* @version $Id$ */ require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/inc/class.html.inc.php'); require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/inc/class.config.inc.php'); /** * Notifies users according to their preferences. * * @abstract NOTE:Notifications are small messages. No subject and no attechments. * If you need this kind of elements you probably want to send a mail, don't you :-) * @abstract NOTE: This is for instant notifications. If you need time dependend notifications use the * asyncservices wrapper! * * The classes doing the notifications are called notification_ and should only be * called from this class. * The gets extractd out of the preferences labels. * */ final class notification { /** * Appname */ const _appname = 'notifications'; /** * pre-defined notificaton chains * @abstract * arrays with name => chain pairs * the chain itself consists of an array with framework => action pairs * where action defines what to do after the framework has been executed: * stop: stop executing notifications * fail: do not stop if framework fails, otherwise stop * continue: execute next framework * * @var array */ private $notification_chains = array( 'disable' => false, 'popup_only' => array('popup' => 'stop'), 'winpopup_only' => array('winpopup' => 'stop'), 'email_only' => array('email' => 'stop'), 'popup_or_email' => array('popup' => 'fail', 'email' => 'stop'), 'winpopup_or_email' => array('winpopup' => 'fail', 'email' => 'stop'), 'popup_and_email' => array('popup' => 'continue', 'email' => 'stop'), 'winpopup_and_email' => array('winpopup' => 'continue', 'email' => 'stop'), 'egwpopup_and_winpopup' => array('popup' => 'continue', 'winpopup' => 'stop'), 'all' => array('popup' => 'continue', 'winpopup' => 'continue', 'email' => 'stop'), ); /** * array with objects of receivers * @var array */ private $receivers = array(); /** * objects of sender * @var object */ private $sender; /** * holds notification subject * @var string */ private $subject = ''; /** * holds notification message * @var string */ private $message = ''; /** * array with objects of links * @var array */ private $links = array(); /** * array with objects of attachments * @var array */ private $attachments = array(); /** * holds html object to render elements * * @var object */ private $html; /** * holds config object (sitewide configuration of app) * * @var object */ private $config; /** * constructor of notification * */ public function __construct() { $this->html = & html::singleton(); $config = new config(self::_appname); $this->config = (object) $config->read_repository(); } /** * Set sender for the current notification * * @param $_sender object of account * as long as the accounts class isn't a nice object, it's an int with the account id :-( */ public function set_sender($_sender) { $this->sender = is_object($_sender) ? $_sender : (object) $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_account_data($_sender); return true; } /** * Set receivers for the current notification * * @param array $_receivers array with objects of accounts * as long as the accounts class isn't a nice object, it's an array of account id's :-( */ public function set_receivers(array $_receivers) { foreach ($_receivers as $receiver_id) { $receiver = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_account_data($receiver_id); $receiver[$receiver_id]['id'] = $receiver_id; $this->receivers[$receiver_id] = (object)$receiver[$receiver_id]; } return true; } /** * sets notification subject * * @param string $_subject */ public function set_subject($_subject) { $this->subject = $_subject; return true; } /** * sets notification message * @abstract $message accepts html tags:

. * NOTE: There is no XSS prevention in notifications framework! * You have to filter userinputs yourseve (e.g. htmlspechialchars() ) * * @param string $_message */ public function set_message($_message) { $this->message = $_message; return true; } /** * sets the notification links * * @param array $links link array (like defined in $this->add_link) */ public function set_links(array $_links) { $this->links = array(); // clear array if set foreach($_links as $link) { if(is_array($link)) { $this->add_link($link['menuaction'], $link['params'], $link['text']); } } return true; } /** * adds a notification link * * @param string $menuaction egw menuaction (appname.classname.functionname) * @param array $params params to append (name => value pairs) * @param string $text a descriptive text for the link */ public function add_link($_menuaction, $_params, $_text) { if(!$_menuaction || !$_params || !$_text) { return false; } $this->links[] = (object)array( 'menuaction' => $_menuaction, 'params' => $_params, 'text' => $_text, ); return true; } /** * sets the notification attachments * * @param array $attachments attachment array (like defined in $this->add_attachment */ public function set_attachments(array $_attachments) { $this->attachments = array(); // clear array if set foreach($_attachments as $attachment) { if(is_array($attachment)) { $this->add_attachment( $attachment['string'], $attachment['filename'], $attachment['encoding'], $attachment['type'] ); } } return true; } /** * adds a notification attachment * This method can be used to attach ascii or binary data, * such as a BLOB record from a database. * * @param string $string Attachment data. * @param string $filename Name of the attachment. * @param string $encoding File encoding (see $Encoding). * @param string $type File extension (MIME) type. */ public function add_attachment($_string, $_filename, $_encoding = "base64", $_type = "application/octet-stream") { if(!$_string || !$_filename) { return false; } $this->attachments[] = (object)array( 'string' => $_string, 'filename' => $_filename, 'encoding' => $_encoding, 'type' => $_type, ); return true; } /** * sends notification */ public function send() { if (empty($this->receivers) || !$this->message) { throw new Exception('Error: Could not send notification. No receiver or no message where supplied'); } // create all message styles $messages = $this->create_messages($this->message, $this->links); foreach ($this->receivers as $receiver) { try { // check if the receiver has rights to run the notifcation app $ids = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($receiver->id,true); $ids[] = $receiver->id; if (!$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_specific_rights_for_account($ids,'run','notifications')) { throw new Exception('Error: Could not send notification to user '.$receiver->lid.' because of missing execute rights on notification-app.'); } $prefs = new preferences($receiver->id); $preferences = $prefs->read(); $preferences = (object)$preferences[self::_appname]; $notification_chain = $this->notification_chains[$preferences->notification_chain]; if(!is_array($notification_chain)) { throw new Exception('Error: Could not send notification to user '.$receiver->lid.' because of missing notification settings.'); } } catch (Exception $exception) { error_log('notification of receiver'.$receiver->lid.' failed: '.$exception->getMessage()); } $user_notified = false; $backend_errors = array(); foreach($notification_chain as $notification_backend => $action) { try { $notification_backend = 'notification_'.$notification_backend; require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. SEP. self::_appname. SEP. 'inc'. SEP. 'class.'. $notification_backend. '.inc.php'); $obj = @new $notification_backend( $this->sender, $receiver, $this->config, $preferences ); if ( !is_a( $obj, iface_notification )) { unset ( $obj ); throw new Exception('Error: '.$notification_backend. ' is no implementation of iface_notification'); } $obj->send($this->subject, $messages, $this->attachments); } catch (Exception $exception) { $backend_errors[] = $notification_backend.' failed: '.$exception->getMessage(); // try next backend if($action == 'fail' || $action == 'continue') { continue; } // all backends failed - give error message if(!$user_notified) { error_log('Error: notification of receiver '.$receiver->lid.' failed'); foreach($backend_errors as $id=>$backend_error) { error_log($backend_error); } } break; // stop running through chain } // backend sucseeded $user_notified = true; if($action == 'stop' || $action == 'fail') { break; } // stop running through chain } } return true; } /** * gets message * * @return string */ public function get_message() { return $this->message; } /** * gets receivers * * @return array of account objects */ public function get_receivers() { return $this->receivers; } /** * this function creates an array with the message as plaintext and html * * @param string $message * @param array $links * @return array $messages */ private function create_messages($_message, $_links = false) { $messages = array(); $messages['plain'] = array(); $messages['html'] = array(); $messages['plain']['text'] = $_message; $messages['html']['text'] = nl2br($_message); if(is_array($_links)) { foreach($_links as $link) { $params = ''; foreach($link->params as $param => $value) { $params.='&'.$param.'='.$value; } $url = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/index.php?menuaction='.$link->menuaction.$params; $menuaction_arr = explode('.',$link->menuaction); $application = $menuaction_arr[0]; $image = $application ? $this->html->image($application,'navbar',$link->text,'align="middle"').' ' : ''; $messages['plain']['link_internal'] .= "\n".$url; $messages['plain']['link_external'] .= "\n".$url.'&no_popup=1'; $messages['html']['link_internal'] .= '
'.$image.$link->text.''; $messages['html']['link_external'] .= '
'.$link->text.''; $messages['html']['link_jspopup'] .= '

'; } } return $messages; } /** * returns javascript to open a popup window: window.open(...) * * @param string $link link or this.href * @param string $target='_blank' name of target or this.target * @param int $width=750 width of the window * @param int $height=400 height of the window * @return string javascript (using single quotes) */ private function popup($link,$target='_blank',$width=750,$height=410) { return 'egw_openWindowCentered2('.($link == 'this.href' ? $link : "'".$link."'").','. ($target == 'this.target' ? $target : "'".$target."'").",$width,$height,'yes')"; } }