* @package pixelegg * @version $Id$ */ use EGroupware\Api; /** * Stylite Pixelegg template */ class pixelegg_framework extends Api\Framework\Ajax { /** * Appname used for everything but JS includes, which we re-use from jdots */ const APP = 'pixelegg'; /** * Appname used to include javascript code */ const JS_INCLUDE_APP = 'pixelegg'; /** * Enable to use this template sets login.tpl for login page */ const LOGIN_TEMPLATE_SET = true; /** * Constructor * * Overwritten to set own app/template name (parent can NOT use static::APP!) * * @param string $template ='pixelegg' name of the template */ function __construct($template=self::APP) { parent::__construct($template); // call the constructor of the extended class // search 'mobile' dirs first if (Api\Header\UserAgent::mobile()) array_unshift ($this->template_dirs, 'mobile'); } /** * Make given color lighter or darker by percentage * * @param string $color in hex * @param int $percent int * @return string returns color hex format (for instance: #2b2b2b) */ function _color_shader($color, $percent) { if ($color[0] == '#') $color = ltrim($color, '#'); $R = hexdec(substr($color,0,2)); $G = hexdec(substr($color,2,2)); $B = hexdec(substr($color,4,2)); $Rs = round($R * (100 + $percent) / 100); $Gs = round($G * (100 + $percent) / 100); $Bs = round($B * (100 + $percent) / 100); if ($Rs > 255) $Rs = 255; if ($Gs > 255) $Gs = 255; if ($Bs > 255) $Bs = 255; return '#'.sprintf('%02X%02X%02X', $Rs, $Gs, $Bs); } /** * Overwrite to NOT add customizable colors from jDots * * @see Api\Framework::_get_css() * @return array */ public function _get_css() { $ret = parent::_get_css(); // color to use $color = str_replace('custom', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['template_custom_color'] ?? null, $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['template_color'] ?? null); // Create a dark variant of the color $color_darker = empty($color) ? '' :$this->_color_shader($color, -30); if (!empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['sidebox_custom_color']) && preg_match('/^(#[0-9A-F]+|[A-Z]+)$/i', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['sidebox_custom_color'])) { $sidebox_color_hover = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['sidebox_custom_color']; $sidebox_color = $this->_color_shader($sidebox_color_hover, -30); } else { $sidebox_color_hover = $color; $sidebox_color = $color_darker; } if (!empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['loginbox_custom_color']) && preg_match('/^(#[0-9A-F]+|[A-Z]+)$/i', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['loginbox_custom_color'])) { $loginbox_color = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['loginbox_custom_color']; } else { $loginbox_color = $color_darker; } //always set header logo used in sharing regardless of custom color being set $header = !empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['login_logo_header']) ? Api\Framework::get_login_logo_or_bg_url('login_logo_header', 'logo') : Api\Framework::get_login_logo_or_bg_url('login_logo_file', 'logo'); $ret['app_css'] .= " /* sharing */ div#popupMainDiv:after { background-image: url($header); } "; $textsize = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['textsize']; if (!empty($textsize) && is_numeric($textsize) && $textsize != '12') { $iconSize = $textsize+2; $ret['app_css'] .= " /* sharing */ body, #egw_fw_sidebar #egw_fw_sidemenu .egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry_header h1, #egw_fw_main #egw_fw_tabs .egw_fw_ui_tabs_header .egw_fw_ui_tab_header h1, #egw_fw_sidebar #egw_fw_sidemenu .egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry_content .egw_fw_ui_category_active h2, #egw_fw_sidebar #egw_fw_sidemenu .egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry_content .egw_fw_ui_category h2, table.egwGridView_grid, .calendar_calTimeRow .calendar_calTimeRowTime, .calendar_calGridHeader .calendar_calDayColHeader > div[data-date], .selectedTreeRow, .standartTreeRow, .standartTreeRow_lor, .selectedTreeRow_lor{ font-size: {$textsize}px; } et2-lavatar, et2-avatar {font-size: 12px} #egw_fw_main #egw_fw_tabs .egw_fw_ui_tabs_header .egw_fw_ui_tab_header img.egw_fw_ui_tab_icon, .dtree img{ width: {$iconSize}px !important; height: {$iconSize}px !important; } #egw_fw_header #egw_fw_topmenu #egw_fw_topmenu_items ul a {background-position:left;background-size:{$iconSize}px} "; } if (preg_match('/^(#[0-9A-F]+|[A-Z]+)$/i',$color) || preg_match('/^(#[0-9A-F]+|[A-Z]+)$/i',$loginbox_color)) // a little xss check { if (!Api\Header\UserAgent::mobile()) { $ret['app_css'] .= " /** * theme changes to color pixelegg for color: $color */ /* sharing */ div#popupMainDiv:before { background-color: $color; } /* -Top window framework header -sidebar actiuve category :hover -popup toolbar */ div#egw_fw_header, div.egw_fw_ui_category:hover,#loginMainDiv, .et2_portlet .ui-widget-header{ background-color: $color !important; } /*Login background*/ #loginMainDiv #divAppIconBar #divLogo img[src$='svg'] { background-color: $color; } /*Center box in login page*/ #loginMainDiv div#centerBox form{ background-color: $loginbox_color; } /*Sidebar menu active category*/ #egw_fw_sidebar #egw_fw_sidemenu .egw_fw_ui_category_active:hover{ background-color: $sidebox_color_hover !important; } #egw_fw_sidebar #egw_fw_sidemenu .egw_fw_ui_category_active{ background-color: $sidebox_color !important; } .ui-datepicker div.ui-timepicker-div div.ui_tpicker_minute_slider span.ui-slider-handle, .ui-datepicker table.ui-datepicker-calendar .ui-state-active, .ui-datepicker div.ui-timepicker-div div.ui_tpicker_hour_slider span.ui-slider-handle, .ui-widget-header {background-color: $sidebox_color;} "; } else /* Mobile theme custom colors*/ { $ret['app_css'] .= " /* Mobile theme specific color changes */ /*nextmatch header and plus_button in mobile theme*/ body div.et2_nextmatch .search, body div.et2_nextmatch .search button, body button.plus_button, body div.et2_nextmatch .search .nm_action_header, body div.et2_nextmatch .search .nm_toggle_header, body div.et2_nextmatch .search .nm_favorites_button, body #loginMainDiv, body #egw_fw_firstload, body .dialogHeadbar{ background-color: $color; } body #egw_fw_sidebar #egw_fw_sidemenu .egw_fw_ui_category_active{background-color: $sidebox_color !important}; "; } } return $ret; } /** * displays a login screen * * Reimplemented to remove site_title from login box and display it as loginscreenmessage, if none set. * * @param string $extra_vars for login url * @param string $change_passwd =null string with message to render input fields for password change */ function login_screen($extra_vars, $change_passwd=null) { if (empty($GLOBALS['loginscreenmessage'])) { $GLOBALS['loginscreenmessage'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['site_title']; } unset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['site_title']); return parent::login_screen($extra_vars, $change_passwd); } }