#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /** * EGroupware - modify our old JS inheritance to TypeScript * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @author Ralf Becker <rb@egroupware.org> * @copyright 2020 by Ralf Becker <rb@egroupware.org> */ if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') // security precaution: forbit calling as web-page { die('<h1>fix_api.php must NOT be called as web-page --> exiting !!!</h1>'); } // raw replacements $replace = array( '/^app.classes.([a-z0-9_]+)(\s*=\s*AppJS.extend)\(.*^}\);/misU' => function($matches) { return strtr($matches[0], [ 'app.classes.'.$matches[1].$matches[2].'(' => 'class '.ucfirst($matches[1]).'App extends EgwApp', "\n});" => "\n}\n\napp.classes.$matches[1] = ".ucfirst($matches[1])."App;" ]); }, "/^\tappname:\s*'([^']+)',/m" => "\treadonly appname = '$1';", "/^\t([^: ,;(\t]+?):\s*([^()]+?),/m" => "\t\$1 : any = $2;", "/^\t([^:\n]+):\s*function\s*\(.*this._super.(apply|call)\(/msU" => function($matches) { return str_replace('this._super', $matches[1] === 'init' ? 'super' : 'super.'.$matches[1], $matches[0]); }, "/^\t([^:\n]+):\s*function\s*\(/m" => function($matches) { return "\t".($matches[1] === 'init' ? 'constructor' : $matches[1]).'('; }, // TS does not like to call parent constructor with super.apply(this, arguments) and we dont have arguments ... '/\tsuper.apply\(this, *arguments\)/' => "\tsuper()", "/^\t},$/m" => "\t}", '/^ \* @version \$Id[^$]*\$\n/m' => '', '#^ \* @link http://www.egroupware.org#m' => ' * @link: https://www.egroupware.org', ); /** * Add boilerplate for app.js files after header * * @param $app * @param $content * @return string */ function app_js_add($app, $content) { return preg_replace('#^(/\*\*.*\n\ \*/)#Us', <<<EOF $1 /*egw:uses /api/js/jsapi/egw_app.js */ import 'jquery'; import 'jqueryui'; import '../jsapi/egw_global'; import '../etemplate/et2_types'; import { EgwApp } from '../../api/js/jsapi/egw_app'; EOF , $content); } /** * Convert JavaScript to TypeScript * * @param string $file filename * @param boolean $dry_run =false true: only echo fixed file, not fix it * @return boolean false on error */ function convert($file, $dry_run=false) { global $prog, $replace; if (basename($file) == $prog) return true; // dont fix ourself ;-) if (($content = $content_in = file_get_contents($file)) === false) return false; $replace_callbacks = array_filter($replace, 'is_callable'); $replace_strings = array_filter($replace, 'is_string'); $content = preg_replace(array_keys($replace_strings), array_values($replace_strings), preg_replace_callback_array($replace_callbacks, $content)); // add app.js spezific boilerplate if (preg_match('#/([^/]+)/js/app(\.old)?\.js$#', realpath($file), $matches)) { $content = app_js_add($matches[1], $content); } if ($content == $content_in) return true; // nothing changed if ($dry_run) { echo $content; } else { $ret = file_put_contents($new_file=preg_replace('/\.js$/', '.ts', $file), $content) === false ? -1 : 0; //system('/usr/bin/php -l '.$file.'.new', $ret); system('/usr/bin/diff -u '.$file.' '.$new_file); return !$ret; } return true; } /** * Loop recursive through directory and call fix_api for each php file * * @param string $dir * @param boolean $dry_run =false true: only echo fixed file, not fix it * @return boolean false on error */ function convert_recursive($dir, $dry_run=false) { if (!is_dir($dir)) return false; foreach(scandir($dir) as $file) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$file)) { convert_recursive($dir.'/'.$file, $dry_run); } elseif(substr($file,-3) == '.js') { echo "\r".str_repeat(' ',100)."\r".$dir.'/'.$file.': '; convert($dir.'/'.$file, $dry_run); } } echo "\r".str_repeat(' ',100)."\r"; return true; } /** * Give usage * * @param string $error =null */ function usage($error=null) { global $prog; echo "Usage: $prog [-h|--help] [-d|--dry-run] file(s) or dir(s)\n\n"; if ($error) echo $error."\n\n"; exit($error ? 1 : 0); } $args = $_SERVER['argv']; $prog = basename(array_shift($args)); if (!$args) usage(); $dry_run = false; while(($arg = array_shift($args)) && $arg[0] == '-') { switch($arg) { case '-h': case '--help': usage(); break; case '-d': case '--dry-run': $dry_run = true; break; default: if ($args) // not last argument { usage("Unknown argument '$arg'!"); } break 2; } } do { if (!file_exists($arg)) usage("Error: $arg not found!"); if (!is_dir($arg)) { convert($arg, $dry_run); } else { convert_recursive($arg, $dry_run); } } while(($arg = array_shift($args)));