#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /** * EGroupware - create new app based on example app * * Usage: doc/new-egw-app.php <appname> * * @link https://github.com/EGroupware/example/tree/master * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @author Ralf Becker <rb@egroupware.org> * @copyright 2024 by Ralf Becker <rb@egroupware.org> */ if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') // security precaution: forbid calling as web-page { die('<h1>fix_api.php must NOT be called as web-page --> exiting !!!</h1>'); } $verbose = $use_prerelease = $run_git = $continue_on_error = false; $composer_args = []; $argv = $_SERVER['argv']; $cmd = array_shift($argv); foreach($argv as $n => $arg) { if ($arg[0] === '-') { switch($arg) { case '-v': case '--verbose': $verbose = true; unset($argv[$n]); break; case '-h': case '--help': usage(); break; default: // pass unknown arguments to composer install $composer_args[] = $arg; unset($argv[$n]); break; } } } if (0 >= count($argv) || count($argv) > 1) usage(); $app_name = $argv[0]; function usage($err=null) { global $cmd; die("Usage:\t$cmd [-v|--verbose] <appname>\n\n". "Example:\t$cmd hosts\n\n". ($err ? "$err\n\n" : '')); } $bins = array( 'php' => PHP_BINARY, 'git' => ['/usr/local/bin/git', '/usr/bin/git'], 'composer' => ['/usr/local/bin/composer', '/usr/bin/composer', '/usr/bin/composer.phar'], // npm and grunt are no hard requirement and should be the last in the list! 'npm' => ['/usr/local/bin/npm', '/usr/bin/npm'], 'grunt' => [__DIR__.'/node_modules/.bin/grunt', '/usr/local/bin/grunt', '/usr/bin/grunt'], ); // check if the necessary binaries are installed foreach($bins as $name => $binaries) { foreach((array)$binaries as $bin) { if (file_exists($bin) && is_executable($bin)) { $bins[$name] = $$name = $bin; continue 2; } } $output = $ret = null; if (($bin = exec('which '.$name, $output, $ret)) && !$ret && (file_exists($bin)) && is_executable($bin)) { $bins[$name] = $$name = $bin; } // check if we can just run it, because it's in the path elseif (exec($name.' -v', $output, $ret) && !$ret) { $bins[$name] = $$name = $num; } else { $bins[$name] = $$name = false; error_log("Could not find $name command!"); if (!in_array($name, ['npm','grunt'])) { exit(1); } else { error_log("npm and grunt are required to minify JavaScript and CSS files to improve performance."); break; } } } if ($verbose) echo "Using following binaries: ".json_encode ($bins, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)."\n"; if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/', $app_name)) { usage("Hostname must only container lowercase letters!"); } $egw_dir = dirname(__DIR__); chdir($egw_dir); $app_dir = $egw_dir.'/'.$app_name; if (file_exists($app_dir)) { die((is_dir($app_dir)?"Directory":"File")." ".$app_dir." already exists --> aborting!\n"); } if (system('bash -x -c "'.$git.' clone -b master https://github.com/EGroupware/example.git '.$app_name.'"') === false) exit(1); replace([ 'example' => $app_name, 'Example' => ucfirst($app_name), 'Beispiel' => ucfirst($app_name), "'host_" => "'".preg_replace('/s$/', '', $app_name).'_', "'egw_hosts" => "'egw_$app_name", '$host_id' => '$'.preg_replace('/s$/', '', $app_name).'_id', ], $app_dir); // create empty README.md file_put_contents($app_dir.'/README.md', "# ".ucfirst($app_name)." app for EGroupware\n"); echo "Renamed app to $app_name\n"; chdir($app_dir); if (system('bash -x -c "'.$git.' add .'.'"') === false) exit(1); if (system('bash -x -c "'.$git." commit -m 'Renamed app to $app_name'".'"') === false) exit(1); if (system('bash -x -c "'.$git.' remote rename origin upstream'.'"') === false) exit(1); echo "App $app_name successful created.\n\n"; echo "You need to set now a repo-url and push the created app: git remote add origin <repo-url> && git push --set-upstream origin master\n"; exit(0); /** * Recursively replace all patterns in all files * @param array $patterns replace => with pairs * @param string $dir * @return void */ function replace(array $patterns, $dir) { foreach(scandir($dir) as $file) { if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') continue; if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$file)) { replace($patterns, $dir.'/'.$file); continue; } $content = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$file); $out = strtr($content, $patterns); if ($out !== $content) { file_put_contents($dir.'/'.$file, $out); } } }