/** * EGroupware Notifications - clientside javascript * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package notifications * @subpackage ajaxpoup * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Cornelius Weiss , Christian Binder , Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /** * Installs app.notifications used to poll notifications from server and display them */ (function() { var notifymessages = {}; /** * time range label today * @type Number */ const TIME_LABEL_TODAY = 0; /** * time range label yesterday * @type Number */ const TIME_LABEL_YESTERDAY = 1; /** * time range label this month * @type Number */ const TIME_LABEL_THIS_MONTH = 2; /** * time range label last month * @type Number */ const TIME_LABEL_LAST_MONTH = 3; /** * Heigh priorority action for notifing about an entry. * Action: It pops up the entry once * @type Number */ const EGW_PR_NOTIFY_HEIGH = 1; /** * Medium priority for notifing about an entry * Action: Not defined * @type Number */ const EGW_PR_NOTIFY_MEDIUM = 2; /** * Low priority for notifing about an entry * Action: Not defined * @type Number */ const EGW_PR_NOTIFY_LOW = 3; /** * Constructor inits polling and installs handlers, polling frequence is passed via data-poll-interval of script tag */ function notifications() { var notification_script = document.getElementById('notifications_script_id'); var popup_poll_interval = notification_script && notification_script.getAttribute('data-poll-interval'); this.setTimeout(popup_poll_interval || 60); jQuery('#notificationbell').click(jQuery.proxy(this.display, this)); // query notifictions now this.get_notifications(); }; /** * Poll server for new notifications */ notifications.prototype.get_notifications = function() { egw.json( "notifications.notifications_ajax.get_notifications", this.check_browser_notify() ).sendRequest(true); }; /** * Poll server in given frequency via Ajax * @param _i */ notifications.prototype.setTimeout = function(_i) { var self = this; window.setTimeout(function(){ self.get_notifications(); self.setTimeout(_i); }, _i*1000); }; /** * Check to see if browser supports / allows desktop notifications */ notifications.prototype.check_browser_notify = function() { return egw.checkNotification(); }; /** * This function gets created time and current time then finds out if * the time range of the event. * * @param {type} _created * @param {type} _current * * @returns {int} returns type of range */ notifications.prototype.getTimeLabel = function (_created, _current) { var created = typeof _created == 'string'? new Date(_created): _created; var current = new Date(_current.date); var time_diff = (current - created) / 1000; var result = ''; if (time_diff < current.getHours() * 3600) { result = TIME_LABEL_TODAY; } else if ((time_diff > current.getHours() * 3600) && (time_diff < (current.getHours() * 3600 + 86400))) { result = TIME_LABEL_YESTERDAY; } else if (current.getFullYear() == created.getFullYear() && (current.getMonth() - created.getMonth()) == 0 && time_diff > (current.getHours() * 3600 + 86400)) { result = TIME_LABEL_THIS_MONTH; } else if (current.getFullYear() == created.getFullYear() && (current.getMonth() - created.getMonth()) == 1) { result = TIME_LABEL_LAST_MONTH; } return result; }; /** * Display notifications window */ notifications.prototype.display = function() { // list container var $egwpopup_list = jQuery("#egwpopup_list"); // Preserve already poped notifications var poped = []; $egwpopup_list.find('.egwpopup_expanded').each(function(index, item){ // store messages ids of poped messages poped.push(item.id.replace('egwpopup_message_', '')); }); // clear the list $egwpopup_list.empty(); // define time label deviders var $today = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('egwpopup_time_label') .text(egw.lang('today')) , $yesterday = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('egwpopup_time_label') .text(egw.lang('yesterday')) , $this_month = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('egwpopup_time_label') .text(egw.lang('this month')) , $last_month = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('egwpopup_time_label') .text(egw.lang('last month')); // reverse indexes to get the latest messages at the top var indexes = Object.keys(notifymessages).reverse() for(var index in indexes) { var id = indexes[index]; var $message, $mark, $delete, $inner_container, $nav_prev, $nav_next, $more_info, $top_toolbar, $open_entry, $date, $collapse; var message_id = 'egwpopup_message_'+id; var time_label = this.getTimeLabel(notifymessages[id]['created'], notifymessages[id]['current']); if (jQuery('#'+message_id,$egwpopup_list).length > 0) { this.update_message_status(id, notifymessages[id]['status']); continue; } // set the time labels on switch (time_label) { case TIME_LABEL_TODAY: if (!$egwpopup_list.has($today).length) $today.appendTo($egwpopup_list); break; case TIME_LABEL_YESTERDAY: if (!$egwpopup_list.has($yesterday).length) $yesterday.appendTo($egwpopup_list); break; case TIME_LABEL_THIS_MONTH: if (!$egwpopup_list.has($this_month).length) $this_month.appendTo($egwpopup_list); break; case TIME_LABEL_LAST_MONTH: if (!$egwpopup_list.has($last_month).length) $last_month.appendTo($egwpopup_list); break; } // message container $message = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('egwpopup_message') .attr({ id:message_id, 'data-entryid': notifymessages[id]['data']['id'], 'data-appname': notifymessages[id]['data']['app'], }); // wrapper for message content $inner_container = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('egwpopup_message_inner_container') .appendTo($message); $inner_container[0].innerHTML = notifymessages[id]['message']; if (notifymessages[id]['children']) { for (var c in notifymessages[id]['children']) { $inner_container[0].innerHTML += notifymessages[id]['children'][c]['message']; } } $more_info = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('egwpopup_message_more_info') .text(egw.lang('More info')+'...') .appendTo($message); // top toolbar NODE $top_toolbar = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('egwpopup_message_top_toolbar'); // Date indicator NODE $date = jQuery(document.createElement('span')) .addClass('egwpopup_message_date') .prependTo($top_toolbar) .text(notifymessages[id]['created']); if (notifymessages[id]['data']['id'] || notifymessages[id]['data']['url']) { // OPEN entry button $open_entry = jQuery(document.createElement('span')) .addClass('egwpopup_message_open') .attr('title',egw.lang('open notified entry')) .click(jQuery.proxy(this.open_entry, this,[$message])) .prependTo($top_toolbar); } // Previous button $nav_prev = jQuery(document.createElement('span')) .addClass('egwpopup_nav_prev') .attr('title',egw.lang('previous')) .click(jQuery.proxy(this.nav_button, this,[$message, "prev"])) .prependTo($top_toolbar); // Next button $nav_next = jQuery(document.createElement('span')) .addClass('egwpopup_nav_next') .attr('title',egw.lang('next')) .click(jQuery.proxy(this.nav_button, this,[$message, "next"])) .prependTo($top_toolbar); // Delete button $delete = jQuery(document.createElement('span')) .addClass('egwpopup_delete') .attr('title',egw.lang('delete this message')) .click(jQuery.proxy(this.button_delete, this,[$message])) .prependTo($top_toolbar); // Mark as read button $mark = jQuery(document.createElement('span')) .addClass('egwpopup_mark') .prependTo($top_toolbar); // Collapse button (close icon) $collapse = jQuery(document.createElement('span')) .addClass('egwpopup_collapse') .click(jQuery.proxy(this.collapseMessage, this, [$message])) .prependTo($top_toolbar); if (notifymessages[id]['status'] != 'SEEN') { $mark.click(jQuery.proxy(this.message_seen, this,[$message])) .attr('title',egw.lang('mark as read')); } // Activate links jQuery('div[data-id],div[data-url]', $message).on('click', function() { if(this.dataset.id) { egw.open(this.dataset.id,this.dataset.app); } else { egw.open_link(this.dataset.url,'_blank',this.dataset.popup); } } ).addClass('et2_link'); if (notifymessages[id]['data'] && notifymessages[id]['data']['actions'] && notifymessages[id]['data']['actions'].length > 0) { var $actions_container = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).addClass('egwpopup_actions_container'); for(var action in notifymessages[id].data.actions) { var func = new Function(notifymessages[id].data.actions[action].onExecute); jQuery(document.createElement('button')) .addClass('et2_button') .css({'background-image':'url('+egw.image(notifymessages[id].data.actions[action].icon,notifymessages[id].data.app)+')'}) .text(notifymessages[id].data.actions[action].caption) .click(jQuery.proxy(func,this)) .prependTo($actions_container); } $actions_container.appendTo($message); } $top_toolbar.prependTo($message); $egwpopup_list.append($message); // bind click handler after the message container is attached $message.click(jQuery.proxy(this.clickOnMessage, this,[$message])); this.update_message_status(id, notifymessages[id]['status']); if (notifymessages[id]['extra_data'] && !notifymessages[id]['status'] && notifymessages[id]['extra_data']['egw_pr_notify']) { switch (notifymessages[id]['extra_data']['egw_pr_notify']) { case EGW_PR_NOTIFY_HEIGH: poped.push(id); this.toggle(true); break; case EGW_PR_NOTIFY_MEDIUM: case EGW_PR_NOTIFY_LOW: //Could be define with all sort of stuffs } } } if (poped.length > 0) { for (var key in poped) { // pop again those where opened before refresh $egwpopup_list.find('#egwpopup_message_'+poped[key]).trigger('click'); } } this.counterUpdate(); }; /** * Opens the relavant entry from clicked message * * @param {jquery object} _node * @param {object} _event */ notifications.prototype.open_entry = function (_node, _event){ _event.stopPropagation(); this.message_seen(_node, _event); var egwpopup_message = _node[0]; var id = egwpopup_message[0].id.replace(/egwpopup_message_/ig,''); if (notifymessages[id]['data']) { if (notifymessages[id]['data']['id']) { egw.open(notifymessages[id]['data']['id'], notifymessages[id]['data']['app']); } else { egw.open_link(notifymessages[id]['data']['url'],'_blank',notifymessages[id]['data']['popup']); } } }; /** * Reposition the expanded message back in the list & removes the clone node * @param {jquery object} _node */ notifications.prototype.collapseMessage = function (_node, _event){ _event.stopPropagation(); var cloned = _node[0].prev(); if (cloned.length > 0 && cloned[0].id == _node[0].attr('id')+'_expanded') cloned.remove(); _node[0].removeClass('egwpopup_expanded'); _node[0].css('z-index', 0); this.checkNavButtonStatus(); }; /** * Expand a clicked message into bigger view * @param {jquery object} _node * @param {object} _event * * @return undefined */ notifications.prototype.clickOnMessage = function (_node, _event){ // Do not run the click handler if it's been already expanded if (_node[0].hasClass('egwpopup_expanded') || jQuery(_event.target).hasClass('et2_button')) return; this.message_seen(_node, _event); var $node = jQuery(_node[0][0].cloneNode()); if ($node) { $node.attr('id', _node[0].attr('id')+'_expanded') .addClass('egwpopup_message_clone') .insertBefore(_node[0]); } var zindex = jQuery('.egwpopup_expanded').length; _node[0].addClass('egwpopup_expanded').css('z-index', zindex++); this.checkNavButtonStatus(); }; notifications.prototype.nav_button = function (_params, _event){ var $expanded = jQuery('.egwpopup_expanded'); var $messages = jQuery('.egwpopup_message').not('.egwpopup_message_clone'); var self = this; var current = 0; $messages.each(function(i, j){if (j.id == _params[0][0].id) current = i;}); $expanded.each(function(index, item){ self.collapseMessage([jQuery(item)], _event); }); if (_params[1] == "prev") { $messages[current-1].click(); } else { $messages[current+1].click(); } } notifications.prototype.checkNavButtonStatus = function (){ var top = 0; var $expanded = jQuery('.egwpopup_expanded'); var $messages = jQuery('.egwpopup_message').not('.egwpopup_message_clone'); $expanded.removeClass('egwpopup_nav_disable'); $expanded.each(function(index, item){ if (item.style.getPropertyValue('z-index') > $expanded[top].style.getPropertyValue('z-index')) { top = index; } }); var $topNode = jQuery($expanded[top]); if ($topNode[top] == $messages[0]) $topNode.find('.egwpopup_nav_prev').addClass('egwpopup_nav_disable'); if ($topNode[top] == $messages[$messages.length-1]) $topNode.find('.egwpopup_nav_next').addClass('egwpopup_nav_disable'); } /** * Display or hide notifcation-bell * * @param {string} mode "active" */ notifications.prototype.bell = function(mode) { var notificationbell; notificationbell = document.getElementById("notificationbell"); if(mode == "active") { notificationbell.style.display = "inline"; } else { notificationbell.style.display = "none"; } }; /** * Callback for OK button: confirms message on server and hides display */ notifications.prototype.message_seen = function(_node, _event) { _event.stopPropagation(); var egwpopup_message = _node[0]; var id = egwpopup_message[0].id.replace(/egwpopup_message_/ig,''); var ids = [id]; if (notifymessages[id]['children']) { ids = ids.concat(Object.keys(notifymessages[id]['children'])); } if (notifymessages[id]['status'] !='SEEN') { var request = egw.json("notifications.notifications_ajax.update_status", [ids, "SEEN"]); request.sendRequest(true); this.update_message_status(id, "SEEN"); } }; notifications.prototype.mark_all_seen = function() { if (!notifymessages || Object.keys(notifymessages).length == 0) return false; var ids = Object.keys(notifymessages); ids = ids.concat(this.findAllChildrenIds()); egw.json("notifications.notifications_ajax.update_status", [ids, "SEEN"]).sendRequest(true); for (var id in notifymessages) { this.update_message_status(id, "SEEN"); } }; notifications.prototype.update_message_status = function (_id, _status) { var $egwpopup_message = jQuery('#egwpopup_message_'+_id); notifymessages[_id]['status'] = _status; if ($egwpopup_message.length>0) { switch (_status) { case 'SEEN': $egwpopup_message.addClass('egwpopup_message_seen'); break; case 'UNSEEN': case 'DISPLAYED': $egwpopup_message.removeClass('egwpopup_message_seen'); break; } } this.counterUpdate(); }; notifications.prototype.delete_all = function () { if (!notifymessages || Object.entries(notifymessages).length == 0) return false; var ids = Object.keys(notifymessages); ids = ids.concat(this.findAllChildrenIds()); egw.json("notifications.notifications_ajax.delete_message", [ids]).sendRequest(true); notifymessages = {}; jQuery("#egwpopup_list").empty(); this.counterUpdate(); }; /** * Callback for close button: close and mark all as read */ notifications.prototype.button_delete = function(_node, _event) { _event.stopPropagation(); var egwpopup_message = _node[0]; var id = egwpopup_message[0].id.replace(/egwpopup_message_/ig,''); var ids = [id]; if (notifymessages[id]['children']) { ids = ids.concat(Object.keys(notifymessages[id]['children'])); } var request = egw.json("notifications.notifications_ajax.delete_message", [ids]); request.sendRequest(true); var nextNode = egwpopup_message.next(); delete (notifymessages[id]); // try to close the dialog if expanded before hidding it this.collapseMessage(_node, _event); egwpopup_message.remove(); this.bell("inactive"); this.counterUpdate(); if (nextNode.length > 0 && nextNode[0].id.match(/egwpopup_message_/ig)) { nextNode.trigger('click'); } }; /** * Find all children ids from notifications * @returns {Array} returns ids of all children from all parents */ notifications.prototype.findAllChildrenIds = function () { var map = []; for (var i in notifymessages) { map = map.concat(this.findChildrenIds(notifymessages[i])); } return map; }; /** * Find children of a parent * @param {object} _notification parent object * @returns {Array} return ids of children */ notifications.prototype.findChildrenIds = function (_notification) { if(_notification.children) { return Object.keys(_notification.children); } return []; }; /** * Finds potential parent * * @param {type} _id * @param {type} _app * @returns {int} return id of notification */ notifications.prototype.findParent = function (_id, _app) { if (!_id && !_app) return null; for(var i in notifymessages) { if (notifymessages[i]['data']['id'] == _id && notifymessages[i]['data']['app'] == _app) { return i; } } }; /** * Add message to internal display-queue * * @param _rowData * @param _browser_notify */ notifications.prototype.append = function(_rawData, _browser_notify) { var hasUnseen = []; notifymessages = {}; for (var i=0; i < _rawData.length; i++) { var data = this.getData(_rawData[i]['message']); var parent; if ((parent = this.findParent(data['id'], data['app'])) && !(_rawData[i]['extra_data'] && typeof _rawData[i]['extra_data']['egw_pr_notify'] == 'undefined')) { if (parent == _rawData[i]['id']) continue; if (!notifymessages[parent]['children']) notifymessages[parent] = jQuery.extend(notifymessages[parent], {children:{}}); notifymessages[parent]['children'][_rawData[i]['id']] = { message:_rawData[i]['message'], data: data, status: _rawData[i]['status'], created: _rawData[i]['created'], current: _rawData[i]['current'], extra_data: _rawData[i]['extra_data'] }; if (_rawData[i]['actions'] && _rawData[i]['actions'].length > 0) notifymessages[parent]['children'][_rawData[i]]['data']['actions'] = _rawData[i]['actions']; continue; } // Prevent the same thing popping up multiple times notifymessages[_rawData[i]['id']] = { message:_rawData[i]['message'], data: data, status: _rawData[i]['status'], created: _rawData[i]['created'], current: _rawData[i]['current'], extra_data: _rawData[i]['extra_data'] }; if (_rawData[i]['actions'] && _rawData[i]['actions'].length > 0) notifymessages[_rawData[i]['id']]['data']['actions'] = _rawData[i]['actions']; // Notification API if(_browser_notify && !_rawData[i]['status']) { egw.notification(data.title, { tag: data.app+":"+_rawData[i]['id'], body: data.message, icon: data.icon, onclose:function(e){ // notification id var id = this.tag.split(":"); // delete the message var request = egw.json("notifications.notifications_ajax.update_status", [id[1], 'DISPLAYED']); request.sendRequest(); }, onclick:function(e){ // notification id var id = this.tag.split(":"); // get the right data from messages object var notify = notifymessages[id[1]]; if (!notifymessages[id[1]]) this.close(); if (notify && notify.data && notify.data.id) { egw.open(notify.data.id, notify.data.app); } else if (notify && notify.data) { egw.open_link(notify.data.url,'_blank',notify.data.popup); } this.close(); } }); } if (!_rawData[i]['status']) { egw.json("notifications.notifications_ajax.update_status", [_rawData[i]['id'], 'DISPLAYED']); hasUnseen.push(_rawData[i]['id']); } } switch(egw.preference('egwpopup_verbosity', 'notifications')) { case 'low': this.bell('active'); break; case 'high': if (hasUnseen.length > 0) { alert(egw.lang('EGroupware has notifications for you')); egw.json("notifications.notifications_ajax.update_status", [hasUnseen, 'DISPLAYED']).sendRequest(); } this.display(); break; case 'medium': this.display(); } }; /** * Extract useful data out of HTML message * * @param {type} _message * @returns {notificationajaxpopup_L15.notifications.prototype.getData.data} */ notifications.prototype.getData = function (_message) { var dom = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).html(_message);; var link = dom.find('div[data-id],div[data-url]'); var data = { message: dom.text(), title: link.text(), icon: link.find('img').attr('src') }; jQuery.extend(data,link.data()); return typeof data == 'object'? data: {}; }; /** * toggle notifications container * @param boolean _stat true keeps the popup on */ notifications.prototype.toggle = function (_stat) { var $egwpopup = jQuery('#egwpopup'); var $body = jQuery('body'); var $counter = jQuery('#egwpopup_fw_notifications'); if (!$egwpopup.is(":visible")) { $body.on('click', function(e){ if (!$counter.is(e.target) && e.originalEvent.target.className !== 'popup_note' && !$egwpopup.is(e.target) && $egwpopup.has(e.target).length == 0) { jQuery(this).off(e); $egwpopup.slideToggle('fast'); } }); } else { if (_stat) return; $body.off('click'); } // Remove popup_note as soon as message list is toggled jQuery('.popup_note', '#egwpopup_fw_notifications').remove(); if ($egwpopup.length>0) $egwpopup.slideToggle('fast'); }; /** * Set new state of notifications counter */ notifications.prototype.counterUpdate = function () { var $egwpopup_fw_notifications = jQuery('#egwpopup_fw_notifications'); var $popup_note = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).addClass('popup_note'); var counter = 0; for (var id in notifymessages) { if (notifymessages[id]['status'] != 'SEEN') counter++; } if (counter > 0) { $egwpopup_fw_notifications.addClass('egwpopup_notify'); $egwpopup_fw_notifications.text(counter); $egwpopup_fw_notifications.append($popup_note); $popup_note.text(egw.lang('You have %1 unread notifications', counter)); setTimeout(function (){$popup_note.remove();}, 5000); } else { $egwpopup_fw_notifications.text(0); $egwpopup_fw_notifications.removeClass('egwpopup_notify'); } }; var lab = egw_LAB || $LAB; var self = notifications; lab.wait(function(){ var langRequire = jQuery('#notifications_script_id').attr('data-langRequire'); egw.langRequire(window, [JSON.parse(langRequire)], function() { var $egwpopup_fw = jQuery('#egwpopup_fw_notifications'); switch (egw.preference('notification_chain','notifications')) { case 'popup_only': case 'popup_and_email': case 'popup_or_email': case 'all': break; default: $egwpopup_fw.hide(); return; } if (typeof window.app == 'undefined') window.app = {}; window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (typeof egw.killAliveNotifications =='function') egw.killAliveNotifications(); }; window.app.notifications = new self(); // toggle notifications bar jQuery('.button_right_toggle', '#egwpopup').click(function(){window.app.notifications.toggle();}); $egwpopup_fw.click(function(){window.app.notifications.toggle();}); jQuery(".egwpopup_deleteall", '#egwpopup').click(function(){ et2_dialog.show_dialog( function(_button){ if (_button == 2) window.app.notifications.delete_all(); }, egw.lang('Are you sure you want to delete all notifications?'), egw.lang('Delete notifications'), null, et2_dialog.BUTTON_YES_NO, et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE, undefined, egw ); }); jQuery(".egwpopup_seenall", '#egwpopup').click(function(){window.app.notifications.mark_all_seen()}); }, this); }); })();