* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ class vfs { var $basedir; function sanitize($string) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"]; return(ereg_replace( "^\.+", "",str_replace($sep, "",strrchr($string,$sep)))); } function securitycheck($string) { if(substr($string,0,1) == "." || substr($string,0,1) == "\\" || strstr($string, "..") || strstr($string, "\\..") || strstr($string, ".\\.")) { return False; }else{ return True; } } function rawname2array($string) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"]; if(substr($string,0,1) == $sep) { // we have a starting slash... $sub = substr($string,1); // take everything past the first slash... $basedir = substr($sub,0,strpos($sub,$sep)); // ...to the second slash if (!$basedir){ $basedir = substr($sub,strpos($sub,$sep)); // it becomes the basedir }else{ $file = substr($sub,strpos($sub,$sep)); // take everything after the second slash. } } else { // we have no starting slash... $basedir = $phpgw->common->appsession(); $file = $string; } // security check (might want to spin this into it's own function...) if(substr($file,0,1) == "." || substr($file,0,1) == "\\" || strstr($file, "..") || strstr($file, "\\..") || strstr($file, ".\\.")) { return False; } return(array( "basedir" => $basedir, "file" => $file)); } function getabsolutepath($target = False) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"]; $basedir = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups"; $currentdir = $phpgw->common->appsession(); if(!$this->securitycheck($target)) { return False; } else { $dir_array = explode($sep,$target); $dir_count = count($dir_array); if (substr ($target, 0, 1) != $sep){ if (!empty($currentdir)){ $basedir .= $currentdir; } } for ($diridx=0;$diridx<$dir_count;++$diridx) { if (!empty($dir_array[$diridx])){ $basedir .= $sep.$dir_array[$diridx]; } } return $basedir = ereg_replace ($phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups".$sep."home", $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."users".$sep.$phpgw_info["user"]["userid"], $basedir); } } function ls($target = False, $checksubdirs = "No") { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"]; if(!$this->securitycheck($target)) { return False; } else { $basedir = $this->getabsolutepath($target); if ($basedir == $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups".$sep || $target == "/"){ //if ($basedir == $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups".$sep){ if ($checksubdirs == "Yes"){ //if its a dir, does that dir have subdirs? $path = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."users".$sep.$phpgw_info["user"]["userid"]; $subdir = dir($path); while($subentry=$subdir->read()) { $subpath = $path.$sep.$subentry; $subtype = filetype($subpath); if ($subentry != "." && $subentry != ".." && $subtype == "dir"){ $hassubdir = True; } } } $list[] = array("name" => "home", "type" => "dir", "subdirs" => $hassubdir); $hassubdir = False; $groups = $phpgw->accounts->read_group_names(); if (!empty ($groups[0][1])) { $group_count = count($groups); for ($groupidx=0;$groupidx<$group_count;++$groupidx) { $this->verifydir("group",$groups[$groupidx][1]); if ($checksubdirs == "Yes"){ //if its a dir, does that dir have subdirs? $path = $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"].$sep."groups".$sep.$groups[$groupidx][1]; $subdir = dir($path); while($subentry=$subdir->read()) { $subpath = $path.$sep.$subentry; $subtype = filetype($subpath); if ($subentry != "." && $subentry != ".." && $subtype == "dir"){ $hassubdir = True; } } } $list[] = array("name" => $groups[$groupidx][1], "type" => "dir", "subdirs" => $hassubdir); $hassubdir = False; } } return $list; }elseif (is_dir($basedir)){ //if basedir is a directory, then we fill the array $dir = dir($basedir); while($entry=$dir->read()) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." ){ //make sure we filter out . and .. $path = $basedir.$sep.$entry; if (filetype($path) == "dir"){ $entrytype = "dir"; if ($checksubdirs == "Yes"){ //if its a dir, does that dir have subdirs? $subdir = dir($path); while($subentry=$subdir->read()) { $subpath = "$path$sep$subentry"; $subtype = filetype($subpath); if ($subentry != "." && $subentry != ".." && $subtype == "dir"){ $hassubdir = True; } } } $list[] = array("name" => $entry, "type" => $entrytype, "subdirs" => $hassubdir); } if (filetype($path) == "file"){ $entrytype = "file"; $entrysize = filesize($path); $entrymodifiedtime = filemtime($path); $list[] = array("name" => $entry, "type" => $entrytype, "size" => $entrysize, "modified" =>$entrymodifiedtime); } } } $dir->close(); return $list; }elseif(is_file($basedir)){ $dir_array = explode($sep,$basedir); unset($basedir); $dir_count = count($dir_array); for ($diridx=0;$diridx<($dir_count-1);++$diridx) { if (!empty($dir_array[$diridx])){ $basedir .= $sep.$dir_array[$diridx]; } } if (!is_dir($basedir) && !is_file($basedir)){ return False; }elseif (is_dir($basedir)) { $file = $dir_array[$dir_count]; } } } } function dir($target, $checksubdirs) { return $this->ls($target, $checksubdirs); } function cd ($target = "/", $targettype = "relative"){ global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $sep = $phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"]; if ($targettype == "relative"){ $basedir = $this->getabsolutepath($target); }else{ $basedir = $target; } $currentdir = $phpgw->common->appsession(); if (substr ($target, 0, 1) != $sep){ if (!empty($currentdir)){ $appsession_dir = $currentdir.$sep.$target; } }else{ $appsession_dir = $target; } if (!is_dir($basedir)){ return False; }else{ $var = chdir ($basedir); if ($var){ $phpgw->common->appsession($appsession_dir); return True; }else{ return False; } } } function pwd() { global $phpgw; $currentdir = $phpgw->common->appsession(); if ($currentdir == ""){$currentdir = "/";} return $currentdir; } function read($file) { global $phpgw_info; $path = $this->getabsolutepath($file); if ($fp = fopen($path, "r")) { $contents = fread($fp, filesize($path)); fclose($fp); return $contents; } else { return False; } } function write($file, $contents) { global $phpgw_info; $path = $this->getabsolutepath($file); umask(000); if ($fp = fopen($path, "w")) { fputs($fp, $contents, strlen($contents)); fclose($fp); return 1; } else { return 0; } } function cp($fromfile, $tofile, $from_absolute = "") { global $phpgw_info; if ($from_absolute){ $frompath = $fromfile; }else{ $frompath = $this->getabsolutepath($fromfile); } $topath = $this->getabsolutepath($tofile); umask(000); if (!copy($frompath, $topath)) { return False; }else{ return True; } } function copy($fromfile, $tofile) { umask(000); return $this->cp($fromfile, $tofile); } function mv($fromfile, $tofile, $from_absolute = False) { global $phpgw_info; if ($from_absolute){ $frompath = $fromfile; }else{ $frompath = $this->getabsolutepath($fromfile); } $topath = $this->getabsolutepath($tofile); umask(000); if (!copy($frompath, $topath)) { return False; }else{ if (!unlink($frompath)) { return False; }else{ return True; } } } function move($fromfile, $tofile, $from_absolute) { umask(000); return $this->mv($fromfile, $tofile, $from_absolute); } function rm($file) { global $phpgw_info; $path = $this->getabsolutepath($file); if (!unlink($path)) { return False; }else{ return True; } } function delete($file) { return $this->rm($file); } function rmdir($dir) { global $phpgw_info; $path = $this->getabsolutepath($dir); if (!rmdir($path)) { return False; }else{ return True; } } function mkdir($dir) { global $phpgw_info; $path = $this->getabsolutepath($dir); umask(000); if (!mkdir($path, 01707)) { return False; }else{ return True; } } function verifydir($type = "user", $account = False) { global $phpgw_info; if (!$account){ $path = "/home"; }else{ $path = "/".$account; } if (!is_dir ($this->getabsolutepath($path))) { if (!$this->mkdir ($path)) { $msg = "To correct this error you will need to properly set the " . "permissions to the files/users directory.
" ."On *nix systems please type: chmod 707 "; if ($type = "user"){ $msg .= $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] . "/users/"; }else{ $msg .= $phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] . "/groups/"; } echo $msg; return False; }else{ return True; } }else{ return True; } } }