%packager               eGroupWare packager
#%vendor                 Tao Linux
#%distribution           bonis.de RPMS
#%vendor                 bonis.de
#%_signature             gpg
%_gpg_name               eGroupWare packager <packager@egroupware.org>
#%_gpg_path              %(echo $HOME)/.gnupg

# %_topdir defines the top directory to be used for RPM building purposes
# By defaultROOT of the buildsystem
%_topdir        %(echo $HOME)/rpm

%_rpmtopdir     %{_topdir}/%{name}

# %_sourcedir is where the source code tarballs, patches, etc. will be
# placed after you do an "rpm -ivh somepackage.1.0-1.src.rpm"
#%_sourcedir     %{_topdir}/%{name}-%{version}

# %_specdir is where the specfile gets placed when installing a src.rpm. I
# prefer the specfile to be in the same directory as the source tarballs, etc.
%_specdir       %{_sourcedir}

# %_tmppath is where temporary scripts are placed during the RPM build
# process as well as the %_buildroot where %install normally dumps files
# prior to packaging up the final binary RPM's.
%_tmppath       %{_topdir}/tmp

# %_builddir is where source code tarballs are decompressed, and patches then
# applied when building an RPM package
#%_builddir      %{_topdir}/tmp/BUILD

# %_buildroot is where files get placed during the %install section of spec
# file processing prior to final packaging into rpms.  This is oddly named
# and probably should have been called "%_installroot" back when it was
# initially added to RPM.  Alas, it was not.  ;o)
#%_buildroot     %{_topdir}/%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root

# %_rpmdir is where binary RPM packages are put after being built.
%_rpmdir        %{_topdir}/RPMS

# %_srcrpmdir is where src.rpm packages are put after being built.
%_srcrpmdir   %{_topdir}/SRPMS

# %_rpmfilename defines the naming convention of the produced RPM packages,
# and should not be modified.  It is listed here because I am overriding
# RPM's default behaviour of dropping binary RPM's each in their own
# separate subdirectories.  I hate that.  Grrr.
%_rpmfilename   %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm

# Customized tags for local builds
# %packager is the info that will appear in the "Packager:" field in the
# RPM header on built packages.  By default I have it read your username
# and hostname.  This should be customized appropriately.
# %packager   Joe Blow <joe@blow.com>
# %packager   %(echo ${USER}@)%(hostname)
# %distribution Personal Build

# GNU GPG config below
#%_signature     gpg
#%_gpg_name      Joe Blow <joeblow@somewhere.com>
#%_gpg_path      %(echo $HOME)/.gnupg

# %_unpackaged_files_terminate_build       0
# %_missing_doc_files_terminate_build      0

# in the .spec file:
# %define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build       0
# %define _missing_doc_files_terminate_build      0
# %define __find_requires %{nil} 
# AutoReq: 0