mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 12:43:00 +01:00
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370 lines
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import {Et2Date, parseDate} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Date/Et2Date";
import {CalendarApp} from "./app";
import {css, html, render} from "lit";
import {app} from "../../api/js/jsapi/egw_global";
export class SidemenuDate extends Et2Date
static get styles()
return [
/** Hide input **/
::slotted(input) {
display: none;
/** Special sizing for headers **/
.flatpickr-months > * {
padding: 3px;
height: 20px;
.flatpickr-current-month {
height: 20px;
font-size: 110%
div.flatpickr-calendar.inline .flatpickr-current-month .flatpickr-monthDropdown-months {
width: 70%;
div.flatpickr-calendar.inline {
width: 100% !important;
/** Responsive resize is in etemplate2.css since we can't reach that far inside **/
this._onDayCreate = this._onDayCreate.bind(this);
this._handleChange = this._handleChange.bind(this);
this._handleDayHover = this._handleDayHover.bind(this);
this._clearHover = this._clearHover.bind(this);
this._handleHeaderChange = this._handleHeaderChange.bind(this);
async connectedCallback()
render(this._inputTemplate(), this);
this.removeEventListener("change", this._oldChange);
this.addEventListener("change", this._handleChange);
this.removeEventListener("change", this._handleChange);
if(this._instance && this._instance.daysContainer !== undefined)
this._instance.weekNumbers.removeEventListener("mouseover", this._handleDayHover);
this._instance.weekNumbers.removeEventListener("mouseout", this._clearHover);
* Initialze flatpickr, and bind to any internal elements we're interested in
* Normal pre-creation config goes in this.getOptions()
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async init()
await super.init();
// This needs to wait until after everything is created
if(this._instance?.daysContainer !== undefined)
this._instance.weekNumbers.addEventListener("mouseover", this._handleDayHover);
this._instance.weekNumbers.addEventListener("mouseout", this._clearHover);
* Override some flatpickr defaults to get things how we like it
* @see https://flatpickr.js.org/options/
* @returns {any}
public getOptions()
let options = super.getOptions();
// No scroll - remove scroll plugin
options.plugins = [];
// Add "Ok" and "today" buttons back in, if desired
const buttons = this._buttonPlugin();
options.allowInput = false;
options.inline = true;
options.dateFormat = "Y-m-dT00:00:00\\Z";
options.onMonthChange = this._handleHeaderChange;
options.onYearChange = this._handleHeaderChange;
options.wrap = false;
return options
protected _buttonPlugin()
// No buttons
return null;
* Override from parent - This is the node we tell flatpickr to use
* It must be an <input>, flatpickr doesn't understand anything else
* @returns {any}
findInputField() : HTMLInputElement
return <HTMLInputElement>this._inputNode;
if(typeof value === "string" && value.length == 8)
super.set_value(parseDate(value, "Ymd"));
* Handler for change events. Re-bound to be able to cancel month changes, since it's an input and emits them
* @param dates
* @param {string} dateString
* @param instance
* @protected
protected _handleChange(_ev)
if(_ev.target == this._instance.monthsDropdownContainer)
return false;
let view_change = app.calendar.sidebox_changes_views.indexOf(app.calendar.state.view);
let update = {date: this.getValue()};
if(view_change >= 0)
update.view = app.calendar.sidebox_changes_views[view_change ? view_change - 1 : view_change];
else if(app.calendar.state.view == 'listview')
update.filter = 'after';
else if(app.calendar.state.view == 'planner')
update.planner_view = 'day';
* Handle click on shortcut button(s) like "Today"
* @param button_index
* @param fp Flatpickr instance
public _handleShortcutButtonClick(button_index, fp)
// This just changes the calendar to today
super._handleShortcutButtonClick(button_index, fp);
let temp_date = new Date("" + this._instance.currentYear + "-" + (this._instance.currentMonth + 1) + "-" + (this._instance.selectedDates[0].getDate() || "01"));
// Go directly
let update = {date: temp_date};
_handleClick(_ev : MouseEvent) : boolean
return this._handleWeekClick(_ev);
return super._handleClick(_ev);
* Handle clicking on the week number
* @param {MouseEvent} _ev
* @returns {boolean}
_handleWeekClick(_ev : MouseEvent)
let view = app.calendar.state.view;
let days = app.calendar.state.days;
let fp = this._instance;
// Avoid a full state update, we just want the calendar to update
// Directly update to avoid change event from the sidebox calendar
let week_index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(fp.weekNumbers.children, _ev.target);
if(week_index == -1)
return false;
let weekStartDay = fp.days.childNodes[7 * week_index].dateObj;
let date = new Date(weekStartDay);
date.setUTCMinutes(date.getUTCMinutes() - date.getTimezoneOffset());
date = app.calendar.date.toString(date);
// Set to week view, if in one of the views where we change view
if(app.calendar.sidebox_changes_views.indexOf(view) >= 0)
app.calendar.update_state({view: 'week', date: date, days: days});
else if(view == 'planner')
// Clicked a week, show just a week
app.calendar.update_state({date: date, planner_view: 'week'});
else if(view == 'listview')
date: date,
end_date: app.calendar.date.toString(CalendarApp.views.week.end_date({date: date})),
filter: 'week'
app.calendar.update_state({date: date});
return true;
* Handle a hover over a day
* @param {MouseEvent} _ev
* @returns {boolean}
_handleDayHover(_ev : MouseEvent)
return this._highlightWeek(_ev.target);
* Highlight a week based on the given week number HTMLElement
let fp = this._instance;
let week_index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(fp.weekNumbers.children, weekElement);
if(week_index == -1)
return false;
fp.weekStartDay = fp.days.childNodes[7 * week_index].dateObj;
fp.weekEndDay = fp.days.childNodes[7 * (week_index + 1) - 1].dateObj;
let days = fp.days.childNodes;
for(let i = days.length; i--;)
let date = days[i].dateObj;
if(date >= fp.weekStartDay && date <= fp.weekEndDay)
let days = this._instance.days.childNodes;
for(var i = days.length; i--;)
get _headerNode()
return this._instance?.monthNav;
* Year or month changed
* @protected
protected _handleHeaderChange(selectedDates : Date[], value : string)
const update = {};
if(this.formatDate(selectedDates[0], this._instance.config.dateFormat) == value)
// Header changed, selected date did not - get a date in the new month
const maxDays = new Date(this._instance.currentYear, this._instance.currentMonth + 1, 0).getDate();
let temp_date = new Date("" + this._instance.currentYear + "-" +
(this._instance.currentMonth + 1) + "-" +
("" + Math.min(maxDays, new Date(this.value).getUTCDate())).padStart(2, "0")
temp_date.setUTCMinutes(temp_date.getUTCMinutes() + temp_date.getTimezoneOffset());
update['date'] = temp_date;
// User selected a date in a different month, header hasn't changed
update['date'] = value;
// Go directly
* The interactive (form) element.
* @protected
get _inputNode()
return this.querySelector('input');
protected _inputTemplate()
// Plain input
return html`
<input type="text"></input>`;
customElements.define("calendar-date", SidemenuDate); |