/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - Button widget * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray */ import {Et2InputWidget} from "../Et2InputWidget/Et2InputWidget"; import '../Et2Image/Et2Image'; import {SlButton} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace"; import {ButtonMixin} from "./ButtonMixin"; import {PropertyValues} from "lit"; export class Et2Button extends ButtonMixin(Et2InputWidget(SlButton)) { static get properties() { return { ...super.properties, label: {type: String, noAccessor: true} } } protected firstUpdated(_changedProperties : PropertyValues) { super.firstUpdated(_changedProperties); if(!this.label && this.__image) { /* Label / no label should get special classes set, but they're missing without this extra requestUpdate() This is a work-around for button--has-prefix & button--has-label not being set, something to do with how we're setting them. */ this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.requestUpdate(); }); } } set label(new_label : string) { this.updateComplete.then(() => { if(!this._labelNode) { const textNode = document.createTextNode(new_label); this.appendChild(textNode); // for some reason button doesn't get resized properly without a forced rendereing therefore the // requestUpdate is used to trigger a refresh. this.requestUpdate(); } else { this._labelNode.textContent = new_label; // for some reason button doesn't get resized properly without a forced rendereingtherefore the // requestUpdate is used to trigger a refresh. this.requestUpdate(); } }); } get label() { return this._labelNode?.textContent?.trim(); } } customElements.define("et2-button", Et2Button);