/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS VFS widgets * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright Nathan Gray 2012 * @version $Id$ */ /*egw:uses jquery.jquery; et2_core_inputWidget; et2_core_valueWidget; et2_widget_description; et2_widget_file; expose; */ /** * Class which implements the "vfs" XET-Tag * * @augments et2_valueWidget */ var et2_vfs = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_valueWidget.extend([et2_IDetachedDOM], { attributes: { "value": { "type": "any", // Object "description": "Array of (stat) information about the file" } }, /** * Mime type of directories */ DIR_MIME_TYPE: 'httpd/unix-directory', /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_vfs */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.value = ""; this.span = $j(document.createElement("ul")) .addClass('et2_vfs'); this.setDOMNode(this.span[0]); }, getValue: function() { return this.value; }, set_value: function(_value) { if (typeof _value !== 'object') { // Only warn if it's an actual value, just blank for falsy values if(_value) { this.egw().debug("warn", "%s only has path, needs full array", this.id, _value); } this.span.empty().text(_value); return; } this.span.empty(); this.value = _value; var path = _value.path ? _value.path : '/'; // calculate path as parent of name, which can contain slashes // eg. _value.path=/home/ralf/sub/file, _value.name=sub/file --> path=/home/ralf // --> generate clickable fields for sub/ + file if(_value.path.indexOf(_value.name) >= 0) { path = path.substr(0, _value.path.length-_value.name.length-1); var path_offset = path.split('/').length; var path_parts = _value.path.split('/'); } else { var path_offset = 0; var path_parts = [_value.name]; } var text; for(var i = path_offset; i < path_parts.length; i++) { path += (path=='/'?'':'/')+path_parts[i]; text = egw.decodePath(path_parts[i]); // Nice human-readable stuff for apps if(path_parts[1] == 'apps') { switch(path_parts.length) { case 2: if(i == 1) { text = this.egw().lang('applications'); } break; case 3: if( i == 2) { text = this.egw().lang(path_parts[2]); } break; case 4: if(!isNaN(text)) { var link_title = this.egw().link_title(path_parts[2],path_parts[3], function(title) { if(!title || this.value.name == title) return; $j('li',this.span).last().text(title); }, this ); if(link_title && typeof link_title !== 'undefined') text = link_title; } break; } } var self = this; var data = {path: path, type: i < path_parts.length-1 ? this.DIR_MIME_TYPE : _value.mime }; $j(document.createElement("li")) .addClass("vfsFilename") .text(text + (i < path_parts.length-1 ? '/' : '')) //.attr('title', egw.decodePath(path)) .addClass("et2_clickable et2_link") .click({data:data, egw: this.egw()}, function(e) { if(!self.onclick) { e.data.egw.open(e.data.data, "file"); } else if (self.click(e)) { e.data.egw.open(e.data.data, "file"); } }) .appendTo(this.span); } }, /** * Code for implementing et2_IDetachedDOM (data grid) * * @param {array} _attrs array of attribute-names to push further names onto */ getDetachedAttributes: function(_attrs) { _attrs.push("value"); }, getDetachedNodes: function() { return [this.span[0]]; }, setDetachedAttributes: function(_nodes, _values) { this.span = jQuery(_nodes[0]); if(typeof _values["value"] != 'undefined') { this.set_value(_values["value"]); } } });}).call(this); et2_register_widget(et2_vfs, ["vfs"]); /** * vfs-name * filename automatically urlencoded on return (urldecoded on display to user) * * @augments et2_textbox */ var et2_vfsName = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_textbox.extend( { /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_vfsName */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.input.addClass("et2_vfs"); }, set_value: function(_value) { if(_value.path) { _value = _value.path; } _value = egw.decodePath(_value); this._super.apply(this,[_value]); }, getValue: function() { return egw.encodePath(this._super.apply(this)||''); } });}).call(this); et2_register_widget(et2_vfsName, ["vfs-name"]); /** * vfs-name * filename automatically urlencoded on return (urldecoded on display to user) * * @augments et2_textbox_ro */ var et2_vfsName_ro = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_textbox_ro.extend( { /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_vfsName_ro */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, set_value: function(_value) { if(_value.path) { _value = _value.path; } _value = egw.decodePath(_value); this._super.apply(this,[_value]); }, getValue: function() { return egw.encodePath(this._super.apply(this)); } });}).call(this); et2_register_widget(et2_vfsName_ro, ["vfs-name_ro"]); /** * vfs-mime: icon for mimetype of file, or thumbnail * incl. optional link overlay icon, if file is a symlink * * Creates following structure * <span class="iconOverlayContainer"> * <img class="et2_vfs vfsMimeIcon" src="..."/> * <span class="overlayContainer"> * <img class="overlay" src="etemplate/templates/default/images/link.png"/> * </span> * </span> * * span.overlayContainer is optional and only generated for symlinks * * @augments et2_valueWidget */ var et2_vfsMime = (function(){ "use strict"; return expose(et2_valueWidget.extend([et2_IDetachedDOM], { attributes: { "value": { "type": "any", // Object "description": "Array of (stat) information about the file" }, "size": { "name": "Icon size", "type": "integer", "description": "Size of icon / thumbnail, in pixels", "default": et2_no_init }, "expose_callback":{ "name": "expose_callback", "type": "js", "default": et2_no_init, "description": "JS code which is executed when expose slides." }, expose_view: { name: "Expose view", type: "boolean", default: true, description: "Clicking on an image would popup an expose view" }, thumb_mime_size:{ name: "Image thumbnail size", type: "string", default:"", description:" Size of thumbnail in pixel for specified mime type with syntax of: mime_type(s),size (eg. image,video,128)" } }, legacyOptions:["size"], /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_vfsMime */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.iconOverlayContainer = jQuery(document.createElement('span')).addClass('iconOverlayContainer'); this.image = jQuery(document.createElement("img")); this.image.addClass("et2_vfs vfsMimeIcon"); this.iconOverlayContainer.append(this.image); this.setDOMNode(this.iconOverlayContainer[0]); }, /** * Handler for expose slide action, from expose * Returns data needed for the given index, or false to let expose handle it * * @param {Gallery} gallery * @param {integer} index * @param {DOMNode} slide * @return {Array} array of objects consist of media contnet */ expose_onslide: function(gallery, index, slide) { var content = false; if (this.options.expose_callback && typeof this.options.expose_callback == 'function') { //Call the callback to load more items content = this.options.expose_callback.call(this,[gallery, index]); if (content) this.add(content); } return content; }, /** * Function to get media content to feed the expose * * @param {type} _value * @returns {Array} return an array of object consists of media content */ getMedia: function (_value) { var base_url = egw.webserverUrl.match(/^\//,'ig')?egw(window).window.location.origin + egw.webserverUrl:egw.webserverUrl; var mediaContent = [{ title: _value.name, type: _value.mime, href: _value.download_url }]; // check if download_url is not already an url (some stream-wrappers allow to specify that!) if (_value.download_url && (_value.download_url[0] == '/' || _value.download_url.substr(0, 4) != 'http')) { mediaContent[0].href = base_url + _value.download_url; if (mediaContent[0].href && mediaContent[0].href.match(/\/webdav.php/,'ig')) { mediaContent[0].download_href = mediaContent[0].href + '?download'; } } if (_value && _value.mime && _value.mime.match(/video\//,'ig')) { mediaContent[0].thumbnail = this.egw().mime_icon(_value.mime, _value.path, undefined, _value.mtime); } else { mediaContent[0].thumbnail = _value.path && _value.mime ? this.egw().mime_icon(_value.mime, _value.path, undefined, _value.mtime) : this.image.attr('src')+ '&thheight=128'; } return mediaContent; }, set_value: function(_value) { if (typeof _value !== 'object') { this.egw().debug("warn", "%s only has path, needs array with path & mime", this.id, _value); // Keep going, will be 'unknown type' } var src = this.egw().mime_icon(_value.mime, _value.path, undefined, _value.mtime); if(src) { // Set size of thumbnail if(src.indexOf("thumbnail.php") > -1) { if(this.options.size) { src += "&thsize="+this.options.size; } else if (this.options.thumb_mime_size) { var mime_size = this.options.thumb_mime_size.split(','); var mime_regex = RegExp(_value.mime.split('/')[0]); if (typeof mime_size != 'undefined' && jQuery.isArray(mime_size) && !isNaN(mime_size[mime_size.length-1]) && isNaN(mime_size[0]) && this.options.thumb_mime_size.match(mime_regex[0], 'ig')) { src += "&thsize=" + mime_size[mime_size.length-1]; } } this.image.css("max-width", "100%"); } this.image.attr("src", src); } // add/remove link icon, if file is (not) a symlink if ((_value.mode & et2_vfsMode.prototype.types.l) == et2_vfsMode.prototype.types.l) { if (typeof this.overlayContainer == 'undefined') { this.overlayContainer = jQuery(document.createElement('span')).addClass('overlayContainer'); this.overlayContainer.append(jQuery(document.createElement('img')) .addClass('overlay').attr('src', this.egw().image('link', 'etemplate'))); this.iconOverlayContainer.append(this.overlayContainer); } } else if (typeof this.overlayContainer != 'undefined') { this.overlayContainer.remove(); delete this.overlayContainer; } }, /** * Implementation of "et2_IDetachedDOM" for fast viewing in gridview * Override to add needed attributes * * @param {array} _attrs array of attribute-names to push further names onto */ getDetachedAttributes: function(_attrs) { _attrs.push("value", "class"); }, getDetachedNodes: function() { return [this.node, this.iconOverlayContainer[0], this.image[0]]; }, setDetachedAttributes: function(_nodes, _values) { this.iconOverlayContainer = jQuery(_nodes[1]); this.image = jQuery(_nodes[2]); this.node = _nodes[0]; this.overlayContainer = _nodes[0].children[1]; if(typeof _values['class'] != "undefined") { this.image.addClass(_values['class']); } if(typeof _values['value'] != "undefined") { this.set_value(_values['value']); } } }));}).call(this); et2_register_widget(et2_vfsMime, ["vfs-mime"]); /** * vfs-size * Human readable file sizes * * @augments et2_description */ var et2_vfsSize = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_description.extend({ attributes: { "value": { "type": "integer" } }, /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_vfsSize */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.span.addClass("et2_vfs"); }, human_size: function(size) { if(typeof size !== "number") { size = parseInt(size); } if(!size) { size = 0; } var units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; var i = 0; while(size >= 1024) { size /= 1024; ++i; } return size.toFixed(i == 0 ? 0 : 1) + ' ' + units[i]; }, set_value: function(_value) { if(_value.size) { _value = _value.size; } jQuery(this.node).text(this.human_size(_value)); }, setDetachedAttributes: function(_nodes, _values) { if(typeof _values["value"] !== "undefined") { this.node = _nodes[0]; this.set_value(_values["value"]); delete _values["value"]; } this._super.apply(this, arguments); } });}).call(this); et2_register_widget(et2_vfsSize, ["vfs-size"]); /** * vfs-mode: textual representation of permissions + extra bits * * @augments et2_description */ var et2_vfsMode = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_description.extend({ // Masks for file types types: { 'l': 0xA000, // link 's': 0xC000, // Socket 'p': 0x1000, // FIFO pipe 'c': 0x2000, // Character special 'd': 0x4000, // Directory 'b': 0x6000, // Block special '-': 0x8000 // Regular }, // Sticky / UID / GID sticky: [ { mask: 0x200, "char": "T", position: 9 }, // Sticky { mask: 0x400, "char": "S", position: 6 }, // sGID { mask: 0x800, "char": "S", position: 3 } // SUID ], perms: { 'x': 0x1, // Execute 'w': 0x2, // Write 'r': 0x4 // Read }, /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_vfsMode */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.span.addClass("et2_vfs"); }, /** * Get text for file stuff * Result will be like -rwxr--r--. First char is type, then read, write, execute (or other bits) for * user, group, world * * @param {number} _value vfs mode */ text_mode: function(_value) { var text = []; if(typeof _value != "number") { _value = parseInt(_value); } if(!_value) return "----------"; // Figure out type var type = 'u'; // unknown for(var flag in this.types) { if((_value & this.types[flag]) == this.types[flag]) { type = flag; break; } } // World, group, user - build string backwards for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for(var perm in this.perms) { if(_value & this.perms[perm]) { text.unshift(perm); } else { text.unshift("-"); } } _value = _value >> 3; } // Sticky / UID / GID for(var i = 0; i < this.sticky.length; i++) { if(this.sticky[i].mask & _value) { current = text[this.sticky[i].position]; text[this.sticky[i].position] = this.sticky[i]["char"]; if(current == 'x') text[this.sticky[i].position].toLowerCase(); } } return type + text.join(''); }, set_value: function(_value) { if(_value.size) { _value = _value.size; } var text = this.text_mode(_value); jQuery(this.node).text(text); }, setDetachedAttributes: function(_nodes, _values) { if(typeof _values["value"] !== "undefined") { this.node = _nodes[0]; this.set_value(_values["value"]); delete _values["value"]; } this._super.apply(this, arguments); } });}).call(this); et2_register_widget(et2_vfsMode, ["vfs-mode"]); /** * vfs-uid / vfs-gid: Displays the name for an ID. * Same as read-only selectAccount, except if there's no user it shows "root" * * @augments et2_selectAccount_ro */ var et2_vfsUid = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_selectAccount_ro.extend( { /** * @memberOf et2_vfsUid * @param _node * @param _value */ set_title: function(_node, _value) { if(_value == "") { arguments[1] = "root"; } this._super.apply(this, arguments); } });}).call(this); et2_register_widget(et2_vfsUid, ["vfs-uid","vfs-gid"]); /* vfs-upload aka VFS file: displays either download and delete (x) links or a file upload * + value is either a vfs path or colon separated $app:$id:$relative_path, eg: infolog:123:special/offer * + if empty($id) / new entry, file is created in a hidden temporary directory in users home directory * and calling app is responsible to move content of that dir to entry directory, after entry is saved * + option: required mimetype or regular expression for mimetype to match, eg. '/^text\//i' for all text files * + if path ends in a slash, multiple files can be uploaded, their original filename is kept then * * @augments et2_file */ var et2_vfsUpload = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_file.extend( { attributes: { "value": { "type": "any" // Either nothing, or an object with file info }, "path": { "name": "Path", "description": "Upload files to the specified VFS path", "type": "string", "default": '' } }, legacyOptions: ["mime"], asyncOptions: { target: egw.ajaxUrl("EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Vfs::ajax_upload") }, /** * Constructor * * @param _parent * @param attrs * @memberof et2_vfsUpload */ init: function(_parent, attrs) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); $j(this.node).addClass("et2_vfs"); if(!this.options.path) { this.options.path = this.options.id; } // If the path is a directory, allow multiple uploads if(this.options.path.substr(-1) == '/') { this.set_multiple(true); } this.list = $j(document.createElement('table')).appendTo(this.node); }, /** * If there is a file / files in the specified location, display them * Value is the information for the file[s] in the specified location. * * @param {Object[]} _value */ set_value: function(_value) { // Remove previous while(this._children.length > 0) { var node = this._children[this._children.length-1]; this.removeChild(node); node.free(); } this.progress.empty(); this.list.empty(); // Set new if(typeof _value == 'object' && _value && _value.length) { for(var i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) { this._addFile(_value[i]); } } }, /** * Value is determined by what's at the location specified by path * * @returns {null} */ getValue: function() { return null; }, getDOMNode: function(sender) { if(sender !== this && sender._type.indexOf('vfs') >= 0 ) { var value = sender.getValue && sender.getValue() || sender.options.value || {}; var row = $j('[data-path="'+(value.path)+'"]',this.list); if(sender._type === 'vfs-mime') { return $j('.icon',row).get(0) || null; } else { return $j('.title',row).get(0) || null; } } else { return this._super.apply(this, arguments); } }, /** * Add in the request id * * @param {type} form */ beforeSend: function(form) { var instance = this.getInstanceManager(); var extra = this._super.apply(this, arguments); extra.path = this.options.path; return extra; }, _addFile: function(file_data) { var row = $j(document.createElement("tr")) .attr("data-path", file_data.path) .attr("draggable", "true") .appendTo(this.list); var mime = $j(document.createElement("td")) .addClass('icon') .appendTo(row); var title = $j(document.createElement("td")) .addClass('title') .appendTo(row); var mime = et2_createWidget('vfs-mime',{value: file_data},this); var vfs = et2_createWidget('vfs', {value: file_data}, this); // Add in delete button if (!this.options.readonly) { var self = this; var delete_button = $j(document.createElement("td")) .appendTo(row); $j("<div />") .appendTo(delete_button) // We don't use ui-icon because it assigns a bg image .addClass("delete icon") .bind( 'click', function() { et2_dialog.show_dialog( function(button) { if(button == et2_dialog.YES_BUTTON) { egw.json("filemanager_ui::ajax_action", [ 'delete', [row.attr('data-path')], '' ], function(data) { if(data && data.errs == 0) {row.slideUp(row.remove);} if(data && data.msg) { self.egw().message(data.msg, data.errs == 0 ? 'success' : 'error'); } } ).sendRequest(); } }, egw.lang('Delete file?') ); }); } } });}).call(this); et2_register_widget(et2_vfsUpload, ["vfs-upload"]); var et2_vfsSelect = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_inputWidget.extend( { // Allowed mode options modes: ['open','open-multiple','saveas','select-dir'], attributes: { "mode": { name: "Dialog mode", type: "string", description: "One of {open|open-multiple|saveas|select-dir}", default: "open-multiple" }, "method": { name: "Server side callback", type: "string", description: "Server side callback to process selected value(s) in app.class.method or class::method format. The first parameter will be Method ID, the second the file list." }, "method_id": { name: "Method ID", type: "any", description: "optional parameter passed to server side callback. Can be a string or a function.", default: "" }, "path": { name: "Path", type: "string", description:"Start path in VFS. Leave unset to use the last used path." }, "mime": { name: "Mime type", type: "string", description: "Limit display to the given mime-type" }, "button_label": { name: "Button label", description: "Set the label on the dialog's OK button.", default: "open" }, "value": { "type": "any", // Object "description": "Array of paths (strings)" }, "button_caption":{ name: "button caption", type: "string", default: "Select files from Filemanager ...", description: "Caption for vfs-select button.", translate:true } }, /** * Constructor * * @param _parent * @param _attrs * @memberOf et2_vfsSelect */ init: function(_parent, _attrs) { // _super.apply is responsible for the actual setting of the params (some magic) this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Allow no child widgets this.supportedWidgetClasses = []; this.button = $j(document.createElement("button")) .attr("title", this.egw().lang("Select file(s) from VFS")) .addClass("et2_button et2_vfs_btn") .css("background-image","url("+this.egw().image("filemanager/navbar")+")"); if (this.options.button_caption != "") { this.button.text(this.options.button_caption); } this.setDOMNode(egw.app('filemanager') ? this.button[0]:document.createElement('span')); }, click: function(e) { // No permission if(!egw.app('filemanager')) return; var self = this; var attrs = { menuaction: 'filemanager.filemanager_select.select', mode: this.options.mode, method: this.options.method, label: this.options.button_label, id: typeof this.options.method_id == "function" ? this.options.method_id.call(): this.options.method_id }; if(this.options.path) { attrs.path = this.options.path; } if(this.options.mime) { attrs.mime = this.options.mime; }; // Open the filemanager select in a popup var popup = this.egw(window).open_link( this.egw().link('/index.php', attrs), 'link_existing', '680x400' ); if(popup) { // Safari and IE lose reference to global variables after window close // Try to get updated data before window is closed then later we trigger // change event on widget self.egw().window.setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(popup).bind('unload',function(){ // Set selected files to widget self.value = this.selected_files; // Update path to where the user wound up] if (typeof this.etemplate2 !='undefined') self.options.path = this.etemplate2.getByApplication('filemanager')[0].widgetContainer.getArrayMgr("content").getEntry('path'); }); },1000); // Update on close doesn't always (ever, in chrome) work, so poll var poll = self.egw().window.setInterval( function() { if(popup.closed) { self.egw().window.clearInterval(poll); // Fire a change event so any handlers run $j(self.node).change(); } },1000 ); } }, /** * Set the dialog's mode. * Valid options are in et2_vfsSelect.modes * * @param {string} mode 'open', 'open-multiple', 'saveas' or 'select-dir' */ set_mode: function(mode) { // Check mode if(jQuery.inArray(mode, this.modes) < 0) { this.egw().debug("warn", "Invalid mode for '%s': %s Valid options:", this.id,mode, this.modes); return; } this.options.mode = mode; }, /** * Set the label on the dialog's OK button. * * @param {string} label */ set_button_label: function(label) { this.options.button_label = label; }, /** * Set the caption for vfs-select button * * @param {string} caption string value as a caption */ set_button_caption: function (caption) { this.options.button_caption = caption; }, /** * Set the ID passed to the server side callback * * @param {string} id */ set_method_id: function(id) { this.options.method_id = id; }, getValue: function() { return this.value; } });}).call(this); et2_register_widget(et2_vfsSelect, ["vfs-select"]);