 * eGroupWare - Filemanager - user interface
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @package filemanager
 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @copyright (c) 2008-9 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @version $Id$

 * Filemanage user interface class
class filemanager_ui
	 * Methods callable via menuaction
	 * @var array
	var $public_functions = array(
		'index' => true,
		'file' => true,

	 * Constructor
	function __construct()
		// strip slashes from _GET parameters, if someone still has magic_quotes_gpc on
		if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $_GET)
			$_GET = etemplate::array_stripslashes($_GET);
		// do we have root rights
		if (egw_session::appsession('is_root','filemanager'))
			egw_vfs::$is_root = true;

	 * Make the current user (vfs) root
	 * The user/pw is either the setup config user or a specially configured vfs_root user
	 * @param string $user='' setup config user to become root or '' to log off as root
	 * @param string $password=null setup config password to become root
	private function sudo($user='',$password=null)
		if (!$user)
			$is_root = false;
			$is_root = egw_session::user_pw_hash($user,$password) === $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['config_hash'] ||	// config user&password
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['vfs_root_user'] && 							// vfs root user from setup >> configuration
				in_array($user,split(', *',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['vfs_root_user'])) &&
				$GLOBALS['egw']->auth->authenticate($user, $password, 'text');
		//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."('$user','$password') user_pw_hash(...)='".egw_session::user_pw_hash($user,$password)."', config_hash='{$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['config_hash']}' --> returning ".array2string($is_root)."</p>\n";
		return egw_session::appsession('is_root','filemanager',egw_vfs::$is_root = $is_root);

	 * Main filemanager page
	 * @param array $content=null
	 * @param string $msg=null
	function index(array $content=null,$msg=null)
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['include_xajax'] = true;

		$tpl = new etemplate('filemanager.index');

		if (!is_array($content))
			$content = array(
				'nm' => egw_session::appsession('index','filemanager'),
			if (!is_array($content['nm']))
				$content['nm'] = array(
					'get_rows'       =>	'filemanager.filemanager_ui.get_rows',	// I  method/callback to request the data for the rows eg. 'notes.bo.get_rows'
					'filter'         => '1',	// current dir only
					'no_filter2'     => True,	// I  disable the 2. filter (params are the same as for filter)
					'no_cat'         => True,	// I  disable the cat-selectbox
					'lettersearch'   => True,	// I  show a lettersearch
					'searchletter'   =>	false,	// I0 active letter of the lettersearch or false for [all]
					'start'          =>	0,		// IO position in list
					'order'          =>	'name',	// IO name of the column to sort after (optional for the sortheaders)
					'sort'           =>	'ASC',	// IO direction of the sort: 'ASC' or 'DESC'
					'default_cols'   => '!comment,ctime',	// I  columns to use if there's no user or default pref (! as first char uses all but the named columns), default all columns
					'csv_fields'     =>	false, // I  false=disable csv export, true or unset=enable it with auto-detected fieldnames,
									//or array with name=>label or name=>array('label'=>label,'type'=>type) pairs (type is a eT widget-type)
				$content['nm']['path'] = self::get_home_dir();
			if (isset($_GET['msg'])) $msg = $_GET['msg'];

			// switch to projectmanager folders
			if (isset($_GET['pm_id']))
				$_GET['path'] = '/apps/projectmanager'.((int)$_GET['pm_id'] ? '/'.(int)$_GET['pm_id'] : '');
			if (isset($_GET['path']) && ($path = $_GET['path']))
					case '..':
						$path = egw_vfs::dirname($content['nm']['path']);
					case '~':
						$path = self::get_home_dir();
				if ($path[0] == '/' && egw_vfs::stat($path,true) && egw_vfs::is_dir($path) && egw_vfs::check_access($path,egw_vfs::READABLE))
					$content['nm']['path'] = $path;
					$msg .= lang('The requested path %1 is not available.',egw_vfs::decodePath($path));
				// reset lettersearch as it confuses users (they think the dir is empty)
				$content['nm']['searchletter'] = false;
				// switch recusive display off
				if (!$content['nm']['filter']) $content['nm']['filter'] = '1';
		$content['nm']['msg'] = $msg;

		if ($content['action'] || $content['nm']['rows'])
			if ($content['action'])
				$content['nm']['msg'] = self::action($content['action'],$content['nm']['rows']['checked'],$content['nm']['path']);
				$content['nm']['msg'] = self::action('delete',array_keys($content['nm']['rows']['delete']),$content['nm']['path']);
		$clipboard_files = egw_session::appsession('clipboard_files','filemanager');
		$clipboard_type = egw_session::appsession('clipboard_type','filemanager');

		// be tolerant with (in previous versions) not correct urlencoded pathes
		if ($content['nm']['path'][0] == '/' && !egw_vfs::stat($content['nm']['path'],true) && egw_vfs::stat(urldecode($content['nm']['path'])))
			$content['nm']['path'] = urldecode($content['nm']['path']);
		if ($content['button'])
			if ($content['button'])
				list($button) = each($content['button']);
				case 'up':
					if ($content['nm']['path'] != '/')
						$content['nm']['path'] = dirname($content['nm']['path']);
						// switch recusive display off
						if (!$content['nm']['filter']) $content['nm']['filter'] = '1';
				case 'home':
					$content['nm']['path'] = self::get_home_dir();
				case 'createdir':
					if ($content['nm']['path'][0] != '/')
						$ses = egw_session::appsession('index','filemanager');
						$old_path = $ses['path'];
						$content['nm']['path'] = egw_vfs::concat($old_path,$content['nm']['path']);
					if (!@egw_vfs::mkdir($content['nm']['path'],null,STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE))
						$content['nm']['msg'] = !egw_vfs::is_writable(dirname($content['nm']['path'])) ?
							lang('Permission denied!') : lang('Failed to create directory!');
						if (!$old_path)
							$ses = egw_session::appsession('index','filemanager');
							$old_path = $ses['path'];
						$content['nm']['path'] = $old_path;
				case 'symlink':
					$target = $content['nm']['path'];
					$ses = egw_session::appsession('index','filemanager');
					$content['nm']['path'] = $ses['path'];
					$link = egw_vfs::concat($content['nm']['path'],egw_vfs::basename($target));
					$abs_target = $target[0] == '/' ? $target : egw_vfs::concat($content['nm']['path'],$target);
					if (!egw_vfs::stat($abs_target))
						$content['nm']['msg'] = lang('Link target %1 not found!',egw_vfs::decodePath($abs_target));
					$content['nm']['msg'] = egw_vfs::symlink($target,$link) ?
						lang('Symlink to %1 created.',$target) : lang('Error creating symlink to target %1!',egw_vfs::decodePath($target));
				case 'paste':
					$content['nm']['msg'] = self::action($clipboard_type.'_paste',$clipboard_files,$content['nm']['path']);
				case 'linkpaste':
					$content['nm']['msg'] = self::action('link_paste',$clipboard_files,$content['nm']['path']);
				case 'upload':
					if (!$content['upload'])
						$content['nm']['msg'] = lang('You need to select some files first!');
					$upload_success = $upload_failure = array();
					foreach(isset($content['upload'][0]) ? $content['upload'] : array($content['upload']) as $upload)
						// encode chars which special meaning in url/vfs (some like / get removed!)
						$to = egw_vfs::concat($content['nm']['path'],egw_vfs::encodePathComponent($upload['name']));

						if ($upload && is_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name']) &&
							(egw_vfs::is_writable($content['nm']['path']) || egw_vfs::is_writable($to)) &&
							$upload_success[] = $upload['name'];
							$upload_failure[] = $upload['name'];
					$content['nm']['msg'] = '';
					if ($upload_success)
						$content['nm']['msg'] = count($upload_success) == 1 && !$upload_failure ? lang('File successful uploaded.') :
							lang('%1 successful uploaded.',implode(', ',$upload_success));
					if ($upload_failure)
						$content['nm']['msg'] .= ($upload_success ? "\n" : '').lang('Error uploading file!')."\n".etemplate::max_upload_size_message();
		if (!egw_vfs::stat($content['nm']['path'],true) || !egw_vfs::is_dir($content['nm']['path']))
			$content['nm']['msg'] .= ' '.lang('Directory not found or no permission to access it!');
			$dir_is_writable = egw_vfs::is_writable($content['nm']['path']);
		$content['paste_tooltip'] = $clipboard_files ? '<p><b>'.lang('%1 the following files into current directory',
			$clipboard_type=='copy'?lang('Copy'):lang('Move')).':</b><br />'.egw_vfs::decodePath(implode('<br />',$clipboard_files)).'</p>' : '';
		$content['linkpaste_tooltip'] = $clipboard_files ? '<p><b>'.lang('%1 the following files into current directory',
			lang('link')).':</b><br />'.egw_vfs::decodePath(implode('<br />',$clipboard_files)).'</p>' : '';
		$content['upload_size'] = etemplate::max_upload_size_message();

		$readonlys['button[linkpaste]'] = $readonlys['button[paste]'] = !$clipboard_files || !$dir_is_writable;
		$readonlys['button[createdir]'] = !$dir_is_writable;
		$readonlys['button[symlink]'] = !$dir_is_writable;
		$readonlys['button[upload]'] = $readonlys['upload'] = !$dir_is_writable;

		if ($dir_is_writable || !$content['nm']['filter']) $sel_options['action']['delete'] = lang('Delete');
		$sel_options['action']['copy'] = lang('Copy to clipboard');
		if ($dir_is_writable || !$content['nm']['filter']) $sel_options['action']['cut'] = lang('Cut to clipboard');

		$sel_options['filter'] = array(
			'1' => 'Current directory',
			'2' => 'Directories sorted in',
			'3' => 'Show hidden files',
			''  => 'Files from subdirectories',
		$tpl->exec('filemanager.filemanager_ui.index',$content,$sel_options,$readonlys,array('nm' => $content['nm']));

	 * Check if a file upload would overwrite an existing file and get a user confirmation in that case
	 * @param string $id id of the input
	 * @param string $name name (incl. client-path) of the file to upload
	 * @param string $dir current vfs directory
	 * @return string xajax output
	static function ajax_check_upload_target($id,$name,$dir)
		$response = new xajaxResponse();


		$name = explode('/',str_replace('\\','/',$name));	// in case of win clients
		$name = array_pop($name);

		// encode chars which special meaning in url/vfs (some like / get removed!)
		$path = egw_vfs::concat($dir,egw_vfs::encodePathComponent($name));

			$response->addAlert(lang('You are NOT allowed to upload a script!'));
		elseif (egw_vfs::stat($path))
			if (egw_vfs::is_dir($path))
				$response->addAlert(lang("There's already a directory with that name!"));
				$response->addScript("if (!confirm('".addslashes(lang('Do you want to overwrite the existing file %1?',egw_vfs::decodePath($path)))."')) document.getElementById('$id').value='';");
			// do nothing new file
		return $response->getXML();

	 * Get the configured start directory for the current user
	 * @return string
	static function get_home_dir()
		$start = '/home/'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'];

		// check if user specified a valid startpath in his prefs --> use it
		if (($path = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['filemanager']['startfolder']) &&
			$path[0] == '/' && egw_vfs::is_dir($path) && egw_vfs::check_access($path, egw_vfs::READABLE))
			$start = $path;
		return $start;

	 * Run a certain action with the selected file
	 * @param string $action
	 * @param array $selected selected pathes
	 * @param mixed $dir=null current directory
	 * @return string success or failure message displayed to the user
	static private function action($action,$selected,$dir=null)
		//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__."($action,array(".implode(', ',$selected).",$dir)</p>\n";
		if (!count($selected))
			return lang('You need to select some files first!');
		$errs = $dirs = $files = 0;
			case 'delete':
				return self::do_delete($selected);

			case 'copy':
			case 'cut':
				return lang('%1 URLs %2 to clipboard.',count($selected),$action=='copy'?lang('copied'):lang('cut'));

			case 'copy_paste':
				foreach($selected as $path)
					if (!egw_vfs::is_dir($path))
						$to = egw_vfs::concat($dir,egw_vfs::basename($path));
						if ($path != $to && egw_vfs::copy($path,$to))
						$len = strlen(dirname($path));
						foreach(egw_vfs::find($path) as $p)
							$to = $dir.substr($p,$len);
							if ($to == $p)	// cant copy into itself!
							if (($is_dir = egw_vfs::is_dir($p)) && egw_vfs::mkdir($to,null,STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE))
							elseif(!$is_dir && egw_vfs::copy($p,$to))
				if ($errs)
					return lang('%1 errors copying (%2 diretories and %3 files copied)!',$errs,$dirs,$files);
				return $dirs ? lang('%1 directories and %2 files copied.',$dirs,$files) : lang('%1 files copied.',$files);

			case 'cut_paste':
				foreach($selected as $path)
					$to = egw_vfs::concat($dir,egw_vfs::basename($path));
					if ($path != $to && egw_vfs::rename($path,$to))
				egw_session::appsession('clipboard_files','filemanager',false);	// cant move again
				if ($errs)
					return lang('%1 errors moving (%2 files moved)!',$errs,$files);
				return lang('%1 files moved.',$files);

			case 'link_paste':
				foreach($selected as $path)
					$to = egw_vfs::concat($dir,egw_vfs::basename($path));
					if ($path != $to && egw_vfs::symlink($path,$to))
				$ret = lang('%1 elements linked.',$files);
				if ($errs)
					$ret = lang('%1 errors linking (%2)!',$errs,$ret);
				return $ret." egw_vfs::symlink('$to','$path')";
		return "Unknown action '$action'!";
	 * Delete selected files and return success or error message
	 * @param array $selected
	 * @return string
	public static function do_delete(array $selected)
		$dirs = $files = $errs = 0;
		// we first delete all selected links (and files)
		// feeding the links to dirs to egw_vfs::find() deletes the content of the dirs, not just the link!
		foreach($selected as $key => $path)
			if (!egw_vfs::is_dir($path) || egw_vfs::is_link($path))
				if (egw_vfs::unlink($path))
		if ($selected)	// somethings left to delete
			// some precaution to never allow to (recursivly) remove /, /apps or /home
			foreach((array)$selected as $path)
				if (preg_match('/^\/?(home|apps|)\/*$/',$path))
					return lang("Cautiously rejecting to remove folder '%1'!",egw_vfs::decodePath($path));
			// now we use find to loop through all files and dirs: (selected only contains dirs now)
			// - depth=true to get first the files and then the dir containing it
			// - hidden=true to also return hidden files (eg. Thumbs.db), as we cant delete non-empty dirs
			foreach(egw_vfs::find($selected,array('depth'=>true,'hidden'=>true)) as $path)
				if (($is_dir = egw_vfs::is_dir($path) && !egw_vfs::is_link($path)) && egw_vfs::rmdir($path,0))
				elseif (!$is_dir && egw_vfs::unlink($path))
		if ($errs)
			return lang('%1 errors deleteting (%2 directories and %3 files deleted)!',$errs,$dirs,$files);
		if ($dirs)
			return lang('%1 directories and %2 files deleted.',$dirs,$files);
		return $files == 1 ? lang('File deleted.') : lang('%1 files deleted.',$files);

	 * Callback to fetch the rows for the nextmatch widget
	 * @param array $query
	 * @param array &$rows
	 * @param array &$readonlys
	function get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
		// show projectmanager sidebox for projectmanager path
		if (substr($query['path'],0,20) == '/apps/projectmanager' && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['projectmanager']))
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = 'projectmanager';

		// be tolerant with (in previous versions) not correct urlencoded pathes
		if (!egw_vfs::stat($query['path'],true) && egw_vfs::stat(urldecode($query['path'])))
			$query['path'] = urldecode($query['path']);
		if (!egw_vfs::stat($query['path'],true) || !egw_vfs::is_dir($query['path']) || !egw_vfs::check_access($query['path'],egw_vfs::READABLE))
			// we will leave here, since we are not allowed, or the location does not exist. Index must handle that, and give
			// an appropriate message
				'path' => self::get_home_dir(),
				'msg' => lang('The requested path %1 is not available.',egw_vfs::decodePath($query['path'])),
		$rows = $dir_is_writable = array();
		if($query['searchletter'] && !empty($query['search']))
			$namefilter = '/^'.$query['searchletter'].'.*'.str_replace(array('\\?','\\*'),array('.{1}','.*'),preg_quote($query['search'])).'/i';
			if ($query['searchletter'] == strtolower($query['search'][0]))
				$namefilter = '/^('.$query['searchletter'].'.*'.str_replace(array('\\?','\\*'),array('.{1}','.*'),preg_quote($query['search'])).'|'.
		elseif ($query['searchletter'])
			$namefilter = '/^'.$query['searchletter'].'/i';
			$namefilter = '/'.str_replace(array('\\?','\\*'),array('.{1}','.*'),preg_quote($query['search'])).'/i';
			'mindepth' => 1,
			'maxdepth' => $query['filter'] ? (int)(boolean)$query['filter'] : null,
			'dirsontop' => $query['filter'] <= 1,
			'type' => $query['filter'] ? null : 'f',
			'order' => $query['order'], 'sort' => $query['sort'],
			'limit' => (int)$query['num_rows'].','.(int)$query['start'],
			'need_mime' => true,
			'name_preg' => $namefilter,
			'hidden' => $query['filter'] == 3,
		),true) as $path => $row)
			//echo $path; _debug_array($row);
			$rows[++$n] = $row;
			$path2n[$path] = $n;

			$dir = dirname($path);
			if (!isset($dir_is_writable[$dir]))
				$dir_is_writable[$dir] = egw_vfs::is_writable($dir);
			$path_quoted = str_replace(array('"',"'"),array('&quot;',"\\'"),$path);
			if (!$dir_is_writable[$dir])
				$readonlys["delete[$path_quoted]"] = true;	// no rights to delete the file
		// query comments and cf's for the displayed rows
		$cols_to_show = explode(',',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['filemanager']['nextmatch-filemanager.index.rows']);
		$cfs = config::get_customfields('filemanager');
		$all_cfs = in_array('customfields',$cols_to_show) && $cols_to_show[count($cols_to_show)-1][0] != '#';
		if ($path2n && (in_array('comment',$cols_to_show) || in_array('customfields',$cols_to_show)) &&
			($path2props = egw_vfs::propfind(array_keys($path2n))))
			foreach($path2props as $path => $props)
				unset($row);	// fixes a weird problem with php5.1, does NOT happen with php5.2
				$row =& $rows[$path2n[$path]];
				if ( !is_array($props) ) continue;
				foreach($props as $prop)
					if (!$all_cfs && $prop['name'][0] == '#' && !in_array($prop['name'],$cols_to_show)) continue;
					$row[$prop['name']] = strlen($prop['val']) < 64 ? $prop['val'] : substr($prop['val'],0,64).' ...';
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] == 'projectmanager')
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Projectmanager').' - '.lang('Filemanager');
			// we need our app.css file
			if (!file_exists(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.($css_file='/filemanager/templates/'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['template_set'].'/app.css')))
				$css_file = '/filemanager/templates/default/app.css';
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['css'] .= "\n\t\t</style>\n\t\t".'<link href="'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].
				$css_file.'?'.filemtime(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$css_file).'" type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" />'."\n\t\t<style>\n\t\t\t";
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Filemanager').': '.egw_vfs::decodePath($query['path']);
		return egw_vfs::$find_total;

	 * Preferences of a file/directory
	 * @param array $content=null
	 * @param string $msg=''
	function file(array $content=null,$msg='')
		$tpl = new etemplate('filemanager.file');

		if (!is_array($content))
			if (!($path = $_GET['path']) || !($stat = egw_vfs::lstat($path)))
				$content['msg'] = lang('File or directory not found!');
				$content = $stat;
				$content['name'] = egw_vfs::basename($path);
				$content['dir'] = dirname($path);
				$content['path'] = $path;
				$content['hsize'] = egw_vfs::hsize($stat['size']);
				$content['mime'] = egw_vfs::mime_content_type($path);
				$content['gid'] *= -1;	// our widgets use negative gid's
				if (($props = egw_vfs::propfind($path)))
					foreach($props as $prop) $content[$prop['name']] = $prop['val'];
				if (($content['is_link'] = egw_vfs::is_link($path)))
					$content['symlink'] = egw_vfs::readlink($path);
			$content['tabs'] = $_GET['tabs'];
			if (!($content['is_dir'] = egw_vfs::is_dir($path) && !egw_vfs::is_link($path)))
				$content['perms']['executable'] = (int)!!($content['mode'] & 0111);
				$mask = 6;
				if (preg_match('/^text/',$content['mime']) && $content['size'] < 100000)
					$content['text_content'] = file_get_contents(egw_vfs::PREFIX.$path);
				//currently not implemented in backend $content['perms']['sticky'] = (int)!!($content['mode'] & 0x201);
				$mask = 7;
			foreach(array('owner' => 6,'group' => 3,'other' => 0) as $name => $shift)
				$content['perms'][$name] = ($content['mode'] >> $shift) & $mask;
			$content['is_owner'] = egw_vfs::has_owner_rights($path,$content);
			$path =& $content['path'];

			list($button) = @each($content['button']); unset($content['button']);
			// need to check 'setup' button (submit button in sudo popup), as some browsers (eg. chrome) also fill the hidden field
			if ($button == 'sudo' && egw_vfs::$is_root || $button == 'setup' && $content['sudo']['user'])
				$msg = $this->sudo($button == 'setup' ? $content['sudo']['user'] : '',$content['sudo']['passwd']) ?
					lang('Root access granted.') : ($button == 'setup' && $content['sudo']['user'] ?
					lang('Wrong username or password!') : lang('Root access stopped.'));
				$content['is_owner'] = egw_vfs::has_owner_rights($path);
			if (in_array($button,array('save','apply')))
				$props = array();
				foreach($content['old'] as $name => $old_value)
					if (isset($content[$name]) && ($old_value != $content[$name] ||
						// do not check for modification, if modify_subs is checked!
						$content['modify_subs'] && in_array($name,array('uid','gid','perms'))) &&
						($name != 'uid' || egw_vfs::$is_root))
						if ($name == 'name')
							$to = egw_vfs::concat($content['dir'],$content['name']);
							if (file_exists(egw_vfs::PREFIX.$to) && $content['confirm_overwrite'] !== $to)
								$tpl->set_validation_error('name',lang("There's already a file with that name!").'<br />'.
									lang('To overwrite the existing file store again.',lang($button)));
								$content['confirm_overwrite'] = $to;
								if ($button == 'save') $button = 'apply';
							if (egw_vfs::rename($path,$to))
								$msg .= lang('Renamed %1 to %2.',egw_vfs::decodePath(basename($path)),egw_vfs::decodePath(basename($to))).' ';
								$content['old']['name'] = $content[$name];
								$path = $to;
								$content['mime'] = mime_magic::filename2mime($path);	// recheck mime type
								$msg .= lang('Rename of %1 to %2 failed!',egw_vfs::decodePath(basename($path)),egw_vfs::decodePath(basename($to))).' ';
								if (egw_vfs::deny_script($to))
									$msg .= lang('You are NOT allowed to upload a script!').' ';
						elseif ($name[0] == '#' || $name == 'comment')
							$props[] = array('name' => $name, 'val' => $content[$name] ? $content[$name] : null);
							static $name2cmd = array('uid' => 'chown','gid' => 'chgrp','perms' => 'chmod');
							$cmd = array('egw_vfs',$name2cmd[$name]);
							$value = $name == 'perms' ? self::perms2mode($content['perms']) : $content[$name];
							if ($content['modify_subs'])
								if ($name == 'perms')
									$changed = egw_vfs::find($path,array('type'=>'d'),$cmd,array($value));
									$changed += egw_vfs::find($path,array('type'=>'f'),$cmd,array($value & 0666));	// no execute for files
									$changed = egw_vfs::find($path,null,$cmd,array($value));
								$ok = $failed = 0;
								foreach($changed as $p => $r)
									if ($r)
								if ($ok && !$failed)
									if(!$perm_changed++) $msg .= lang('Permissions of %1 changed.',$path.' '.lang('and all it\'s childeren'));
									$content['old'][$name] = $content[$name];
									if(!$perm_failed++) $msg .= lang('Failed to change permissions of %1!',$path.lang('and all it\'s childeren').
										($ok ? ' ('.lang('%1 failed, %2 succeded',$failed,$ok).')' : ''));
							elseif (call_user_func_array($cmd,array($path,$value)))
								$msg .= lang('Permissions of %1 changed.',$path);
								$content['old'][$name] = $content[$name];
								$msg .= lang('Failed to change permissions of %1!',$path);
				if ($props)
					if (egw_vfs::proppatch($path,$props))
						foreach($props as $prop)
							$content['old'][$prop['name']] = $prop['val'];
						$msg .= lang('Properties saved.');
						$msg .= lang('Saving properties failed!');
			elseif ($content['eacl'] && $content['is_owner'])
				if ($content['eacl']['delete'])
					list($ino_owner) = each($content['eacl']['delete']);
					list($ino,$owner) = explode('-',$ino_owner,2);	// $owner is a group and starts with a minus!
					$msg .= egw_vfs::eacl($path,null,$owner) ? lang('ACL deleted.') : lang('Error deleting the ACL entry!');
				elseif ($button == 'eacl')
					if (!$content['eacl']['owner'])
						$msg .= lang('You need to select an owner!');
						$msg .= egw_vfs::eacl($path,$content['eacl']['rights'],$content['eacl']['owner']) ?
							lang('ACL added.') : lang('Error adding the ACL!');
			$js = "opener.location.href=opener.location.href+'&msg=".urlencode($msg)."'; ";
			if ($button == 'save') $js .= "window.close();";
			echo "<html>\n<body>\n<script>\n$js\n</script>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
			if ($button == 'save') common::egw_exit();
		if ($content['is_link'] && !egw_vfs::stat($path))
			$msg .= ($msg ? "\n" : '').lang('Link target %1 not found!',$content['symlink']);
		$content['link'] = egw::link(egw_vfs::download_url($path));
		$content['icon'] = egw_vfs::mime_icon($content['mime']);
		$content['msg'] = $msg;

		if (($readonlys['uid'] = !egw_vfs::$is_root) && !$content['uid']) $content['ro_uid_root'] = 'root';
		// only owner can change group & perms
		if (($readonlys['gid'] = !$content['is_owner'] ||
			parse_url(egw_vfs::resolve_url($content['path']),PHP_URL_SCHEME) == 'oldvfs'))	// no uid, gid or perms in oldvfs
			if (!$content['gid']) $content['ro_gid_root'] = 'root';
			foreach($content['perms'] as $name => $value)
				$readonlys['perms['.$name.']'] = true;
		$readonlys['name'] = $path == '/' || !egw_vfs::is_writable($content['dir']);
		$readonlys['comment'] = !egw_vfs::is_writable($path);
		$readonlys['tabs']['preview'] = $readonlys['tabs']['perms'] = $content['is_link'];

		// if neither owner nor is writable --> disable save&apply
		$readonlys['button[save]'] = $readonlys['button[apply]'] = !$content['is_owner'] && !egw_vfs::is_writable($path);

		if (!($cfs = config::get_customfields('filemanager')))
			$readonlys['tabs']['custom'] = true;
		elseif (!egw_vfs::is_writable($path))
			foreach($cfs as $name => $data)
				$readonlys['#'.$name] = true;
		$readonlys['tabs']['eacl'] = true;	// eacl off by default
		if ($content['is_dir'])
			$readonlys['tabs']['preview'] = true;	// no preview tab for dirs
			$sel_options['rights']=$sel_options['owner']=$sel_options['group']=$sel_options['other'] = array(
				7 => lang('Display and modification of content'),
				5 => lang('Display of content'),
				0 => lang('No access'),
			if(($content['eacl'] = egw_vfs::get_eacl($content['path'])) !== false)	// backend supports eacl
				unset($readonlys['tabs']['eacl']);	// --> switch the tab on again
				foreach($content['eacl'] as &$eacl)
					$eacl['path'] = parse_url($eacl['path'],PHP_URL_PATH);
					$readonlys['delete['.$eacl['ino'].'-'.$eacl['owner'].']'] = $eacl['ino'] != $content['ino'] ||
						$eacl['path'] != $content['path'] || !$content['is_owner'];
				array_unshift($content['eacl'],false);	// make the keys start with 1, not 0
				$content['eacl']['owner'] = 0;
				$content['eacl']['rights'] = 5;
				//unset($sel_options['rights'][0]);	// there's no "No access" for eACL, as you can only add rights
			$sel_options['owner']=$sel_options['group']=$sel_options['other'] = array(
				6 => lang('Read & write access'),
				4 => lang('Read access only'),
				0 => lang('No access'),
		$preserve = $content;
		if (!isset($preserve['old']))
			$preserve['old'] = array(
				'perms' => $content['perms'],
				'name'  => $content['name'],
				'uid'   => $content['uid'],
				'gid'   => $content['gid'],
				'comment' => (string)$content['comment'],
			if ($cfs) foreach($cfs as $name => $data)
				$preserve['old']['#'.$name] = (string)$content['#'.$name];
		if (egw_vfs::$is_root)
			$sudo_button =& $tpl->get_widget_by_name('sudo');
			$sudo_button = etemplate::empty_cell('button','button[sudo]',array(
				'label' => 'Logout',
				'help'  => 'Log out as superuser',
				'align' => 'right',
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['java_script'] = "<script>window.focus();</script>\n";
		$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Preferences').' '.egw_vfs::decodePath($path);


	 * Convert perms array back to integer mode
	 * @param array $perms with keys owner, group, other, executable, sticky
	 * @return int
	private function perms2mode(array $perms)
		$mode = $perms['owner'] << 6 | $perms['group'] << 3 | $perms['other'];
		if ($mode['executable'])
			$mode |= 0111;
		if ($mode['sticky'])
			$mode |= 0x201;
		return $mode;