 * eGroupWare: GroupDAV access
 * Using the PEAR HTTP/WebDAV/Server class (which need to be installed!)
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package api
 * @subpackage groupdav
 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @copyright (c) 2007/8 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @version $Id$


 * eGroupWare: GroupDAV access
 * Using the PEAR HTTP/WebDAV/Server class (which need to be installed!)
 * @link http://www.groupdav.org GroupDAV spec
class groupdav extends HTTP_WebDAV_Server
	 * GroupDAV namespace
	const GROUPDAV = 'http://groupdav.org/';
	 * CalDAV namespace
	const CALDAV = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav';
	 * CardDAV namespace
	const CARDDAV = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav';
	 * Realm and powered by string
	const REALM = 'eGroupWare CalDAV/CardDAV/GroupDAV server';

	var $dav_powered_by = self::REALM;
	var $http_auth_realm = self::REALM;

	var $root = array(
		'calendar' => array(
			'resourcetype' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'vevent-collection', self::CALDAV => 'calendar'),
			'component-set' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'VEVENT'),
		'addressbook' => array(
			'resourcetype' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'vcard-collection', self::CARDDAV => 'addressbook'),
			'component-set' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'VCARD'),
		'infolog' => array(
			'resourcetype' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'vtodo-collection'),
			'component-set' => array(self::GROUPDAV => 'VTODO'),
	 * Debug level: 0 = nothing, 1 = function calls, 2 = more info, 3 = complete $_SERVER array
	 * The debug messages are send to the apache error_log
	 * @var integer
	var $debug = 0;

	 * eGW's charset
	 * @var string
	var $egw_charset;
	 * Reference to the translation class
	 * @var translation
	var $translation;
	 * Instance of our application specific handler
	 * @var groupdav_handler
	var $handler;

	function __construct()
		if ($this->debug > 2) error_log('groupdav: $_SERVER='.array2string($_SERVER));


		$this->translation =& $GLOBALS['egw']->translation;
		$this->egw_charset = $this->translation->charset();

	 * get the handler for $app
	 * @param string $app
	 * @return groupdav_handler
	function app_handler($app)
		return groupdav_handler::app_handler($app,$this->debug,$this->base_uri);

	 * OPTIONS request, allow to modify the standard responses from the pear-class
	 * @param string $path
	 * @param array &$dav
	 * @param array &$allow
	function OPTIONS($path, &$dav, &$allow)
		list(,$app) = explode('/',$path);
			case 'calendar':
				$dav[] = 'calendar-access';
			case 'addressbook':
				$dav[] = 'addressbook';
		// not yet implemented: $dav[] = 'access-control';

	 * PROPFIND and REPORT method handler
	 * @param  array  general parameter passing array
	 * @param  array  return array for file properties
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function PROPFIND(&$options, &$files,$method='PROPFIND')
		if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__."::$method(".array2string($options,true).')');

		// parse path in form [/account_lid]/app[/more]
		if (!self::_parse_path($options['path'],$id,$app,$user) && $app && !$user)
			if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__CLASS__."::$method: user=$user, app=$app, id=$id: 404 not found!");
			return '404 Not Found';
		if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__CLASS__."::$method: user=$user, app='$app', id=$id");

		$files = array('files' => array());

		if (!$app)	// root folder containing apps
			// self url
			$files['files'][] = array(
				'path'  => '/',
				'props' => array(
					// adding the calendar extra property (calendar-home-set, etc.) here, allows apple iCal to "autodetect" the URL
			if ($options['depth'])
				// principals collection
				$files['files'][] = array(
	            	'path'  => '/principals/',
	            	'props' => array(
				// groups collection
				$files['files'][] = array(
	            	'path'  => '/groups/',
	            	'props' => array(

				foreach($this->root as $app => $data)
					if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'][$app]) continue;	// no rights for the given app

					$files['files'][] = array(
		            	'path'  => '/'.$app.'/',
		            	'props' => $this->_properties($app),
			return true;
		if (!in_array($app,array('principals','groups')) && !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'][$app])
			if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__."::$method(path=$options[path]) 403 Forbidden: no app rights for '$app'");
			return "403 Forbidden: no app rights for '$app'";	// no rights for the given app
		if (($handler = self::app_handler($app)))
			if ($method != 'REPORT' && !$id)	// no self URL for REPORT requests (only PROPFIND) or propfinds on an id
				$files['files'][] = array(
		        	'path'  => '/'.$app.'/',
					// KAddressbook doubles the folder, if the self URL contains the GroupDAV/CalDAV resourcetypes
		        	'props' => $this->_properties($app,$app=='addressbook'&&strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'KHTML') !== false),
			if (!$options['depth'] && !$id)
				return true;	// depth 0 --> show only the self url
			return $handler->propfind($options['path'],$options,$files,$user,$id);
		return '501 Not Implemented';

	 * Get the properties of a collection
	 * @param string $app
	 * @param boolean $no_extra_types=false should the GroupDAV and CalDAV types be added (KAddressbook has problems with it in self URL)
	 * @return array of DAV properties
	function _properties($app,$no_extra_types=false)
		$props = array(
		foreach($this->root[$app] as $prop => $values)
			if ($prop == 'resourcetype')
				$resourcetype = array(
				if (!$no_extra_types)
					foreach($this->root[$app]['resourcetype'] as $ns => $type)
						$resourcetype[] = self::mkprop($ns,'resourcetype', $type);
				$props[] = self::mkprop('resourcetype',$resourcetype);
				foreach($values as $ns => $value)
					$props[] = self::mkprop($ns,$prop,$value);
		if (method_exists($app.'_groupdav','extra_properties'))
			$props = ExecMethod($app.'_groupdav::extra_properties',$props);
		return $props;

	 * CalDAV/CardDAV REPORT method handler
	 * just calls PROPFIND()
	 * @param  array  general parameter passing array
	 * @param  array  return array for file properties
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function REPORT(&$options, &$files)
		if ($this->debug > 1) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');

		return $this->PROPFIND($options,$files,'REPORT');

	 * CalDAV/CardDAV REPORT method handler to get HTTP_WebDAV_Server to process REPORT requests
	 * Just calls http_PROPFIND()
	function http_REPORT()

	 * GET method handler
	 * @param  array  parameter passing array
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function GET(&$options)
		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');

		if (!$this->_parse_path($options['path'],$id,$app,$user))
			return '404 Not Found';
		if (($handler = self::app_handler($app)))
			return $handler->get($options,$id);
		return '501 Not Implemented';

	 * PUT method handler
	 * @param  array  parameter passing array
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function PUT(&$options)
		// read the content in a string, if a stream is given
		if (isset($options['stream']))
			$options['content'] = '';
				$options['content'] .= fread($options['stream'],8192);
		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');

		if (!$this->_parse_path($options['path'],$id,$app,$user))
			return '404 Not Found';
		if (($handler = self::app_handler($app)))
			$status = $handler->put($options,$id,$user);
			// set default stati: true --> 204 No Content, false --> should be already handled
			if (is_bool($status)) $status = $status ? '204 No Content' : '400 Something went wrong';
			return $status;
		return '501 Not Implemented';

	 * DELETE method handler
	 * @param  array  general parameter passing array
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function DELETE($options)
		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');

		if (!$this->_parse_path($options['path'],$id,$app,$user))
			return '404 Not Found';
		if (($handler = self::app_handler($app)))
			$status = $handler->delete($options,$id);
			// set default stati: true --> 204 No Content, false --> should be already handled
			if (is_bool($status)) $status = $status ? '204 No Content' : '400 Something went wrong';
			return $status;
		return '501 Not Implemented';

	 * MKCOL method handler
	 * @param  array  general parameter passing array
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function MKCOL($options)
		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');

		return '501 Not Implemented';

	 * MOVE method handler
	 * @param  array  general parameter passing array
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function MOVE($options)
		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).')');

		return '501 Not Implemented';

	 * COPY method handler
	 * @param  array  general parameter passing array
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function COPY($options, $del=false)
		if ($this->debug) error_log('groupdav::'.($del ? 'MOVE' : 'COPY').'('.array2string($options).')');

		return '501 Not Implemented';

	 * LOCK method handler
	 * @param  array  general parameter passing array
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function LOCK(&$options)
		$path = egw_vfs::app_entry_lock_path($app,$id);

		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).") path=$path");

		// get the app handler, to check if the user has edit access to the entry (required to make locks)
		$handler = self::app_handler($app);

		// TODO recursive locks on directories not supported yet
		if (!$id || !empty($options['depth']) || !$handler->check_access(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$id))
			return '409 Conflict';
		$options['timeout'] = time()+300; // 5min. hardcoded

		// dont know why, but HTTP_WebDAV_Server passes the owner in D:href tags, which get's passed unchanged to checkLock/PROPFIND
		// that's wrong according to the standard and cadaver does not show it on discover --> strip_tags removes eventual tags
		if (($ret = egw_vfs::lock($path,$options['locktoken'],$options['timeout'],strip_tags($options['owner']),
			$options['scope'],$options['type'],isset($options['update']),false)) && !isset($options['update']))		// false = no ACL check
			return $ret ? '200 OK' : '409 Conflict';
		return $ret;

	 * UNLOCK method handler
	 * @param  array  general parameter passing array
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function UNLOCK(&$options)
		$path = egw_vfs::app_entry_lock_path($app,$id);

		if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($options).") path=$path");
		return egw_vfs::unlock($path,$options['token']) ? '204 No Content' : '409 Conflict';

	 * checkLock() helper
	 * @param  string resource path to check for locks
	 * @return bool   true on success
	function checkLock($path)
		$path = egw_vfs::app_entry_lock_path($app,$id);

		return egw_vfs::checkLock($path);

	 * Parse a path into it's id, app and user parts
	 * @param string $path
	 * @param int &$id
	 * @param string &$app addressbook, calendar, infolog (=infolog)
	 * @param int &$user
	 * @return boolean true on success, false on error
	function _parse_path($path,&$id,&$app,&$user)
		$parts = explode('/',$path);

		if (in_array($parts[1],array('principals','groups')))
			$user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
			list(,$app,$id) = $parts;
			return true;

		list($id) = explode('.',array_pop($parts));		// remove evtl. .ics extension

		$app = array_pop($parts);

		if (($user = array_pop($parts)))
			$user = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($user,'account_lid',$app != 'addressbook' ? 'u' : null);
			$user = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
		if (!($ok = $id && in_array($app,array('addressbook','calendar','infolog','principals','groups')) && $user))
			if ($this->debug) error_log(__METHOD__."('$path') returning false: id=$id, app='$app', user=$user");
		return $ok;