True, "nonavbar" => True, "disable_message_class" => True, "disable_send_class" => True, "currentapp" => "admin"); include("../"); include($phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"] . "/admin/inc/accounts_" . $phpgw_info["server"]["auth_type"] . ".inc.php"); if ($submit) { $totalerrors = 0; if (strlen($n_loginid) > 8) $error[$totalerrors++] = lang("The loginid can not be more then 8 characters"); if (! $n_loginid) $error[$totalerrors++] = lang("You must enter a loginid"); if (! $n_passwd) $error[$totalerrors++] = lang("You must enter a password"); if ($n_passwd == $n_loginid) $error[$totalerrors++] = lang("The login and password can not be the same"); if ($n_passwd != $n_passwd_2) $error[$totalerrors++] = lang("The two passwords are not the same"); if (count($new_permissions) == 0) $error[$totalerrors++] = lang("You must add at least 1 permission to this account"); if (count($n_groups) == 0) $error[$totalerrors++] = lang("Account must belong to at least 1 group"); if (account_exsists($n_loginid)) { $error[$totalerrors++] = lang("That loginid has already been taken"); } if (! $error) { $cd = account_add(array("loginid" => $n_loginid, "permissions" => $new_permissions, "firstname" => $n_firstname, "lastname" => $n_lastname, "passwd" => $n_passwd, "groups" => $phpgw->accounts->groups_array_to_string($n_groups))); Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link("accounts.php","cd=$cd")); exit; } } $t = new Template($phpgw_info["server"]["template_dir"]); $t->set_file(array("form" => "account_form.tpl")); $phpgw->common->phpgw_header(); $phpgw->common->navbar(); $t->set_var("lang_action",lang("Add new account")); if ($totalerrors) { $t->set_var("error_messages","