/** * EGroupware - Rollup config file * * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @copyright (c) 2021 by Nathan Gray * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * * @see http://rollupjs.org/guide/en * @type {import('rollup').RollupOptions} */ import path from 'path'; import babel from '@babel/core'; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import rimraf from 'rimraf'; import { minify } from 'terser'; // Best practice: use this //rimraf.sync('./dist/'); rimraf.sync('./chunks/'); // Turn on minification const do_minify = false; export default { treeshake: false, input: { // Output : Input // Note the .ts extension on the input - we build directly from the TypeScript when available "pixelegg/js/fw_pixelegg.min": "pixelegg/js/fw_pixelegg.js", "pixelegg/js/fw_mobile.min": "pixelegg/js/fw_mobile.js", "api/js/etemplate/etemplate2.min":"api/js/etemplate/etemplate2.ts", "api/js/egw_action/egw_dragdrop_dhtmlx_tree.min":"api/js/egw_action/egw_dragdrop_dhtmlx_tree.js", "api/js/jsapi/egw.min": "api/js/jsapi/egw_modules.js", "api/js/jsapi.min": 'api/js/jsapi/jsapi.js', // Should be just built-in apps, but until rollup supports multi-level we need them all "addressbook/js/app": "addressbook/js/app.ts", "admin/js/app": "admin/js/app.ts", "bookmarks/js/app": "bookmarks/js/app.ts", "calendar/js/app" : "calendar/js/app.ts", "collabora/js/app": "collabora/js/app.ts", "filemanager/js/app": "filemanager/js/app.ts", //"home/js/app": "home/js/app.js", "importexport/js/app": "importexport/js/app.ts", "infolog/js/app": "infolog/js/app.ts", "mail/js/app.min": "mail/js/app.js", "news_admin/js/app": "news_admin/js/app.ts", "notifications/js/notificationajaxpopup.min": "notifications/js/notificationajaxpopup.js", "preferences/js/app": "preferences/js/app.ts", "projectmanager/js/app.min": "projectmanager/js/app.ts", "resources/js/app": "resources/js/app.ts", "rocketchat/js/app.min": "rocketchat/js/app.js", //"smallpart/js/app.min": "smallpart/js/app.ts", "status/js/app": "status/js/app.ts", "timesheet/js/app": "timesheet/js/app.ts", "tracker/js/app": "tracker/js/app.ts", // EPL "esyncpro/js/app": "esyncpro/js/app.ts", "kanban/js/app": "kanban/js/app.ts", "policy/js/app": "policy/js/app.ts", "stylite/js/app": "stylite/js/app.ts", "webauthn/js/app": "webauthn/js/app.ts", }, external: function(id,parentId,isResolved) { if(!isResolved) { return; } if(id.includes("/vendor/")) { return true; } }, output: { // TODO: Hashed entries, when server supports //entryFileNames: '[name]-[hash].js', entryFileNames: '[name].js', chunkFileNames: 'chunks/[name]-[hash].js', // Best practice: use this: //dir: './dist', dir: '.', sourcemap: true }, plugins: [{ resolveId (id, parentId) { if(id.endsWith(".js") && parentId) { const tsPath =path.resolve(path.dirname(parentId), id.slice(0,-3) + '.ts'); try { readFileSync(tsPath); console.warn(id + " is a TS file loaded with wrong extension. Remove the extension on the import in " + parentId); } catch (e) {} } else if (!id.endsWith('.js') && !id.endsWith('.ts')) { const tsPath =path.resolve(path.dirname(parentId), id + '.ts'); const jsPath =path.resolve(path.dirname(parentId), id + '.js'); try { readFileSync(tsPath); } catch (e) { return jsPath; } return tsPath; } } }, { transform (code, id) { if (id.endsWith('.ts')) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return babel.transform(code, { filename: id, sourceMaps: true, ast: false, compact: false, sourceType: 'module', parserOpts: { // plugins: stage3Syntax, errorRecovery: true }, presets: ['@babel/preset-typescript'] }, function (err, result) { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(result); }); }); } }, { transform (code,id) { if(!do_minify || id.includes(".min")) { return; } return minify(code, { mangle: false, output: { preamble: `/*! * EGroupware (http://www.egroupware.org/) minified Javascript * * full sources are available under https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware/ * * build ${Date.now()} */ ` } }); } }], // Custom warning handler to give more information about circular dependencies onwarn: function(warning,warn) { console.warn(warning); } };