import {html, LitElement, nothing} from "lit"; import {customElement} from "lit/decorators/custom-element.js"; import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js"; import {state} from "lit/decorators/state.js"; import {classMap} from "lit/directives/class-map.js"; import {ifDefined} from "lit/directives/if-defined.js"; import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat.js"; import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace"; import styles from "./Et2File.styles"; import {Et2InputWidget} from "../Et2InputWidget/Et2InputWidget"; import {Et2FileItem} from "./Et2FileItem"; import Resumable from "../../Resumable/resumable"; // ResumableFile not defined in a way we can use it export interface FileInfo extends ResumableFile { loading? : boolean; accepted? : boolean; warning? : string; // ResumableFile uniqueIdentifier : string; file : File; progress : Function; abort : Function } /** * @summary Displays a button to select files to upload * * * @dependency sl-format-bytes * @dependency sl-progress-bar * @dependency sl-icon * * @slot - File name * @slot image - The file's image (mimetype icon, status icon, etc) * @slot close-button - Close button * @event load - Emitted when file is loaded * * @csspart base - Component internal wrapper */ @customElement("et2-file") export class Et2File extends Et2InputWidget(LitElement) { static get styles() { return [ shoelace, super.styles, styles ]; } /** A string that defines the file types the file dropzone should accept. Defaults to all. */ @property({type: String, reflect: true}) accept = ""; /** An optional maximum size of a file that will be considered valid. */ @property({type: Number, attribute: "max-file-size"}) maxFileSize? : number; /** The maximum amount of files that are allowed. */ @property({type: Number, attribute: "max-files"}) maxFiles : number; /** Indicates if multiple files can be uploaded */ @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) multiple = false; /** Draws the item in a loading state. */ @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) loading = false; /** If true, no file list will be shown */ @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true, attribute: "no-file-list"}) noFileList = false; /** Target element to show file list in instead */ @property({type: String}) fileListTarget : string; /** Component to listen for file drops */ @property({type: String}) dropTarget : string; @property({type: String}) display : "large" | "small" | "list" = "large"; /** Show the files inline instead of over the rest of the page */ @property({type: Boolean}) inline = false; /** The button's image */ @property({type: String}) image : string = "paperclip"; /** Server path to receive uploaded file */ @property({type: String}) uploadTarget : string = "EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\File::ajax_upload"; @property({type: Object}) uploadOptions : {}; /** Files already uploaded */ @property({type: Array}) value : { [tempName : string] : FileInfo[] } = {}; @state() files : FileInfo[] = []; protected resumable : Resumable = null; get fileInput() : HTMLInputElement { return this.shadowRoot?.querySelector("#file-input");} get list() : HTMLElement { return this.fileListTarget ? this.egw().window.document.querySelector(this.fileListTarget) ?? this.getRoot()?.getWidgetById(this.fileListTarget) : this.shadowRoot?.querySelector("slot[name='list']"); } get fileItemList() : Et2FileItem[] { return Array.from(this.list?.querySelectorAll("et2-file-item")) ?? []; } disconnectedCallback() { if(this.resumable) { this.resumable.cancel(); } } firstUpdated() { this.resumable = this.createResumable(); } protected createResumable() { const resumable = new Resumable(this.resumableOptions); resumable.assignBrowse(this.fileInput); if(this.dropTarget) { resumable.assignDrop(this.getRoot().getWidgetById(this.dropTarget) || this.egw().window.document.getElementById(this.dropTarget)) } resumable.on('fileAdded', this.resumableFileAdded.bind(this)); resumable.on('fileProgress', this.resumableFileProgress.bind(this)); resumable.on('fileSuccess', this.resumableFileSuccess.bind(this)); resumable.on('fileError', this.resumableFileError.bind(this)); resumable.on('complete', this.resumableUploadComplete.bind(this)); return resumable; } protected get resumableOptions() { const options = { target: this.egw().ajaxUrl(this.uploadTarget), query: { request_id: this.getInstanceManager()?.etemplate_exec_id, widget_id:, }, chunkSize: 1024 * 1024, // Checking for already uploaded chunks - resumable uploads testChunks: true, testTarget: this.egw().ajaxUrl("EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\File::ajax_test_chunk") }; if(this.accept) { options["fileType"] = this.accept.split(",").map(f => f.trim()) } if(this.maxFiles) { options["maxFiles"] = this.maxFiles; } if(this.maxFileSize) { options['maxFileSize'] = this.maxFileSize; } Object.assign(options, this.uploadOptions); return options; } public findFileItem(file) { const fileInfo = this.files.find((i) => i.file.uniqueIdentifier == file.uniqueIdentifier); file = fileInfo; const fileIndex = this.files.indexOf(fileInfo) ?? null; const fileItem : Et2FileItem = fileIndex !== -1 ? this.fileItemList[fileIndex] : null; return fileItem; } private async resumableFileAdded(file : FileInfo, event) { file = { accepted: true, loading: true, ...file } this.files = this.multiple ? [...this.files, file] : [file]; this.requestUpdate(); if(!file.accepted) { return; } await this.updateComplete; const fileItem = this.findFileItem(file); if(!fileItem) { return; } fileItem.loading = true; fileItem.requestUpdate("loading"); // Bind close => abort upload fileItem.addEventListener("sl-hide", () => { file.abort(); this.resumable.removeFile(file); }, {once: true}); // Actually start uploading await fileItem.updateComplete; this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("et2-add", {bubbles: true, detail: file})); setTimeout(this.resumable.upload, 100); } private resumableFileProgress(file : FileInfo, event) { const fileItem = this.findFileItem(file); if(fileItem && file.progress()) { fileItem.progress = file.progress() * 100; fileItem.requestUpdate("progress"); } } private resumableFileSuccess(file : FileInfo, jsonResponse) { const response = (JSON.parse(jsonResponse)['response'] ?? {}).find(i => i.type == "data")['data'] ?? {}; const fileItem = this.findFileItem(file); file.loading = false; fileItem.progress = 100; fileItem.loading = false; if(!response || response.length == 0) { file.warning = "No response"; fileItem.variant = "warning"; fileItem.innerHTML += "
" + file.warning; } else { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("et2-load", {bubbles: true, detail: file})); Object.keys(response).forEach((tempName) => { fileItem.variant = "success"; // Add file into value this.value[tempName] = { file: file.file, src: (fileItem.shadowRoot.querySelector("slot[name='image']")).assignedElements()[0]?.src ?? "", ...response[tempName] } // Remove file from file input & resumable this.resumable.removeFile(file); this.removeFile(file); }) } fileItem.requestUpdate("loading"); fileItem.requestUpdate("progress"); fileItem.requestUpdate("variant"); } private resumableFileError(file, message) { const fileItem = this.findFileItem(file); fileItem.loading = false; file.warning = message; fileItem.error(message); fileItem.requestUpdate("variant"); fileItem.requestUpdate("loading"); } private resumableUploadComplete() { this.requestUpdate(); this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change", {detail: this.value, bubbles: true})); }) } addFile(file : File) { if(typeof file !== "object" || ! || !file.type || !file.size) { console.warn("Invalid file", file); return; } if(this.maxFiles && this.files.length >= this.maxFiles) { // TODO : Warn too many files return; } const fileInfo : FileInfo = { abort: () => false, uniqueIdentifier:, file: file, progress: () => 0 }; if(!checkMime(file, this.accept)) { fileInfo.accepted = false; fileInfo.warning = this.egw().lang("File is of wrong type (%1 != %2)!", file.type, this.accept) } else if(!hasValidFileSize(file, this.maxFileSize)) { fileInfo.accepted = false; // TODO: Stop using et2_vfsSize //fileInfo.warning = this.egw().lang("File too large. Maximum %1", et2_vfsSize.prototype.human_size(this.maxFileSize)); } else { fileInfo.accepted = true; } this.files = this.multiple ? [...this.files, fileInfo] : [fileInfo]; this.requestUpdate("files"); if(fileInfo.accepted) { this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.resumable.addFile(fileInfo.file) }) } } removeFile(file : FileInfo) { const fileInfo = this.files.find((i) => i.uniqueIdentifier == file.uniqueIdentifier); const fileIndex = this.files.indexOf(fileInfo) ?? null; if(fileIndex != -1) { this.files.splice(fileIndex, 1); } this.requestUpdate("files"); } handleFiles(fileList : FileList | null) { if(!fileList || fileList.length === 0) { return; } if(!this.multiple && fileList.length > 1) { // TODO : Warn too many files return; } Object.values(fileList).forEach(file => { if(typeof file === "object" && && file.type && file.size) { this.addFile(file) } }); this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change", {bubbles: true, detail: this.files})); } handleBrowseFileClick() { if(this.disabled) { return; }; } handleFileInputChange() { this.loading = true; this.requestUpdate("loading"); setTimeout(() => { this.handleFiles(this.fileInput.files); this.loading = false; this.requestUpdate("loading"); }); } handleFileRemove(info : FileInfo) { const index = this.files.indexOf(info); if(index === -1) { return; } const fileInfo = this.files[index]; this.files.splice(index, 1); this.requestUpdate(); this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change", {detail: this.files})); }) } handleFileListChange(list) { debugger; for(const mutation of list) { if(mutation.type === "childList") { } } } fileItemTemplate(fileInfo : FileInfo, index) { let icon = fileInfo.icon ?? (fileInfo.warning ? "exclamation-triangle" : undefined); // Pull thumbnail from file if we can let thumbnail; if(!icon && fileInfo.file && fileInfo.file.type.startsWith("image/")) { thumbnail = URL.createObjectURL(fileInfo.file); } return html` { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); if(thumbnail) { // Unload thumnail, don't need it anymore URL.revokeObjectURL(thumbnail); } this.handleFileRemove(fileInfo); }} > ${!icon && thumbnail || !fileInfo.file.type ? html` ` : nothing} ${!icon && !thumbnail && fileInfo.file.type ? html` ` : nothing } ${fileInfo.accepted ? : fileInfo.warning} `; } render() { const filesList = html` ${repeat(this.files, (file) => file.uniqueIdentifier, (item, index) => this.fileItemTemplate(item, index))}`; return html`
${this.loading ? html` ` : nothing} ${this._labelTemplate()}
(f instanceof File ? : f)).join(",") : ""} /> ${(this.noFileList || this.fileListTarget) ? nothing : html` ${this.inline ? html`
` : html` 0 || Object.values(this.value).length > 0} strategy="fixed" placement="bottom-start" auto-size="vertical" >${filesList} ` }
` } ${this._helpTextTemplate()}
`; } } /** * Check to see if the provided file's mimetype matches * * @param f File object * @return boolean */ export function checkMime(f : File, accept = "") { if(!accept || accept == "*") { return true; } let mime : string | RegExp = ''; if(accept.indexOf("/") != 0) { // Lower case it now, if it's not a regex mime = accept.toLowerCase(); } else { // Convert into a js regex var parts = accept.substr(1).match(/(.*)\/([igm]?)$/); mime = new RegExp(parts[1], parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : ""); } // If missing, let the server handle it if(!mime || !f.type) { return true; } var is_preg = (typeof mime == "object"); if(!is_preg && f.type.toLowerCase() == mime || is_preg && mime.test(f.type)) { return true; } // Not right mime return false; } export function hasValidFileSize(file, maxFileSize) { return !maxFileSize || file.size <= maxFileSize; }