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6. Configuration Variables

6.1 Introduction

phpGroupWare attempt to provide developers with as much information about the user, group, server, and application configuration as possible.
To do this we provide a multi-dimensional array called '$phpgw_info[]', which includes all the information about your environment.
Due to the multi-dimensional array approach. getting these values is easy.
Here are some examples:

  // To do a hello username
  echo "Hello " . $phpgw_info["user"]["fullname"];
  //If username first name is John and last name is Doe, prints: 'Hello John Doe'
  // To find out the location of the imap server
  echo "IMAP Server is named: " . $phpgw_info["server"]["imap_server"]; 
  //If imap is running on localhost, prints: 'IMAP Server is named: localhost'

6.2 User information

$phpgw_info["user"]["userid"] = The user ID.
$phpgw_info["user"]["sessionid"] = The session ID
$phpgw_info["user"]["theme"] = Selected theme
$phpgw_info["user"]["private_dir"] = Users private dir. Use phpGroupWare core functions for access to the files.
$phpgw_info["user"]["firstname"] = Users first name
$phpgw_info["user"]["lastname"] = Users last name
$phpgw_info["user"]["fullname"] = Users Full Name
$phpgw_info["user"]["groups"] = Groups the user is a member of
$phpgw_info["user"]["app_perms"] = If the user has access to the current application
$phpgw_info["user"]["lastlogin"] = Last time the user logged in.
$phpgw_info["user"]["lastloginfrom"] = Where they logged in from the last time.
$phpgw_info["user"]["lastpasswd_change"] = Last time they changed their password.
$phpgw_info["user"]["passwd"] = Hashed password.
$phpgw_info["user"]["status"] = If the user is enabled.
$phpgw_info["user"]["logintime"] = Time they logged into their current session.
$phpgw_info["user"]["session_dla"] = Last time they did anything in their current session
$phpgw_info["user"]["session_ip"] = Current IP address

6.3 Group information

$phpgw_info["group"]["group_names"] = List of groups.

6.4 Server information

$phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"] = Main installation directory
$phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"] = Location of the 'inc' directory.
$phpgw_info["server"]["temp_dir"] = Directory that can be used for temporarily storing files
$phpgw_info["server"]["files_dir"] = Directory er and group files are stored
$phpgw_info["server"]["common_include_dir"] = Location of the core/shared include files.
$phpgw_info["server"]["template_dir"] = Active template files directory. This is defaulted by the server, and changeable by the user.
$phpgw_info["server"]["dir_separator"] = Allows compatibility with WindowsNT directory format,
$phpgw_info["server"]["encrpytkey"] = Key used for encryption functions
$phpgw_info["server"]["site_title"] = Site Title will show in the title bar of each webpage.
$phpgw_info["server"]["webserver_url"] = URL to phpGroupWare installation.
$phpgw_info["server"]["hostname"] = Name of the server phpGroupWare is installed upon.
$phpgw_info["server"]["charset"] = default charset, default:iso-8859-1
$phpgw_info["server"]["version"] = phpGroupWare version.

6.5 Database information

It is unlikely you will need these, because $phpgw_info_db will already be loaded as a database for you to use. $phpgw_info["server"]["db_host"] = Address of the database server. Usually this is set to localhost.
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_name"] = Database name.
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_user"] = User name.
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_pass"] = Password
$phpgw_info["server"]["db_type"] = Type of database. Currently MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported.

6.6 Mail information

It is unlikely you will need these, because most email needs are services thru core phpGroupWare functions. $phpgw_info["server"]["mail_server"] = Address of the IMAP server. Usually this is set to localhost.
$phpgw_info["server"]["mail_server_type"] = IMAP or POP3
$phpgw_info["server"]["imap_server_type"] = Cyrus or Uwash
$phpgw_info["server"]["imap_port"] = This is usually 143, and should only be changed if there is a good reason.
$phpgw_info["server"]["mail_suffix] = This is the domain name, used to add to email address
$phpgw_info["server"]["mail_login_type"] = This adds support for VMailMgr. Generally this should be set to 'standard'.
$phpgw_info["server"]["smtp_server"] = Address of the SMTP server. Usually this is set to localhost.
$phpgw_info["server"]["smtp_port"] = This is usually 25, and should only be changed if there is a good reason.

6.7 NNTP information

$phpgw_info["server"]["nntp_server"] = Address of the NNTP server.
$phpgw_info["server"]["nntp_port"] = This is usually XX, and should only be changed if there is a good reason.
$phpgw_info["server"]["nntp_sender"] = Unknown
$phpgw_info["server"]["nntp_organization"] = Unknown
$phpgw_info["server"]["nntp_admin"] = Unknown

6.8 Application information

Each application has the following information available. $phpgw_info["apps"]["appname"]["title"] = The title of the application.
$phpgw_info["apps"]["appname"]["enabled"] = If the application is enabled. True or False.
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_include_dir"] = Location of the current application include files.
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_template_dir"] = Location of the current application tpl files.
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_lang_dir"] = Location of the current lang directory.
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_auth"] = If the server and current user have access to current application
$phpgw_info["server"]["app_current"] = name of the current application.

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