* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array( 'currentapp' => 'addressbook', 'noheader' => True, 'enable_contacts_class' => True, ); include('../header.inc.php'); $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Import CSV-File into Addressbook'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header(); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->contacts = createobject('phpgwapi.contacts'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_file(array('import' => 'csv_import.tpl')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_block('import','filename','filenamehandle'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_block('import','fheader','fheaderhandle'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_block('import','fields','fieldshandle'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_block('import','ffooter','ffooterhandle'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_block('import','imported','importedhandle'); $csvfile = isset($_POST['csvfile']) ? $_POST['csvfile'] : $_FILES['csvfile']['tmp_name']; if($_POST['action'] == 'download' && (!$_POST['fieldsep'] || !$csvfile || !($fp=fopen($csvfile,'rb')))) { $_POST['action'] = ''; } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('action_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/addressbook/csv_import.php')); $PSep = '||'; // Pattern-Separator, separats the pattern-replacement-pairs in trans $ASep = '|>'; // Assignment-Separator, separats pattern and replacesment $VPre = '|#'; // Value-Prefix, is expanded to \ for ereg_replace $CPre = '|['; $CPreReg = '\|\['; // |{csv-fieldname} is expanded to the value of the csv-field $CPos = ']'; $CPosReg = '\]'; // if used together with @ (replacement is eval-ed) value gets autom. quoted function dump_array($arr) { while(is_array($arr) && (list($key,$val) = each($arr))) { $ret .= ($ret ? ',' : '(') . "'$key' => '$val'\n"; } return $ret.')'; } function index($value,$arr) { while(is_array($arr) && (list($key,$val) = each($arr))) { if($value == $val) { return $key; } } return False; } // find in Addressbook, at least n_family AND (n_given OR org_name) have to match function addr_id($n_family,$n_given,$org_name) { $addrs = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->contacts->read(0,0,array('id'),'',"n_family=$n_family,n_given=$n_given,org_name=$org_name"); if(!count($addrs)) { $addrs = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->contacts->read(0,0,array('id'),'',"n_family=$n_family,n_given=$n_given"); } if(!count($addrs)) { $addrs = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->contacts->read(0,0,array('id'),'',"n_family=$n_family,org_name=$org_name"); } if(count($addrs)) { return $addrs[0]['id']; } return False; } $cat2id = array(); function cat_id($cats) { if(!$cats) { return ''; } $cats = split('[,;]',$cats); while(list($k,$cat) = each($cats)) { if(isset($cat2id[$cat])) { $ids[$cat] = $cat2id[$cat]; // cat is in cache } else { if(!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->categories)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->categories = createobject('phpgwapi.categories'); } if($id = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->categories->name2id(addslashes($cat))) { // cat exists $cat2id[$cat] = $ids[$cat] = $id; } else { // create new cat $GLOBALS['phpgw']->categories->add(array('name' => $cat,'descr' => $cat)); $cat2id[$cat] = $ids[$cat] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->categories->name2id(addslashes($cat)); } } } $id_str = implode(',',$ids); if(count($ids) > 1) // multiple cats need to be in ',' { $id_str = ",$id_str,"; } return $id_str; } switch($_POST['action']) { case '': // Start, ask Filename $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('lang_csvfile',lang('CSV-Filename')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('lang_fieldsep',lang('Fieldseparator')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('fieldsep',$_POST['fieldsep'] ? $_POST['fieldsep'] : ','); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('submit',lang('Download')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('csvfile',$csvfile); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('enctype','ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"'); $hiddenvars .= ''."\n"; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->parse('filenamehandle','filename'); break; case 'download': $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->read_repository(); $defaults = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['cvs_import']; if(!is_array($defaults)) { $defaults = array(); } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('lang_csv_fieldname',lang('CSV-Fieldname')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('lang_addr_fieldname',lang('Addressbook-Fieldname')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('lang_translation',lang("Translation").' '.lang('help').''); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('submit',lang('Import')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('lang_debug',lang('Test Import (show importable records only in browser)')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->parse('fheaderhandle','fheader'); $hiddenvars .= ''."\n" . '\n"; $addr_names = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->contacts->stock_contact_fields + array( 'cat_id' => 'Categories: @cat_id(Cat1,Cat2)', 'access' => 'Access: public,private', 'owner' => 'Owner: defaults to user', 'address2' => 'address line 2', 'address3' => 'address line 3', 'ophone' => 'Other Phone' ); $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','addressbook'); $config->read_repository(); while(list($name,$descr) = @each($config->config_data['custom_fields'])) { $addr_names[$name] = $descr; } unset($config); foreach($addr_names as $field => $name) { if($dn = display_name($field)) { $addr_names[$field] = $dn; } } $addr_name_options = "none\n"; foreach($addr_names as $field => $name) { $addr_name_options .= "".$GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($name)."\n"; } $csv_fields = fgetcsv($fp,8000,$_POST['fieldsep']); $csv_fields[] = 'no CSV 1'; // eg. for static assignments $csv_fields[] = 'no CSV 2'; $csv_fields[] = 'no CSV 3'; foreach($csv_fields as $csv_idx => $csv_field) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('csv_field',$csv_field); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('csv_idx',$csv_idx); if($def = $defaults[$csv_field]) { list($addr,$_POST['trans']) = explode($PSep,$def,2); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('trans',$_POST['trans']); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('addr_fields',str_replace('="'.$addr.'">','="'.$addr.'" selected>',$addr_name_options)); } else { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('trans',''); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('addr_fields',$addr_name_options); } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->parse('fieldshandle','fields',True); } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('lang_start',lang('Startrecord')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('start',$_POST['start']); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('lang_max',lang('Number of records to read (<=200)')); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('max',200); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->parse('ffooterhandle','ffooter'); fclose($fp); $old = $csvfile; $csvfile = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['temp_dir'].'/addrbook_import_'.basename($csvfile); rename($old,$csvfile); $hiddenvars .= ''; $mktime_lotus = "${PSep}0?([0-9]+)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*)[ .:-]+0?([0-9]*).*$ASep@mktime(${VPre}4,${VPre}5,${VPre}6,${VPre}2,${VPre}3,${VPre}1)"; $help_on_trans = "How to use Translation's". "Translations enable you to change / adapt the content of each CSV field for your needs. ". "General syntax is: pattern1 ${ASep} replacement1 ${PSep} ... ${PSep} patternN ${ASep} replacementN". "If the pattern-part of a pair is ommited it will match everything ('^.*$'), which is only ". "usefull for the last pair, as they are worked from left to right.". "First example: 1${ASep}private${PSep}public". "This will translate a '1' in the CSV field to 'privat' and everything else to 'public'.". "Patterns as well as the replacement can be regular expressions (the replacement is done via ereg_replace). ". "If, after all replacements, the value starts with an '@' the whole value is eval()'ed, so you ". "may use all php, phpgw plus your own functions. This is quiet powerfull, but circumvents all ACL.". "Example using regular expressions and '@'-eval(): $mktime_lotus". "It will read a date of the form '2001-05-20 08:00:00.00000000000000000' (and many more, see the regular expr.). ". "The [ .:-]-separated fields are read and assigned in different order to @mktime(). Please note to use ". "${VPre} insted of a backslash (I couldn't get backslash through all the involved templates and forms.) ". "plus the field-number of the pattern.". "In addintion to the fields assign by the pattern of the reg.exp. you can use all other CSV-fields, with the ". "syntax ${CPre}CSV-FIELDNAME$CPos. Here is an example: ". ".+$ASep${CPre}Company$CPos: ${CPre}NFamily$CPos, ${CPre}NGiven$CPos$PSep${CPre}NFamily$CPos, ${CPre}NGiven$CPos". "It is used on the CSV-field 'Company' and constructs a something like Company: FamilyName, GivenName or ". "FamilyName, GivenName if 'Company' is empty.". "You can use the 'No CSV #'-fields to assign csv-values to more than on field, the following example uses the ". "csv-field 'Note' (which gots already assingned to the description) and construct a short subject: ". "@substr(${CPre}Note$CPos,0,60).' ...'". "Their is one important user-function for the Info Log:". "@addr_id(${CPre}NFamily$CPos,${CPre}NGiven$CPos,${CPre}Company$CPos) ". "searches the addressbook for an address and returns the id if it founds an exact match of at least ". "NFamily AND (NGiven OR Company). This is necessary to link your imported InfoLog-entrys ". "with the addressbook.". "@cat_id(Cat1,...,CatN) returns a (','-separated) list with the cat_id's. If a category isn't found, it ". "will be automaticaly added.". "I hope that helped to understand the features, if not ask."; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('help_on_trans',lang($help_on_trans)); // I don't think anyone will translate this break; case 'import': @set_time_limit(0); $fp=fopen($csvfile,'rb'); $csv_fields = fgetcsv($fp,8000,$_POST['fieldsep']); $csv_fields[] = 'no CSV 1'; // eg. for static assignments $csv_fields[] = 'no CSV 2'; $csv_fields[] = 'no CSV 3'; $addr_fields = array_diff($_POST['addr_fields'],array('')); // throw away empty / not assigned entrys $defaults = array(); foreach($addr_fields as $csv_idx => $addr) { // convert $_POST['trans'][$csv_idx] into array of pattern => value $defaults[$csv_fields[$csv_idx]] = $addr; if($_POST['trans'][$csv_idx]) { $defaults[$csv_fields[$csv_idx]] .= $PSep.$_POST['trans'][$csv_idx]; } } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->read_repository(); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->add('addressbook','cvs_import',$defaults); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->save_repository(True); $log = "\n\t#\n"; foreach($addr_fields as $csv_idx => $addr) { // convert $_POST['trans'][$csv_idx] into array of pattern => value // if (!$_POST['debug']) echo "$csv_idx: ".$csv_fields[$csv_idx].": $addr".($_POST['trans'][$csv_idx] ? ': '.$_POST['trans'][$csv_idx] : '').""; $pat_reps = explode($PSep,stripslashes($_POST['trans'][$csv_idx])); $replaces = ''; $values = ''; if($pat_reps[0] != '') { foreach($pat_reps as $k => $pat_rep) { list($pattern,$replace) = explode($ASep,$pat_rep,2); if($replace == '') { $replace = $pattern; $pattern = '^.*$'; } $values[$pattern] = $replace; // replace two with only one, added by the form $replaces .= ($replaces != '' ? $PSep : '') . $pattern . $ASep . $replace; } $_POST['trans'][$csv_idx] = $values; } else { unset( $_POST['trans'][$csv_idx] ); } $log .= "\t\t$addr\n"; } if (!in_array('fn',$addr_fields)) // autocreate full name, if not set by user { $log .= "\t\tfn\n"; $auto_fn = array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix'); } $start = $_POST['start'] < 1 ? 1 : $_POST['start']; for($i = 1; $i < $start && fgetcsv($fp,8000,$_POST['fieldsep']); ++$i); // overread lines before our start-record for($anz = 0; $anz < $_POST['max'] && ($fields = fgetcsv($fp,8000,$_POST['fieldsep'])); ++$anz) { $log .= "\t".($start+$anz)."\n"; reset($addr_fields); $values = array(); while(list($csv_idx,$addr) = each($addr_fields)) { //echo "$csv: $addr".($_POST['trans'][$csv] ? ': '.$_POST['trans'][$csv] : '').""; $val = $fields[$csv_idx]; if(isset($_POST['trans'][$csv_idx])) { $trans_csv = $_POST['trans'][$csv_idx]; while(list($pattern,$replace) = each($trans_csv)) { if(ereg((string) $pattern,$val)) { // echo "csv_idx='$csv_idx',info='$addr',trans_csv=".dump_array($trans_csv).",ereg_replace('$pattern','$replace','$val') = "; $val = ereg_replace((string) $pattern,str_replace($VPre,'\\',$replace),(string) $val); // echo "'$val'"; $reg = $CPreReg.'([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)'.$CPosReg; while(ereg($reg,$val,$vars)) { // expand all CSV fields $val = str_replace($CPre . $vars[1] . $CPos, $val[0] == '@' ? "'" . addslashes($fields[index($vars[1], $csv_fields)]) . "'" : $fields[index($vars[1], $csv_fields)], $val); } if($val[0] == '@') { if (!$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['apps']['admin']) { echo lang('@-eval() is only availible to admins!!!'); } else { // removing the $ to close security hole of showing vars, which contain eg. passwords $val = 'return '.substr(str_replace('$','',$val),1).';'; // echo "eval('$val')="; $val = eval($val); // echo "'$val'"; } } if($pattern[0] != '@' || $val) { break; } } } } $values[$addr] = $val; $log .= "\t\t$val\n"; } // if (!isset($values['datecreated'])) $values['datecreated'] = $values['startdate']; if (is_array($auto_fn) && !isset($values['fn'])) // autocreate full name { reset($auto_fn); while (list($idx,$name) = each($auto_fn)) { $values['fn'] .= ($values['fn'] != '' && $values[$name] != '' ? ' ' : '') . $values[$name]; } $log .= "\t\t".$values['fn']."\n"; } if(!$_POST['debug']) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->contacts->add( $values['owner'] ? $values['owner'] : $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'], $values,$values['access'],$values['cat_id']); // echo "adding: ".dump_array($values)."\n"; } } $log .= "\t\n\n"; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('anz_imported',$_POST['debug'] ? lang('%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck Test Import)', $anz,'','') : lang('%1 records imported',$anz)); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('log',$log); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->parse('importedhandle','imported'); break; } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('hiddenvars',$hiddenvars); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->pfp('out','import',True); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_footer(); ?>
". "Translations enable you to change / adapt the content of each CSV field for your needs. ". "General syntax is: pattern1 ${ASep} replacement1 ${PSep} ... ${PSep} patternN ${ASep} replacementN". "If the pattern-part of a pair is ommited it will match everything ('^.*$'), which is only ". "usefull for the last pair, as they are worked from left to right.
". "First example: 1${ASep}private${PSep}public". "This will translate a '1' in the CSV field to 'privat' and everything else to 'public'.
". "Patterns as well as the replacement can be regular expressions (the replacement is done via ereg_replace). ". "If, after all replacements, the value starts with an '@' the whole value is eval()'ed, so you ". "may use all php, phpgw plus your own functions. This is quiet powerfull, but circumvents all ACL.
". "Example using regular expressions and '@'-eval(): $mktime_lotus". "It will read a date of the form '2001-05-20 08:00:00.00000000000000000' (and many more, see the regular expr.). ". "The [ .:-]-separated fields are read and assigned in different order to @mktime(). Please note to use ". "${VPre} insted of a backslash (I couldn't get backslash through all the involved templates and forms.) ". "plus the field-number of the pattern.
". "In addintion to the fields assign by the pattern of the reg.exp. you can use all other CSV-fields, with the ". "syntax ${CPre}CSV-FIELDNAME$CPos. Here is an example: ". ".+$ASep${CPre}Company$CPos: ${CPre}NFamily$CPos, ${CPre}NGiven$CPos$PSep${CPre}NFamily$CPos, ${CPre}NGiven$CPos". "It is used on the CSV-field 'Company' and constructs a something like Company: FamilyName, GivenName or ". "FamilyName, GivenName if 'Company' is empty.
". "You can use the 'No CSV #'-fields to assign csv-values to more than on field, the following example uses the ". "csv-field 'Note' (which gots already assingned to the description) and construct a short subject: ". "@substr(${CPre}Note$CPos,0,60).' ...'
". "Their is one important user-function for the Info Log:". "@addr_id(${CPre}NFamily$CPos,${CPre}NGiven$CPos,${CPre}Company$CPos) ". "searches the addressbook for an address and returns the id if it founds an exact match of at least ". "NFamily AND (NGiven OR Company). This is necessary to link your imported InfoLog-entrys ". "with the addressbook.". "@cat_id(Cat1,...,CatN) returns a (','-separated) list with the cat_id's. If a category isn't found, it ". "will be automaticaly added.
". "I hope that helped to understand the features, if not ask."; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('help_on_trans',lang($help_on_trans)); // I don't think anyone will translate this break; case 'import': @set_time_limit(0); $fp=fopen($csvfile,'rb'); $csv_fields = fgetcsv($fp,8000,$_POST['fieldsep']); $csv_fields[] = 'no CSV 1'; // eg. for static assignments $csv_fields[] = 'no CSV 2'; $csv_fields[] = 'no CSV 3'; $addr_fields = array_diff($_POST['addr_fields'],array('')); // throw away empty / not assigned entrys $defaults = array(); foreach($addr_fields as $csv_idx => $addr) { // convert $_POST['trans'][$csv_idx] into array of pattern => value $defaults[$csv_fields[$csv_idx]] = $addr; if($_POST['trans'][$csv_idx]) { $defaults[$csv_fields[$csv_idx]] .= $PSep.$_POST['trans'][$csv_idx]; } } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->read_repository(); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->add('addressbook','cvs_import',$defaults); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->save_repository(True); $log = "
$csv_idx: ".$csv_fields[$csv_idx].": $addr".($_POST['trans'][$csv_idx] ? ': '.$_POST['trans'][$csv_idx] : '')."
$csv: $addr".($_POST['trans'][$csv] ? ': '.$_POST['trans'][$csv] : '')."
csv_idx='$csv_idx',info='$addr',trans_csv=".dump_array($trans_csv).",ereg_replace('$pattern','$replace','$val') = "; $val = ereg_replace((string) $pattern,str_replace($VPre,'\\',$replace),(string) $val); // echo "'$val'
eval('$val')="; $val = eval($val); // echo "'$val'
adding: ".dump_array($values)."