/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Timestamp button object * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright Nathan Gray 2017 */ import {et2_IInput} from "../et2_core_interfaces"; import {date} from "../lib/date.js"; import {Et2Button} from "./Et2Button"; import {Et2Tabs} from "../Layout/Et2Tabs/Et2Tabs"; import {SelectOption} from "../Et2Select/FindSelectOptions"; /** * Class which implements the "et2-button-timestamp" tag * * Clicking the button puts the current time and current user at the end of * the provided field. */ export class Et2ButtonTimestamper extends Et2Button { static get properties() { return { ...super.properties, /** * Which field to place the timestamp in */ target: { type: String }, /** * Format for the timestamp. User is always after. */ format: { type: String }, /** * Timezone. Default is user time. */ timezone: { type: String } } } constructor(...args : any[]) { super(...args); // Property default values this.image = 'timestamp'; this.noSubmit = true; this.onclick = this.stamp.bind(this); } /** * Stamp the date / user into the target widget * * @param _ev */ stamp(event : MouseEvent) { const now = new Date(new Date().toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: this.timezone || this.egw().preference('tz') })); const format = this.format || this.egw().preference('dateformat') + ' ' + (this.egw().preference("timeformat") === "12" ? "h:ia" : "H:i") + ' '; let text = date(format, now); // Get properly formatted user name // Try from account first, it's faster const fromAccount = this.egw().user("account_fullname") || ""; if(fromAccount != "") { this.setText(text + fromAccount + ': '); } else { const user = '' + parseInt(this.egw().user('account_id')); this.egw().accounts('accounts').then((accounts) => { const account = accounts.filter((option : SelectOption) => option.value == user)[0]; this.setText(text + account.label + ': '); }); } } protected setText(text) { const widget = this._get_input(this.target); let input = widget.input ? widget.input : widget.getDOMNode(); if(input.context) { input = input.get(0); } let scrollPos = input.scrollTop; let browser = ((input.selectionStart || input.selectionStart == "0") ? "standards" : (document["selection"] ? "ie" : false)); let pos = 0; let tinymce = tinyMCE && tinyMCE.EditorManager.get(input.id) || false; // Find cursor or selection if(browser == "ie") { input.focus(); let range = document["selection"].createRange(); range.moveStart("character", -input.value.length); pos = range.text.length; } else if(browser == "standards") { pos = input.selectionStart; } // If on a tab, switch to that tab so user can see it let tabbox = widget; while(tabbox._parent && tabbox.nodeName !== 'ET2-TABBOX') { tabbox = tabbox._parent; } if(tabbox.nodeName === 'ET2-TABBOX') { (<Et2Tabs>tabbox).activateTab(widget); } // If tinymce, update it if(tinymce) { tinymce.insertContent(text); } else { // Insert the text let front = (input.value).substring(0, pos); let back = (input.value).substring(pos, input.value.length); // for webComponent, we need to set the component value too, otherwise the change is lost! if(typeof widget.tagName !== 'undefined') { widget.value = front + text + back; } input.value = front + text + back; // Clean up a little pos = pos + text.length; if(browser == "ie") { input.focus(); let range = document["selection"].createRange(); range.moveStart("character", -input.value.length); range.moveStart("character", pos); range.moveEnd("character", 0); range.select(); } else if(browser == "standards") { input.selectionStart = pos; input.selectionEnd = pos; input.focus(); } input.scrollTop = scrollPos; input.focus(); } } private _get_input(target) { let input = null; let widget = null; if (typeof target == 'string') { widget = this.getRoot().getWidgetById(target); } else if (target.instanceOf && target.instanceOf(et2_IInput)) { widget = target; } else if(typeof target == 'string' && target.indexOf('#') < 0 && jQuery('#'+this.target).is('input')) { input = this.target; } if(widget) { return widget; } if(input?.context) { input = input.get(0); } return input; } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that Et2Button is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-button-timestamp", Et2ButtonTimestamper);