* @copyright (c) 2010 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ include_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/emailadmin/inc/class.defaultsmtp.inc.php'); /** * Generic base class for SMTP configuration via LDAP * * This class uses just inetOrgPerson schema to store primary mail address and aliases * * Aliases are stored as aditional mail Attributes. The primary mail address is the first one. * This schema does NOT support forwarding or disabling of an account for mail. * * Please do NOT copy this class! Extend it and set the constants different * (incl. protected config var as long as we can not require PHP5.3 for LSB). */ class emailadmin_smtp_ldap extends defaultsmtp { /** * Name of schema, has to be in the right case! */ const SCHEMA = 'inetOrgPerson'; /** * Attribute to enable mail for an account, OR false if existence of ALIAS_ATTR is enough for mail delivery */ const MAIL_ENABLE_ATTR = false; /** * Attribute value to enable mail for an account, OR false if existense of attribute is enough to enable account */ const MAIL_ENABLED = false; /** * Attribute for aliases OR false to use mail */ const ALIAS_ATTR = false; /** * Primary mail address required as an alias too: true or false */ const REQUIRE_MAIL_AS_ALIAS=false; /** * Attribute for forwards OR false if not possible */ const FORWARD_ATTR = false; /** * Attribute to only forward mail, OR false if not available */ const FORWARD_ONLY_ATTR = false; /** * Attribute value to only forward mail */ const FORWARD_ONLY = false; /** * Attribute for mailbox, to which mail gets delivered OR false if not supported */ const MAILBOX_ATTR = false; /** * Log all LDAP writes / actions to error_log */ var $debug = false; /** * LDAP schema configuration * * Parent can NOT use constants direct as we have no late static binding in currenlty required PHP 5.2 * * @var array */ protected $config = array( 'schema' => self::SCHEMA, 'mail_enable_attr' => self::MAIL_ENABLE_ATTR, 'mail_enabled' => self::MAIL_ENABLED, 'alias_attr' => self::ALIAS_ATTR, 'require_mail_as_alias' => self::REQUIRE_MAIL_AS_ALIAS, 'forward_attr' => self::FORWARD_ATTR, 'forward_only_attr' => self::FORWARD_ONLY_ATTR, 'forward_only' => self::FORWARD_ONLY, 'mailbox_attr' => self::MAILBOX_ATTR, ); /** * from here on implementation, please do NOT copy but extend it! */ /** * Hook called on account creation * * @param array $_hookValues values for keys 'account_email', 'account_firstname', 'account_lastname', 'account_lid' * @return boolean true on success, false on error writing to ldap */ function addAccount($_hookValues) { $mailLocalAddress = $_hookValues['account_email'] ? $_hookValues['account_email'] : common::email_address($_hookValues['account_firstname'], $_hookValues['account_lastname'],$_hookValues['account_lid'],$this->defaultDomain); $ds = $GLOBALS['egw']->ldap->ldapConnect(); $filter = "uid=".$_hookValues['account_lid']; if (!($sri = @ldap_search($ds,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['ldap_context'],$filter))) { return false; } $allValues = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sri); $accountDN = $allValues[0]['dn']; $objectClasses = $allValues[0]['objectclass']; unset($objectClasses['count']); // add our mail schema, if not already set if(!in_array($this->config['schema'],$objectClasses) && !in_array(strtolower($this->config['schema']),$objectClasses)) { $objectClasses[] = $this->config['schema']; } // the new code for postfix+cyrus+ldap $newData = array( 'mail' => $mailLocalAddress, 'objectclass' => $objectClasses ); // does schema have explicit alias attribute AND require mail added as alias too if ($this->config['alias_attr'] && $this->config['require_mail_as_alias'] && $this->config['alias_attr']) { $newData[$this->config['alias_attr']] = $mailLocalAddress; } // does schema support enabling/disabling mail via attribute if ($this->config['mail_enable_attr']) { $newData[$this->config['mail_enable_attr']] = $this->config['mail_enabled']; } // does schema support an explicit mailbox name --> set it if ($this->config['mailbox_attr']) { $newData[$this->config['mailbox_attr']] = self::mailbox_addr($_hookValues); } if (!($ret = ldap_mod_replace($ds, $accountDN, $newData)) || $this->debug) { error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string(func_get_args()).") --> ldap_mod_replace(,'$accountDN',". array2string($newData).') returning '.array2string($ret). (!$ret?' ('.ldap_error($ds).')':'')); } return $ret; } /** * Get all email addresses of an account * * @param string $_accountName * @return array */ function getAccountEmailAddress($_accountName) { $emailAddresses = array(); $ds = $GLOBALS['egw']->ldap->ldapConnect(); $filter = sprintf("(&(uid=%s)(objectclass=posixAccount))",$_accountName); $attributes = array('dn','mail',$this->config['alias_attr']); $sri = @ldap_search($ds, $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['ldap_context'], $filter, $attributes); if ($sri) { $realName = trim($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['firstname'] . (!empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['firstname']) ? ' ' : '') . $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['lastname']); $allValues = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sri); if(isset($allValues[0]['mail'])) { foreach($allValues[0]['mail'] as $key => $value) { if ($key === 'count') continue; $emailAddresses[] = array ( 'name' => $realName, 'address' => $value, 'type' => !$key ? 'default' : 'alternate', ); } } if ($this->config['alias_attr'] && isset($allValues[0][$this->config['alias_attr']])) { foreach($allValues[0][$this->config['alias_attr']] as $key => $value) { if ($key === 'count') continue; $emailAddresses[] = array( 'name' => $realName, 'address' => $value, 'type' => 'alternate' ); } } } if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."('$_acountName') returning ".array2string($emailAddresses)); return $emailAddresses; } /** * Get the data of a given user * * @param int $_uidnumber numerical user-id * @return array */ function getUserData($_uidnumber) { $userData = array(); $ldap = $GLOBALS['egw']->ldap->ldapConnect(); if (($sri = @ldap_search($ldap,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['ldap_context'],'(uidnumber='.(int)$_uidnumber.')',array($this->config['schema'])))) { $allValues = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sri); if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."($_uidnumber) --> ldap_search(,{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['ldap_context']},'(uidnumber=$_uidnumber)') --> ldap_get_entries=".array2string($allValues[0])); if ($allValues['count'] > 0) { $userData['mailLocalAddress'] = $allValues[0]['mail'][0]; if ($this->config['alias_attr']) { $userData['mailAlternateAddress'] = (array)$allValues[0][$this->config['alias_attr']]; unset($userData['mailAlternateAddress']['count']); } else { $userData['mailAlternateAddress'] = (array)$allValues[0]['mail']; unset($userData['mailAlternateAddress']['count']); unset($userData['mailAlternateAddress'][0]); $userData['mailAlternateAddress'] = array_values($userData['mailAlternateAddress']); } if ($this->config['mail_enable_attr']) { $userData['accountStatus'] = isset($allValues[0][$this->config['mail_enable_attr']]) && ($this->config['mail_enabled'] && $allValues[0][$this->config['mail_enable_attr']][0] == $this->config['mail_enabled'] || !$this->config['mail_enabled'] && $allValues[0][$this->config['alias_attr']]['count'] > 0) ? 'active' : ''; } else { $userData['accountStatus'] = $allValues[0][$this->config['alias_attr']]['count'] > 0 ? 'active' : ''; } $userData['mailForwardingAddress'] = $this->config['forward_attr'] ? $allValues[0][$this->config['forward_attr']] : array(); unset($userData['mailForwardingAddress']['count']); //$userData['deliveryProgramPath'] = $allValues[0][$this->config['mailbox_attr']][0]; if ($this->config['mailbox_attr']) $userData[$this->config['mailbox_attr']] = $allValues[0][$this->config['mailbox_attr']][0]; if ($this->config['forward_only_attr']) { $userData['deliveryMode'] = isset($allValues[0][$this->config['forward_only_attr']]) && ($this->config['forward_only'] && $allValues[0][$this->config['forward_only_attr']][0] == $this->config['forward_only'] || !$this->config['forward_only'] && $allValues[0][$this->config['forward_only_attr']]['count'] > 0) ? 'forwardOnly' : ''; } else { $userData['deliveryMode'] = ''; } // eg. suse stores all email addresses as aliases if ($this->config['require_mail_as_alias'] && ($k = array_search($userData['mailLocalAddress'],$userData['mailAlternateAddress'])) !== false) { unset($userData['mailAlternateAddress'][$k]); } } } if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."('$_uidnumber') returning ".array2string($userData)); return $userData; } /** * Set the data of a given user * * @param int $_uidnumber numerical user-id * @param array $_mailAlternateAddress * @param array $_mailForwardingAddress * @param string $_deliveryMode * @param string $_accountStatus * @param string $_mailLocalAddress * @return boolean true on success, false on error writing to ldap */ function setUserData($_uidnumber, $_mailAlternateAddress, $_mailForwardingAddress, $_deliveryMode, $_accountStatus, $_mailLocalAddress) { $filter = 'uidnumber='.(int)$_uidnumber; $ldap = $GLOBALS['egw']->ldap->ldapConnect(); if (!($sri = @ldap_search($ldap,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['ldap_context'],$filter))) { return false; } $allValues = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sri); $accountDN = $allValues[0]['dn']; $uid = $allValues[0]['uid'][0]; $objectClasses = $allValues[0]['objectclass']; unset($objectClasses['count']); if(!in_array($this->config['schema'],$objectClasses) && !in_array(strtolower($this->config['schema']),$objectClasses)) { $objectClasses[] = $this->config['schema']; $newData['objectclass'] = $objectClasses; } sort($_mailAlternateAddress); sort($_mailForwardingAddress); $newData['mail'] = $_mailLocalAddress; // does schema have explicit alias attribute if ($this->config['alias_attr']) { $newData[$this->config['alias_attr']] = (array)$_mailAlternateAddress; // all email must be stored as alias for suse if ($this->config['require_mail_as_alias'] && !in_array($_mailLocalAddress,(array)$_mailAlternateAddress)) { $newData[$this->config['alias_attr']][] = $_mailLocalAddress; } } // or de we add them - if existing - to mail attr elseif ($_mailAlternateAddress) { $newData['mail'] = array_merge((array)$newData['mail'],(array)$_mailAlternateAddress); } // does schema support to store forwards if ($this->config['forward_attr']) { $newData[$this->config['forward_attr']] = (array)$_mailForwardingAddress; } // does schema support only forwarding incomming mail if ($this->config['forward_only_attr']) { $newData[$this->config['forward_only_attr']] = $_deliveryMode ? $this->config['forward_only'] : array(); } // does schema support enabling/disabling mail via attribute if ($this->config['mail_enable_attr']) { $newData[$this->config['mail_enable_attr']] = $_accountStatus ? $this->config['mail_enabled'] : array(); } // does schema support an explicit mailbox name --> set it with $uid@$domain if ($this->config['mailbox_attr']) { $newData[$this->config['mailbox_attr']] = $uid.'@'.$this->defaultDomain; } if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string(func_get_args()).") --> ldap_mod_replace(,'$accountDN',".array2string($newData).')'); return ldap_mod_replace($ldap, $accountDN, $newData); } /** * Saves the forwarding information * * @param int $_accountID * @param string $_forwardingAddress * @param string $_keepLocalCopy 'yes' * @return boolean true on success, false on error writing to ldap */ function saveSMTPForwarding($_accountID, $_forwardingAddress, $_keepLocalCopy) { $ds = $GLOBALS['egw']->ldap->ldapConnect(); $filter = sprintf('(&(uidnumber=%d)(objectclass=posixAccount))',$_accountID); $attributes = array('dn',$this->config['forward_attr'],'objectclass'); if ($this->config['forward_only_attr']) { $attributes[] = $this->config['forward_only_attr']; } $sri = ldap_search($ds, $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['ldap_context'], $filter, $attributes); if ($sri) { $newData = array(); $allValues = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sri); $objectClasses = $allValues[0]['objectclass']; $newData['objectclass'] = $allValues[0]['objectclass']; unset($newData['objectclass']['count']); if(!in_array($this->config['schema'],$objectClasses)) { $newData['objectclass'][] = $this->config['schema']; } if ($this->config['forward_attr']) { if(!empty($_forwardingAddress)) { if(is_array($allValues[0][$this->config['forward_attr']])) { $newData[$this->config['forward_attr']] = $allValues[0][$this->config['forward_attr']]; unset($newData[$this->config['forward_attr']]['count']); $newData[$this->config['forward_attr']][0] = $_forwardingAddress; } else { $newData[$this->config['forward_attr']] = (array)$_forwardingAddress; } if ($this->config['forward_only_attr']) { $newData['deliverymode'] = $_keepLocalCopy == 'yes' ? array() : $this->config['forward_only']; } } else { $newData[$this->config['forward_attr']] = array(); } } if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string(func_get_args()).") --> ldap_mod_replace(,'$accountDN',".array2string($newData).')'); return ldap_modify ($ds, $allValues[0]['dn'], $newData); } } /** * Build mailbox address for given account and mail_addr_type * * If $account is an array (with values for keys account_(id|lid|email), it does NOT call accounts class * * @param int|array $account account_id or whole account array with values for keys * @param string $domain=null domain, default use $this->defaultDomain * @param string $mail_login_type=null standard(uid), vmailmgr(uid@domain), email or uidNumber, * default use $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mail_login_type'] * @return string */ static public function mailbox_addr($account,$domain=null,$mail_login_type=null) { if (is_null($domain)) $domain = $this->domain; if (is_null($mail_login_type)) $mail_login_type = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mail_login_type']; switch($mail_login_type) { case 'email': $mbox = is_array($account) ? $account['account_email'] : $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($account,'account_email'); break; case 'uidNumber': if (is_array($account)) $account = $account['account_id']; $mbox = 'u'.$account.'@'.$domain; break; case 'standard': $mbox = is_array($account) ? $account['account_lid'] : $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($account); break; case 'vmailmgr': default: $mbox = is_array($account) ? $account['account_lid'] : $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($account); $mbox .= '@'.$domain; break; } $mbox = strtolower($mbox); return $mbox; } }