import {Et2Portlet} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Portlet/Et2Portlet"; import {classMap, css, html, nothing, repeat, TemplateResult} from "@lion/core"; import shoelace from "../../api/js/etemplate/Styles/shoelace"; import {SelectOption} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Select/FindSelectOptions"; /** * Show current and forecast weather */ export class Et2PortletWeather extends Et2Portlet { static get styles() { return [ ...shoelace, ...(super.styles || []), css` .portlet--weather { display: flex; } .day__forecast { width: fit-content; min-width: 12ex; max-width: 20ex; } .temperature__day-label { text-align: center; font-size: 120%; padding-bottom: var(--sl-spacing-medium); } .temperature { font-size: 160%; } .temperature__high_low { } sl-icon { font-size: 32px; } .portlet--weather .temperature__current { /* Make current day a little bigger */ font-size: 180%; padding: var(--sl-spacing-large); } .temperature__current .day__forecast { padding: var(--sl-spacing-medium) 0px; } :host([style*="span 1"]) .temperature__current { /* No padding if portlet is small */ padding: 0px; } .portlet--weather .temperature__current sl-icon { font-size: 250%; } .temperature__day-list { flex: 1 1 auto; display: grid; gap: var(--sl-spacing-x-large) var(--sl-spacing-medium); grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(12ex, 1fr)); padding-top: var(--sl-spacing-large); } .temperature__day-list .weather__day-forecast { min-height: 12ex; } ` ] } /** * Get a list of user-configurable properties * @returns {[{name : string, type : string, select_options? : [SelectOption]}]} */ get portletProperties() : { name : string, type : string, label : string, select_options? : SelectOption[] }[] { return [ ...super.portletProperties, { 'name': 'city', 'type': 'et2-textbox', 'label': this.egw().lang('Location'), } /* Use size to control what we show { name: "display", label: "Display", type: "et2-select", select_options: [ {'value': 'today', 'label': this.egw().lang('today')}, {'value': '3', 'label': this.egw().lang('%1 day', 3)}, {'value': '10', 'label': this.egw().lang('%1 day', 10)}, ] } */ ]; } /** * Template for one day of the forecast * @param day * @protected */ protected forecastDayTemplate(day) { return html` <div class="weather__day-forecast"> <et2-description class="temperature__day-label" value="${}"></et2-description> <et2-hbox part="day" class="day__forecast"> <sl-icon class="weather_icon" name="${[0].icon}"></sl-icon> ${(typeof day.temp?.temp != "undefined") ? html` <et2-hbox class="temperature"> <span>${day.temp.temp}</span> </et2-hbox>` : nothing } <et2-vbox class="temperature__high_low"> <span class="temperature__max">${day.temp.max}</span> <span class="temperature__min">${day.temp.min}</span> </et2-vbox> </et2-hbox> </div>`; } bodyTemplate() : TemplateResult { const doList = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this).width) > 300; const current = this.settings?.weather?.current || {weather: [{icon: "question-lg"}], temp: {temp: "?"}}; // Get the forecast, excluding today let list = && (Object.values(this.settings?.weather?.list || {}).slice(1) || []) || []; return html` <div part="base" class=${classMap({ portlet: true, "portlet--weather": true })} > <div part="current" class="temperature__current"> ${this.forecastDayTemplate({ ...{ day: 'Today', // Current has a different data format temp: { min: current.temp.temp_min, max: current.temp.temp_max }, ...current } })} </div> ${doList ? html` <div part="list" class="temperature__day-list"> ${repeat(list, (item, index) => { return this.forecastDayTemplate(item); })} </div>` : nothing } </div> `; } } if(!customElements.get("et2-portlet-weather")) { customElements.define("et2-portlet-weather", Et2PortletWeather); }