* @package timesheet * @copyright (c) 2005-9 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ if (!defined('TIMESHEET_APP')) { define('TIMESHEET_APP','timesheet'); } /** * Business object of the TimeSheet * * Uses eTemplate's so_sql as storage object (Table: egw_timesheet). * * @todo Implement sorting&filtering by and searching of custom fields */ class timesheet_bo extends so_sql_cf { /** * Timesheets config data * * @var array */ var $config_data = array(); /** * Should we show a quantity sum, makes only sense if we sum up identical units (can be used to sum up negative (over-)time) * * @var boolean */ var $quantity_sum=false; /** * Timestaps that need to be adjusted to user-time on reading or saving * * @var array */ var $user; /** * current user * * @var int */ var $timestamps = array( 'ts_start','ts_modified' ); /** * Start of today in user-time * * @var int */ var $today; /** * Filter for search limiting the date-range * * @var array */ var $date_filters = array( // Start: year,month,day,week, End: year,month,day,week 'Today' => array(0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0), 'Yesterday' => array(0,0,-1,0, 0,0,0,0), 'This week' => array(0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,1), 'Last week' => array(0,0,0,-1, 0,0,0,0), 'This month' => array(0,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0), 'Last month' => array(0,-1,0,0, 0,0,0,0), '2 month ago' => array(0,-2,0,0, 0,-1,0,0), 'This year' => array(0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), 'Last year' => array(-1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0), '2 years ago' => array(-2,0,0,0, -1,0,0,0), '3 years ago' => array(-3,0,0,0, -2,0,0,0), ); /** * Grants: $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_grants(TIMESHEET_APP); * * @var array */ var $grants; /** * Sums of the last search in keys duration and price * * @var array */ var $summary; /** * Array with boolean values in keys 'day', 'week' or 'month', for the sums to return in the search * * @var array */ var $show_sums; /** * Array with custom fileds * * @var array */ var $customfields=array(); /** * Array with status label * * @var array */ var $status_labels = array(); /** * Array with status label configuration * * @var array */ var $status_labels_config = array(); /** * Array with substatus of label configuration */ var $status_labels_substatus = array(); /** * Instance of the timesheet_tracking object * * @var timesheet_tracking */ var $tracking; /** * Translates field / acl-names to labels * * @var array */ var $field2label = array( 'ts_project' => 'Project', 'ts_title' => 'Title', 'cat_id' => 'Category', 'ts_description' => 'Description', 'ts_start' => 'Start', 'ts_duration' => 'Duration', 'ts_quantity' => 'Quantity', 'ts_unitprice' => 'Unitprice', 'ts_owner' => 'Owner', 'ts_modifier' => 'Modifier', 'ts_status' => 'Status', 'pm_id' => 'Projectid', // pseudo fields used in edit //'link_to' => 'Attachments & Links', 'customfields' => 'Custom fields', ); /** * setting field-name from DB to history status * * @var array */ var $field2history = array(); /** * Name of the timesheet table storing custom fields */ const EXTRA_TABLE = 'egw_timesheet_extra'; /** * Columns to search when user does a text search */ var $columns_to_search = array('egw_timesheet.ts_id', 'ts_project', 'ts_title', 'ts_description', 'ts_duration', 'ts_quantity', 'ts_unitprice'); function __construct() { parent::__construct(TIMESHEET_APP,'egw_timesheet',self::EXTRA_TABLE,'','ts_extra_name','ts_extra_value','ts_id'); $this->config_data = config::read(TIMESHEET_APP); $this->quantity_sum = $this->config_data['quantity_sum'] == 'true'; if($this->config_data['status_labels']) { $this->status_labels =& $this->config_data['status_labels']; if (!is_array($this->status_labels)) $this->status_labels= array($this->status_labels); foreach ($this->status_labels as $status_id => $label) { if (!is_array($label)) { //old values, bevor parent status $name = $label; $label=array(); $label['name'] = $name; $label['parent'] = ''; } $sort_labels[$status_id][] = $label['name']; $this->status_labels_config[$status_id] = $label; if ($label['parent']!='') { $sort = $label['parent']?$label['parent']:$status_id; $sort_labels[$sort][$status_id]= $label['name']; $this->status_labels_substatus[$sort][$status_id] = $status_id; if (!isset($this->status_labels_substatus[$sort][$sort])) { $this->status_labels_substatus[$sort][$sort]= $sort; } } } unset($this->status_labels); foreach ($sort_labels as $status_id => $label_sub) { if (!isset($this->status_labels[$status_id])) $this->status_labels[$status_id] = $this->status_labels_config[$status_id]['name']; foreach ($sort_labels[$status_id] as $sub_status_id => $sub_label) { if (isset($this->status_labels_config[$sub_status_id])) { $level = '  '; if (isset($this->status_labels_substatus[$sub_status_id])) $this->status_labels_substatus['2level'][$sub_status_id] = $sub_status_id ; if (isset($this->status_labels_substatus['2level'][$status_id])) $level = '    '; $this->status_labels[$sub_status_id]= $level.$this->status_labels_config[$sub_status_id]['name']; } } } } $this->today = mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$this->now),date('d',$this->now),date('Y',$this->now)); // save us in $GLOBALS['timesheet_bo'] for ExecMethod used in hooks if (!is_object($GLOBALS['timesheet_bo'])) { $GLOBALS['timesheet_bo'] =& $this; } $this->grants = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_grants(TIMESHEET_APP); //set fields for tracking $this->field2history = array_keys($this->db_cols); $this->field2history = array_diff(array_combine($this->field2history,$this->field2history),array('ts_modified')); $this->field2history += array('customfields' => '#c'); //add custom fields for history } /** * get list of specified grants as uid => Username pairs * * @param int $required=EGW_ACL_READ * @return array with uid => Username pairs */ function grant_list($required=EGW_ACL_READ) { $result = array(); foreach($this->grants as $uid => $grant) { if ($grant & $required) { $result[$uid] = common::grab_owner_name($uid); } } natcasesort($result); return $result; } /** * checks if the user has enough rights for a certain operation * * Rights are given via owner grants or role based acl * * @param int $required EGW_ACL_READ, EGW_ACL_WRITE, EGW_ACL_ADD, EGW_ACL_DELETE, EGW_ACL_BUDGET, EGW_ACL_EDIT_BUDGET * @param array/int $data=null project or project-id to use, default the project in $this->data * @return boolean true if the rights are ok, null if not found, false if no rights */ function check_acl($required,$data=null) { //error_log(__METHOD__."($required,".array2string($data).")"); if (is_null($data) || (int)$data == $this->data['ts_id']) { $data =& $this->data; } if (!is_array($data)) { $save_data = $this->data; $data = $this->read($data,true); $this->data = $save_data; if (!$data) return null; // entry not found } $rights = $this->grants[$data['ts_owner']]; return $data && !!($rights & $required); } /** * return SQL implementing filtering by date * * @param string $name * @param int &$start * @param int &$end_param * @return string */ function date_filter($name,&$start,&$end_param) { $end = $end_param; if ($name == 'custom' && $start) { if ($end) { $end += 24*60*60; } else { $end = $start + 8*24*60*60; } } else { if (!isset($this->date_filters[$name])) { return '1=1'; } $year = (int) date('Y',$this->today); $month = (int) date('m',$this->today); $day = (int) date('d',$this->today); list($syear,$smonth,$sday,$sweek,$eyear,$emonth,$eday,$eweek) = $this->date_filters[$name]; if ($syear || $eyear) { $start = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$syear+$year); $end = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$eyear+$year); } elseif ($smonth || $emonth) { $start = mktime(0,0,0,$smonth+$month,1,$year); $end = mktime(0,0,0,$emonth+$month,1,$year); } elseif ($sday || $eday) { $start = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$sday+$day,$year); $end = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$eday+$day,$year); } elseif ($sweek || $eweek) { $wday = (int) date('w',$this->today); // 0=sun, ..., 6=sat switch($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['weekdaystarts']) { case 'Sunday': $weekstart = $this->today - $wday * 24*60*60; break; case 'Saturday': $weekstart = $this->today - (6-$wday) * 24*60*60; break; case 'Moday': default: $weekstart = $this->today - ($wday ? $wday-1 : 6) * 24*60*60; break; } $start = $weekstart + $sweek*7*24*60*60; $end = $weekstart + $eweek*7*24*60*60; } $end_param = $end - 24*60*60; } //echo "

date_filter($name,$start,$end) today=".date('l, Y-m-d H:i',$this->today)." ==> ".date('l, Y-m-d H:i:s',$start)." <= date < ".date('l, Y-m-d H:i:s',$end)."

\n"; // convert start + end from user to servertime for the filter return '('.($start-$this->tz_offset_s).' <= ts_start AND ts_start < '.($end-$this->tz_offset_s).')'; } /** * search the timesheet * * reimplemented to limit result to users we have grants from * * @param array/string $criteria array of key and data cols, OR a SQL query (content for WHERE), fully quoted (!) * @param boolean/string $only_keys=true True returns only keys, False returns all cols. comma seperated list of keys to return * @param string $order_by='' fieldnames + {ASC|DESC} separated by colons ',', can also contain a GROUP BY (if it contains ORDER BY) * @param string/array $extra_cols='' string or array of strings to be added to the SELECT, eg. "count(*) as num" * @param string $wildcard='' appended befor and after each criteria * @param boolean $empty=false False=empty criteria are ignored in query, True=empty have to be empty in row * @param string $op='AND' defaults to 'AND', can be set to 'OR' too, then criteria's are OR'ed together * @param mixed $start=false if != false, return only maxmatch rows begining with start, or array($start,$num) * @param array $filter=null if set (!=null) col-data pairs, to be and-ed (!) into the query without wildcards * @param string $join='' sql to do a join, added as is after the table-name, eg. ", table2 WHERE x=y" or * "LEFT JOIN table2 ON (x=y)", Note: there's no quoting done on $join! * @param boolean $need_full_no_count=false If true an unlimited query is run to determine the total number of rows, default false * @param boolean $only_summary=false If true only return the sums as array with keys duration and price, default false * @return array of matching rows (the row is an array of the cols) or False */ function &search($criteria,$only_keys=True,$order_by='',$extra_cols='',$wildcard='',$empty=False,$op='AND',$start=false,$filter=null,$join='',$need_full_no_count=false,$only_summary=false) { //error_log(__METHOD__."(".print_r($criteria,true).",'$only_keys','$order_by',".print_r($extra_cols,true).",'$wildcard','$empty','$op','$start',".print_r($filter,true).",'$join')"); //echo "


\n"; // postgres can't round from double precission, only from numeric ;-) $total_sql = $this->db->Type != 'pgsql' ? "round(ts_quantity*ts_unitprice,2)" : "round(cast(ts_quantity*ts_unitprice AS numeric),2)"; if (!is_array($extra_cols)) { $extra_cols = $extra_cols ? explode(',',$extra_cols) : array(); } if ($only_keys === false || $this->show_sums && strpos($order_by,'ts_start') !== false) { $extra_cols[] = $total_sql.' AS ts_total'; } if (!isset($filter['ts_owner']) || !count($filter['ts_owner'])) { $filter['ts_owner'] = array_keys($this->grants); } else { if (!is_array($filter['ts_owner'])) $filter['ts_owner'] = array($filter['ts_owner']); foreach($filter['ts_owner'] as $key => $owner) { if (!isset($this->grants[$owner])) { unset($filter['ts_owner'][$key]); } } } if (!count($filter['ts_owner'])) { $this->total = 0; $this->summary = array(); return array(); } $this->summary = parent::search($criteria,"SUM(ts_duration) AS duration,SUM($total_sql) AS price". ($this->quantity_sum ? ",SUM(ts_quantity) AS quantity" : ''), '','',$wildcard,$empty,$op,false,$filter,$join); $this->summary = $this->summary[0]; if ($only_summary) return $this->summary; if ($this->show_sums && strpos($order_by,'ts_start') !== false && // sums only make sense if ordered by ts_start $this->db->capabilities['union'] && ($from_unixtime_ts_start = $this->db->from_unixtime('ts_start'))) { $sum_sql = array( 'year' => $this->db->date_format($from_unixtime_ts_start,'%Y'), 'month' => $this->db->date_format($from_unixtime_ts_start,'%Y%m'), 'week' => $this->db->date_format($from_unixtime_ts_start,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['weekdaystarts'] == 'Sunday' ? '%X%V' : '%x%v'), 'day' => $this->db->date_format($from_unixtime_ts_start,'%Y-%m-%d'), ); foreach($this->show_sums as $type) { $extra_cols[] = $sum_sql[$type].' AS ts_'.$type; $extra_cols[] = '0 AS is_sum_'.$type; $sum_extra_cols[] = str_replace('ts_start','MIN(ts_start)',$sum_sql[$type]); // as we dont group by ts_start $sum_extra_cols[$type] = '0 AS is_sum_'.$type; } // regular entries parent::search($criteria,$only_keys,$order_by,$extra_cols,$wildcard,$empty,$op,'UNION',$filter,$join,$need_full_no_count); $sort = substr($order_by,8); $union_order = array(); $sum_ts_id = array('year' => -3,'month' => -2,'week' => -1,'day' => 0); foreach($this->show_sums as $type) { $union_order[] = 'ts_'.$type . ' ' . $sort; $union_order[] = 'is_sum_'.$type; $sum_extra_cols[$type]{0} = '1'; // the $type sum parent::search($criteria,$sum_ts_id[$type].",'','','',MIN(ts_start),SUM(ts_duration) AS ts_duration,". ($this->quantity_sum ? "SUM(ts_quantity) AS ts_quantity" : '0').",0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,SUM($total_sql) AS ts_total", 'GROUP BY '.$sum_sql[$type],$sum_extra_cols,$wildcard,$empty,$op,'UNION',$filter,$join,$need_full_no_count); $sum_extra_cols[$type]{0} = '0'; } $union_order[] = 'ts_start '.$sort; return parent::search('','',implode(',',$union_order),'','',false,'',$start); } return parent::search($criteria,$only_keys,$order_by,$extra_cols,$wildcard,$empty,$op,$start,$filter,$join,$need_full_no_count); } /** * read a timesheet entry * * @param int $ts_id * @param boolean $ignore_acl=false should the acl be checked * @return array/boolean array with timesheet entry, null if timesheet not found or false if no rights */ function read($ts_id,$ignore_acl=false) { //error_log(__METHOD__."($ts_id,$ignore_acl) ".function_backtrace()); if (!(int)$ts_id || (int)$ts_id != $this->data['ts_id'] && !parent::read($ts_id)) { return null; // entry not found } if (!$ignore_acl && !($ret = $this->check_acl(EGW_ACL_READ))) { return false; // no read rights } return $this->data; } /** * saves a timesheet entry * * reimplemented to notify the link-class * * @param array $keys if given $keys are copied to data before saveing => allows a save as * @param boolean $touch_modified=true should modification date+user be set, default yes * @param boolean $ignore_acl=false should the acl be checked, returns true if no edit-rigts * @return int 0 on success and errno != 0 else */ function save($keys=null,$touch_modified=true,$ignore_acl=false) { if ($keys) $this->data_merge($keys); if (!$ignore_acl && $this->data['ts_id'] && !$this->check_acl(EGW_ACL_EDIT)) { return true; } if ($touch_modified) { $this->data['ts_modifier'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; $this->data['ts_modified'] = $this->now; $this->user = $this->data['ts_modifier']; } // check if we have a real modification // read the old record $new =& $this->data; unset($this->data); $this->read($new['ts_id']); $old =& $this->data; $this->data =& $new; $changed[] = array(); if (isset($old)) foreach($old as $name => $value) { if (isset($new[$name]) && $new[$name] != $value) $changed[] = $name; } if (!$changed) { return false; } if (!is_object($this->tracking)) { $this->tracking = new timesheet_tracking($this); $this->tracking->html_content_allow = true; } if ($this->customfields) { $data_custom = $old_custom = array(); foreach($this->customfields as $name => $custom) { if (isset($this->data['#'.$name]) && (string)$this->data['#'.$name]!=='') $data_custom[] = $custom['label'].': '.$this->data['#'.$name]; if (isset($old['#'.$name]) && (string)$old['#'.$name]!=='') $old_custom[] = $custom['label'].': '.$old['#'.$name]; } $this->data['customfields'] = implode("\n",$data_custom); $old['customfields'] = implode("\n",$old_custom); } if (!$this->tracking->track($this->data,$old,$this->user)) { return implode(', ',$this->tracking->errors); } if (!($err = parent::save())) { // notify the link-class about the update, as other apps may be subscribt to it egw_link::notify_update(TIMESHEET_APP,$this->data['ts_id'],$this->data); } return $err; } /** * deletes a timesheet entry identified by $keys or the loaded one, reimplemented to notify the link class (unlink) * * @param array $keys if given array with col => value pairs to characterise the rows to delete * @param boolean $ignore_acl=false should the acl be checked, returns false if no delete-rigts * @return int affected rows, should be 1 if ok, 0 if an error */ function delete($keys=null,$ignore_acl=false) { if (!is_array($keys) && (int) $keys) { $keys = array('ts_id' => (int) $keys); } $ts_id = is_null($keys) ? $this->data['ts_id'] : $keys['ts_id']; if (!$this->check_acl(EGW_ACL_DELETE,$ts_id)) { return false; } if (($ret = parent::delete($keys)) && $ts_id) { // delete all links to timesheet entry $ts_id egw_link::unlink(0,TIMESHEET_APP,$ts_id); } return $ret; } /** * set a status for timesheet entry identified by $keys * * @param array $keys if given array with col => value pairs to characterise the rows to delete * @param boolean $status * @return int affected rows, should be 1 if ok, 0 if an error */ function set_status($keys=null,$status) { $ret = true; if (!is_array($keys) && (int) $keys) { $keys = array('ts_id' => (int) $keys); } $ts_id = is_null($keys) ? $this->data['ts_id'] : $keys['ts_id']; if (!$this->check_acl(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$ts_id)) { return false; } $this->read($keys,true); $this->data['ts_status'] = $status; if ($this->save($ts_id)!=0) $ret = false; return $ret; } /** * Get the time- and pricesum for the given timesheet entries * * @param array $ids array of timesheet id's * @return array with keys time and price */ function sum($ids) { return $this->search(array('ts_id'=>$ids),true,'','','',false,'AND',false,null,'',false,true); } /** * get title for a timesheet entry identified by $entry * * Is called as hook to participate in the linking * * @param int/array $entry int ts_id or array with timesheet entry * @return string/boolean string with title, null if timesheet not found, false if no perms to view it */ function link_title( $entry ) { if (!is_array($entry)) { $entry = $this->read( $entry,false,false); } if (!$entry) { return $entry; } $format = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']; if (date('H:i',$entry['ts_start']) != '00:00') // dont show 00:00 time, as it means date only { $format .= ' '.($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == 12 ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i'); } return date($format,$entry['ts_start']).': '.$entry['ts_title']; } /** * get title for multiple timesheet entries identified by $ids * * Is called as hook to participate in the linking * * @param array $ids array with ts_id's * @return array with titles, see link_title */ function link_titles( array $ids ) { $titles = array(); if (($entries = $this->search(array('ts_id' => $ids),'ts_id,ts_title,ts_start'))) { foreach($entries as $entry) { $titles[$entry['ts_id']] = $this->link_title($entry); } } // we assume all not returned entries are not readable by the user, as we notify egw_link about all deletes foreach($ids as $id) { if (!isset($titles[$id])) { $titles[$id] = false; } } return $titles; } /** * query timesheet for entries matching $pattern * * Is called as hook to participate in the linking * * @param string $pattern pattern to search * @param array $options Array of options for the search * @return array with ts_id - title pairs of the matching entries */ function link_query( $pattern, Array &$options = array() ) { $limit = false; $need_count = false; if($options['start'] || $options['num_rows']) { $limit = array($options['start'], $options['num_rows']); $need_count = true; } $result = array(); foreach((array) $this->search($pattern,false,'','','%',false,'OR', $limit, null, '', $need_count) as $ts ) { if ($ts) $result[$ts['ts_id']] = $this->link_title($ts); } $options['total'] = $need_count ? $this->total : count($result); return $result; } /** * Check access to the projects file store * * @param int $id id of entry * @param int $check EGW_ACL_READ for read and EGW_ACL_EDIT for write or delete access * @return boolean true if access is granted or false otherwise */ function file_access($id,$check,$rel_path) { return $this->check_acl($check,$id); } /** * updates the project titles in the timesheet application (called whenever a project name is changed in the project manager) * * Todo: implement via notification * * @param string $oldtitle => the origin title of the project * @param string $newtitle => the new title of the project * @return boolean true for success, false for invalid parameters */ function update_ts_project($oldtitle='', $newtitle='') { if(strlen($oldtitle) > 0 && strlen($newtitle) > 0) { $this->db->update('egw_timesheet',array( 'ts_project' => $newtitle, 'ts_title' => $newtitle, ),array( 'ts_project' => $oldtitle, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,TIMESHEET_APP); return true; } return false; } /** * returns array with relation link_id and ts_id (necessary for project-selection) * * @param int $pm_id ID of selected project * @return array containing link_id and ts_id */ function get_ts_links($pm_id=0) { if($pm_id && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['projectmanager'])) { $pm_ids = ExecMethod('projectmanager.projectmanager_bo.children',$pm_id); $pm_ids[] = $pm_id; $links = solink::get_links('projectmanager',$pm_ids,'timesheet'); // solink::get_links not egw_links::get_links! if ($links) { $links = array_unique(call_user_func_array('array_merge',$links)); } return $links; } return array(); } }