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synced 2025-03-04 18:21:35 +01:00
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%1 accessories now resources resources zh %1 配件资源
%1 accessories restored resources zh 恢复 %1 配件
%1 resource(s) %2 resources zh %1 资源 %2
%1 resource(s) %2, %3 failed resources zh %1 资源 %2, %3 失败
%1 resource(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!! resources zh %1 资源 %2, %3 因权限不足而失败!
%1 resource(s) booked resources zh 已预订 %1 资源
%1 resource(s) view calendar resources zh %1 资源查看日历
accessories resources zh 附件
accessories of resources zh 附属于
accessory of resources zh 附件来自
add group to event participants resources zh 为活动参与者添加组别
add resource resources zh 添加资源
administrator resources zh 管理员
allow booking requests from any user when creating events? resources zh 创建活动时是否允许任何用户提出预订请求?
allow ignore conflicts admin zh 允许忽略冲突
book resources zh 预订资源
book resource resources zh 图书资源
book this resource resources zh 预订这个资源
bookable resources zh 可预约
booking requests resources zh 预订请求
buy this article resources zh 购买这篇文章
buyable resources zh 可购买的
category admin resources zh 类别管理员
category saved. resources zh 保存的类别。
category: resources zh 类别:
choose category admin resources zh 选择类别管理
clear selection resources zh 明确的选择
configure access permissions admin zh 设置访问权限
create new accessory for this resource resources zh 添加此资源附件
create new links resources zh 添加链接
custom etemplate for the contactform resources zh 为联系人表单自定义模板
custom fields resources zh 自定义字段
days resources zh 日
delete accessories of selected resources too? resources zh 同时删除所选资源的附件?
delete selected resources resources zh 删除所选资源
delete this entry resources zh 删除此条目
deleted resources zh 已删除
description (short) resources zh 描述 (简短)
direct booking permissions resources zh 直接预订权限
do you really want to delete this resource? resources zh 您真的要删除此资源吗?
edit this entry resources zh 编辑此条目
existing links resources zh 已存在链接
exports a list of resources to a csv file. resources zh 将资源列表导出为 CSV 文件。
general resources zh 通用
general informations about resource resources zh 关于资源的通用信息
gernal resource resources zh 通用资源
global categories resources zh 全局分类
hours resources zh 小时
how many of the resources are useable? resources zh 有多少资源可以使用?
how many of them are useable? resources zh 他们有多少可以使用?
how many of this resource are usable resources zh 该资源有多少可以使用
how many of this resource exists resources zh 该资源有多少
icon resources zh 图标
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export resources zh 如果指定了导出定义,导出时将使用该定义。
implies booking permission resources zh 包含预定权限
implies read permission resources zh 包含读取权限
imports a list of resources from a csv file. resources zh 从 CSV 文件导入资源列表。
information about storage resources zh 有关于储存的信息
informations about the location of resource resources zh 有关于资源所在位置的信息
inventory number resources zh 库存数量
inventory number: resources zh 库存数量:
is resource bookable? resources zh 是可预定资源吗?
is resource buyable? resources zh 是可购买资源吗?
is the ressource bookable? resources zh 资源是否可预订?
is this resource bookable? resources zh 该资源可预定吗?
is this resource buyable? resources zh 该资源可购买吗?
links resources zh 链接
location resources zh 位置
location of resource resources zh 资源的位置
location: resources zh 位置:
manage mapping resources zh 管理匹配
name of resource resources zh 资源名称
name: resources zh 名称:
new accessory resources zh 新配件
new resource resources zh 新资源
no - leave them resources zh 不 - 保留它们
no - make them resources resources zh 否 - 使其成为资源
no description available resources zh 没有可用的描述
no resources selected resources zh 没有选择资源
no, users will need to contact users with direct booking permission resources zh 不,用户需要联系有直接预订权限的用户
notify your administrator to correct this situation resources zh 通知您的系统管理者纠正该状况
picture resources zh 图片
picture source resources zh 图片来源
picture type is not supported, sorry! resources zh 抱歉,不支持的图片格式!
pictures or resource resources zh 图片或资源
planer resources zh 计划员
prize resources zh 价格
prizeing information for booking or buying resources zh 预定或购买的价格信息
quantity resources zh 数量
quantity of resource resources zh 资源数量
quantity: resources zh 数量:
read calendar permissions resources zh 读取日历权限
read permissions resources zh 读取权限
related links resources zh 相关链接
resource resources zh 资源
resource %1 deleted! resources zh 资源 %1 已删除!
resource %1 saved! resources zh 资源 %1 已保存!
resource / accessories resources zh 资源/附件
resources common zh 资源管理
resources list resources zh 资源列表
responsible: resources zh 责任人:
saves entry and exits resources zh 保存后退出
select a category resources zh 选择一个类别
select resource resources zh 选择资源
select resources common zh 选择资源
select/deselect all resources zh 选择/全部取消
short description resources zh 简短描述
short description of resource resources zh 资源的简短描述
show calendar of resource resources zh 显示资源日历
something went wrong by deleting resource resources zh 删除资源时发生错误
something went wrong by saving resource resources zh 保存资源时发生错误
storage information resources zh 存储信息
storage information: resources zh 存储信息:
the anonymous user needs add rights for it! resources zh 匿名用户需要为它增加权限!
the calendar of this resource resources zh 这一资源的日历
this module displays the resources app resources zh 这一模块显示资源应用
un-delete accessories of selected resources too? resources zh 恢复所选资源的附件?
use general resources icon resources zh 使用通用资源图标
use own picture resources zh 使用自己的图标
use the category's icon resources zh 使用这一类别的图标
useable resources zh 可用
view accessories resources zh 查看附件
view calendar resources zh 查看日历
view this entry resources zh 查看此条目
web-page of resource resources zh 资源网页
web-site for this resource resources zh 这一资源的网站
where to find this resource? resources zh 从哪里找的到这一资源?
which category does this resource belong to? resources zh 这一资源属于哪个类别?
write permissions resources zh 写入权限
yes - delete accessories too resources zh 是 - 也删除附件
yes - un-delete accessories too resources zh 是 - 还原附件
yes, all users can ignore conflicts resources zh 是,所有用户均可忽略冲突
yes, only users with direct booking permission resources zh 是,仅限具有直接预订权限的用户
you are not permitted to get information about this resource! resources zh 您没有获取有关这个资源信息的权限!
you chose more resources than available resources zh 您选择的资源超过了现有可用范围!