2013-10-24 20:24:26 +00:00

449 lines
24 KiB

* jqPlot
* Pure JavaScript plotting plugin using jQuery
* Version: 1.0.8
* Revision: 1250
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Chris Leonello
* jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects
* under both the MIT ( and GPL
* version 2.0 ( licenses. This means that you can
* choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly.
* Although not required, the author would appreciate an email letting him
* know of any substantial use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at:
* chris at jqplot dot com or see .
* If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by
* making a donation at: .
* sprintf functions contained in jqplot.sprintf.js by Ash Searle:
* version 2007.04.27
* author Ash Searle
* The author (Ash Searle) has placed this code in the public domain:
* "This code is unrestricted: you are free to use it however you like."
* included jsDate library by Chris Leonello:
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Chris Leonello
* jsDate is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects
* under both the MIT and GPL version 2.0 licenses. This means that you can
* choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly.
* jsDate borrows many concepts and ideas from the Date Instance
* Methods by Ken Snyder along with some parts of Ken's actual code.
* Ken's original Date Instance Methods and copyright notice:
* Ken Snyder (ken d snyder at gmail dot com)
* 2008-09-10
* version 2.0.2 (
* Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (
* jqplotToImage function based on Larry Siden's export-jqplot-to-png.js.
* Larry has generously given permission to adapt his code for inclusion
* into jqPlot.
* Larry's original code can be found here:
(function($) {
// This code is a modified version of the canvastext.js code, copyright below:
// This code is released to the public domain by Jim Studt, 2007.
// He may keep some sort of up to date copy at
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer = function(options){
this.fontStyle = 'normal'; // normal, italic, oblique [not implemented]
this.fontVariant = 'normal'; // normal, small caps [not implemented]
this.fontWeight = 'normal'; // normal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100 - 900
this.fontSize = '10px';
this.fontFamily = 'sans-serif';
this.fontStretch = 1.0;
this.fillStyle = '#666666';
this.angle = 0;
this.textAlign = 'start';
this.textBaseline = 'alphabetic';
this.pt2px = 1.28;
$.extend(true, this, options);
this.normalizedFontSize = this.normalizeFontSize(this.fontSize);
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.init = function(options) {
$.extend(true, this, options);
this.normalizedFontSize = this.normalizeFontSize(this.fontSize);
// convert css spec into point size
// returns float
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.normalizeFontSize = function(sz) {
sz = String(sz);
var n = parseFloat(sz);
if (sz.indexOf('px') > -1) {
return n/this.pt2px;
else if (sz.indexOf('pt') > -1) {
return n;
else if (sz.indexOf('em') > -1) {
return n*12;
else if (sz.indexOf('%') > -1) {
return n*12/100;
// default to pixels;
else {
return n/this.pt2px;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.fontWeight2Float = function(w) {
// w = normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
// return values adjusted for Hershey font.
if (Number(w)) {
return w/400;
else {
switch (w) {
case 'normal':
return 1;
case 'bold':
return 1.75;
case 'bolder':
return 2.25;
case 'lighter':
return 0.75;
return 1;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.text;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.setText = function(t, ctx) {
this.text = t;
return this;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.getWidth = function(ctx) {
return this.width;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.setWidth = function(ctx, w) {
if (!w) {
this.width = this.measure(ctx, this.text);
else {
this.width = w;
return this;
// return height in pixels.
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.getHeight = function(ctx) {
return this.height;
// w - height in pt
// set heigh in px
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.setHeight = function(w) {
if (!w) {
//height = this.fontSize /0.75;
this.height = this.normalizedFontSize * this.pt2px;
else {
this.height = w;
return this;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.letter = function (ch)
return this.letters[ch];
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.ascent = function()
return this.normalizedFontSize;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.descent = function()
return 7.0*this.normalizedFontSize/25.0;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.measure = function(ctx, str)
var total = 0;
var len = str.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var c = this.letter(str.charAt(i));
if (c) {
total += c.width * this.normalizedFontSize / 25.0 * this.fontStretch;
return total;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.draw = function(ctx,str)
var x = 0;
// leave room at bottom for descenders.
var y = this.height*0.72;
var total = 0;
var len = str.length;
var mag = this.normalizedFontSize / 25.0;;
var tx, ty;
// 1st quadrant
if ((-Math.PI/2 <= this.angle && this.angle <= 0) || (Math.PI*3/2 <= this.angle && this.angle <= Math.PI*2)) {
tx = 0;
ty = -Math.sin(this.angle) * this.width;
// 4th quadrant
else if ((0 < this.angle && this.angle <= Math.PI/2) || (-Math.PI*2 <= this.angle && this.angle <= -Math.PI*3/2)) {
tx = Math.sin(this.angle) * this.height;
ty = 0;
// 2nd quadrant
else if ((-Math.PI < this.angle && this.angle < -Math.PI/2) || (Math.PI <= this.angle && this.angle <= Math.PI*3/2)) {
tx = -Math.cos(this.angle) * this.width;
ty = -Math.sin(this.angle) * this.width - Math.cos(this.angle) * this.height;
// 3rd quadrant
else if ((-Math.PI*3/2 < this.angle && this.angle < Math.PI) || (Math.PI/2 < this.angle && this.angle < Math.PI)) {
tx = Math.sin(this.angle) * this.height - Math.cos(this.angle)*this.width;
ty = -Math.cos(this.angle) * this.height;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.fillStyle;
ctx.fillStyle = this.fillStyle;
ctx.translate(tx, ty);
ctx.lineCap = "round";
// multiplier was 2.0
var fact = (this.normalizedFontSize > 30) ? 2.0 : 2 + (30 - this.normalizedFontSize)/20;
ctx.lineWidth = fact * mag * this.fontWeight2Float(this.fontWeight);
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var c = this.letter( str.charAt(i));
if ( !c) {
var penUp = 1;
var needStroke = 0;
for ( var j = 0; j < c.points.length; j++) {
var a = c.points[j];
if ( a[0] == -1 && a[1] == -1) {
penUp = 1;
if ( penUp) {
ctx.moveTo( x + a[0]*mag*this.fontStretch, y - a[1]*mag);
penUp = false;
} else {
ctx.lineTo( x + a[0]*mag*this.fontStretch, y - a[1]*mag);
x += c.width*mag*this.fontStretch;
return total;
$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.prototype.letters = {
' ': { width: 16, points: [] },
'!': { width: 10, points: [[5,21],[5,7],[-1,-1],[5,2],[4,1],[5,0],[6,1],[5,2]] },
'"': { width: 16, points: [[4,21],[4,14],[-1,-1],[12,21],[12,14]] },
'#': { width: 21, points: [[11,25],[4,-7],[-1,-1],[17,25],[10,-7],[-1,-1],[4,12],[18,12],[-1,-1],[3,6],[17,6]] },
'$': { width: 20, points: [[8,25],[8,-4],[-1,-1],[12,25],[12,-4],[-1,-1],[17,18],[15,20],[12,21],[8,21],[5,20],[3,18],[3,16],[4,14],[5,13],[7,12],[13,10],[15,9],[16,8],[17,6],[17,3],[15,1],[12,0],[8,0],[5,1],[3,3]] },
'%': { width: 24, points: [[21,21],[3,0],[-1,-1],[8,21],[10,19],[10,17],[9,15],[7,14],[5,14],[3,16],[3,18],[4,20],[6,21],[8,21],[10,20],[13,19],[16,19],[19,20],[21,21],[-1,-1],[17,7],[15,6],[14,4],[14,2],[16,0],[18,0],[20,1],[21,3],[21,5],[19,7],[17,7]] },
'&': { width: 26, points: [[23,12],[23,13],[22,14],[21,14],[20,13],[19,11],[17,6],[15,3],[13,1],[11,0],[7,0],[5,1],[4,2],[3,4],[3,6],[4,8],[5,9],[12,13],[13,14],[14,16],[14,18],[13,20],[11,21],[9,20],[8,18],[8,16],[9,13],[11,10],[16,3],[18,1],[20,0],[22,0],[23,1],[23,2]] },
'\'': { width: 10, points: [[5,19],[4,20],[5,21],[6,20],[6,18],[5,16],[4,15]] },
'(': { width: 14, points: [[11,25],[9,23],[7,20],[5,16],[4,11],[4,7],[5,2],[7,-2],[9,-5],[11,-7]] },
')': { width: 14, points: [[3,25],[5,23],[7,20],[9,16],[10,11],[10,7],[9,2],[7,-2],[5,-5],[3,-7]] },
'*': { width: 16, points: [[8,21],[8,9],[-1,-1],[3,18],[13,12],[-1,-1],[13,18],[3,12]] },
'+': { width: 26, points: [[13,18],[13,0],[-1,-1],[4,9],[22,9]] },
',': { width: 10, points: [[6,1],[5,0],[4,1],[5,2],[6,1],[6,-1],[5,-3],[4,-4]] },
'-': { width: 18, points: [[6,9],[12,9]] },
'.': { width: 10, points: [[5,2],[4,1],[5,0],[6,1],[5,2]] },
'/': { width: 22, points: [[20,25],[2,-7]] },
'0': { width: 20, points: [[9,21],[6,20],[4,17],[3,12],[3,9],[4,4],[6,1],[9,0],[11,0],[14,1],[16,4],[17,9],[17,12],[16,17],[14,20],[11,21],[9,21]] },
'1': { width: 20, points: [[6,17],[8,18],[11,21],[11,0]] },
'2': { width: 20, points: [[4,16],[4,17],[5,19],[6,20],[8,21],[12,21],[14,20],[15,19],[16,17],[16,15],[15,13],[13,10],[3,0],[17,0]] },
'3': { width: 20, points: [[5,21],[16,21],[10,13],[13,13],[15,12],[16,11],[17,8],[17,6],[16,3],[14,1],[11,0],[8,0],[5,1],[4,2],[3,4]] },
'4': { width: 20, points: [[13,21],[3,7],[18,7],[-1,-1],[13,21],[13,0]] },
'5': { width: 20, points: [[15,21],[5,21],[4,12],[5,13],[8,14],[11,14],[14,13],[16,11],[17,8],[17,6],[16,3],[14,1],[11,0],[8,0],[5,1],[4,2],[3,4]] },
'6': { width: 20, points: [[16,18],[15,20],[12,21],[10,21],[7,20],[5,17],[4,12],[4,7],[5,3],[7,1],[10,0],[11,0],[14,1],[16,3],[17,6],[17,7],[16,10],[14,12],[11,13],[10,13],[7,12],[5,10],[4,7]] },
'7': { width: 20, points: [[17,21],[7,0],[-1,-1],[3,21],[17,21]] },
'8': { width: 20, points: [[8,21],[5,20],[4,18],[4,16],[5,14],[7,13],[11,12],[14,11],[16,9],[17,7],[17,4],[16,2],[15,1],[12,0],[8,0],[5,1],[4,2],[3,4],[3,7],[4,9],[6,11],[9,12],[13,13],[15,14],[16,16],[16,18],[15,20],[12,21],[8,21]] },
'9': { width: 20, points: [[16,14],[15,11],[13,9],[10,8],[9,8],[6,9],[4,11],[3,14],[3,15],[4,18],[6,20],[9,21],[10,21],[13,20],[15,18],[16,14],[16,9],[15,4],[13,1],[10,0],[8,0],[5,1],[4,3]] },
':': { width: 10, points: [[5,14],[4,13],[5,12],[6,13],[5,14],[-1,-1],[5,2],[4,1],[5,0],[6,1],[5,2]] },
';': { width: 10, points: [[5,14],[4,13],[5,12],[6,13],[5,14],[-1,-1],[6,1],[5,0],[4,1],[5,2],[6,1],[6,-1],[5,-3],[4,-4]] },
'<': { width: 24, points: [[20,18],[4,9],[20,0]] },
'=': { width: 26, points: [[4,12],[22,12],[-1,-1],[4,6],[22,6]] },
'>': { width: 24, points: [[4,18],[20,9],[4,0]] },
'?': { width: 18, points: [[3,16],[3,17],[4,19],[5,20],[7,21],[11,21],[13,20],[14,19],[15,17],[15,15],[14,13],[13,12],[9,10],[9,7],[-1,-1],[9,2],[8,1],[9,0],[10,1],[9,2]] },
'@': { width: 27, points: [[18,13],[17,15],[15,16],[12,16],[10,15],[9,14],[8,11],[8,8],[9,6],[11,5],[14,5],[16,6],[17,8],[-1,-1],[12,16],[10,14],[9,11],[9,8],[10,6],[11,5],[-1,-1],[18,16],[17,8],[17,6],[19,5],[21,5],[23,7],[24,10],[24,12],[23,15],[22,17],[20,19],[18,20],[15,21],[12,21],[9,20],[7,19],[5,17],[4,15],[3,12],[3,9],[4,6],[5,4],[7,2],[9,1],[12,0],[15,0],[18,1],[20,2],[21,3],[-1,-1],[19,16],[18,8],[18,6],[19,5]] },
'A': { width: 18, points: [[9,21],[1,0],[-1,-1],[9,21],[17,0],[-1,-1],[4,7],[14,7]] },
'B': { width: 21, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,21],[13,21],[16,20],[17,19],[18,17],[18,15],[17,13],[16,12],[13,11],[-1,-1],[4,11],[13,11],[16,10],[17,9],[18,7],[18,4],[17,2],[16,1],[13,0],[4,0]] },
'C': { width: 21, points: [[18,16],[17,18],[15,20],[13,21],[9,21],[7,20],[5,18],[4,16],[3,13],[3,8],[4,5],[5,3],[7,1],[9,0],[13,0],[15,1],[17,3],[18,5]] },
'D': { width: 21, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,21],[11,21],[14,20],[16,18],[17,16],[18,13],[18,8],[17,5],[16,3],[14,1],[11,0],[4,0]] },
'E': { width: 19, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,21],[17,21],[-1,-1],[4,11],[12,11],[-1,-1],[4,0],[17,0]] },
'F': { width: 18, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,21],[17,21],[-1,-1],[4,11],[12,11]] },
'G': { width: 21, points: [[18,16],[17,18],[15,20],[13,21],[9,21],[7,20],[5,18],[4,16],[3,13],[3,8],[4,5],[5,3],[7,1],[9,0],[13,0],[15,1],[17,3],[18,5],[18,8],[-1,-1],[13,8],[18,8]] },
'H': { width: 22, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[18,21],[18,0],[-1,-1],[4,11],[18,11]] },
'I': { width: 8, points: [[4,21],[4,0]] },
'J': { width: 16, points: [[12,21],[12,5],[11,2],[10,1],[8,0],[6,0],[4,1],[3,2],[2,5],[2,7]] },
'K': { width: 21, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[18,21],[4,7],[-1,-1],[9,12],[18,0]] },
'L': { width: 17, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,0],[16,0]] },
'M': { width: 24, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,21],[12,0],[-1,-1],[20,21],[12,0],[-1,-1],[20,21],[20,0]] },
'N': { width: 22, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,21],[18,0],[-1,-1],[18,21],[18,0]] },
'O': { width: 22, points: [[9,21],[7,20],[5,18],[4,16],[3,13],[3,8],[4,5],[5,3],[7,1],[9,0],[13,0],[15,1],[17,3],[18,5],[19,8],[19,13],[18,16],[17,18],[15,20],[13,21],[9,21]] },
'P': { width: 21, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,21],[13,21],[16,20],[17,19],[18,17],[18,14],[17,12],[16,11],[13,10],[4,10]] },
'Q': { width: 22, points: [[9,21],[7,20],[5,18],[4,16],[3,13],[3,8],[4,5],[5,3],[7,1],[9,0],[13,0],[15,1],[17,3],[18,5],[19,8],[19,13],[18,16],[17,18],[15,20],[13,21],[9,21],[-1,-1],[12,4],[18,-2]] },
'R': { width: 21, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,21],[13,21],[16,20],[17,19],[18,17],[18,15],[17,13],[16,12],[13,11],[4,11],[-1,-1],[11,11],[18,0]] },
'S': { width: 20, points: [[17,18],[15,20],[12,21],[8,21],[5,20],[3,18],[3,16],[4,14],[5,13],[7,12],[13,10],[15,9],[16,8],[17,6],[17,3],[15,1],[12,0],[8,0],[5,1],[3,3]] },
'T': { width: 16, points: [[8,21],[8,0],[-1,-1],[1,21],[15,21]] },
'U': { width: 22, points: [[4,21],[4,6],[5,3],[7,1],[10,0],[12,0],[15,1],[17,3],[18,6],[18,21]] },
'V': { width: 18, points: [[1,21],[9,0],[-1,-1],[17,21],[9,0]] },
'W': { width: 24, points: [[2,21],[7,0],[-1,-1],[12,21],[7,0],[-1,-1],[12,21],[17,0],[-1,-1],[22,21],[17,0]] },
'X': { width: 20, points: [[3,21],[17,0],[-1,-1],[17,21],[3,0]] },
'Y': { width: 18, points: [[1,21],[9,11],[9,0],[-1,-1],[17,21],[9,11]] },
'Z': { width: 20, points: [[17,21],[3,0],[-1,-1],[3,21],[17,21],[-1,-1],[3,0],[17,0]] },
'[': { width: 14, points: [[4,25],[4,-7],[-1,-1],[5,25],[5,-7],[-1,-1],[4,25],[11,25],[-1,-1],[4,-7],[11,-7]] },
'\\': { width: 14, points: [[0,21],[14,-3]] },
']': { width: 14, points: [[9,25],[9,-7],[-1,-1],[10,25],[10,-7],[-1,-1],[3,25],[10,25],[-1,-1],[3,-7],[10,-7]] },
'^': { width: 16, points: [[6,15],[8,18],[10,15],[-1,-1],[3,12],[8,17],[13,12],[-1,-1],[8,17],[8,0]] },
'_': { width: 16, points: [[0,-2],[16,-2]] },
'`': { width: 10, points: [[6,21],[5,20],[4,18],[4,16],[5,15],[6,16],[5,17]] },
'a': { width: 19, points: [[15,14],[15,0],[-1,-1],[15,11],[13,13],[11,14],[8,14],[6,13],[4,11],[3,8],[3,6],[4,3],[6,1],[8,0],[11,0],[13,1],[15,3]] },
'b': { width: 19, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,11],[6,13],[8,14],[11,14],[13,13],[15,11],[16,8],[16,6],[15,3],[13,1],[11,0],[8,0],[6,1],[4,3]] },
'c': { width: 18, points: [[15,11],[13,13],[11,14],[8,14],[6,13],[4,11],[3,8],[3,6],[4,3],[6,1],[8,0],[11,0],[13,1],[15,3]] },
'd': { width: 19, points: [[15,21],[15,0],[-1,-1],[15,11],[13,13],[11,14],[8,14],[6,13],[4,11],[3,8],[3,6],[4,3],[6,1],[8,0],[11,0],[13,1],[15,3]] },
'e': { width: 18, points: [[3,8],[15,8],[15,10],[14,12],[13,13],[11,14],[8,14],[6,13],[4,11],[3,8],[3,6],[4,3],[6,1],[8,0],[11,0],[13,1],[15,3]] },
'f': { width: 12, points: [[10,21],[8,21],[6,20],[5,17],[5,0],[-1,-1],[2,14],[9,14]] },
'g': { width: 19, points: [[15,14],[15,-2],[14,-5],[13,-6],[11,-7],[8,-7],[6,-6],[-1,-1],[15,11],[13,13],[11,14],[8,14],[6,13],[4,11],[3,8],[3,6],[4,3],[6,1],[8,0],[11,0],[13,1],[15,3]] },
'h': { width: 19, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,10],[7,13],[9,14],[12,14],[14,13],[15,10],[15,0]] },
'i': { width: 8, points: [[3,21],[4,20],[5,21],[4,22],[3,21],[-1,-1],[4,14],[4,0]] },
'j': { width: 10, points: [[5,21],[6,20],[7,21],[6,22],[5,21],[-1,-1],[6,14],[6,-3],[5,-6],[3,-7],[1,-7]] },
'k': { width: 17, points: [[4,21],[4,0],[-1,-1],[14,14],[4,4],[-1,-1],[8,8],[15,0]] },
'l': { width: 8, points: [[4,21],[4,0]] },
'm': { width: 30, points: [[4,14],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,10],[7,13],[9,14],[12,14],[14,13],[15,10],[15,0],[-1,-1],[15,10],[18,13],[20,14],[23,14],[25,13],[26,10],[26,0]] },
'n': { width: 19, points: [[4,14],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,10],[7,13],[9,14],[12,14],[14,13],[15,10],[15,0]] },
'o': { width: 19, points: [[8,14],[6,13],[4,11],[3,8],[3,6],[4,3],[6,1],[8,0],[11,0],[13,1],[15,3],[16,6],[16,8],[15,11],[13,13],[11,14],[8,14]] },
'p': { width: 19, points: [[4,14],[4,-7],[-1,-1],[4,11],[6,13],[8,14],[11,14],[13,13],[15,11],[16,8],[16,6],[15,3],[13,1],[11,0],[8,0],[6,1],[4,3]] },
'q': { width: 19, points: [[15,14],[15,-7],[-1,-1],[15,11],[13,13],[11,14],[8,14],[6,13],[4,11],[3,8],[3,6],[4,3],[6,1],[8,0],[11,0],[13,1],[15,3]] },
'r': { width: 13, points: [[4,14],[4,0],[-1,-1],[4,8],[5,11],[7,13],[9,14],[12,14]] },
's': { width: 17, points: [[14,11],[13,13],[10,14],[7,14],[4,13],[3,11],[4,9],[6,8],[11,7],[13,6],[14,4],[14,3],[13,1],[10,0],[7,0],[4,1],[3,3]] },
't': { width: 12, points: [[5,21],[5,4],[6,1],[8,0],[10,0],[-1,-1],[2,14],[9,14]] },
'u': { width: 19, points: [[4,14],[4,4],[5,1],[7,0],[10,0],[12,1],[15,4],[-1,-1],[15,14],[15,0]] },
'v': { width: 16, points: [[2,14],[8,0],[-1,-1],[14,14],[8,0]] },
'w': { width: 22, points: [[3,14],[7,0],[-1,-1],[11,14],[7,0],[-1,-1],[11,14],[15,0],[-1,-1],[19,14],[15,0]] },
'x': { width: 17, points: [[3,14],[14,0],[-1,-1],[14,14],[3,0]] },
'y': { width: 16, points: [[2,14],[8,0],[-1,-1],[14,14],[8,0],[6,-4],[4,-6],[2,-7],[1,-7]] },
'z': { width: 17, points: [[14,14],[3,0],[-1,-1],[3,14],[14,14],[-1,-1],[3,0],[14,0]] },
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'|': { width: 8, points: [[4,25],[4,-7]] },
'}': { width: 14, points: [[5,25],[7,24],[8,23],[9,21],[9,19],[8,17],[7,16],[6,14],[6,12],[8,10],[-1,-1],[7,24],[8,22],[8,20],[7,18],[6,17],[5,15],[5,13],[6,11],[10,9],[6,7],[5,5],[5,3],[6,1],[7,0],[8,-2],[8,-4],[7,-6],[-1,-1],[8,8],[6,6],[6,4],[7,2],[8,1],[9,-1],[9,-3],[8,-5],[7,-6],[5,-7]] },
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$.jqplot.CanvasFontRenderer = function(options) {
options = options || {};
if (!options.pt2px) {
options.pt2px = 1.5;
$, options);
$.jqplot.CanvasFontRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer({});
$.jqplot.CanvasFontRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.CanvasFontRenderer;
$.jqplot.CanvasFontRenderer.prototype.measure = function(ctx, str)
// var fstyle = this.fontStyle+' '+this.fontVariant+' '+this.fontWeight+' '+this.fontSize+' '+this.fontFamily;
var fstyle = this.fontSize+' '+this.fontFamily;;
ctx.font = fstyle;
var w = ctx.measureText(str).width;
return w;
$.jqplot.CanvasFontRenderer.prototype.draw = function(ctx, str)
var x = 0;
// leave room at bottom for descenders.
var y = this.height*0.72;
//var y = 12;;
var tx, ty;
// 1st quadrant
if ((-Math.PI/2 <= this.angle && this.angle <= 0) || (Math.PI*3/2 <= this.angle && this.angle <= Math.PI*2)) {
tx = 0;
ty = -Math.sin(this.angle) * this.width;
// 4th quadrant
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tx = Math.sin(this.angle) * this.height;
ty = 0;
// 2nd quadrant
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tx = -Math.cos(this.angle) * this.width;
ty = -Math.sin(this.angle) * this.width - Math.cos(this.angle) * this.height;
// 3rd quadrant
else if ((-Math.PI*3/2 < this.angle && this.angle < Math.PI) || (Math.PI/2 < this.angle && this.angle < Math.PI)) {
tx = Math.sin(this.angle) * this.height - Math.cos(this.angle)*this.width;
ty = -Math.cos(this.angle) * this.height;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.fillStyle;
ctx.fillStyle = this.fillStyle;
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var fstyle = this.fontSize+' '+this.fontFamily;
ctx.font = fstyle;
ctx.translate(tx, ty);
ctx.fillText(str, x, y);
// ctx.strokeText(str, x, y);