $this->bosieve->retrieveRules($this->scriptName)) ) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.$error->message); $this->rules = array(); $this->rulesByID = array(); $this->vacation = array(); } else { $this->rules = $this->bosieve->getRules($this->scriptName); $this->rulesByID = $this->rules[$ruleID]; $this->vacation = $this->bosieve->getVacation($this->scriptName); } //$ruleslist= preg_match('#rule',$script, $subject) return true; } else { // something went wrong error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' failed'); return false; } //error_log(__METHOD__.array2string( $script)); } /** * */ function restoreSessionData() { $sessionData = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('sieve_session_data'); $this->rules = $sessionData['sieve_rules']; $this->rulesByID = $sessionData['sieve_rulesByID']; $this->scriptToEdit = $sessionData['sieve_scriptToEdit']; } /** * * @return type */ function get_rows(&$rows,&$readonlys) { $rows = array(); $this->getRules(); /* ADDED BY GHORTH */ //$this->saveSessionData(); if (is_array($this->rules) && !empty($this->rules) ) { $rows = $this->rules; foreach ($rows as &$row ) { $row['rules'] = $this->buildRule($row); $row['ruleID'] =(string)(($row['priority'] -1) / 2 ); if ($row ['status'] === 'ENABLED') { } } //error_log(__METHOD__. array2string($rules)); //_debug_array($rules); }else { //error_log(__METHOD__.'There are no rules or something is went wrong at getRules()!'); return ; } array_unshift($rows,array(''=> '')); //_debug_array($rows); return $rows; } /** * Get actions / context menu for index * * * * @return array */ private function get_actions(array $query=array()) { $actions =array( 'edit' => array( 'caption' => 'Edit', 'default' => true, 'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.mail.action' ), 'add' => array( 'caption' => 'Add', //'url' => 'menuaction=mail.mail_sieve.edit', 'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.mail.action' ), 'enable' => array( 'caption' => 'Enable', 'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.mail.action', 'enableClass' => 'mail_sieve_ENABLED', 'hideOnDisabled' => true, ), 'disable' => array( 'caption' => 'Disable', 'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.mail.action', 'disableClass' => 'mail_sieve_ENABLED', 'hideOnDisabled' => true, ), 'delete' => array( 'caption' => 'Delete', 'onExecute' => 'javaScript:app.mail.action' ), ); //_debug_array($actions); return $actions; } function sieve_refresh($msg) { $response = egw_json_response::get(); $response->alert(''); $this->get_rows($rows, $readonlys); error_log(__METHOD__. count($rows)); $response->call('app.mail.sieve_refresh',$rows, $msg); } } ?>