* * http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ $phpgw_flags["currentapp"] = "calendar"; include("../header.inc.php"); function grab_group($db,$id) { $db->query("select groups from webcal_entry_groups where cal_id='$id'"); $db->next_record(); return $db->f("groups"); } if ($year) $thisyear = $year; if ($month) $thismonth = $month; $pri[1] = lang_common("Low"); $pri[2] = lang_common("Medium"); $pri[3] = lang_common("High"); $unapproved = FALSE; if ($id < 1) { echo lang_calendar("Invalid entry id."); exit; } // first see who has access to view this entry $is_my_event = false; $phpgw->db->query("SELECT cal_id FROM webcal_entry_user WHERE cal_login='" . "$loginid' AND cal_id = $id"); $phpgw->db->next_record(); if ($phpgw->db->f(0) == $id) $is_my_event = true; $phpgw->db->query("SELECT cal_create_by, cal_date, cal_time, cal_mod_date, " . "cal_mod_time,cal_duration,cal_priority,cal_type,cal_access, " . "cal_name,cal_description FROM webcal_entry WHERE cal_id=$id"); $phpgw->db->next_record(); $create_by = $phpgw->db->f(0); $name = $phpgw->db->f(9); $description = $phpgw->db->f(10); $description = htmlspecialchars($description); $description = nl2br($description); ?>
" . lang_calendar("Description") . ": | " . "$description | "; } ?>
: | db->f(1)); ?> |
: | db->f(2)); ?> |
" . lang_calendar("Duration") . ": | " . $phpgw->db->f(5) . " " . lang_calendar("minutes") . " |
: | db->f(6)]; ?> | " . lang_common("Created by") . ": | \n"; echo "" . $phpgw_info["user"]["fullname"] . " | \n"; ?>
: | db->f(3)) . " " . display_time($phpgw->db->f(4)); ?> |
" . lang_common("Groups") . ": | ".$cal_groups." |
: | db->query("SELECT webcal_entry_user.cal_login, accounts.lastname, "
. "accounts.firstname, webcal_entry_user.cal_status "
. "FROM webcal_entry_user, accounts WHERE webcal_entry_user."
. "cal_id='$id' AND webcal_entry_user.cal_login = accounts."
. "loginid");
$first = 1;
while ($phpgw->db->next_record()) {
if ($first)
$first = 0;
echo " "; if (strlen($phpgw->db->f(1)) > 0) echo $phpgw->db->f(1) . ", " . $phpgw->db->f(2); else echo $phpgw->db->f(0); } ?> |
: | db->query("SELECT * from webcal_entry_repeats WHERE cal_id=$id"); $phpgw->db->next_record(); if (substr($phpgw->db->f(5),0,1) == 'y') $t_repeat_days = lang_common("Sunday "); if (substr($phpgw->db->f(5),1,1) == 'y') $t_repeat_days .= lang_common("Monday "); if (substr($phpgw->db->f(5),2,1) == 'y') $t_repeat_days .= lang_common("Tuesday "); if (substr($phpgw->db->f(5),3,1) == 'y') $t_repeat_days .= lang_common("Wednesday "); if (substr($phpgw->db->f(5),4,1) == 'y') $t_repeat_days .= lang_common("Thursday "); if (substr($phpgw->db->f(5),5,1) == 'y') $t_repeat_days .= lang_common("Friday "); if (substr($phpgw->db->f(5),6,1) == 'y') $t_repeat_days .= lang_common("Saturday "); echo $phpgw->db->f(2) . " ("; if ($phpgw->db->f(3)) echo "ends: " . $phpgw->db->f(3) . ", "; if ($phpgw->db->f(2) == 'weekly') echo lang_calendar("days repeated") . ": " . $t_repeat_days . ", "; echo lang_calendar("frequency") . ": " . $phpgw->db->f(4) . ")"; ?> |
link("edit_entry.php","id=$id") . "\">"
. lang_common("Edit") . "
\nlink("delete.php","id=$id") . "\" onClick=\"return confirm('"
. lang_calendar("Are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this entry ?\\n\\nThis will delete\\nthis entry for all users.") . "');\">" . lang_common("Delete") . "