
724 lines
20 KiB

* eGroupWare egw_action framework - egw action framework
* @link
* @author Andreas Stöckel <>
* @copyright 2011 by Andreas Stöckel
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package egw_action
* @version $Id$
* Register the drag and drop handlers
if (typeof window._egwActionClasses == "undefined")
window._egwActionClasses = {};
_egwActionClasses["drag"] = {
"actionConstructor": egwDragAction,
"implementation": getDragImplementation
_egwActionClasses["drop"] = {
"actionConstructor": egwDropAction,
"implementation": getDropImplementation
* The egwDragAction class overwrites the egwAction class and adds the new
* "dragType" propery. The "onExecute" event of the drag action will be called
* whenever dragging starts. The onExecute JS handler should return the
* drag-drop helper object - otherwise an default helper will be generated.
* @param {egwAction} _id
* @param {string} _handler
* @param {string} _caption
* @param {string} _icon
* @param {(string|function)} _onExecute
* @param {bool} _allowOnMultiple
* @returns {egwDragAction}
function egwDragAction(_id, _handler, _caption, _icon, _onExecute, _allowOnMultiple)
var action = new egwAction(_id, _handler, _caption, _icon, _onExecute, _allowOnMultiple);
action.type = "drag";
action.dragType = "default";
action.hideOnDisabled = true;
action.set_dragType = function(_value) {
action.dragType = _value;
return action;
_dragActionImpl = null;
function getDragImplementation()
if (!_dragActionImpl)
_dragActionImpl = new egwDragActionImplementation();
return _dragActionImpl;
function egwDragActionImplementation()
var ai = new egwActionImplementation();
ai.type = "drag";
ai.helper = null;
ai.ddTypes = [];
ai.selected = [];
// Define default helper DOM
// default helper also can be called later in application code in order to customization
ai.defaultDDHelper = function (_selected)
// Table containing clone of rows
var table = jQuery(document.createElement("table")).addClass('egwGridView_grid et2_egw_action_ddHelper_row');
// tr element to use as last row to show lable more ...
var moreRow = jQuery(document.createElement('tr')).addClass('et2_egw_action_ddHelper_moreRow');
// Main div helper container
var div = jQuery(document.createElement("div")).append(table);
var rows = [];
// Maximum number of rows to show
var maxRows = 3;
// item label
var itemLabel = egw.lang(egw.link_get_registry(egw.app_name(),_selected.length > 1?'entries':'entry')||egw.app_name());
var index = 0;
// Take select all into account when counting number of rows, because they may not be
// in _selected object
var pseudoNumRows = (_selected[0] && _selected[0]._context && _selected[0]._context._selectionMgr &&
_selected[0]._context._selectionMgr._selectAll) ?
_selected[0]._context._selectionMgr._total : _selected.length;
for (var i = 0; i < _selected.length;i++)
var row = jQuery(_selected[i].iface.getDOMNode()).clone();
if (row)
if (index == maxRows)
// Lable to show number of items
var spanCnt = jQuery(document.createElement('span'))
spanCnt.text(pseudoNumRows +' '+ itemLabel);
// Number of not shown rows
var restRows = pseudoNumRows - maxRows;
if (restRows)
moreRow.text((pseudoNumRows - maxRows) +' '+egw.lang('more %1 selected ...', itemLabel));
var text = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).addClass('et2_egw_action_ddHelper_tip');
// Add notice of Ctrl key, if supported
if('draggable' in document.createElement('span') &&
navigator && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') >= 0 && egw.app_name() == 'filemanager') // currently only filemanager supports drag out
var key = ["Mac68K","MacPPC","MacIntel"].indexOf(window.navigator.platform) < 0 ?
egw.lang('Alt') : egw.lang('Command ⌘');
text.text(egw.lang('Hold [%1] and [%2] key to drag %3 to your desktop', key, egw.lang('Shift ⇧'), itemLabel));
// Final html DOM return as helper structor
return div;
ai.doRegisterAction = function(_aoi, _callback, _context)
var node = _aoi.getDOMNode();
if (node)
// Prevent selection
node.onselectstart = function () {
return false;
if (!(window.FileReader && 'draggable' in document.createElement('span')) )
// No DnD support
// It shouldn't be so hard to get the action...
var action = null;
var groups = _context.getActionImplementationGroups();
if(!groups.drag) return;
for(var i = 0; i < groups.drag.length; i++)
// dragType 'file' says it can be dragged as a file
if(groups.drag[i].link.actionObj.dragType == 'file' || groups.drag[i].link.actionObj.dragType.indexOf('file') > -1)
action = groups.drag[i].link.actionObj;
* We found an action with dragType 'file', so by holding Ctrl
* key & dragging, user can drag from browser to system.
* The global data store must provide a full, absolute URL in 'download_url'
* and a mime in 'mime'.
* Unfortunately, Native DnD to drag the file conflicts with jQueryUI draggable,
* which handles all the other DnD actions. We get around this by:
* 1. Require the user indicate a file drag with Ctrl key
* 2. Disable jQueryUI draggable, then turn on native draggable attribute
* This way we can at least toggle which one is operating, so they
* both work alternately if not together.
// Native DnD - Doesn't play nice with jQueryUI Sortable
// Tell jQuery to include this property
.on("mousedown", function(event) {
var dragOut = _context.isDragOut(event);
jQuery(this).attr("draggable", dragOut? "true" : "");
if (dragOut)
// Disabling draggable adds some UI classes, but we don't care so remove them
jQuery(node).removeClass("ui-draggable-disabled ui-state-disabled");
if (_context.isSelection(event))
// Disabling draggable adds some UI classes, but we don't care so remove them
jQuery(node).removeClass("ui-draggable-disabled ui-state-disabled");
else if(event.which != 3)
if(!(dragOut) || !this.addEventListener) return;
.on ("mouseup", function (event){
if (_context.isSelection(event))
.on("dragstart", function(event) {
if(_context.isSelection(event)) return;
if(event.dataTransfer == null) {
// Get all selected
// Multiples aren't supported by event.dataTransfer, yet, so
// select only the row they clicked on.
// var selected = _context.getSelectedLinks('drag');
var selected = [_context];
// Set file data
for(var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++)
var data = selected[i].data || egw.dataGetUIDdata(selected[i].id).data || {};
if(data && data.mime && data.download_url)
var url = data.download_url;
// NEED an absolute URL
if (url[0] == '/') url =;
// adds the webserver, but that might not be an absolute URL - try again
if (url[0] == '/') url = window.location.origin+url;
// Unfortunately, dragging files is currently only supported by Chrome
if(navigator && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome'))
event.dataTransfer.setData("DownloadURL", data.mime+':'':'+url);
// Include URL as a fallback
event.dataTransfer.setData("text/uri-list", url);
if(event.dataTransfer.types.length == 0)
// No file data? Abort: drag does nothing
// Create drag icon, _context, ai);
// Drag icon must be visible for setDragImage() - we'll remove it on drag
.on("drag", function(e) {
// Remove the helper, it has been copied into the dataTransfer object now
// Hopefully user didn't notice it...
if(e.dataTransfer != null)
// Use Ctrl key in order to select content
mousedown: function(event){
if (_context.isSelection(event)){
// Disabling draggable adds some UI classes, but we don't care so remove them
jQuery(node).removeClass("ui-draggable-disabled ui-state-disabled");
else if(event.which != 3)
mouseup: function (){
// Set cursor back to auto. Seems FF can't handle cursor reversion
"distance": 20,
"cursor": "move",
"cursorAt": { top: -12, left: -12 },
"helper": function(e) {
// The helper function is called before the start function
// is evoked. Call the given callback function. The callback
// function will gather the selected elements and action links
// and call the doExecuteImplementation function. This
// will call the onExecute function of the first action
// in order to obtain the helper object (stored in ai.helper)
// and the multiple dragDropTypes (ai.ddTypes), false, ai);
jQuery(node).data("ddTypes", ai.ddTypes);
jQuery(node).data("selected", ai.selected);
if (ai.helper)
// Add a basic class to the helper in order to standardize the background layout
// Append the helper object to the body element - this
// fixes a bug in IE: If the element isn't inserted into
// the DOM-tree jquery appends it to the parent node.
// In case this is a table it doesn't work correctly
return ai.helper;
// Return an empty div if the helper dom node is not set
return ai.defaultDDHelper(ai.selected);//jQuery(document.createElement("div")).addClass('et2_egw_action_ddHelper');
"start": function(e) {
return ai.helper != null;
revert: function(valid)
var dTarget = this;
if (!valid)
// Tolerance value of pixels arround the draggable target
// to distinguish whether the action was intended for dragging or selecting content.
var tipTelorance = 10;
var helperTop = ai.helper.position().top;
if (helperTop >= dTarget.offset().top
&& helperTop <= (dTarget.height() + dTarget.offset().top) + tipTelorance)
var key = ["Mac68K","MacPPC","MacIntel"].indexOf(window.navigator.platform) < 0 ?
egw.lang("Ctrl") : egw.lang("Command ⌘");
// We can not use Ctrl key for FF because FF has specific function
// for element selection bound to ctrl key and it would confilicts
// with our selection functionallity. Therefore, we use Alt key when
// it comes to FF regardless of OS.
if (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)) key = egw.lang("Alt");
egw.message(egw.lang('Hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it', key), 'info');
// Invalid target
return true;
// Valid target
return false;
// Solves problem with scroll position changing in the grid
// component
"refreshPositions": true,
"scroll": false,
//"containment": "document",
"iframeFix": true,
"delay": 300
return true;
return false;
ai.doUnregisterAction = function(_aoi)
var node = _aoi.getDOMNode();
if (node && jQuery(node).data("uiDraggable")){
* Builds the context menu and shows it at the given position/DOM-Node.
* @param {string} _context
* @param {array} _selected
* @param {object} _links
ai.doExecuteImplementation = function(_context, _selected, _links)
// Reset the helper object of the action implementation
this.helper = null;
var hasLink = false;
// Store the drag-drop types
this.ddTypes = [];
this.selected = _selected;
// Call the onExecute event of the first actionObject
for (var k in _links)
if (_links[k].visible)
hasLink = true;
// Only execute the following code if a JS function is registered
// for the action and this is the first action link
if (!this.helper && _links[k].actionObj.onExecute.hasHandler())
this.helper = _links[k].actionObj.execute(_selected);
// Push the dragType of the associated action object onto the
// drag type list - this allows an element to support multiple
// drag/drop types.
var type = jQuery.isArray(_links[k].actionObj.dragType) ? _links[k].actionObj.dragType : [_links[k].actionObj.dragType];
for(var i = 0; i < type.length; i++)
if (this.ddTypes.indexOf(type[i]) == -1)
// If no helper has been defined, create an default one
if (!this.helper && hasLink)
this.helper = ai.defaultDDHelper(_selected);
return true;
return ai;
* The egwDropAction class overwrites the egwAction class and adds the "acceptedTypes"
* property. This array should contain all "dragTypes" the drop action is allowed to
* @param {egwAction} _id
* @param {string} _handler
* @param {string} _caption
* @param {string} _icon
* @param {(string|function)} _onExecute
* @param {bool} _allowOnMultiple
* @returns {egwDropAction}
function egwDropAction(_id, _handler, _caption, _icon, _onExecute, _allowOnMultiple)
var action = new egwAction(_id, _handler, _caption, _icon, _onExecute, _allowOnMultiple);
action.type = "drop";
action.acceptedTypes = ["default"];
action.canHaveChildren = ["drag","popup"];
action["default"] = false;
action.order = 0; = 0;
action.set_default = function(_value) {
action["default"] = _value;
action.set_order = function(_value) {
action.order = _value;
action.set_group = function(_value) { = _value;
* The acceptType property allows strings as well as arrays - strings are
* automatically included in an array.
* @param {(string|array)} _value
action.set_acceptedTypes = function(_value) {
if (_value instanceof Array)
action.acceptedTypes = _value;
action.acceptedTypes = [_value];
return action;
_dropActionImpl = null;
function getDropImplementation()
if (!_dropActionImpl)
_dropActionImpl = new egwDropActionImplementation();
return _dropActionImpl;
var EGW_AI_DRAG = 0x0100; // Use the first byte as mask for event types - 01 is for events used with drag stuff
function egwDropActionImplementation()
var ai = new egwActionImplementation();
ai.type = "drop";
ai.doRegisterAction = function(_aoi, _callback, _context)
var node = _aoi.getDOMNode();
var self = this;
if (node)
"accept": function(_draggable) {
if (typeof"ddTypes") != "undefined")
var accepted = self._fetchAccepted(, "links", self, EGW_AO_EXEC_THIS));
// Check whether all drag types of the selected objects
// are accepted
var ddTypes ="ddTypes");
for (var i = 0; i < ddTypes.length; i++)
if (accepted.indexOf(ddTypes[i]) != -1)
return true;
return false;
"drop": function(event, ui) {
var draggable = ui.draggable;
var ddTypes ="ddTypes");
var selected ="selected");
var links =, "links", self, EGW_AO_EXEC_THIS);
// Disable all links which only accept types which are not
// inside ddTypes
for (var k in links)
var accepted = links[k].actionObj.acceptedTypes;
var enabled = false;
for (var i = 0; i < ddTypes.length; i++)
if (accepted.indexOf(ddTypes[i]) != -1)
enabled = true;
// Check for allowing multiple selected
if(!links[k].actionObj.allowOnMultiple && selected.length > 1)
enabled = false;
links[k].enabled = false;
links[k].visible = !links[k].actionObj.hideOnDisabled;
// Check whether there is only one link
var cnt = 0;
var lnk = null;
for (var k in links)
if (links[k].enabled && links[k].visible)
lnk = links[k];
cnt += 1 + links[k].actionObj.children.length;
// Add ui, so you know what happened where
lnk.actionObj.ui = ui;
if (cnt == 1)
window.setTimeout(function() {
lnk.actionObj.execute(selected, _context);
if (cnt > 1)
// More than one drop action link is associated
// to the drop event - show those as a popup menu
// and let the user decide which one to use.
// This is possible as the popup and the popup action
// object and the drop action object share same
// set of properties.
var popup = getPopupImplementation();
var pos = popup._getPageXY(event.originalEvent);
// Don't add paste actions, this is a drop
popup.auto_paste = false;
window.setTimeout(function() {
popup.doExecuteImplementation(pos, selected, links,
// Reset, popup is reused
popup.auto_paste = true;
}, 0); // Timeout is needed to have it working in IE
// Set cursor back to auto. Seems FF can't handle cursor reversion
_aoi.triggerEvent(EGW_AI_DRAG_OUT,{event: event,ui:ui});
"over": function(event, ui) {
_aoi.triggerEvent(EGW_AI_DRAG_OVER,{event: event,ui:ui});
"out": function(event,ui) {
_aoi.triggerEvent(EGW_AI_DRAG_OUT,{event: event,ui:ui});
"tolerance": "pointer",
hoverClass: "drop-hover",
// Greedy is for nested droppables - children consume the action
greedy: true
return true;
return false;
ai.doUnregisterAction = function(_aoi)
var node = _aoi.getDOMNode();
if (node && jQuery(node).data("uiDroppable")) {
ai._fetchAccepted = function(_links)
// Accumulate the accepted types
var accepted = [];
for (var k in _links)
for (var i = 0; i < _links[k].actionObj.acceptedTypes.length; i++)
var type = _links[k].actionObj.acceptedTypes[i];
if (accepted.indexOf(type) == -1)
return accepted;
* Builds the context menu and shows it at the given position/DOM-Node.
* @param {string} _context
* @param {array} _selected
* @param {object} _links
ai.doExecuteImplementation = function(_context, _selected, _links)
if (_context == "links")
return _links;
return ai;